HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 77-094 I.I t~ TLW' pj 9/14,~77 9/19/77 Z 4 6 8 9 -10 14 15 16 17' 18 '19 2O ~4 ~5 26 Z? ~8 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING THE PERSONNEL RULES AND REGULATIONS OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN The City Council of the City of Tustin, California, does hereby resolve as follows- · 1. The Personnel Rules and Regulations of the City of Tus~in are hereby amended b~ the amendment of Sections 5-G(5), 5-G(7), 8-E, 8-F(3) (a), 8-F(6), 8-H(2), 8'H(5), 8-H '(7) (ci . 8-H(7) (d), 8-H(8) and 10-D, all as set forth in Addenda 1 · through 6, inclusive, attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. 2. The Personnel Rules and .Regulations of the City of · Tustin are hereby further amended by the deletion of Sections 8-G and 8-H(6) in their entirety. · PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, held on the 19th day of September, 1977. Mayor ATTEST L.. City_clerk // 4 8 9 10 11 lZ 14 16 ~8 .19 20 Z? ~8 ~9 Section 5-G: (5) AqCumulation..gf Over.ti_me. Accumulated compensatory time must be taken off or paid for prior to annual salary adjustments; provided, however, that such accumulated com- pensatory time may be taken off or paid for at a later date if the City Administrator approves such procedure in advance and in writing. Accumulated compensatory time shall not exceed a total of forty (40) hours. Section 5-G- (7) Su~ervi.s..o_r.y P~ersonnel. In the case of Department Heads and other selected supervisory personnel designated from time to time by the City Administrator, their monthly salary shall be considered full compensation for all hours · . worked and normally no overtime shall be payable or accruable . for said employees unless specifically authorized in each . instance by the City Council. However, reasonable time off to handle personal mat.-ters or additional general leave up to five (5) days per year for employees in these positions may be granted as a compensatory measure at the discretion o of and by the City Administrator when such an employee's "overtime" worked is in excess of.n. ormal requirements that position. // // -2- Section 8: E. ~neral..Leave. General leave is a multi-purpose leave providing for the needs of the employee for vacation, personal affairs, and non-job-related illness for injury. The general leave concept replaces the traditional vacation and sick leave provis~ons previously provided to City employees. Implementation of the provisions herein shall be effective for 8 all employees commencing with the payroll period starting 9 August 29, 1977. 10 (1) General leave wi th pay is granted to each · 11 regular and probationary employee, except 24-hour per shift 1~ Fire personnel, at the rate of seventeen (17) working days 15 per year prorated on a bi-weekly basis for each bi-weekly pay 14 period of half-time or over. Fire personnel on 24-ho:ur shifts 15 shall accrue leave with pay at the rate' of ten (10) 24-hour 16 work shifts per year prorated on a bi-weekly basis for each 17 bi-weekly pay period .of half-time or over. 18 ('2) Longevity Allowance. After five (5) years of 19 continuous service, employees shall receive additional general ~.0 leave allowances as follows- . (a) 40-hour per week personnel- One working day of general leave a year for each additional year of employment until a limit of twenty-eight (28) working days has been reached. ~5 £6 ~? ~8 (b) 24-hour per shift Fire personnel: One- half (1/2) work shift of general leave a year for each additional year of employment until a limit of fifteen (15) 24-hour work shifts per year has been reached. (3) General leave may be accumulated to a maximum of twice the employee's annual entitlement including the. longevity allowance. The general leave otherwise to be earned exceeding the authorized maximum accumulation shall be -3- forfeited as of January 1 of each year or upon termination~ . (4) P01ice~ and .... Fire _Personnel. Each member of the · Police and Fire Departments may schedule his annual leave in 4 connection with normal days or shifts off so as to receive sixteen (16) consecutive calendar days or more of vacation ~ in accordance with these rules and regulations and Sections 38634 and 53250 of the Government Code. (5) ~Vol. u. nteer_ Ti. me. Any i full-time City employee 9 after 'three (3) years as a full-time City employee, who shall have previously served the City as a volunteer fireman · prior to January 1, 1970', shall receive annually one (1) working day of general leave, or one-half (1/2) work shift 15 in the case of 24-hour shift personnel, for each five (5) 14 years or major fraction thereof, of service as a volunteer 15 fireman, which shall be in addition to such other general 16 leave as is provided herein. (6) U~se of Accumulated Sick Leave. Ail existing sick 18 leave credited to City employees as of August 28, 1977, shall 19 remain to his/her credit and may be utilized as follows: ~0 ~7 ~8 ~9 (a) Until December 31, 1977, any amount to · the credit of employees may be used in case of illness or injury subject to the same rules and regulations governing sick leave that existed immediately prior to August 29, 1977. (b) After January i, 1978, each employee shall have the option during the month of January of each year to convert four (4) units of accrued sick leave to one (1) additional unit of general leave, with a maximum conversion of eight (8) days (64 hours) accumulated sick leave per calendar year for 40-hoUr-per-week employees and four (4) shifts (96 hours) accumulated sick leave per calendar year for 24-hour shift employees. -4- 4 6 8 9 10 11 14 15 :1.6 18 20 Zl (c) After January 1, 1978, any employee (other than 24-hour shift'Fire Department personnel), required to be off work due to illness or injury for three (3) copsecutive work days or longer may request to use accumulated sick leave to his credit, if any, commencing with the fourth day off and continuing until his/her return to work. In the event any employee is required to be off work for more than seven (7) general leave days, whether consecutive or not, per year, due to illness or inj'ury, he/she may request that all additional required time off due to illness or injury be charged to the 'accumulated sick leave existing to his/her credit, provided the employee indicates the nature and reason of the absence to his/her department at the time of' absence. (d) After January 1, 1978, any 24-hour shift Fire Department employee required to be off work 'due to illness of injury for more than one continuous shift may request to use accumulated sick leave to his credit, if any, commencing wit}~ the second consecutive shift off and continuing until his/her return to work. In the event an employe.e is required to be off work for more than three (3) general leave shifts whether consecu- tive or not per year, due to illness or injury, he/she may request that all additional required time off due to illness or injury be charged to the accumulated sick leave existing to his/her credit, provided the employee indicates the nature and reason of the absence to his/her department at the time of absence. (e) Use of the accumulated sick leave is s. ubjec~ is subject ~o City's right to require a physician's certificate, personal affidavit, or. other evidence -5- 4 8 10 11 14 15 16 18 19 ~0 ~5 ~? ~8 ~9 // // of the adequacy of the reason for the emploYee's absence. (f) Penalty .for Sick Leave Abuse. When, in the judgment of the Department Head, the employee's reason for being absent because of alleged sickness is inadequate, he shall indicate on the payroll form that the absence Was absence without leave, and without pay. In addition thereto, the City Administrator may impose such discipline as in his discretion seems warranted. The Department Head's decision may be appealed to the City Administrator by the employee concerned. (g) Termination of an employee's continuous service shall abrogate all sick leave accrued an~ unused to the time of termination, regardless of whether or not such person subsequently re-enters the City service. Employees shall not be entitled to receive any payment for unused sick leave accrued to his/her credit at the time of termination of employment for any reason including retirement for. service or disability, resignation, death or dismissal. -6- Section 8-~- (7) Part-Time EmplgYee~. An employee having a = probationary or regular appointment that is less than full-time · but is half-time or more, shall earn general leave credits for any pay period in which he has worked over one-half time. 6 (8) _Time ...Off_. The time during the calendar year ~ at which an employee may take his leave shall be determined 8 by the Department Head with particular regard for the needs 9 of the service and with consideration 'for the preference 10 of the employee. 11 (9) Other Vaca'tion Provisions- (a) In the event one or more municipal holidays fall within a general leave period, such days 14 15 16 17 18 shall not be charged as general leave. (b) General leave shall not accrue during any leave of absence without pay or "Longterm Disability Leave" of a non-job-rela~ed nature. (c) Pay in lieu of general leave will only '19 be granted upon termination of.City employment, or upon 20 a finding of hardship by the City Administrator. (10) Terminal General Leave Pay. Upon termination, a permanent employee will receive compensation at his current rate including the date of termination. The following methods ~4 of computation shall apply for this purpose- ~5 (a) Employees accumulate 1/26 of a normal year's general leave for each pay period in which the employee has worked or has been on authorized leave of 28 absence With pay in excess of half-time. (b) An employee who has not completed 6 months continuous service shall not receive terminal pay for general leave. (c) General leave shall not be used to extend -7- 4 8 9 tO 14 16 18 '19 20 Zl ~8 ~9 // an employee's retirement or termination date when the effect of such usage is to c~rcumvent the prohibition against terminal pay in the event that employee has less than 6 months' of service or for general leave credits in excess of the maximum accrual. // -8- ...... I ..... II] .............. l ................. I .....................' _. :1. 4 8 9 ':1.0 11 :1.5 14 :1.5 16 18 .:1.9 ,9,0 Zl ,9,4 ,?,? ~8 ,'51 Section 8-F: (3) Affected Days,- (a) The following eleven (11) days shall be observed. as paid holidays by all.employees in permanent positions, except Police and Fire personnel, as shown below: January 1 Third Monday in February Last Monday in May July 4th First Monday in September November llth The Thursday in November designa- ted by the President or Governor as Thanksgiving Day New Year's Day Washington's Birthday Memorial Day Independence Day Labor Day Veterans' Day Thanksgiving Day The day following the Thursday designated as Thanksgiving Day Day after Thanksgiving Day Afternoon before the Christmas Day Holiday December 25th Afternoon 'before the New Year's Day Holiday New Year's Holiday Eve Christmas Holiday Eve Christmas Day (6) Ail Fire Department personnel on 24-hour shifts shall receive the equivalent of five (5) 24~hour work shifts of compensatory time or equivalent pay in lieu of paid holidays; compensatory time, if selected, shall be scheduled by the Fire Chief. Ii II -9- 4 5 8 10 14 16 18 -19 ~0 Zl ~4 ~6 ~8 29 Section 8-H: (2) Milit...ary~ Leav...e. A member of the National Guard or Military Reserve ordered to annual military duty, excluding routine drill periods, and who has not less than one (-1) year of City service, shall receive full salary as provided in the State of California Military and Veterans' Code, for a period not to exceed thirty (30) calendar days per year. An employee with less than one (1) year of service shall receive one-twelfth (1/12) of the amount of City salary that would ~have been received for the like period of time covered by military leave, for each month completed City service. Except for holidays occurring during the leave period, employees on military leave are not subject to loss of any employee rights such as accrual of general leave, seniority, and other privileges. (5) Maternity. L'eave of Absence. Not later than during the fifth month of pregnancy, an 'employee shall advise her Department. Head and City Administrator of such condition. The effective date of maternity leave of absence, without pay, shall be as determined by the City Administrator.. If it is determined by the City Administrator that the position vacated by the employee on maternity leave of . absence can be left temporarily vacant or can be adequately filled by use of temporary help, such. shall be done, and said employee shall be entitled to return from her maternity leave of absence on the date determined by the City Administrator. In such event, the employee shall retain her employment rights, pay schedule, benefits and status. If it is determined by the City Administrator that said position cannot be left temporarily vacant or cannot be · adequately filled by the use of temporary help, then such employee shall not be entitled to return to her former Dositic- -10- 4 8 10 15 18 19 · 2O Zl ~5 ~6 ~8 pay schedule, benefits and status. In such event, the employee's name shall be placed upon 'the City's re-employment list for her position class for one year. Upon reappointment to said position, such employee ~hall retain her previous status, and general leave accrual rate. · (7) Di sabi li .tY_ Leav~- (c) During the time that employee is disabled by reason of bodily injuries incurred during the course and scope of his employment, neither his general leave nor his accumulated sick leave shall be charged for the purpose of paying compensation leave benefits. (d) Any employee, except those having temporary or less than half-time appointments, shall continue to accrue general leave and to earn eligibility for consideration for merit salary increases during an absence resulting from an on-the-job injury, provided he received compensation payments under the provisions of the California Worker's Compensation Law. (8) Long-Term Disability L'eave. Any employee, after thirty (30) days of employment in ao ful-l-time, regular apoint- ment who is totally disabled by reason of a bodily injury or illness incurred either on or off the job, shall be entitled to receive monthly income of two-thirds of the first $1,800.00 of the employee's basic monthly earnings. This amount shall be paid to employee either by City or through the provisions of an insurance program contracted for by City. This benefit shall be reduced by any benefits otherwise payable after the following elimination period or after using all accrued Sick leave credits or after using five days (40-hour week employees~ ....... or three shifts (24-hour shift employees) of the general leave which the employee is entitled, whichever is longer: // -11- 8 .9 10 14 16 18 19 Z.O Zl ~4 £5 ~6 ~8 Employe.e cgtegory a. Fire Department Personnel of Captain Rank or below b. Ail othe'r personnel Elimination Period 3 work shifts '(24 · hour) 5 work shifts (8 hour) Such monthly compensation shall be payable for not less than two (2)' years for an illness or to normal retirement age for an injury, unless disability terminates, the employee is retrained, or eligibility terminates at an earlier date. In all cases .except for the elimination period, the qualifications, eligibility, coordination of benefits pro- vision, coverage, definition of total disability, benefits payable and other conditions, shall be as defined by any long-term disabiiity insurance policy or self-insurance program of City then in force and this paragraph shall be construed to. be a general description of such coverage only. · // // -12- Sectio..n_ 10_._ SEPARATION FROM THE SERVICE_. D. pi_.s.abili_t.y... An employee will be transferred,.. demoted, or separated for disability when he cannot perform the required duties because of a physical and/or mental impairment after receiving those benefits guaranteed him by Section 8 of these rules. The City may require an examination at its expense and performed by a physician, psychologist 8 or psychiatrist of its choice when an employee's disability has been questioned. A disabled employee shall be retrained 10 by the City in a position for which he is qualified if at all 11 possible. 14 15 16 18 19 2O Zl ~5 ~6 ~8 29 // $~ATE OF CALIFOR~;IA) COUNTY OF OI~%NGE ) SS CITY OF TUSTIN · . RUTII C. POE, City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, does hereby certify that the whole nu~J~er of the members of the City Council of the City of ?ustin is five; that the above and foregoing Resolution No. 77-94.~ was duly and regularly introduced, read, passed ~'d .... adOpted at a regular meeting of .the City Council l~eld on the 19th ........ _ day of .... S~p~emb_e.r ..... , 1977, by the following vote- i - AYES: COUNCII24EN- SHARP, WELSH, EDGAR, SALTARELLI, SCHUSTER _ ~_ ........~_ .~.. ~; ~ ~ . -. _ ~ . ~ _ ._ . NOES' ABSENT ' · COUNCILMEN: COUN CI LMEN: NONE NONE Cierk,~ty of Tustin, California