OCTOBER 16, 2007
Present: Mayor Lou Bone; Mayor Pro Tem Jerry Amante; and
Councilmembers Doug Davert; Tony Kawashima; and Jim Palmer
Absent: None
City Clerk: Marcia Brown, Administrative Secretary
Others Present: Christine Shingleton, Assistant City Manager and Doug Holland, City
Presentation by Director of Public Works Tim Serlet on Congestion Relief for Newport
Avenue, Red Hill Avenue and Irvine Boulevard.
Councilmember Davert -suggested both the movement of traffic on arterials and the
quality of life issues be addressed in one comprehensive plan; in support of gaining
capacity on key roads, devising parking permit plan, does not support the adjacency
and 67% of households in agreement requirements.
Mayor Pro Tem Amante -concerned about broad span of percentages for permit
parking regulations, should be balanced so quality of life issues are met.
Councilmember Palmer -concerned about safety and health aspects of congestion and
response time for emergency vehicles on Red Hill Avenue.
Mayor Bone -Bryan Avenue is a key arterial with heavy traffic, suggested 6 lane
widening on Red Hill Avenue up to Bryan Avenue; beyond that agrees with staff.
Suggested 6 lanes on Newport south of Walnut, now, instead of waiting until Newport is
extended. Suggested addressing freeway interchange areas on Newport and Red Hill,
especially Red Hill due to on/off ramps, look at lights next to on/off ramps (Nisson Road,
EI Camino Real), look at no right- turns on red lights in that area. Also, look at street
sweeping throughout City.
Mayor Pro Tem Amante -suggested collaborating with OCTA on interchange issue,
Authority to have upcoming signalization programs as part of Measure M.
Mayor Bone -mentioned placing insets for bus stops near Tustin Legacy.
City Council Meeting October 16, 2007
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PUBLIC INPUT -the following members of the audience spoke on congestion relief
issues: Bert Langer and Matt Nisson.
Mayor Pro Tem Amante -Red Hill Avenue between San Juan and Bryan, would be useful
to have 6 lanes, on Newport Avenue suggested widening to 6 lanes now instead of in the
future. Intersections and signals at freeways, recommend do minimum work to be
functional until overall coordination of signals is integrated in new traffic forums with
Councilmember Palmer -asked if traffic flow could be measured on Red Hill Avenue at
San Juan, up to First Street, lots of traffic and accidents at San Juan from left hand turn
lane at Bryan, maybe have police department look at number of accidents in that area.
Mayor Bone -asked staff to look at Bryan and Red Hill intersection as it's a choke point.
Presentation by Community Development Director Elizabeth Binsack on Off Street
Parking Regulations.
Councilmember Davert -recommended moving forward with enforcement process.
Mayor Pro Tem Amante -concerned about implication to neighborhoods where on-street
parking would be eliminated and number thresholds. Suggested staff consolidate the two
reports, review comparative cities and the problems they might be facing; when designing
parking lots consider more commonly driven vehicles like SUV's instead of compact cars
and also encouraged staff to address canvas awnings and sun shades being used as
Councilmember Davert -suggested no thresholds but rather a public hearing process
Councilmember Palmer -agrees with colleagues, would like to see a communication plan
for community awareness of the proposed changes.
Mayor Bone -new home developments are very weak on regulations for parking spots,
suggested 2 parking spots fora 1 bedroom, 3 parking spots fora 2 bedroom and 4 spots
fora 4 bedroom; 50% front yard landscaping requirement would not work for new
developments, must consider individually; restructure parking permit process: suggested
charging a fee for permits, affixed permanently with date and reissue annually.
Councilmember Davert -supports restrictions on street sweeping days and creation of
street sweeping guidelines, move forward with Director Serlet's recommendations, update
Code so parking regulations are under section of law that allows them to be enforced
rather than just defined, develop a permit program, and also would support a hearing
process instead of a vote threshold.
PUBLIC INPUT -the following members of the audience spoke on parking issues:
Deborah Gavello, Ed Eloe, Kay Shafer and Pam Poucher.
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Motion: Council directed staff to move forward with recommendations and return to
Council with a more comprehensible report on parking permit policy.
ADJOURNMENT - 4:32 p.m.
City Clerk
City Council Meeting
Special Minutes
October 16, 2007
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