HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 77-115ARESOLUTION NO. 77-115-A A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, ANNEXING TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN CERTAIN TERRITORY DESCRIBED HEREIN, AND DESIGNATED "RED HILL-SAN JUAN ANNEXATON NO. 104". The City Council of the City of Tustin, California, , hereby resolve as follows: ' · 1. Pursuant to tile l)ro','i.~-'i:.~ns of t'!~e Gover]u,i~'~t Cod of the State .of California, ap;)]Jc,,[ [¢.n was made to tile .I,ocal Agency Formati.o~] Commission to a~l'ex to tlie City of Tustin al that territory situate i]~ tile Cou~lt¥.,.~f Oranqc, State of C.',lifor:':. designated "REI) tlILL-S;uN JU~Mq AN~,:XA'!'I()N.. ~'~), . 104", described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and iz~corl)or~ted herein by this reference as though .set forth her(.~in ]n full. 2. The Local Agenc%7' Fer:n.,tion Co~nmission, in session duly assen~led on Novcn~oer 9, 1977, did accept the negative dec... laration filed by t}]e City and did approve said proposed annexat.'.'. and authorize the City Couz~cil to annex said territory without notice, hearing, or election. · , ' 3'. ~1'1 of the owners of la~d within the territory p'r~posed to be annexed hav~ given tl~eir written consent to the annexation of said territory Lo the City of Tustin. . · .... .4. The City Council desires to annex said territory to the City of Tustin for the following reasons- The territory is contiguous to the City of Tustin and its proposed annexation will contribute to and facilitate the orderly growth an'd develop- ment of both the City and the territory proposed to be annexed, will facilitate a~d contribute to the proper ~nd orderly layout, design and construction of streets, qutters, sidewalks, both i ...... the City'and in the territory proposed to be annexed, and wil provide and facilitate proper over-a].], planniz:cj of lands in sa City and in said territory, in a ma;inet most conducive to the welfare of the City and said unintiabited .territory. · o . · 5. The property wi thin this annexatS, on is all i)ublic property and not subject to bonded indebted~le.~s aI]d taxation. 6. The City Council of the City of T~lstin doe approve 'tl%e annexation of the territory hereinabove descx ibed ~'. the City of Tustin, and does ]]ereby further re:solve that the said territory be and it is hereby annexed to the City of Tust' upon the date of the filing of the certified copy of this Resolution with the Secretary of State of the State of Californi .. 7. The City Clerk of the-City of Tu';tin is hereby directed to transmit to the Secretary .of State of the State of California, a certified copy of this Rcsoltuion. .PASSED AND ADOPTEI) at a special n,eetin.'j of the City Council of tl~e City of Tustin, California, held on the 21st day of November, 1977 ATTEST:" · I.E(;AI. I'll:;£RIl'l'll)tl I'(11{ TIlE I{[I) Il ll.' .... " '~' , . !. - .~,A,I ,.tlIAN ~AIIIII ×Al Il'tN I1{.) 10,1 '/¢7, by ti~e lll'yan-Retl ili ll A~nexat:io~ I}er {)i'(li~lancu No. 172, I),~ssetl a~d adol~ted I~y the City Cott~cil of tl}e City of' Tusti~, du~e 4, 1962, said angle l)oint being tl~e sot~th- ~-testerly t(~r~ninus of II, at certai~ course described as I;. 39° 54' 12" E', 62/ feet., r;ore or less, in said Bryan-Red Itill arlnexatio~l, sai(! angle i~oint also being the southerly correct of lract No. 62~1g as per mai) reco~'(ted in Book 245 pages 24 and 25 of miscellaneous ,~aps, ~'ecofds of O~'an~e Cougar.y, CaliFornia; Thence, leaving said City of Tt~stin boundary, S. 39° 54' 48" W., along tl~e south- ~esterly p.rolongation of the southeasterly bot~ndary of said lract No. 6288, a distance of 33.00 feet to the point of intersection with the existing'center'line of San Juan StreeL as shown on said map of lract No'. 6288; i.' Thence, N. 50° 00' 59" W., along said centerline o~ 5an du,n Street, a distance of 150.49 feet to an ~ngle point ~n the existin~ City of lustin boundary as established by Parcel "g" of the Irvine - Hyford ^nnexatioa ~o. 81 {amended), per Ordinance No. 716, passed and adopted by the City Council of the' City of lustin, ^pril 4, 1977; 'lhence, alon~ the existing City of lust. in boundary per 'above mentioned Parcel "13" of the Irvine-Hyford ^nnexation No. 81 {an:ended) and the First Sour. hera.Baptist £hurch of lustin ^nnexat. ion per Ordinance ~o. 169, passed and adopted by the City Council of the City of lust~n, February 19, 1962, through the following courses; . /l...50° 00' 59" W., a distance of 479.61 feet; thence, N. 50° 01' 32" W., A dista~ce of 40.00 feet; thence, S. 39° 54' 12" W., a distance of 30.00 feet; thence, N. 50o 01' 32" W., a distance of 30.04 feet to a point on said City of lustin boundary; Thence,. leaving said City of Tustin boundary, N. 39° 58' 28" E., a distance of 64.00 feet to an angle point in the northerly right-of-way line of San Juan Str~eet, · said an§le point also being the westerly tip of a triangular shaped par'cel described' as Parcel Z~ :_0-143..1 in the ai~ended final order of' co:~demnation recorded in Book 8146, Pages 133 -nd 13-'.~, of Official Reco. rds of §aid Orange County; ' ,o 56' ' Thence, ,'~. $~. 20' E., along the northerly line of said Parcel 143.1, a distar~ce of 28.27 feet to the point of intersection with the norti~westerly line of'Parcel Z20-143 as described in said final order of conden~nation, said nortll- ~esteriy 1ifie also being the existing northwesterl'y right-of-way line of Red tli'll Avenue; Thence, t~. 39° 54' 12" E., along said northwesterly lineard northwesterly'right- of-way line, a distance of 5.96 feet to a point; o · lhence, leaving said northwesterly line and nort. h~,.:esterly right-of-way line, $.. 500 05' ~.-5" E., ~ distance of. 100.00 feet to the point of tangency of the existing southeasterly rirji~t--of-way line of Red }lil l witt~ a curve concave northeasterly aad haying a radius of 27.00 feet, as shown on previously n~entioned lract ~o. 621311. Thence, southwesterly along the arc of said curve, through a central angle of 89° 55' ll" an arc distance of 42.37 feet to the point of tangency with the existing northeasterly right-of-way line of San Juan Street as sl~own on said Tract No. 6288; " Thence, S. 500 00' 59" E., along said nortt~easterly rigt~t-of-way line of San Juan Street, a distance of 583.14 feet to the point of beginning. ' This descriplion ~tncJ map o[ proposerJ annex~.:lion .---~) (-~'~..~C~..___ meet the Dale ..... STATE OF CALIFOI~IA) COUNTY OF OIb%NGE )SS CITY OF TUSTIN RUT}! C. POE, City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City Coux~cil of the City 'of Tustin, California, does hereby certify that the whole num, J~er of the members of the City Council of the City of Tustin is five; that the above and foregoing Resolution No. 77-115- A was duly and regularly introduced, read, passed and-adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 21st day of November 1977, by the following vote: · AYES: NOES. ABSENT: COUNCII24EN: COUNCILMEN- COUN CI L~.~EN: SHARP, WELSH, EDGAR, SALTARELLI, SCHUSTER · NONE NONE ' _ __ ; ---_~ ~ -_ ..... ~___ _ _. ~ ..._ .... .__ . . -:_ . . ..