HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 77-1232 4 RESOLUTON NO. 77-123 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, RELATING TO THE CLASSIFICATION, COMPEN- SATION AND TERMS OF EMPLOYMENT OF NON-ADMINISTRATIVE AND NON-MANAGEMENT POLICE EMPLOYEES OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN. %~REAS, the City Manag~t representatives have met mid conferred ,,2./o... 6 witJ~ the. representatives, of the Tustin Police Employees Association on behalf of the non-manag~t police person]el; and 8 WHEREAS, the Meet and Confer sessions ~have resulted in an impasse 9 between the parties which was at the request of the Tustin Police Employees 10 Association referred to the City.. Council for a decision; and 11 WHE~, the City Council duly held an impasse meeting in accordance with and pursuant to the provisions of the Personnel' Rules & Regulations of 15 the City of Tustin, and all other applicable laws, and at such impasse 14 hearing' a representative of the Tustin Police Employees Association pre- 15 sented to the City Council the views and .position of the non-management police personnel; and 17 WHEREAS, the City Council desires to provide salary increases and 18 changes in benefits, to the non-adMzinistrative m%d non-manag~nent police 19 employees of City; 20 N(YN, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF ~-~ CI~Sf OF TUSTIN, ~ALIFORNIA, 21 DOES }tEREBY RESOLVE AS FOIJMDWS' 22 Section 1. 23 The classification, compensation and terms of en?loyment for the 24 administrative and manager officers of the City are set forth by separate 25 26 27 28 29 3O 31 ~2 resolution of the City Council and the provisions herein set forth shall not apply to those employees. Section 2. L~mitc-~ Service and Part--Timo Errployees. Er~loyees working in classifications for which no ranges or hourly rates are in- dicated in this R~solution, may 1~ err~loyed on an hourly basis at such rate as may be rec ~on~nended by the Personnel Department and approved by the City Administrator. Section 3. A. ~0mpensation and Benefit Provisions: - Ra-~ular, Penmlnent, Police ___~ploy.~ees - Salary and Wage Schedule. Pursuant to the basic plan of classification, ccxn~nsation and terms; of ~mplo~nt for all non-aOministrc..: ,..~,. tive and non-management police employees of ~]e City of Tustin who are now' or will in the future be en~loyed in any of ~e classifica~J, ons of employment · listed in this Resolution, the following salaries and wages are established: 8 Class 9 No. 10 4350 11 4560 4750 Occupational Sories Police Supervisor Salary Range Monthly Salary Nun~er _ ].st./!ast step~ 1710 $1407- $1710 Police Agent 1522 $1252- $i522 Police Officer 1451 $1194- $1451 The salary ranges established herein for the above-named non-administra..~ 14 rive and non-management police ~rnployc:~s of the City of 'lh~tin shall bo 15 effective for the pay period commencing October 10, 1977. Each regular, 21.6 permanent, police eJr~loyc::~ of the Police Depart~~t assig-n~ ~o such 17 classification shall receive the increased salary for the range and step i~i ......... 18 which he/she is serving. 19 ~6 g? ~8 29 Section_~4. Tempo. rary and Part-Time Employees. Pursuant to the provisions of the Tustin City Code and the Personnel Rules' and Regulations, the. City has established classifications of certain tent0orary and employees. Section 5. Medical, Dental and Life Insurance. a~ Life Insurance on Employee. The City shall provide life insurance on the life of each regular, pernmnent, full-tima, non-ad~ninistrative, non- manag~t police employee of the Police Deparhr~nt of the City of T~stin and pay the full annual premium therefor. The death benefit of said policies shall be 100% of the employee's base annual salary to the nearest multiple of $1,000.00. . B. ~edical/~-Iealth Benefits. 'I~e City shall provide a medical/~]ealt]~ benefit program for the benefit of regular., Farmanent, police employees and ~hcir dependents, if applicoble. Ci~r shall pay up ~ $90.00 2~ 8 9 10 11 15 16 18 19 20 21 ~5 28 ~9 ~0 t(~ards the program premium. Section 6. D~sab. ili...t.y c~...~.n, sg~_i?~n. The City shall provide a long- term disability compensation plan for a].l regular, permanent, non-administrativ, non-manag~t police employees of the Tustin Police Department. The en~loyees shall pay the premium requira~ for such coverage. Section 7. General Leave. The General Leave Plan adopted by amen~ts to the Personnel Rules & Regulations of the City of Tustin made by-Reso- lution No. 77-94 duly adopted by the City Council on September 19, 1977, shall apply to and be effective as to employees of the Tustin Police Department as of August 29, 1977. Section 8. Spe~!a1 Campensation Provisions. ae Uniforms. Uniforms for specified classifications shall be as determin~ by the City Administrator and designated allowances shall be as follows: (a) Ini%ial Issue- A full, new issue of one set of uniform, as prescribed by Depar~tal Order, shall be provided to each new employee. (b) After First Year A cash maintenance allcz~ance of $160.00 per year shall be paid semi-annually, in advance, provided the enployee is employed on July 1st or January 15th as applicable, and provided the employee has be~% employed as a uniformed Officer over one year. An employee shall receive a proration of the semi-annual payment if said first year period will expire during the six month period covered by the allowance. Employees shall be responsible for insuring that proper, clean, well-maintained, presentable uniforms are available for his work shifts. Uniforms damaged in line of duty will be repaired or replaced at City expense based on Survey and reccrm~ndation of the Chief. Uniforms shall only be worn on occasions and for purposes approved by the Chief. o · 1 B. T_'ravel, Miscellaneous Mee.tings and Conference Expenses. ~ 1. _Aunt_omobile A!!owgn.ce~. A police en~l°Yee of the ~%%stin 5 Po]ice D~par~nt may clash autDn~bi].e reimburs~t on approvo:t e.xpo~se 4 claim forms furnished by the Finance Departn~nt fOr the use of his/her o~ 5 private autorobil~ in the course of his/her City emplo~t or on City ~ business. Such' use of a private vehicle shall, only be when a City vehicle ~ is not available for trans~~tion. A flat ra~ of fif~en conts ($.15) 8 per mile may be approved for use of private vehicles on 'City business, 9 within the City or within a radius of sixty (60) miles 'therefrom. 10 2. __C0 ._nmercial Transportation Allowance. 11 a. Allc~ances for use of ccxm~ercial transpo~~ion shall 1~ be based upon scheduled airline coach rates, or other appropriate public · 13 transportation where more practical, in regard to all out-of-~'travel on 14 City business. 15 b. The use of private vehicles by employees on City · 16 business on out-of-City trips, within the State, may be approved by the 17 City Administrator. when use of commercial transportation ~s not available, ....... 18 econ~nical or practical. If an employee prefers to use his/her private 19 vehicle, he racy be reSmbursed ~he an~unt of the co~t of ccx~ercial transportat~[c: ~0 ~6 ~9 only unless the flat rate per mile is less. C~ When air, rail or public transportation is used, expenses necessary for local transportation such as t~xicab and bus fare will be allowed whenever such transportation is necessary for the conduct of City business after approval by the City Administrator. 3. Out-of-City Travel, Meetings and Conference Expenses. If, in t]%e judgment of the City Administrator, the estimated ex/~enses of the approved conteaplated travel, lodging and other related expenses pertinent to said trip is too high and would create a hardship for the e3nployee to finance initially, ~he City Administrator may authorize an advance payn~nt of the estimated amount to the ~mpl~ee. Upon return, of the employee from said trip, he shall s~t c.-m itemized sta~J~nt as to his actual oxl~nses. Final adjusbnents shall be made to the favor of the emKDloyee or the City, 4. o 8 10 15 16 18 19 ~0 ~4 ~5 ~6 28 ~9 50 whichever tl~e case may be. The cost of. lodging and meals shall be at a resonable rate and appropriate to the purpose of the trip. 4. Miscellaneous Expenses. Telephone and telegraph ct]arges incurred while on out-of-City business, will be allowed only for official calls as approved by .the Department Head, Finance Department, or City AdLministrato-r. C · Shooting Time Compensation Those personnel required to report for weapons qualificati( on off-duty time shall receive straight time overtine not to exceed two hours per every qualifying period. Section 9. Miscellaneous Provisions. ao ~y~oidance ._o..f In_equiti..es, The City Administrator may authorize special adjustments to avoid or eliminate inequities resulting from the strict application of any provisions of this Resolution. B. Administrative Regulations. The City Administrator is authorized to issue written adhministrative personnel reg- ulations designed to augment or clarify the provisions of this Resolution. Section 10. Effective Date. Ail provisions set forth herein shall be effective as to non-administrative and non-management police employees of the Tustin Police Department as of October 10, 1977, except for the provisions Of the General Leave P.].an which shall be effective as to such employees as of August 29, 197 PASSED AND' ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council, City of Tustin, Califonria, held on the 21st day of November, 1977 ATTEST: MAYOR CITY CLE R~[.. ., . ~1 ............ l{I ........... I ........ I .... i i ................ j .......... t STATE OF O%I, II-'OI~'IIA) COUI~'TY OF OI~ANGE )SS CiTY OF TUSTIN ) · · . RUT~! C. POE, City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of th(: City Council of tl'~e City of Tustin, California, does hereby certify tt~at the whole number of the meml~ers of the City Council of the City of Tustin is five; that' the above and foregoing Resolution No. 77-123 was duly and regularly introduced, read, passed a~d adopted at a regular meeting of t}~e City Council l~e].d on the: _ .21st day of November 1977, by tl~e following vote- AYES: NOES- ABSENT - COUNCILMEN' SHARP, WELSH, EDGAR, SALTARELLI, SCHUSTER ...... _ COUNCILMEN' NONE COUNCILMEN' NONE :C-i~y clerk,~-ty -o£ Tustin, Cali forni a "'