HomeMy WebLinkAbout09 P.D. CYCLE REPLACE 02-20-01.AGENDA NO. 09 02-20-01 .L '~,J_.~--V .~. '~,- .L .,.:--" I II III I I II I I I I II I II I I I II I II MEETING DATE' FEBRUARY 20, 2001 TO' WILLIAM A. HUSTON, CITY MANAGER FROM' POLICE DEPARTMENT SUBJECT: AUTHORIZATION TO EXPEND FUNDS-POLICE MOTORCYCLE REPLACEMENT _ I I I I I I II II I II IIII I III I SUMMARY Enter into a buyback program for two of our police motorcycles that are scheduled for routine replacement due to age, high mileage or excessive repair costs. RECOMMENDATION That Council awards the bid for two BMW Rl100 RT-P motorcycles to A & S Motorcycles, Roseville, Oalifornia, in the amount of $19,275.00 per unit under a guaranteed buyback program, which was originally negotiated by the California Highway Patrol (CHP). FISCAL IMPACT $38,550.00 using budgeted funds in the Vehicle Lease Fund. BACKROUND The Kawasaki police motorcycle is currently the only bike being used by the police department. It is a tried and true workhorse and has been in existence for over 10 years. The police department recently had the opportunity to test the BMW Rl100 RT-P police motorcycle in an effort to evaluate its potential as a replacement police motorcycle for this department. Newport Beach PD has had the BMW's for almost three years and reported no problems at all. The CHP has completely switched over to the BMW based on an exhaustive one-year study/trial comparing the BMW with the Kawasaki. They felt the safety features of the anti-lock braking .system alone warranted the change for their riding needs. During November 2000, our entire currently assigned motor officers test rode a loaner BMW Rl100 RT-P motorcycle for evaluation purposes. The majority felt that the BMW was preferred to the Kawasaki for the following reasons. From an ergonomic standpoint the seat adjusts to three different positions. The windshield is electronically adjustable and comes in three different sizes; the fairing is molded and completely encloses the rider's legs protecting him/her from the elements. It comes equipped with wider mirrors for better visual identification and heated handgrips for cold weather riding. Riders who recommended this motorcycle also liked the ABS brakes, the dual batteries, and the smoothness of the ride along with the overall comfort of the bike. William A. Huston, City Manager February 20, 2001 Page 2 Maintenance on'this bike is every 6,000 miles vs. 3,000 for the Kawasaki. Overall maintenance will be significantly lower due to the shaft drive, water and air-cooled engine and overall better engineering. Without exception, all of the Kawasaki's begin to experience oil leaks, bearing problems, clutch problems, etc., at around 30,000 miles. The BMW did not experience any significant problems during the CHP's one-year testing program. Yearly maintenance for the BMW is estimated at $1,400 per year, while yearly maintenance for the Kawasaki is approximately $2,000. Under this proposed buyback program, BMW offers a guaranteed buyback price for their motorcycles. After three years or 60,000 miles . (whichever occurs first) BMW will buy back the motorcycle for a predetermined amount. This reduces our overall costs and provides for an approximate savings of $796 per motorcycle over the cost of purchasing a Kawasaki. COST(S) KAWASAKI BMW Motorcycle $ 8,023 $15,890 Emerg. Equipment 2,012 2,040 Tax 777 ! ,345 TOTAL COSTS $10,812 $19,275 - 9,259 (Buyback) $10,016 In the present 2000/2001 fiscal year, funds were budgeted for the replacement of' two police motorcycles. The mileage and repair records of two existing motorcycles indicate they are no longer economical to repair for ongoing Police Department usage. The California Highway Patrol has entered into a two-year contract with A & S BMW Motorcycles for the purchase of BMW police motorcycles and the quote obtained by the Tustin Police Department reflects that bid/contract price. A & S BMW is the sole vendor for this CliP contract. We request authorization to utilize the existing bid process/contract to purchase two (2) replacement BMW police motorcycles from A & S BMW Motorcycles. Chief of Police SF:et Attachments' State of California Contract Number 1-00-23-30-01 (Includes buyback provisions) BMW R1100 RT Standards & Optional Equipment BMW R1100 RT Cost Breakdown STATE OF CALIFOkNIA /" OE,~ARTIdEI~ OF GENERAL SERVICES - PROCUREMENT DM$1ON CONTRACT NOTIFICATION ***** MANDATORY ***** CONTRACT NUMBER: 1-00-23-304)1 DESCRIPTION: 'MOTORCYCLE, SOLO, CHP CONTRACTOR: A & S BMW MOTORCYCLES EFFECTIVE DATES' 12/15/1999 THROUGH 12/14/2001 SUPERSEDES CONTRACT NO.' 1-99-23-30-01 AREA' STATEWlDE DISTRIBUTION' LO CAL AG EN CIES * TAX: Add appropriate sales and use tax. Exempt from Federal Excise Tax. Use of this agreement by all agencW~ ~ na~.au~ty with monetary exceptiom stated herein or contained in State Administrative Manual. To obtain assistance or report non-compliance by supplier, or for any suggestions or recommendations write: Deparunent of General Services, Procurement Division, P.O. Box 942804, Sacramento, CA 94204-O001, or call: Contract Administrator, TOM ABEYTA 916-327-5~3, CAI2qET 467-5573 I I I I I I I II II STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL SERVICES PROCUREMENT DIVISION Page Local: 1-00-23-30-01 SUPPLIER ID: NAME: ADDRESS: CONTACT: TERMS OF PAYMENT: FOB: MINIMUM ORDER: 364116 A & S BMW MOTORCYCLES ATTN: SEE BELOW CITRUS HEIGHTS, CA 95610 916- 726- 7334 FAX: 916-726- 3563 Net SEE BELOW ONE (1) MOTORCYCLE This contract covers the estiaated biennial (two-year) State of California and participating local agency (political subdivision) requirements for MOTORCYCLE, SOLO, CALIFORNIA HIGHWAY PATROL (CHP) ENFORCEMENT TYPE, per Specification dated August 1999. A local agency (political sutxiivision) is any city, county, city and county, district, or other local govermaental body or corporation elpowered to expend public funds (California Public Contract Code Section 1032q). CONTACT PERSONS Anthony Felice or Scott Worswick FOB POINT Motorcycles for the Clip shall be FOB Destination, per the delivery requirements below. Motorcycles for local agencies shall be FOB Dealership. The dealership shall deliver the Iotorcycles to the delivery address and show a delivery charge as a separate itel on the invoice. DELIVERY Clip motorcycle deliveries shall co~ence forty-five (45) days after receipt of order (ARO). See section 8.0 o£ the specification for more delivery inforlation. Location agency deliveries shall be completed within forty-five (~t5) days ARO. ME. OD OF State agencies and local agencies will place orders as vehicles are required during the period specified. The orders wil be sent directly to the dealership. State agencies will be sending a Contract/Delegation Purchase Order (Std. 65) and local agencies will be sending an internal purchase order. INSPECTION Motorcycles delivered to the State (CHP) will be inspected for specification colpliance and acceptance by the CHP. Local aaencies will be responsible for inspecting their motorcycles for specifications colpliance and acceptance. STATE OF CALIFORNIA ~)EPAJ~IdENT OF GENERAL SERVICES ~ROCUREMENT DM~ION Page 3 Local: 1-00-23-30.-01 TRAINING Motorcycles delivered to the State (Cf[P) includes traEning specific to the CHP, i.e. specification section 9.0. Local agency training needs nay be different than the CHP. The dealership shall provide a cost for local agency training with respec~ to section 9.0 of the specification. The cost is documented on the options list ami is based on a per person basis. The dealership and local agency shall negotiate other training requirements in good faith. BUY BACX PROGRA~ Under the Buy Back Program, the CHP and pax-~icipating local agencies have the option to requi~e the supplier to repurchase the motorcycles supplied to them against this contract. The Buy Back Program shall include the following requirements. _ z It shall occ~ th~ee (3) years from the in-service date or 60,000 niles (+/-1,000 miles) of service, whichever occurs first. The CHP and par~icipa~ing local agencies shall notify the supplier of the in-service date of the motorcycles. x The motorcycles will be returned as originally equipped when delivere~, less the added law enforcement equipment and antenna. x The motorcycles are to be in used operating condition as determined by the CHP (see next paragraph for participating local agencies). Where a ~ispute of acceptability exists between the CHP and the supplier, the Procurement Division's "Procurement Engineering Team" will make the £inal determina~ion of acceptability. The Procurement Engineering Team determination shall be binding withou~ rebuttal. The motorcycles are to be in used operating condition as 6etermined by the participating local agency. Where a dispute of acceptability exists between the local agency an~ the supplier, one of the following remedies shall be adopted. a. The local agency shall appoint one knowledge-based person and the supplier' shall appoint one specialist to meet and resolve the dispute. The dispute shall be resolved within the constraints required to complete the buy back process. b. The local agency may con~ract with the PTocurement Division's Procurement Engineering Team to make the final determination of acceptability. The P~ocu~ement Engineering Team determination shall be bimiing on the local agency ami supplier without rebuttal. c. The local agency, as a condition of purchase, may require the supplier to enter into an nagTeemen~ of dispute resolution process~ (ADRP). The ADRP program shall be binding on the local agency and supplier without rebuttal. At three (3) years or 60,000 miles, if the CHP or pax-~icipating local agency deem the value of the motorcycles to exceed the guaranteed buy back value, ~he buy back program may not occur. M~torc~les presented for buy back by ~he CHP will be in .lots of ~en (10) (minimum) and the par~icipa~ing local agencies will be in lots of one (1) (minimum). STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL. SERVICF....S PROCUREMENT DIVlSlON Local: 1-00-23-30-01 Page 4 ' The Buy Back Program shall be coapleted within 30 days of written notification that the motorcycles are ready for £nspection. The ~nspection and pickup locations will be at the CHP Transpor~ Sections (Torrance or West Sacramento) and at local agency delivery point. In all cases, the location shall be ~dentified by the written notification. The supplier sha~l be responsible for all freight costs for transporting aotorcycles. Hethod to calculate the Buy Back Program Cost: Hotorcycle Price Guaranteed Buy Back Price Buy Back Program Price PAINT COLOR: $15,890.00 (9.258.70) 86,631.30 Hotorcycles shall be ordered ~n the standard manufacturer color (white). Special paint colors are available from the manufacturer as a "special equipment option". Contact the dealership to discuss available special paint colors and the cost for the special paint colors. ORDER CONFIRHATION The dealership awarded items against this contract w~ll now be required to send the ordering agency a written confirmation of receipt of thei~ order. This applies to all orders issued against this contract. This confirmation must be completed within 10 days after receipt of order and must indicate the date the order was placed with the manufacturer. Confirmations should be mailed to the "Charge Ton address shown on the order, to the attention of the contact person listed. D OCUP~NTS: The following 'must be delivered with the motorcycle when the unit is offered to the receiving agency for acceptance: 1. Inspection Report 2. Predelivery Checklist 3. Copy of Purchase Order .INVOICING REQUIREMENTS: The dealer is to render invoices as instructed on individual purchase orders. Invoices shall include the purchase order number, the contract number, the unit price, extension, and any cash discount offered. State sales tax is to be shown as a separate item on the invoice. Invoices omitting any of the above items shall be returned for correction and resubmittal. Sa/es tax is to be computed on the net price. The Repor~ of Sale shall be submitted to the receiving' agency, if possible, upon receipt of the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN). STATE OF CALIFORNIA ~EPARTMENT OF GENERAL SERVICE:~ PROCUREMENT DIVISION Local: 140-23-30-01 Page 5 CONTRACT USAGE REPORTING: DeLlershtps sba/1 provide the Department of Genera/ Serv4ces, Procurement Division a monthly contract usago repox~ on paper ami On 3-1/2" computer diskette. This repox~ shall reflect the vehicle orders placed against the contract for the respective nonth, The report must be received by Procureuent Division by the ~5th of each nonth. The contract usage report shall include the following information and resemble the attached sample. Dealership Information 2. Contract Number 3. Reporting Honth Ordering Agency 5. B/ll Code (If knotm) 6. Purchase Order Number 7. Date of Purchase Order 8. Date Order Received (From Governmental Agency) 9. Date of Conf/rnatton 10. Deliver~ Date (Est/mated) 11. Description of Vehicle (Hake and Hodel) 12. FOB Po 13. Contract Item NUmber lq. Quantity Ordered 15. Vehicle Unit Price 16. Vehicle Unit Price with .Options IHPORTANT! A coov of all local aaencv purchase. ,.orders shall be attached to the contract usaae renort. Send the contract usage repor~ with attachments to the following address: Department of General Services Procurement Division Attn: Vehicle Purchasing P.O. Box 9qZSOq Sacrnento, CA 9q20q-0001 BUYER FINANCING PROVISIONS Should the State desire financing of the assets provided hereunder, the contractor agrees to assign to a State-designated lender its right to receive payment from the State for the assets in exchange for payment by ~he lender of the cash purchase price for the assets. Upon notice to do so from the State-designated lender at any t4ue prior to payment by ~he State for the assets, the contractor will execute and deliver to the State-~esignated lender an assignment agreement and any additional documents necessary for the State-selected f/nanc/ng plan. The State may designate the lender of ~he contractor's choice prov/ded it is in the State's best interest. Do not submit a rate quote or payment schedu/e until instructed to do so. Questions regarding the Buyer F/nancing Provisions may be directed to Patrick Flullen vlth Procureaent Financing at 9~6/3Z7-2600. * , · · · · I I I I I I o ~D om: H L'r] o o 0 ~ 0 o 0 0 I~ ~0 ~0 ~00 · 0 '-' o o o o o o o o C) 091697GL-BBPEVAL-01 BID AWARD BASIS: ii i ii BID AWARD SHALL BE BASED ON THE LOWEST COMPLIANT BUY BACK PROGRAM COST PER UNIT. BUY BACK PROGRAM COST PER UNIT EVALUATION le COST DATA FOR THE MOTORCYCLE OFFERED - TO BE COMPLETED BY BIDD_!E!:~ B. GUARANTE~ BUY ~'PJCE PER UNn'.' NOTE: FAILURE TO OFFER, A BUY BACK PRIC~ FOR CAL,, CULA TION PURPOSES~ SH~LL CAUS~ z~O ~0) ~0 BE E~v~ ~~-b H~~. ' 2. METHOD TO CALCULATE THE BUY BACK PROGRAM COST- TO BE COMPL_~ i iii i i i ii BY BIDDER: ' e Be Ce EXAMPLE CALCULATION: UNIT BID PRICE - APPUCABLE DISCOUNT(S) = $13,000.00 (NOTE: ASSUMED $13,00.00 UNIT BID PRICE AND NO DISCOUNTS OFFE-~ ($13,000.00- $ 0.00 = $13,000.000)) Be SUBTRACT GUARANTEED BUY BACK PRICE: (-)$ 5.000.00 (NOTE: ASSUMED GUARANI"EED BUY BACK PRICE $ 5,000.00 OFFERED) Ce BUY BACK PROGRAM COST PER UNIT: (NOTE: THIS IS THE AWARD BASIS) $ 8,000.00 0916CJ7GL-BBPSPEC-01 STATE OF CALIFORN~ SOLO, ENFORC~ENT MOTORCYCLE, USED, BUY BACK PROGRAM CALIFO~IA HIGHWAY PATROL (CliP) UNDER THIS BUY BACK PROGRAM, THE CHP HAS THE OPTION TO REQUIRE THE SUPPLIER TO REPURCHASE THE MOTORCYCLES SUPPUED TO THEM AGAINST THIS BID. THIS BUY BACK PROGRAM SHALL INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING: le THE BID AWARD SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WiTH THE BUY BACK PROGRAM. THE BUY BACK WILL OCCUR THREE (3) YEARS FROM THE IN-SERVICE DATE OR- 60,000 MILES (+1- 1,000 MILES) OF SERVICE, WHICH EVER OCCURS FIRST. THE CHP WILL NOTIFY THE SUPPUER OF THE I'N-S~CE DATE OF THE MOTORCYCLES. 3. THE MOTORCYCLES WILL BE RETURNED AS ORIGINAU.Y EQUIPPED WHEN DELIVERED LESS CHP ADDED LAW ENFORCEM~ EQUIPMENT AND ANTENN/L 4. THE MOTORCYCLES ARE TO BE IN USED OPERATING CONDITION AS DETERMINED BY THE CliP. WHERE A DISPUTE OF ACCEPTABILITY EXI~ BETWEEN THE CHP AND THE SUPPUER, THE-PROCUREMENT DMSION 'TECHNICAL STAFF' VI/Itl MAKE THE FINAL Da: I ~INATION OF ACCEPTABILITY. ~'TECHNICAL STAFF' DETERMI~TION SHALL BE BINDING WITHOUT' REBUTTAl_ 5. WHEN #2 ABOVE OCCURS, IF THE CHP DEEMS THE VALUE OF THE MOTORCYCLES TO EXCEED THE GUARANTEED BUY BACK VALUE, THE BUY BACK MAY NOT OCCUR. 6. MOTORCYCLES PRESENTED FOR BUY BACK WILL BE IN LOTS OF TEN (10) MINIMUM. 7. THE BUY BACK PROCESS SHALL BE COMPLETED WITHIN 30 DAYS OF ~ NOTIFICATION THE MOTORCYCLES ARE READY FOR INSPEC~ON. THE INSPECTION AND PICKUP LOCATION WILL BE AT THE CHP MOTOR TRANSPORT SECTION LOCA~ IN TORRANCE CALIFORNIA, OR THE CHP MOTOR TRANSPORT SECTION LOCATED IN WEST SACRAMENTO CALIFORN~'. IN ALL CAS~, THE'LOCATION SHALL BE IDENTIFIED BY THE WRI1TEN NOTIFICATION. THE SUPPLIER SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL FREIGHT COSTS FROM THE MOTOR TRANSPORT LOCATIONS. . e THE FOLLOWING SHALL APPLY FOR BIDDERS OTHER THAN MANUFACTURER: ~ ii i A. THE SUPPUER SHALL BE A FACTORY AUTHORIZED DISTRIBUTOR, AND' PROVIDE FACTO~ AUTHORIZED PARTS AND SERVICE FOR ALL MOTORCYCLES OFFERED. THE MANUFACTURER SHALL PROVIDE TO THE PROCUREMENT DMSION A Lr.~ t:R CERTIFYING THE BIDDER IS AND AUTHORIZED DEALER FOR THIS BID. FAILURE TO PROVIDE THE REQU~ CERTIFICATION I.=~ i ~: SHALL CAUSE REJECTION OF THE BID. a~ PROCUREMENT DMSION THEY WILL COMPI.=~ r. THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE CONTRACT I PURCHASE ORD~ INCLUDING THE WARRANTY AND BUY BACK REQUI~ENTS, IN THE EVENT THE SUPPLIER CANNOT OR DOES NOT PERFO~ AS REQUIRED. FAILURE TO PROVIDE THE REQUIRED CERTIFICATION SHALL CAUSE REJECTION OF THE BID THE MANUFACTURER SHALL SUBMIT A WRITTEH COMMITME~ TO THE rv vv oT m0_r[n America inc. November 17, 1999 Mr, Tom Abeyta DSG Procurement Division 1823 14~ Street - 95814. Box 942804 Sacramento, CA 94204-0001 Re: Solicitation Number 47661 Dear Mr. Abeyta: This letter is to certify that the following retailem are authorized retailers for BMW motorcycles. This status ena~., les these retailem to offer for retail sale new and used BMW motorcycles, genuine BMW parts and accessories, and to provide warranty and customer paid service and repairs, as may be required, to support the activities of BMW motorcycles in their individual market areas. A&S BMW Motorcycles 7601 Auburn Blvd. Citrus Heights, CA. Cycle Specialties 307 Maza Blvd. Modesto, CA BMW of San Francisco 1675 Howard Street San Francisco, CA Please contact this office if we can be of further assistance concerning the status of these retailers and their relationship to and with BMW of North Amedca, Inc. Sincerely, ,/ //Jeff Byers ~ Marketing & Planning Manager Motorcycle Group 300 ~ Rh~ge Roms Wooocaff I.,lJ~. NJ 0?675 laO Ba~ 1227 westwooa. NJ 07675-1227 Temonone 1201 ) 307-3927 {201) 307-3726 .BMW of North America, Inc. Motorcycle Authority Program R 1100 RT-P Standard'and Optional Equipment. Comfort and Safety:- · BMW Motorcycle ABS - II, operating inclependently on both front and rear wheels. · Rider's seat adjustable to 3 different heights. · Electrically aclju~le windshield (standard height and 'tall" windshields available). · Adjustable hot air vent for the rider's hands. · Gear shift lever adjustable to two different heights. · Dual heat range, heated handlebar grips. Front/Rear Protection Bars. · Clutch and front brake levers, adjustable for play. · Faidng mounted, true image, mar view, mirrors. Service and Warranty:.. . · 3 year, unlimited mileage, limited warranty. · 12 month, unlimited mileage, limited Odginal BMW Parts warranty. · 6,000 mile service intervals. · Authorized sales and service available at 190 locations. , · Technical Service hot line for service and parts support. Special Police and Emergency Equipment: · Adjustable solo seat with radio box. · 100 Watt Electronic Siren - waiVyelp signals with PA interface. · Auxiliary cooling fans - essential for an engine which has to be kept running while the motorcycle is stationary. · BMW 'City Case' Police Bags. · Front/~ear Protection Bars. · Auxiliary battery - reserve power for long duty. Recharges from the stanclarcl 700 w charging system. · Dual front and mar strobes. · Special authority speedometer, · 2 -12 volt accessory outlet sockets, · Rear emergency flasher system, · Standard color- BMW Police Black & White, Optional Equipment: · Rear 'Pole Light', telescoping strobe. · Additional BMW colors ~upi. i~,'~',~ at additional cost and' require additional delivery time). Flashlight/Night Stick Holder. Push-To-Talk Switch. Amber Side Turn Signals. BMW of North America. Inc. Motorcycle Authority Program Technical Data: Motor _ Type: Valves: "DiSplacement: ......... Cylinder Bore. ,/Stro'ke~ .. Power Output: TorQue: Compres~'i0~: i' '. - Cooling' Valve Timing: - . Fuel Preparation' catai'yl:ic Converter:' .. Crankshaft:: , Gea~ox: Goat Ratio: Rear Axle Gearing: Electrical System l'iEngine co, n,.tr0~ system- IGeneratoq. ,. Battery~ Dimensions. and Weig.hts Lenc. lth: Wheelbase: Tank Volume: 'Sea;l: hei~l~t Unlade~n: Unladen weigl3t, without official equipment: ..... Total Weight:' ,.., BMW R1100 RT-P iiii . 2. c¥1in,der, 4 stroke boxer engine 4 valyes per. cylinder 1085 cc 90 mm / 70.5 mm 66 DIN kW/,90 HP @ ,7,250 mm, 69 Ib:):ft ~iI 5.500 rpm . 10.7:1 Air /Oii - J ii i .......... HC. chain Bosch Motronic MA 2.2 with overrun fuel cutoff. i Regulated S-way catalyst with lambda pr0..be. , 2 beadng.,sets . 5 speed 1st 4.16; 2nd 2.91; 3rd 2.13; lth '1.74: 5th 1.45-1 i iii i 2.91 '1 i i ii Motr~nic" 700 W 12V/19Ah 87:~.in. (2230 mm) .. '" ... 58.3...,!.n. (1480 mm) 6.8 gallon includes approx. 1 gallo'n reserve Adjustable to 30.7 in.. 31.5 in. or 32.3 in. seat heights. 622 lb. (282 kg) 1580 lb. (490 Performance I~0P Sp..eecl: , .! ...... IAccelerati. o.n 50-1' bO 'mph ' Acceleration 1~..,4 mile: ' J Fue,!,: .... Chassis iii ii Frame: Fork: SUs,'Pe~sion Tra~;~ei: .Swi. ng.Arm' , , _ Final Ddve: S~spension strut: Suspe,nsion trav,et': Brakes Front' Rear: i ii i ii ii Brake linings: Wheels' Rim' ~'ize' Tires- Cast Alloy Front: Cast Alloy Rear: Cast Alloy Front: Cast Alloy Rear: 12,0 mDh, aDproximate .....' ' 11.2 sec 13.28'sec @ 97 mDl3" i ! i i i I Unleaclecl Premium i i iii ii i i 'Distortio'~ resistant, 3 part, mac~e Of front and rear frame sections in combination with a load bearing " engine. BI~iW Televe~ With Cer~tral 'shocl~ i1! i i i ii 4.7 in,. (120 mm} Si ,n, gle swing arm' (BM~ ParaleVe.r) .Drive shaft with dng and pinion. Centrally Iocatecl shock with infinitely vadable rebound adjustment, hydraulic suspension pre-loading, infinitely adjustable' 5.3,, in. (135 mm) Double disc-brake 12 inches (305 mm) in diameter, with floating bearings, 4 piston, fixed yokes. Single disc-brake, 10.2 inches (260 mm) in diameter, fixecl, with 2 piston floating yokes.. Facle reSist~nt~ 'B. MW Cas~' Alloy; wheels. 3.50 x 17 MT H2 4.50 x 18 MT H2 127/70 ZR 17 tubeless 160/60 ZR 18 tubeless BMW of North America, Inc. Motorcycle Authority Program Warranty Limited .Warranty BMW Police Motorcycle (Valid only in the U.S.A,) BMW of North America~ inc., warrants to the first retail Public Authority (Purchaser) ancl each subsequent Purchaser of 1999 U.S. specification BMW Police motorcycles, imported by BMW of North America, Inc., to be free of clefects in materials or workmanship for a pedod of 3 years, without mileage limitation, commencing with the date the motorcycle is placed into service by the Purchaser. To obtain service under this warranty, the motorcycle must be brought, upon discovery of the defect, to the workshop of any authorized BMW motorcycle retailer. This retailer'wiil, without charge for parts or labor, either repair or replace the defective part(s) using new or authorized remanufactured parts. The decision to repair or,. replace said part(s)is solely the prerogative of BMW of North America, Inc. Parts for which replaqements are made become the property of BMW of North America, Inc. BMW of North America, Inc., makes no other express warranty on this product except the warranty as to the emission control system. The cluration of any implied warranties, including the implied warranty of merchantability, is iimitecl to the duration of the express warranty.herein. BMW of North America, Inc., hereby excludes incidental and consequential damages, including loss of time, inconvenience, or loss of use of the vehicle, for any breach of any express or implied warranty, including any implied warranty of mercl3antability that may be applicable to this procluct.' Some states do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts, or the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitations and exclusions may not apply to you. This warranty gives you specific legal dgl~ts, and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state. Any legal claim or action arising from any express or implied warranty contained herein must be brought within 12 months of the date it arises. The following items are warrantable for defects in material ancl workmanship for the first 12 months: · Paint and powder coat finishes · Battery . · Clutch Plates This warranty cloes not apply to tl~e following' Maintenance Services - This includes, but is not limited to, scheduled maintenance, such as oil changes, wheel balancing; mechanical adjustments or · repairs which become necessary through normal wear and tear such as carburetor/throttle body synchronization or steering bearing adjustments; or periodic maintenance such as input and Paralever ddve shaft spline lubrications. o Service & Wear Items - This includes, but is not limited to, the replacement of .- brake pads, linings and rotor assemblies, clutch plates, rear ddve chain and sprockets, spring strut dampers, steering head, wheel and swing arm bearings and ball joints, incandescent bulbs, fuses and rubber items such as hand grips, foot rests, foot shift, control cables, exhaust pipes and mufflers for discoloration of finish. Batteries - Batteries that exhibit signs of neglect or overcharging. , Tires - Tires are warranted by their respective manufacturer for defects in materials and workmanship. Emergency Lighting ancl Siren Systems- These components are warranted by their respective manufacturer for defects in material anti workmanship. Lack of Service - This includes, but is not limited to, damage attributable to failure to perform maintenance' services at the specified intervals or in accordance with the instructions in the Rider's Manual and/or Service & Technical booklet and/or Warranty Information/Service History booklet. Proof must be provided either by a paid invoice cody or filling in the appropriate boxes in the Service & Technical booklet or Warranty Information/Service History booklet. D~mage - This includes, but is not limited to, d~mage resulting from negligence, improper treatment, accidents or improper accident damage reDairs, corrosion from road salts, battery acid, cleaning agents, environmental influences, or treatment contrary to the Rider's Manual, Service & Technical booklet and/or Warranty Information/Service History booklet. ' Non-BMW Parts - Damage to a component or assembly clue to the installation of replacement parts with specifications that differ in any material respect from Original BMW Psrts. Towing - The warranty shall be null anct void if: 1. The motorcycle is usect in any competitive events. 2. The motorcycle has been declared a total loss or sold for salvage purposes. 3. If the Vehicle Identification Number has been altered or cannot be reacl. 4. Any performance accessories or components attached to the vehicle which alters the original engineenng ancL/or operating specifications which results or may result in damage to other original components. A & S BMW MOTORCYCLES 1125 ORLAND AVENUE ROSEVILLE, CA 95661 (916) 726-7334 02-01-01 CITY OF TUSTIN PD BMW MOTORCYCLE MODEL R1100RT-P/CHP VERSION FS MS100 DYNAMAX SPEAKER DYNAMAX SPEAKER MOUNT UM 80K UNITROL SIREN AMP SIREN HARNESS UNITROL UM80K AMP 2X PLUG TRIPLE PTT SWITCH NOTE PAD HOLDER GS-2 FS STROBE LIGHT- BLUE GH-2FS HALOGEN LIGHT- RED SERIES 52 LINEAR STROBE- BLUE SERIES 52 LINEAR STROBE- AMBER UPS-690 STROBE AMP UPS-690 MOUNTING KIT SIDE STROBE MOUNTING KIT CLEAR SIDE STROBE CLEAR SIDE STROBE ANTENNA PLAIN THROTTLEMEISTER CHP PAINT RADIO HARNESS MOTOROLA RADIO HARNESS TAX 7.50% TOTAL BUY BACK AFTER 3 YEARS OR 60,000 MILES $15,990.00 PARTS 182.32 42.18 420.6O NC 2.75 55.35 28.53 79.20 79.20 102.30 102.30 343.20 68.53 99.00 99.00 99.00 16.94 NC NC NC 17,930.64 1.,344.70 $19,275.34 $ 9,258.70 LABOR $31.02 15.51 31.02 65.14 31.02 (15.51) 31.02