HomeMy WebLinkAbout01 PC Minutes 10-23-07ITEM #1
OCTOBER 23, 2007
7:02 p.m. CALL TO ORDER
Puckett absent ROLL CALL
Present: Chair Nielsen
Commissioners Kozak, Murray, and Thompson
Absent: Chair Pro Tem Puckett
Staff present Elizabeth Binsack, Community Development Director
David Kendig, Deputy City Attorney
Jerry Craig, Redevelopment Program Manager
Justina Willkom, Senior Planner
Scott Reekstin, Senior Planner
Eloise Harris, Recording Secretary
Jerry Craig, Presented the PowerPoint show and commentary.
Program Manager
Murray Asked for clarification regarding the timeframes.
Craig Explained that once the contract with Field Paoli has been
executed, they will have 120 days to complete that market analysis;
somewhere in that 120 days City staff will direct them to begin the
Concept Plan for each neighborhood; once they have that go-
ahead, they have 120 days to come back to the Planning
Commission and City Council with a final Concept Plan for that
neighborhood, including an implementation strategy.
Kozak Suggested that it would be helpful if one meeting each month the
Planning Commission could receive a status report on the progress
or when a particular milestone is reached.
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Craig Stated the Agency would be happy to provide updates; and,
reiterated that the Planning Commission will be invited to various
meetings to keep them engaged in this exciting endeavor.
Director Provided the PowerPoint show and commentary.
Noted that staff will be meeting with the Tustin Legacy Community
Partners soon to discuss the schedule; several Concept Plans and
Tentative Maps have been submitted and are under review; the
Planning Commission and City Council will be seeing those in the
near future.
Thompson Referred to the quarterly updates that the Planning Commission
has been receiving and the importance of those updates to a new
Commissioner; and, asked where the religious organizations might
be located within this community.
Director Answered that those have not been identified specifically as the fire
station and elementary school have; religious uses may be
permitted or conditionally permitted uses within one of the other
designated uses, showing possible locations within the commercial
use area on the slide.
Murray Stated his interest in having a perspective in relationship to the total
Director Referred to the monitoring reports that track the progress; annual
mitigation monitoring is also required.
Thompson Asked what has been happening to transform the industrial areas
along the perimeter of The Legacy to add economic growth.
Director Indicated that the Gateway development would be one; some of the
industrial areas are transforming to condominiumization of some of
the industrial buildings, specifically the former Steelcase site where
half the building was removed and replaced by 19 buildings and
sold for condominium purposes; warehouses are being removed
and replaced by smaller spaces, resulting in intensification of the
Nielsen Asked Commissioner Thompson if he was referring to City outreach
in those areas.
Thompson Stated he is trying to understand how the City is changing and
where trends are going relating to land use and the General Plan.
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Nielsen Noted that he had seen the presentation at the Chamber BEDC
meeting; the presentation is interactive and informative; he had
questions at that time and would repeat his questions for the sake
of the Commission.
Stated he had asked whether Cal-State Fullerton and other
universities are interested in possibly having extensions in The
Director Answered that there is still a desire on the part of the City to
outreach to universities; there have been ongoing discussions in
that regard.
Nielsen Asked if there has been any progression on the school sites.
Director Responded that the City and Tustin Unified School District are
continuing to discuss school site development with the District and
with the Tustin Legacy Community Partners and have outreached
to a consultant; things are going well.
It was moved by Murray, seconded by Thompson, to approve the
Consent Calendar. Motion carried 4-0.
discussion CAMINO REAL.
That the Planning Commission approve the nomination of
560 EI Camino Real to the Tustin Historic Register Plaque
Designation Program.
Nielsen Stated he wanted to pull the item because this site is one of the
most visual landmarks in Tustin, the old Tustin Garage; Linda
Jennings, President of the Tustin Preservation Conservancy,
submitted this nomination which is well warranted; when he first
came to Tustin 22 years ago, this was one of the first structures he
saw as he drove down EI Camino Real; it was originally built in
1915 and has been a notable landmark for a long time.
Murray Concurred that Tustin Garage is a landmark in Old Town that
stands out and has significance throughout the County; he has
heard lots of people talk about the site; it is something that needs to
be acknowledged.
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Nielsen Added that it is also nice to see that the Garage will be reused for a
nice barbecue rib establishment, Beach Pit Barbecue, which is a
,great reuse situation, keeping the basic building intact.
Invited Linda Jennings to the lectern.
Linda Jennings Stated that she was delighted the Planning Commission approved
this nomination; the Conservancy is very pleased with this reuse of
the site; Tim DeCinces is determined to keep the building as much
as it was as possible; he hopes to open in January; the
Conservancy is purchasing this plaque in appreciation for what he
is doing.
Murray Indicated he had hoped that Ms. Jennings would share tidbits of
trivia about this location.
Ms. Jennings Responded that the Conservancy has a newsletter coming out
within the next two weeks, which will include an interview with Tim
DeCinces by Juanita Lovret, who does the articles in the Tustin
News about historical places.
Thompson Stated he lives down the street from the Garage, far enough away
that he can vote on this item, and is very excited about this
transformation; the commemoration of the property is a wonderful
thing to do.
It was moved by Thompson, seconded by Murray, to approve this
plaque nomination. Motion carried 4-0.
proposed work PROGRAMS
program be sent to
the City Council At the October 9, 2007, Planning Commission meeting, staff
was directed to refine the revised procedures regarding the
Tustin Historic Register and Commendation Programs to
reflect a collaboration between the Tustin Area Historical
Society and the Tustin Preservation Conservancy regarding
the programs.
That the Planning Commission receive the report and
provide direction to staff.
Reekstin Presented the staff report.
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Nielsen Asked ,about the alternating basis for the Conservancy and
Historical Society to submit nominations; and, asked why that could
not be a joint nomination.
Reekstin Responded that staff wants input from both organizations; this
proposal would give each an opportunity to participate twice per
year and would not allow for possible disagreement since each
would choose two to be presented to the Planning Commission; it
would be at the Commission's discretion whether or not the
property would be commended.
Nielsen Questioned whether staffs aim is to reduce any sort of competitive
ideas or situations.
Reekstin Indicated the proposal is intended to streamline the process with an
equal opportunity for each group to recommend a property; this
seems a good way to structure the program.
Thompson Asked if the commendation program will be blended in or would it
be held back to see how the plaque program is working in order to
iron out the efficiencies; the emphasis on collaboration is very
important; connecting with the community and receiving the value
of that input is also a priority; it is important not to add more red
tape to a process that should be pretty simple.
Kozak Indicated that staffs suggestions seem workable; as Commissioner
Thompson mentioned and the Commission has discussed as a
group, the collaboration would be built in to the procedures; it would
be useful if staff would report back in six months to let the
Commission know how the process is working.
Thanked staff for their hard work on developing the procedures to
be followed.
Murray Noted that collaboration is the No. 1 priority; Commissioner Kozak's
suggestion regarding asix-month evaluation is excellent.
Nielsen Thanked staff for putting together a lot of different ideas and
disparate comments into a concise plan.
Noted the six-month review would be desirable in order to see how
the program is progressing; if both groups could operate
simultaneously and the program be enacted similarly, it would be
good to know about any adjustments that may be necessary;
cooperation and collaboration are important.
Added that he would like to see a framework from the Conservancy
and the Historical Society regarding how they will work together,
particularly on the Historic Register nominations.
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Nicelsen continued Invited the President of the Tustin Preservation Conservancy to the
Linda Jennings Reiterated that the Conservancy offered to take over the plaque
program in order to save staff time; it seems this procedure will
increase the staff time; perhaps there will be a way to change that
in the future; the proposal for the commended property will work
well; it might be determined in the future that the plaque program
could be handled similarly; the nomination form has been placed on
the Conservancy website.
Added that the Historic Resource Committee had recommended
that an alternative plaque be considered for sites that are
significantly altered and no longer the historic sites they were; it had
been suggested that such a plaque would be a different size with
different language; the Conservancy would still like for the Planning
Commission to consider such a plaque.
Nielsen Agreed that one of the goals was to help reduce staff time,
however, other considerations included collaborating among
groups; asix-month review will allow the Commission to examine
how this procedure is functioning.
Thanked Ms. Jennings for her volunteering and assisting in this
program and for all the work she has done and will be doing.
Noted that the Commission had asked about the possibility of
including commercial property in the program; and, asked for staffs
comments in that regard.
Director Indicated that commercial and institutional property consideration
were included.
Nielsen Indicated this will be a good beginning for everyone to work
together and see what develops in the first six months.
Thompson Questioned what the next step should be.
Reekstin Stated that staffs plan was for the Commission to make a
recommendation to the City Council.
It was moved by Murray, seconded by Kozak, that the
Commission's recommendation be submitted to the City Council.
Motion carried 4-0.
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Director reported The City Council held a parking workshop prior to the meeting; the
workshop related to on-street, off-street, garages, sun/shade
issues, etc.; these issues will be brought to the Planning
Commission as workshops and public hearings as zone text
amendments; the City Council directed staff to develop ordinances
for the Planning Commission's consideration and recommendation
to the City Council.
John Tillotson, the developer of Prospect Village, spoke at one of
the Planning Officials Forum sessions and did a very nice job; the
Director has extra copies of the that presentation and other
sessions she attended if the Planning Commission might be
Chairperson Nielsen may wish to comment on the Strategic
Planning meeting.
Thompson Stated that he attended the Planning Officials Forum and found it
very informative; one workshop he attended referenced Mr.
Tillotson's work in Huntington Beach; high compliments were paid
to that development.
Referred to the fires burning nearby and suggested Tustin residents
have much for which to be thankful.
Kozak Acknowledged the tireless work of the members of the Orange
County Fire Authority here and all the firefighters throughout all the
burn areas; we can be thankful for the infrastructure in place in our
City to help fight fires and also limit the loss of lives.
Thanked staff for the various reports, especially the traffic
workshop; the Planning Commission can look forward to working
through those issues.
Thanked Linda Jennings for bringing the Tustin Garage
recommendation forward; he was surprised this site was not
awarded such a plaque sooner; and also for her work on the
policies and procedures for both the plaque and the commended
property program.
Murray Indicated the Tustin Legacy presentation was outstanding; he
continues to see good things happening at the Legacy, the result of
great initial planning.
Stated the Strategic Business Summit was very enlightening and
helpful; it was good to see the involvement of the Chamber and all
the different entities represented and strategically looking at
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business in the City of Tustin; one of the common themes related to
building permits; perhaps staff could provide the Commission with a
short presentation regarding the building permit process.
Referred to the recent firestorms and complimented the Orange
County Fire Authority and the Tustin Police Department; he worked
hand in hand with them and knows they did a fantastic job
regarding letting people know what was going on and making sure
the areas that were threatened were covered; Sergeant Gallagher,
in particular, was manning the watch commander's desk and
remained calm and cool in his coordination in that effort;
Commissioner Murray was involved in the evacuation center in an
adjacent city to which Tustin residents were evacuated.
Asked if staff could research additional communication means to
assist the community in these kinds of emergencies; one possibility
would be AM-station notification for identifying what kinds of things
people need to do and where they should go.
Stated he is looking forward to the Tustin Garage eatery and hopes
to attend that ribbon-cutting.
Nielsen Thanked Commissioner Murray for his diligence and service in
working very hard on the public safety end to protect citizens in
Orange County and his personal concern for residents in Tustin.
Thanked and commended the Orange County Fire Authority for
their extraordinary work keeping the citizens of Tustin safe when it
seems that all of Southern California is on fire.
Reminded everyone that the Mayor's Thanksgiving Breakfast takes
place November 15"' at 7:00 a.m.; this function is sponsored by the
Tustin Community Foundation; the proceeds benefit that foundation
which helps to fund non-profit organizations in the community;
please call 714-393-8506 with any questions.
Noted that he attended the Grand Opening and ribbon-cutting for
GoRoma Restaurant at The District where the food is extraordinary.
.Stated he attended the Chamber of Commerce Strategic Planning
Retail Summit; this was very interesting; there were a number of
surveys performed relating to how the retail centers are viewed by
different members of the community within Tustin including the
owners themselves, customers, and members of the City looking
towards trying to improve the retail centers in Tustin business-wise,
perception-wise, marketing-wise, etc.
Indicated he attended the Planning Officials Forum and had a
chance to hear major Orange County developer Mr. Segerstrom's
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thoughts regarding the development of Orange County over the
past few decades.
Noted that he has received questions regarding the reverse 9-1-1
emergency systems and also 2-1-1 services through Tustin or
through Orange County and would appreciate any information staff
could provide.
Director Indicated that staff would try to get that information.
Nielsen Stated the reverse 9-1-1 emergency system is being used
effectively in San Diego County to evacuate areas and to call
evacuees with notification when it is time to leave; 2-1-1 seems to
be within San Diego County; one can dial the number for
emergency information regarding fires and other emergencies; any
information from staff regarding the possible implementation of
these systems in Tustin would be appreciated.
It was moved by Thompson, seconded by Kozak, to adjourn.
Motion carried 4-0.
The next regular meeting of the Planning Commission will be held
Tuesday, November 13, 2007, at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council
Chamber at 300 Centennial Way.
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