HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 77-114AI ' 2 3 4 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 24 25 26 28 29 ~0 ~77 RESOLUTION NO. 77-114-A, A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, ANNEXING TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN CERTAIN TERRITORY DESCRIBED HEREIN, AND DESIGNATED "RED HILL-MITCHELL-WALNUT ANNEXATON NO. 103" · hereby resolve as follows- 3. Ptt]'..';t~ant re: t-.l~e Fr¢.,vi"ion3 of tl~e Cover~:::,?.:tt Code of the St'ate of. Californin, nI>!~lir",ti.~z~ wa:: ,,adc to t'!,~, l,ccal Agency I.'ormatio~ Co~mn~issio~ to a~'~:x to the City of T~tin ail that territory situate' i]~ tt~e C()t~tx.'<,f Oro]~gc, State of Califor designated "~I) ]ITLL, :.IITCII:'I L. %'iA I,. ' [3' ". AN,, ,XATION NO. 103" , desc,' in E~ibit "A" attacl]ed l~e~'r, to ~(] incorl~or~ted here'in by ti%is reference as tl)ougl] set fortl~ l~e].'t.J.~ in full. , 2. TI]e Local Age]icy Forn~ation Com;aission, i~ session duly assembled on November 9, 1977, did accept the negative dec laration filed by tile City and did approve said proposed annexa and authorize tile City Council to annex said territory without notice, hearing, or election. 3. All of the owners of land within the territory proposed to be annexed have given their written consent to the annexation of said territory to the City of Tustin. 4. Tt]e City Council desires to annex said territory t. the City of Tustin for the following reasons- The 'territory is contiguous to the City of Tustin and its proposed annexation] will contribute to and facilitate tl]e orderly growth a]~d develo] ment of both tl~e City and the territory proposed to be annexed, will facilitate and contribute to t!~e proper ~nnd orderly layout design and construction of streets, gutters, sidewalks, both in the City and in the territory proposed to be annexed, a;~d. will provide and facilitate prcper over--all planning of land:J in sai¢ City and in said territory, in a manner most conducive to the welfare of th~ City and said unint~abited territory. · 5. The property wit!]i:~ t!~is annex'ation is all. public Droperty and not subject to 'betided i:~debtcd:]ess and t. axatio~'l. · · 6. Tl]e City Council of t}~e City of. Tustin docs hereby approve the a;~nexation of the ter].'itorv lxercinabove d'c'~cribed . to the City of Tustin, and does hereby furti~er resolve !'.hat the said territory be a~]d it is hereby a,}ne:-:ed to the City of Tu.stir upon. the date of the filing of tl~e certifiert copy of ti]is Resolution %~itl] tl~e Secretary of State of the State of Californ/ 7. The City Cler]: of the Ci. ty of Tustin is hc,'eby directed to trans~nit to tl~e Secretary of St~te of the State of California, a certified copy of ti]is Eesolution. Council. day of ~lovember,. 1977. PASSED AHD ADOPTED at a special meeting of tl~e City of tl~e City of Tustin, California, held on the 21st day of November, 1977. ATTEST c ~'r ~.'12-~.',?,- llrO · r --"---~t i,~ll:i'"-':';'~'-t..,~ i ~ [(),1' "'-' ~,~i),''' ' ..... ~'11(' ~ ........ . - ~', . ~ ~ ...... .--. ...... .,-. ;. r.-~ .... ~-~ . ~ Beginning at the point of i~tersectton of the cel~terline of Red Ilill Avenue and I.lltcl~ell Avenu~~ as shown on a map of Tract I~o. t820, record[,.d in [look 174, Pages 17 and lO of ~ - _ _ *aid point also being ,~n angle ~ Records of Oranoe County, California, gtscollan ous Maps, .... point in the existing City of Tustin bo[~ndary as est~blis)~ed by the Red Iltll Avenue ' Nitchell Avenu6 north annexation per Ordinance I:a. 432, passed and adopted May 19, 196.9, and the ~tisson-Red Hill-,,u'itchall Annexation )(o. 72, per Ordtn~,nce. )~o. 529, passed and- adc-pted Dece::Ber 6, 1971;.~m . . Thence, S. 500 lO' 00" E., along said.centerltne of t.l(tchell Avenue and said City of.. Justin boundary per last mentioned annexation, a distance of 173.00 feet to an angle " mi'point in said City of Tustin boundary, said angle point also being an angle point in t~e northwesterly boundary of Tract ~o. 3935 as per map recorded in Book 153, Pages 16 acd'17 }.of Miscellaneous 1.2ps, Records of said Orange County, .said angle point also being in:~the centerl.lne of).litchell Avenue; ~ i · .~ ;.- : ~ . * . ~ ~ e~ .'S. 3~° $0' ~" ~/., ~long Lh~ sou~h:,~sLe~ly p~olono~L1on o~ s~td norLh~es~erly a dts co 33.00 to poi'n tn rs c lon wtth the '~.~s per mp r~co~d~d In Book 20~, P~g~ ~7 ~nd ~8 o~ H~c~11~n~ous N~ps, ~cord~. o? s~t '6.~ ':'Orange CourtLy; .' ~ ' ' ' ~ ' :!.':{~, . : ' ~ ' ,.-'. ]~..:,,,~nce,~ N.' 50o lO' 00" W., along said southerly right-of-way line of Mitchell. 2(venues. '!?'.:~ dtsta~ce of 98 02 feet to the beginning of a tangan: curve concave southerly arid ":. :.' ~'~vfn~ ~ radlu~ of 25 O0 fee[; " " · ' , , :.- · " " ')~. ? ,, ~" . -- ~, ,,, .-.-,~... of said curv- through a central angl- of 890 58' 55" ' " , an arc distance of 39 26 feet ~ '''- - l,'n ' ng,.ncy th th . s ngs .m~<the pO t of ~a -' wi e.exi ti outhea terly.right-of-~,~ay line of Red t1'tl -~ ~'~,venue'being distant 50.00 feet southeasterly o as j~-. ~ . . . .... n......~.sured at right angles [o r~atd r,o. 5319; ~.. . :~-.,. ~.~entorl'ine of Red Hill Aven~e, as shm,'n on said map of Tract" , .~m .':__[ .... .~ .= ' · ~ ~. -. .... '-' -'- f-way ~ , m.. '~'..T):~nCe,'~ S j~o ~,~. 05" ~., al"-~.,,g sa,~d southeasterly , ,u~)t-o . lin~ of Red )~lt, '. .:,. "::~.&venu~,' a.. d~-~-~~,,~_ eT 272.01 fc-~t to the point of intersection ~,~ith the southw~esterly...-~. boundary o~ s~io Tract Ho. 5:]q, said point of intersection also being a point on · . '' ~,'-d:ry as established by the Urowning Avenue Walnut Avenu.-. ,~' existing Ci~ cf Tuscan ~.,, ...... Annexation per Ordinance M~. 404, passed and adopted Jun~ 17, 1968; ' ':~ )'i' m.Thence, alcn~ t~ exis-ino r~,~ of Tustin boundary as established by th: above mentione Br,~ni ng Av:~,:~ '"~ 1 nu~ ...... F~v~u,,.. Annexation and the ~.)alnut Avenue. - Red Hill Aven~.~,:, &./est ..m.. annexation F~r 2es.olut~on ~(o 958, passed and adopted j~ugust 19, 1968, through the · ~ot lowing cotrses; . . . :: · · '"~ ~. 500 08' 55" ~., a dlstanc~ of 50.00 feet; Thence, S. 390 52' 05" ~ , a distance of .~, 991.14'Yeet; thence, H. 500 09' 35" W., a distance of 70.00 feet to a point; .- hence, leaving said Clty of Tusttn boundary, N. 390 52' 05" E., a distance of 40.00 z rS · · . feet to the polnt or inte ection ~.~ith, the northeasterly l~ne of Parcel ~-~o. 116 1 and 'the northerly line of Parcel F:o. 116.2 as describ-d~ in an ease~-.,,~nt deed to the County . of Orange recorded in ~.~ok 6539, Pag~ 56 of Deeds, Official Records of said Orang~ - · · county; . .. - Ihence, N. 840 51' 15" E., along said northerly line of Parcel ~o. 116.2, a distance of'. ~ 2~.29 feat to the point of intersection ;~.lth the. north:~e~terly line of Parcel lie. 1t6 ..... as described in the above mentioned deed; · . · · Thence, }(. 39o 52' 05" E., along said northwesterly line of Parcel No. 116, a distance I of 270.26 feet to the nortl);;estorly corner of said Parcel Ho. 116, said northwesterly ' corner also being the south:~storly corner of Parcel ll[O. ll7 as described in an easer,.ent deed to the Celerity of Orange recorded in Book 6879', Page 806 of Deeds, Official Records of sa(<{, ..... c"-~i~je.~ County; · · ; o, .,, · · Pagu 1 of 2 Tt~..,.nc-., continuing lt. 39° 52' 05" E., alon.q the northwesterly lin~ of said Parcel IIo~ 117, .a d:~tance of 330.26 feet to the nortlr,~esterly corner of said Parcel 1~o. ll7, sa~d northwesterly corner also beln~ a point on th~ sout}~vesterl7 lin,'2 of il parcel o~ land descr~bsd in a ~r~:nt deed recorded in gook 11602, Page 10.26, of D~eds, Official Records of' said Oranr~e C.~unty; . · . Tl~ence, S. 500 09' 32" E., along said soutl~westerly line per last m.~nttoned deed distance of 17.00 feet to the point: of intersection with a l~ne parallel to and df~t.:~ht 33 O0 feet northwesterly of, as ~r~asured at right a~gles to, the sou~l~uasterly line of ,~d parcel; . .. ~'..' . · I -. " ~. e ~ · lh~ce ~ 39o 52' 05" [., alon~ sa~d p~ralle] l~na, a d~stance o~ ]dl O0 feet to ~h~.'~''i 'p~.~ ~:. intersection ~.~th the northeaster!~,ltne of said parcel; .... . . i ~' ' . . . · . . ...~ ~ence; t(. 500 09' 32" W., along said north,vasterly 1 n a distance of 17.00 ~eet to ~".~ 'the southerly corner of Lot 7, of previou~ly mentione act i{o. 4830; ~ lhence,~ ,.. g~o S2' 05" ~i' alon~ t~e ~outhea~te~ly l tn~ o~ tots 7, ~'and 9 and 10.o~{'.::<' 'said Tract ~Io. 4830, a stance of 459 69 feat to the beginning of a tangent curve 'concave seuth'~s~erly and having a radius of 27,00 fe~t; ...':,' :.~ence~'northwesterly along the arc of said curve, though a central angle of ~0° O1'.~' -~5", a~ am distance of 42.42 feet to the Pqi'a~ of ta~gency wtth the north~ast.~rly '' ' . ~ ~ ' ~. · .-q.:.,-;.~' · .~ '.~., ~'~ :,~:he?e,~ H.; 50° 09' 30" W., along the northeasterly li~ne of sa~d Lot 10 and alon~ 8~n°r~h~'esterly prolongation thereof and along the northeasterly line of Lot 1 '~.2' said}~'"'~.~ ~ract ~lo. 4a30, a distance of 252.99 feet to the northerly corner of said Lot 1, ~a~i'-,~.-~ '~'~rth~rly corner also b~ing a' point on the existing Cigy of Tustin boundary per'm~.~ ,:.-;::.:i · ' - i e~ ..k~l ,.vlou~l~:~ntioned Red Hill Avenue - l, iitchell Avenue, n~rth annexation' ~,~...,,...~-.~x..~ ;~~nce',~ alon~ the existing C *' "' '"" · i ~y lust n boundary p~e last mentioned annexatt · "'' i ' :" :~ '~ ;'um~ .~o~:~~n~*'~ ~ -cour, o~, .~. .~.. , ~ . ....t.,~ ; ~.. ~e.° ' ' '"I~' ;.::.':2 ' 5 00 m 09, 30" E., a dtstanc, o,"::;-.z · °-. ~ · ' -:" ~l · ~'-: '.": "."' -- . . ~' . ..;~._.. ':~°-: .- : '..-..~'-.:.;..~: '4,d: .::--"1-~' ': "-' ' · ' ,:o'-'.'-J,r.. :~ -.. ~. ~ :. .,. . : ,..' · ..~..~.v~ · .. . t · -- .) ''.~ · ' i. .'>... 2: ' . · ?... .' :::.':'.~ _.. - ; '' . : ' ,:, ~.'. - ~ .' · . .. Tn:s descr,pt,on~,~)nd map ot' proposed annexation --~~~---- meet the approvaJ,~lhe Surveyor's O[[ice. ~~Co,~.Su~ c.,e~' Depu,y m - · o . ii I ii . i I I '' I I I I .................. j i ' · ' ~TATE OF CALIFOP~IA) COUNTY OF O]LANGE )SS CITY OF TUSTIN ) · · RUTI! C. POE, City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council of tl'~e City of Tustin, California, does hereby certify that the whole nu~J~er of the memt~ers of the City Council of the City of Tustin is five; that' the above and foregoing Resolution No..77,114,A ~__ was introduced, read, passed a~d adopted ~at a of the city Council held on the .... ~St~ 1977, by the following vote- duly and regularly regular meeting _day of_~ Nov ~embe_r ..... AYES: NOES: ABSENT - COUNCII2.~EN · SHARP, WELSH, EDGAR, SALTARELLI, SCHUSTER ~ _._~. ~_~_~::~ ~..~ ~.-__...~_._.~ ~ _-. _ ..... ~_ ~:_~ _- .-~_. .~ _. _ ~ -: ::~ ..... ... COUNCILMEN' NONE . COUNCILblEN: NONE ~i~ty-:ci~erk-,~y o f i Us tin ,--Cali f-o~ni a'-'- ~-