HomeMy WebLinkAbout12 PATROL UNITS 02-20-01-, A, GEND A RE ORT NO. 12 o 2-2 o-o ,, .,~ I III III III II I MEETING DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: FEBRUARY 20, 2001 WILLIAM A. HUSTON, CITY MANAGER POLICE DEPARTMENT AWARD BID FOR FIVE PATROL UNITS SUMMARY A purchase of five 2001, black and white police patrol units is necessa.ry to replace existing high- mileage units and replace a marked unit recently totaled in a traffic collision. RECOMMENDATION o That City Council awards the bid for five 2001 Ford Crown Victoria vehicles for marked police patrol to Wondries Chevrolet of Alhambra, in the amount of $115,410 plus tax. . That Council awards the bid for conversion of four of the five police patrol, units to Pursuit Technology, Inc..of Buena Park, California in the amount of $19,785 plus tax. The fifth unit will be converted using existing equipment. . That Council authorizes the Police Department to acquire five Mobile Audio Video Systems from Kustom Signals, Inc., Lenexa, Kansas in the amount of $26,425 plus tax. FISCAL IMPACT . $115,410 plus applicable taxes from the Police Vehicle account . $50,307 plus applicable taxes from the Equipment Replacement Fund BACKROUND in Fiscal Year 00/01, it is necessary to replace five marked police units due to the combination of high mileage and service history. Four cars are due to be replaced because of mileage and service history and an additional car is needed due to a recent accident, which totaled a unit. Wondries Chevrolet has vehicles available for delivery under L. A. County Contract #200205. We have utilized this vendor for several years with excellent service. William A. Huston, City Manager February 20, 2001 Page 2 Bids were sent to three vendors with two returning quotes. Pursuit Technology, Inc. was the low bidder. Pursuit Technology, Inc. bid $19,785 plus tax, while GW Enterprise bid $21,130 plus tax. It is recommended that the conversion be authorized through Pursuit Technology, Inc. in the amount of $4,776 per unit, plus tax. The department has an ongoing replacement program for the Mobile Audio Video units, which completely replaces the inventory over a five-year period. There are five units budgeted this fiscal year. The department is standardizing on the Kustom Signals' "Eyewitness" unit, which has proven to be a desirable system and on the leading edge of development. Research indicates there are no better units on the market. Continuation with the "Eyewitness" standardizes our service and repair parts inventory and ensures compatibility with existing inventory. Kustom Signals is the sole source for the "Eyewitness" system. Recommend purchase through Kustom Signals, Inc. at $4,905.00, plus tax. Attached for information is the quote from Wondries Chevrolet and information on the quote from Pursuit Technology, Inc. and also Kustom Signals, Inc. Funds are available for the purchases recommended. STEVE FOSTER Chief of Police SF:JBP:et Attachment ~lJC;r23--Or-'j 04 ' 88 PI'I ;'1' ;1 ~. '"'1 J~,'"',=t WOFIDR I ESmFLEET*GROUP 8 I 8 457 559~; '"~"T lr~ Pi, HI)f'IlIlIST~'AT~,]rl, = ~'18 4.," "'"" 5.=c Police Depadrner~t ~~ch 9, 1999 Iv~. Joe CozmeU Wondries Fleet (~roup 1247 West 'Main Street P. O. Box 3850 Alhambra, CA 91803 Dear Mr. Cannel]' City Of. Tustin 300 Cervix. ~lf~ial Way Tustln, CA 92780 Per our telephone conversa6on ~'q date, th~ will confixm our intent to ordcr eight 1999 Crown Victoria Police In tercept.ors We anticipate thJ~ purchase will be approved at the Coun~ meet~gI of AI)~I ~, 1999. We can t~em deUve~ of ~e v~~ m~~e ~e~e~r. I zee&veal fl~e pre~ous ~~~o~ for ~e ve~de~ ~& cost ~aet. ~ ~ere h~ b~ a ~~ge m ~st, ple~e adze ~ so~ ~ pos~ble. 'l'hazLlt yuu for youx help. STEVE FOSTER Chi~ of Poltce Commeazder Inve.sti gati un ~Services Division ' ~IJG-, 2S--Or--'J r-'J4 " 07 PM 45? 5595 r~P ......'-. S--FLEETs. GROUP 818 457 5595 FLEET DIVISION I ;.J4'? W~'_-;C M~;n ,c,t.r-eet. P.O. Box 3850, Alhambra. CA 6~_. ~/457-5590 626/457-5593 Fe× Augus! 23, 2000 l,t. James Peer), Tustm Police Dc-pt. 300 Centennial Way 'l'ustin, Ca 92680 l')elivcry via Fax (714) 544-6 i 36 13ear I,t. Peery' In reslxmse to your inquiry, we are pleased to submit thc following tbr your oonsidemlion. Wondries Fleet Crroup will sell, service and deliver, at Tustin New/lJnused 2001 Ftml Crown Victoria Police Sedan responding to thc attached speeifioation l:{~r $23,082.00 plus tax. 'lhcse vehicles are available und~ the Cooperative Purchase Provision of tho l,os Angeles County bid # a nonbinding "Letter of Intent" will initiate thi~ ordt,n' 1)elivery is seventy (70)days A.R.O. Terms are Net 20 days ~~_~~'Sincerely' ~ {/WONDRIES FLEE]' GROUP TOYOTA u Z0 o 0 ... -- L, Z--LC' ~0 ' cl £6S~ iS~ 8 T 8 aooaD*i339~*s3 I ~(INOM PURSUIT TECHNOLOGY, INC. 8331-C ARTESIA BLVD. BUENA PARK, CA 90621 USA Quoted to: CITY OF TUSTIN FIELD SERVICES 3 00 CENTEIgNIAL WAY TUSTIN, CA 92780 Quotatio Quote Numbe: Quote Dat~ Nov 6, 200 Page Customer ID TUST Good Thru z2/6/oo Payment Terms Net 30 Days Sales Rep TONY Quantity ....... 'i. %'0 4,00 4.00 4,00 4.00 4-00 4.0O 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4,00: 4.00 Item b'$'l~'' 7300ALRC754 DBN UTM4 DBN NCO 7R TP- 3S- F 2 - PAR-25- 06o10 TR AC- CFKIT98 AC- PBM95 .*ED LF18ER .~EDEC 1191 tAPCO BUMPER 98-2000 TR AC-NPR (D) Tn AC - N p~ (p) 4.ooc/H 24o59 4.O0~R TUST 4 00~ECALS 4 00~ECALS 4.0oFED UPKM 4.00STRIP OLD CAR Description MX .L/B W/AS8 DLX/MULT INTER SIREN/PA, 6 LIGHT ACC SWITCH, NOISE CANCELING MIC FOR A 2000 C.V. TROY LOWER EXT PANEL 92-98 C.V../CAPRIC~, FLOOR MOUNT POSSE BOOK/BEV~.RA~E HOLDER CM-C0648oS LITTLELITE MAPLIGHT (18" PROSTRAINT SEAT Cv 99 + 2000 98-2000 CROWN VIC. BUMPER SILICONE EDGE GUARD C06/C08 SILICONE EDGE GUARD C06/C08 CAST SPKR (2000 ~ORD C.v.) ~A5201- 98VIC-4) ~0 AMP SOLENOID GRAPHICS AS PER TUSTIN SPEC 2" UNIT NUMBERS FOR FRONT/PEAR 10" & 18" ROOF NUMBERS PARK KILL MODULE STRIP OUT OLD EQUIPTMENT ! 4.00 , ~RUNK SIDE PANNELS 4. o o ,.ABOR ~0 YNSTALL DECALS 4.00MISC MATERIAL ~ISC MATERIAL FULL BUILD · ......... FAX i HA~MI t ]'AL # of Pages ~..~.._._ ro:.)Ta~ /'~F/~, ...__ FROM: CO: .. . . . PURSUIT / BAIl: . _. PHONE: (?"."' ' :3 !::A'K d__ FAX # .' . '~' H031 J. In$~nd Unit Price 1 , 195, O0 515.00 36.00 355,00 5'3.50 58.50 51, B5 93.00 36.00 375.00 140. 00 19.75 19.75 180.00 22.75 285.00 25.00 85.00 25,00 40.OO 75.00 Subtotal Sales Tax Total LE~IEg§PIL ~I 'gO Extension 4 , 780.00 2,060.00 144.00 1,420.00 214.00 234.00 207.40 372. 00 144.00. 1,500.00i 560. 79. 79. OOi 720.00 91.00 1, 140.00 100.00 340.00 100, 300 0 Continued Continued Continued P661/80/I0 PUI:t$UIT TECHNOLOGY, INC. 8331-C ARTESIA BLVD. BUENA PARK, CA 901521 USA Quoted to: CITY OF TUSTIN FIELD SERVICES 300 CENTENNIAL WAY TUSTIN, CA 92780 ! Quotatio: Quote Numbe 62! Quote Da~ Nov g, 201[ Pag, i ...... Customer ID 1 ! TUST Good Thru Payment Terms Net 30 Days Sales Rep TONY [ ..... Quantity ! 4.00 , 4.00 4 O0 ' 4.00 · 4.00 i , i Item Description LABOR DR SIDEWINDER TAL ANXMB 8 U rR FP-UNIT4 ['R F P - BI/gK1 IINs;fALL ~OVE DEWXNDER SHOTGUN RACK G. BRAC~T- PELI~ TRAVEL VALFLT I~IDDEL 17 00 COA~[ CABLE FOR RG58 CABLE CONNECTORS UNI TROL FACEPLATE i l" BIlK Unit Price 795.00 215.50 25.00 18.50 28.50 7.85 Subtotal Sales Tax Total Extension 3,180.00 862.00 10o.00 74.00 114.00i 31.40i 19,105.80 1,195.50 ~0 301 30 513 Bg~d HOBI ±InSt~d LgCiIggCi~- IL §I 'E13 PB61/813/I13 ~~'.~t~~'. Date: Monday, Februa~ 12, 2001 t~':.~.,'-:.:t~' To: TUSTIN POLICE DEP~TMENT "~'~ ::':?~'~'~ ' Phone: 714-573-3200 '.?'..'~'.~ Fax: ~ 714-730-80 7 ~;..~~':~ ~ From: GW ENTE~mSE ehone: ~ ~: .Pages' ~-~/~ ."~'~...:..~:~;:'.:-~~ ~.;~...':~/"~.~,~.. Subject: QUOTE ON 4 PA~OL CARS ~..:~...:.:~,:...~ . GW'S ~SHES"TO T~K LT. PE~Y ~D THE }~~-':"~'~':~:~ TUST~ POLICE DEPONENT FOR ~..,. ~:~...~:;.~_~:: CONSIDE~NG GW'S FOR THIS WO~. .o I OB/Jan/2001 88:.':!4 PT FROM: Concord Fax S~ruic~ TO: SI~T P~UL flI~RflVEH .. k((((((( KUS'I'OJlII SIGNALS, INC. A SUBSIDIARY OF PUBLIC SAFETY EQUIPMENT, INC 9325 Pflumm, Lenexa KS 66215-3347 913-492-1400 Fax g13-492-1703 ;ales~.~ku s tomsignals.com www.kustomsignals.com Date 11812001 To... SGT PAUL GARAVEN TUSTIN POLICE DEPT 300 CENTENNIAL WAY TUSTIN CA 92680 Item Oty 'Product Description Quotation Quote # 3802999495641 Terms Net 30 This Quote Expires on Phone 949-856-6788 Fax 714-730-8027 5 EYEWITNESS INDUSTRIAL GRADE PATROL CAR SURVEILLANCE SYSTEM, HEATED VAULTY TYPE LOCKER, OVERHEAD CONSOLE WITH INTEGRATED CONTROL, COLOR CAMERA, 12:1 ZOOM, COLOR MONITOR UNIT PRICE INCLUDES 1ST AND 2ND YR WARRANTY 5 SHIPPING AND HANDLING 5 IN CAR MIC 5 TONE CODED SQUELCH 5 VARIED F-2 FREQUENCIES 5 EYEWITNESS INSTALLATION -- THRU C.S.S. -- RICK YOUNG 6261852-1530 I CA SALES TAX AT 7.75% 0510112001 , , Unit Price 4,300.00 35.00 95.0O 200.00 25.0O 250.00 1,900.69 Page I of 1 SubTotal $21,500.00 $175.00 $475.00 $1,000.00 $125.00 $1,250.00 $1,900.69 Total 26,425.69 Signature Title DONNA BERGER INSIDE SALES REP DONNA BERGER - dberger(~kustomsignals.com 9325 PFLUMM RD LENEXA, KS 66215-3347 .....