HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 77-0801 2 4 5 8 9 10 11 lZ RESOLUTION NO. 77-80 A RESOLUFION OF THE CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, RELATING TO THE CLASSIFICATION, COMPEN- SATION AND TERMS OF EMPLOYMENT OF CITY NON-ADMINISTRATIVE, AND NON-MANAGEMENT EMPLOYEES. .. WHEREAS, the City and employee representatives have been negotiatinq in good faith to reach an agrc~rt~nt to provide {:~r°caSn' classes of the City's employees with salary increases and other benefits pursuant to Government Code Sections 3500 e_~t s__~.; and WHERFJ~, the City desires to provide certain salary increases and · changes in b~nefits to the m_i. sc~llaneou8 and Fire l~partment ~nployees; and WHEREAS, the City Management representatives have met and conferred 1~ with the Tustin Police Employees Association on behalf of the non-management 14 police personnel; and ' 15 W}~2AEAS, the meet and confer sessions have resulted in an impasse ;, 16 between the parties which is presently being reviewed in an effort to reach . 17 18 19 20 a final resolution; and WHEREAS, the City Council desires to maintain all existing salaries, benefits and terms of employment for the non-management police employees pending final resolution of the impasse procedures; and WHEREAS, the provisions of this resolution are not deemed to apply to the non-manag~t police employees except where expressly referred 'thereto; and 24 25 26 27 28 WHEREAS, the City Council has heretofore adopted various ordinances, resolutions and minute orders pertaining to the classification, ~nsa.tion and terms of employment of its employees; and NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Tustin does hereby RESOLVE as follows- 29 ~0 III ~2 4 5 6 8 9 '10 11 14 15 18 19 2O Zl ~6 ~8 29 Section 1. A. 'Pne classification, compensation and tenl~ of oemployn~nt for the · administrative and manager officers of the City are set forth by separate resolution of the City Council and the provisions herein set forth shall not apply to those employees. Be The classification, compen~qation and terms of .~nployment for non-management police employees of the City are not provided for herein and shall continue in accordance with previous orders of the City Council now . . in force. Section 2. Limited Service and Part-Time Employees. Employees working in classifications for which no ranges or hourly rates are indicated in this Resolution,' may be employed on an hourly basis at such rate as may be receded by the Personnel Department and approved by the City Admin- istrator. Section 3. A. compensation and Benefit Provisions - Regular, Permanent, General Entol0Yees - Salary and Wage Schedule. Pursuant to the basic plan of classification, compensation and terms of emplo~t for all · non-administrative and non-management employees of the City of Tustin who are now or will in the future be employed in any of the classifications of ent~lolar~nt listed in this Resolution., the following salaries and wages are established- III l(a) Class No. Occupa t~onal Series 1735 ' Public Services Assistant 1740 1569 1769 8730 Building Inspector Junior Civil Engineer Pub°lic i. gork~ Inspecto~ · EquiPmmnt Mechanic 1755 8710 8510 8380 Planner I Equipment Operator Maintenance Lea~ Senior Custodian '10 8710 1725 11 1710 12 8750 Tree Trinm~r Planning Aide Administrative Secretary Maintenanceman II 15 4780 1720 14 8760 15 1777 Communications Officer Deputy City Clerk Maintenanceman I Secretary II 1780 Secretary I 1745 17 8770 Senior Account Clerk Custodian 18 1784 Senior Typist 19 1765 Records Clerk 1774 Z0 1790 Account Clerk 1795 Salary Ran- g.e Monthly Salary ~_Numbe~ __ 1 .st/Last Step__ 1501' 1478 1407 1362 1255 1237 1177 1177' 1139 1139 1099 1099 1084 1068 1049 1034 999 952 951 936 929 886 864 $1235 - $1501 1216 - 1478 1158 - 1407 1121 - 1362 1032 - 1255 1018 - 1237 968 - 1177 968 - 1177 937 - 1139 937 - 1139 904 - 1099 904 - 1099 892 - 1084 879 -. 1068 863 - 1049 851 - 1034 822 - 999 783 - 952 782 - 951 770 - 936 764 - 929 729 - 886 711 - 864 711 - 864 Intermediate Typist Clerk 864 Typist Clerk 782 64~ - 782 The salary ranges established herein for the above-n~ non-administra- tive and non-management general employes shall be effective for the pay period beginning July 4, 1977, and shall be au~cmatically increased by 0.8% effective August 29, 1977, the effective date of implementation of the revised long-term disability program, but not to exceed $15.00 per month. Each r~lar, potent, general owploy~ assigned to such classifications ~8 shall receive the increased salary, for the range and step in which he/she ~9 is serving. 5O B. _compe~a. ti0p and ..Be~. efit Provisio .ns - Regula~,~ p?__rn?._ne~n~ 51 Fire Association Represented_______E~loyees -Salary and Wage Schedule. Pursuant ~ to the basic plan of classification, compensation and terms of emplo~t 2. 8 Il0 14 15 16 18 19 20 Zl ~4 26 29 ~0 for all non-administrative and non-n~nnag~~t employees of the City of Tustin who are now or will in the future be en~loyed in any of the classifica . of emp~o~,ment listed in this Resolution the following salaries and wages are established: Class Classification No. Series ........ 5550 Fire Engineer Salary Range Mon~ly Salary Number ~ls .t./Last Step 1444 $1188 - $1444 5750 Fireman 1355 ,1115 - 1355 The salary ranges established herein for the above-named non-manag~t Fire Department en~loyees shall be effective for the pay period beginning July 18, 1977, and shall automaticaly be increased by 0.8% effective Aught 29, 1977, the effective date of implexnentation of the revised long-term disability program, but not to exceed $15.00 per monhh. Each regular, perman~t Fire Department employee assigned to such classifications shall receive the increased salary for the range and step in which he/she is serving. · Section 4. Tempo..r..a._.ry and Part-Time En~!..oyee~s- Pursuant to the provisions of the Tustin City Code and the Personnel Rules and Regulations, the City has established classifications of certa~ temporary and part-tia~ Section 5. C__ormpensation and Benefi% Provisions - Limited_____Service FatDloy. ees and Part-Time tlnpl.oy~ee~- SALARY AND WAGE Sf]tEDULE - LIMITED SERVICE AND PAt~-TIME EMPLOYEES - Hourly Rates Class No. Series/Classification ~lst/Las..t-S. tep 4980 1965 1960 1959 1955 1954 crossing Guard Recreation Aide Recreation Leader I Recreation Leader II Recreation Specialist Senior Recreation .Specialist' $2.75 $2.30 - $2.50 2.65 - 2.85 3.00 - 3.20 3.25 - 3.75 3.75 - 6.00 3. 1 4 8 9 10 11 14 15 16 18 19 ~0 Zl £§ ~6 Z? ~8 Sectio:] 6. ~odic~l, Dent:al. add I,ifo T,~.,.rance.. A. ~ife Insuramc. e 0r~ .~!~.ploy~.~. The City shall provide lif~ on the life of ead] regular, pemm~nent, full-t~ne, non-a~ninis'hrative, non- management employee and pay the full annual premium therefor. The death benefit of said policies shall be 100% of the employee's base annual salary to the nearest multiple of $1,000.00. B. Medi.c.~.l/H. ealth_ Benefits. The City shall provide ~cal/health bonefit prog'roam for the t~nefit of the following classes of employe~s and their dependents. City shall pay tc~rds the aknnual premiums in accordance with the following schedule: 1. Regul.ar, permanent employees (other than firea~n and fire engineers) and dependents, if applicable- up to $90.00 per 2. Temporary and part-tin~ employees (a) working less than thirty (30) hours per week: None (b) permanent positions working thirty (30) hours per week or more: up to $90.00 per month 3. Firemen and fire engineers: 95% Of the monthly premium, but not to exceed $100 per month. S_ecti0n ?. _Disability Compensati~. The City shall provide a long- term disability compensation plan for all regular, permanent, non-administra- tive, non-management employees. The employes shall pay the premium required for such coverage. ~Sect~on 8_. General Leave. A General Leave Plan is being adopted cont~raneously herewith, by ~~ts tO the Personnel Rules and Regulations of the. City of Tustin. Sect. i.0n .9. Spec..ial compensation Povisions A. U__nifo.~.r~_. Uniforms for specified classifications shall be as determined by the City Administrator and designated allowances shall be as follows- 4~ 4 8 9 10 11 lZ 14 15 16 18 19 2O ~5 ~6 ~8 29 ~0 (1) FIR~.~ ~\~ FIF<E ~GI~RS- · {a) Initial Issue. - a full new ±s~u6 of[ ~d ~e:~s uniforms as prescribed by Depar~tal Order which shall be in lieu of any cash maintenance pa~t for the first year as a unifonnax~ officer. (b) After First Year - a cash maintenance allowance of· $90.00 per year payable semi-annually, in advance, provided the employee is employed on July 1st or January 1st as applicable and provided the employee has been employed as a uniformed officer over one year. An employee shall receive a proration of the semi-annual payment if said first year period will expire during the six-mon~ period covered by the allowance. Employees shall be responsible for insuring that proper, clean, well-maintained, presentable uniforms are available for his %,ork shifts. Uniforms damaged in line of duty will be repaired or replaced at City expense based on survey and ~eco~dation of the Chief. Uniforms shall only be worn on occasions and for purposes approved by the Chief. (2) UNIFOt~MZD MAINTLNANCE DEPAR~NT t~PLOYEES- Employees shall participate in a uniform rental and cleaning service program and Shall pay, by payroll deduction, $2.00 per pay period to, yards the cost of such service. The en~loyee shall pay the entire cost of additional services he selects above the standard service provided by the City. Ci~ Council Policy No. 20-9, adopted by Resolution No. 70-41 is hereby repealed. C. Travel, Miscellaneous Meetings and Conference E ~xpenses. 1. Automobile Allowance. An employee may claim automobile reimburs~t on approved expense claim forms furnished 'by the Finance Department for the use of his/her o~n private auton~bile in the course of his/her City employment or on City business. Such use of a private vei~icle shall only be when a City vehicle is not available for transportatio~ 4 8 9 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 ~4 ~5 ~6 ~8 ~9 A flat rate of fifteen cents ($.15) per mile may be approved for use of private vehicles on City business, within the City or wi.thin a radius of sixty ~60) miles therefrom. o e c0:m~.rcia.l...Tr .an~.;Por~at ion A1 lcxeanc? . ae Allowances for use of conn~rcial transportation shall be based upon scheduled airline coach rates, or other appropriate public transportation where more practical, in regard to all out-of-town travel on City business. be The use of private vehicles by employees on City business on out-of-City trips, within the State, may be approved by the City Administra- tor when use of conmercial transportation is not avail~le, economical or practical. If an employee prefers to use his/her private vehicle, he may be reimbursed the an~unt of the cost of conn~rcial transportation only unless the flat rate per mile is less. Ce When air, rail or public transportation is used, ~xpenses necessary for local transportation such as taxicab and bus fare will be allowed whenever such transportation is necessary for .the conduct of City business after approval by the City Administrator. e Out, of-City Travel, Meet.ing.s .aj2._.d Confe..r...ence Expenses. If, in the jud~t of the City Administirator, the estimate, expenses of the approved content01ated travel, lodging and other related expenses pertinent to said trip is too high and would create a hardship for the employee to finance initially, the City Administrator my authorize an advance payment of the estimated amount to the employee. Upon return of the employee from said trip, he shall sukmtit an itemized statement as to his actual expenses. Final adjus~ts shall be made to the favor of the employee or the City, whichever the case may be. The cost of lodging and meals shall be at a reasonable rate and appropriate to the purpose of the trip. 4. Miscellaneous E ~xpenses. Telephone and t. elegraph charges · incurred while on out-of-City business, will be allowed only for official calls as approved by the Department Head, Finance Department, or City Administrator. 6. 5 8 10 11 12 14 16 18 19 20 ~4 ~5 ~8 Section 10. Miscellaneous Provisions. · A. Avgidance .of.'_In...~.'ties.. The City Administrator may authoriz, special adjus~ents to avoid or eliminate inequities resulting frcxn. ~]e strict application of any provisions of this Resolution. B. Administrative Regulations. ' The CitY gdm_/_nis~ra~:>r is authorized to issue written administrative personnel regulations designed to aunt or clarify the provisions of this Resolution. Section 11. Effective Date. None of the provisions of this Resolution shall be in force or effect or applicable to Police Officers or Polide Agents unless and until a further Resolution is adopted which so provides. Unless otherwise specified to the contrary in this Resolution, all provisions shall be effective as of July 4, 1977, except as to Firemen and Fire Engineers to whom they shall be effective as of July 18, 1977. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular m~eting of the City Council, City of Tustin, California, held on the 15th daya of August, 1977. 1977. 'M~R- PRO T E~ ATI~ST - JGR: sl TB:4 8/1~/77 - F~~ DRAFT STATE OF COUNTY OF O~b%NGE )SS CITY OF TUSTIN ) RUT]! C. POE, City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council of t]%e City of Tustin, California, .does hereby certify that ~he whole number' of the members of the City Council of the City of Tustin is five; that the above and foregoing Resolution No. ~ ~..7-80 .... was duly and regularly' introduced, read, passed ahd adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the___ 15th day of August 1977, by the following vote- · AYES: NOES · ABSENT: COUNCILMEN-~ SHARP,~ :WELSH, ..... EDGAR, .... S~.TA.REL_L..I, SCHUSTER COUNCILMEN' NONE COUNCILMEN: NONE ~_ _ ~ ~ ~:~ _ ~ ~ ~_ - ~_ ~ _ _~,..~. ~. __ - _ . ~itY clerk-, ~ 'of Tusti'n', c'.~iifo-rh'~-a .....