HomeMy WebLinkAbout06 LEASE PHOTOCOPIER 02-05-01FEBRUARY 5, 2001 WILLIAM A. HUSTON, CITY MANAGER OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK LEASE AGREEMENT- REPLACEMENT OF PHOTOCOPIER EQUIPMENT In 1996, the City Council approved a 60-month lease and maintenance agreement for two photocopiers with Image IV Systems, Inc. for City Hall's reproduction room. That lease agreement is ready to expire this month. A third copier, shared by the Community Development and Public Works Departments, has a separate lease agreement with Image IV Systems, Inc. and is due to expire next year. In preparation for lease expiration, staff solicited bids for replacement of the three photocopiers. Staff included the Community Development/Public Works Department copier in the bid proposal in order to upgrade t'he copier to digital. Authorize the City Manager to execute a 60-month lease, maintenance and supply agreement with Image IV Systems, Inc. for three digital photocopiers, subject to approval by the City Attorney. · Annual appropriation for copier lease is approximately $53,000 which includes all duplicating expenses. The current annual lease and maintenance agreement for the City's throo Konica copiers totals approximately $24,400, excludin§ supplies. Tho proposed new annual lease and maintenance agreement, including supplies (except paper and staples), for three Konica digital copiers would total approximately $36,000. In 1996, the City entered into an agreement with Image IV Systems, Inc. for two Konica PhOtocopiers used in the reproduction room. This equipment is utilized for the majority of photocopying needs for City Hall including the production of City Council and Planning Commission Agenda packets. In 1997, an agreement with Image IV Systems, Inc. was executed 'for a third Konica photocopier shared by the Community Development and Public Works Departments. All three copiers are at or nearing the Lease Agreement- Photocopier Equipmen! Page 2 end of their productive lifespan and have increasingly become less reliable, requiring more service, and the copy quality has continued to deteriorate. The following bids for three digital photocopiers for a 60-month lease were received' Image IV Systems, Inc. Oce' USA Xerox $179,742.00 188,100.00 206,605.20 If the lease agreement with Image IV Systems, Inc. is approved by the City Council, the cost for leasing one (1) digital Konica 7045 copier, one (1) digital Konica 7055 copier, and one (1) digital Konica 7075 is $1,009.70 per month for 60 months with a fair market value buyout. The cost of maintenance and supplies (excluding paper and staples) for the three digital copiers is $1,987.50 per month for 60 months. The total cost for 60 months would be $179,742.00. The proposed copiers will be digital and connected to the City's computer network system allowing employees to send print jobs directly to the copiers. The copiers can be used as printers at an average page cost of .01 cent per copy.compared to .05 cents per copy utilizing a printer. This process will save time as well as money. The two copiers leased in 1996 will be surplused and the Community Development/Public Works Department shared copier will be .relocated to the Water Yard to replace an 11-year old existing copier. For the past five years, the City has been using Konica' photocopier equipment. Staff · has found the equipment's performance above average, service responses from Image IV Systems, Inc. have been prompt, and supplies have been delivered in a timely manner. Staff has been satisfied with Image IV Systems, Inc. and recommends that the City Council approve the 60-month lease with Image IV, Systems, Inc. for three (3) Konica digital photocopiers. Attached are. copies of the bid proposals submitted by Image IV Systems, inc.', Oce' USA, and Xerox. Attachment b.cm. Copier Lease Image IV LESSOR: IMAGE IV SYSTEMS, INC. 512 S. Varney Street Burbank, CA 91502-4374 ....... ""% ipment Lease Agreement Agreement # LESSEE:" ~z ~ ,~ ~" 7"¢.~'~/,~/'' __ (Full Legal IState) TLO (Counr¢) f Quantity E~_uiDment Mo¢¢1 & Description _Serial Number O See attached schedule for additional Equipment ~~ TRANSACTION TERMS: RENT $ 7L/~<:~ ~' '7/~ (plus applicable taxes). PAYABLE: ' (checkone) (~i~onthly O Other( LEASE TERM 0 ADVANCE RENT $ (plus appiicable taxes) O SECURITY DEPOSIT $ -' (:~ '"-' PURCHASE OPTION AT END OF LEASE TERM: (~) Fair Market Value Equipment Location (if different from Lessee address above): ,/-~ ~ Lessee Contact/Telephone: .~(~ z z/z~j ,~'.~ ....~ ~ '2 Z7 /. "'~..~ ;-. .; ·,...'.. '~:i.:-"iii:!:.'-'ave written this Lease in plain language because we want you to understand its terms. Please read your copy of this Lease carefully and feel free to ask 'iJs'any questions you may have. The words "you" and "your" mean the Lessee named above. The words "-' ......... we, us, and "our" refer to the Lessor named above. IMPORTANT: READ BEFORE SIGNING. THE TERMS OFTHIS LEASE (INCLUDING THOSE ON THE REVERSE SIDE) SHOULD BE READ CAREFULLY BECAUSE ONLY THOSE TERMS IN WRITING ARE ENFORCEABLE. TERMS OR ORAL PROMISES WHICH ARE NOT CONTAINED IN THIS WRITTEN LEASE MAY NOT BE LEGALLY ENFORCED. :YOU MAY CHANGE THE TERMS OF THIS LEASE ONLY BY ANOTHER WRITTEN AGREEMENT BETWEEN YOU AND US. YOU AGREE TO COMPLY WITH THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OFTHIS LEASE. THIS LEASE IS NOT CANCEL. ABLE. YOU AGREE THAT THE EQUIPMENT WILL BE USED FOR BUSINESS PURPOSES ONLY AND NOT FOR PERSONAL, FAMILY OR HOUSEHOLD PURPOSES. YOU CERTIFY THAT ALL THE INFORMATION GIVEN IN THIS LEASE AND YOUR APPUCATION WAS CORRECT AND COMPLETE WHEN THIS LEASE WAS SIGNED. THIS LEASE IS NOT BINDING UPON US OR EFFECTIVE UNTILAND UNLESS WE EXECUTE THIS LEASE. THIS LEASE WiLL BE GOVERNED BYTHE LAWS OFTHE STATE WHERE LESSOR HAS ACCEPTED AND EXECUTED THIS LEASE. YOU AGREE TO THE JURISDICTION AND VENUE OF FEDERALAND STATE COURTS LOCATED WHERE THIS LEASE IS ACCEPTED AND EXECUTED BY LESSOR. ACCEPTED BY: PROPOSED BY: LESSOR: IMAGE IV SYSTEMS, INC. ~, LEssEE: . (Legal Name) BY: .~ BY: X I~,gnature of AuthoriZed uJgner~ ISignature of Authoriz~ S,gner) TITLE: (Printed Name and Titiel (Printed Name and Title) DATE: ',/. DATE: FED TAX ID,~: UNCONDITIONAL GUARANTY tn consideration of Lessor entering into' the above Lease in reliance on this guaranty, the undersigned, together and separateiy, unconditionally and irrevo:ab!y guarantee to Lessor, its successors and assigns, the prompt payment and pedormance of all obligations under the Lease. We agree that (a) mis is a guaranty of payment and not of colle:tion, and that Lessor can proceed directly against us without disposing of any security or seeking to colle:t from Lessee, (b) we waive all defenses and notices, including those of protest, presentment and demand, (c) Lessor may renew, extend or otherwise change the terms of the Lease without notice to us and we will be bound by such changes, and (d) we will pay all of Lessor's costs of enforcement and collection. This guaranty survives the bankruptcy of Lessee and binds our administrators, successors and assigns. Our obligations under this guaranty continue even if Lessee becomes insolvent or bankrupt or is discharged from bankrupts' and we agree no: rc seek to be repaid by Lessee in the event we must pay Lessor. THIS GUARANTY WILL BE GOVERNED BY THE SAME STATE LAW AS THE LEASE. WE AGREE TO JURISDICTION AND VENUE IN THE STATE AND FEDERAL COURTS IN THE SAME STATE AND COUNTY. PERSONAL: PERSONAl'- By. Individually By Individually Address: Address: Social Security Number: Social Security Number:._ Witness: Witness: TERMS AlYD CONDFi'iON$ 1. LEASE. Sublr:c! t.'J ti',,: l~r::rrt:, of ff,.'. Leas, r.. yr~[; a.~'er; ir'"' us. ir,r: :..";~j;~')q'l~:r;! dr;~',cr~br.,~ r./;',e '~-,,r.'rse .~,,J,: ',,,':er ,,,~ ;j;;~:,' ,'r,,:. ',/ ~'.~,'~',-, ~';::r,ltfle5 or tr,,: f'rm' .'.,~';e '.,' t',s L~:a',~; Or,iCE WE ACCEPT THIS LEASE, YOU MAY NOT CANCEL IT DURING TIlE FULL LEASE TERM. :. Ic 1',,: ,,//~r ';, t,'t al' thr; term:, ;' tr ,; Z. DELIVERY AND ACCEPTANCE OF EQUIPMENT, Accr:p~,,.~ce of the E.9:j,prrtf:rl! r.~cur.", Uptm dei,er¢ ?,/r~er, yr~u fe'..e.,,,:. :'e .;. ~..~ pr',e'~..~'ou ,jyrer. Ir, m:,~::: ~: and to ver~f/b/teiept¢~.~'.: O' ir, wf,tlrL~ Such mf~rmallur; as, ',,~: rr,a-¢ Del",,¥'¢ ar~C ~'~$:allal~on cos, t: are tf~u' rf;:,porl;ibdd¥ If fgu ;~gr~;d a purcha~,e Cgrltra.'.' fgr the £quipmer,'. [;f s,:j',r,"j th~s Lease y~.,,; a:.'...~' .¢~.r :L~hl~, but nor~e o' y~' c,51,gat~on:, under it. 15 uS, 3. RENT. You agre.~: to Pat u~, Ran'. (plus appl,cab:e taxa..'.,) when each pa/mere; ~:, due If your Rent ~,a~.er;t.; are duc tr, A.sl',,a-,'~.:. 'f~u' fir.~' Rent pa.truant ~; due orl the date you acne;! the [.Cl:~pment V',/e w~ll a.d,,~:,e you a.~ t'~ ,5,!.the daP: of cant, Rent payment, ar~ Ibj lhe a,'ld;es~ to wh,ch y~; mu.~l send your payrr~er¢,~, Rent ~s due whe:he, Or ns; you receive ar, ~:r/c~se. frs."r, u.s. You W~ll pay us err/re:Ju,red AdranrJe Rent or ~,.,u'~ty Depos~l when you '.,~ln th~; [ ' Depr,~.,.~t,s o' Advance Rents mat be. corr~rmnglod ond do no1 earn interest. Provided y~; are not in detault, we may a;ply your .Secu,t! ~;,/'~rt to tl,e lasl Rent paymen~ of to you~ purchase option or. we may refund the Secumy Depc he' the Lea~e Term exp,res and the Equipment is returned m a~dance with Seclion 16. If we collect more that, o'~ Parlment as Ad¢ar, ce Rent, we may apply such Advar,ce Rent to the last Ran1 pa'irt,ant You aulhor~/e us to change ~. ,y nc., more than 15% due Io changes in the Equipment configuration which may occur prior tO O~r acceptance of th~, Lease. Restrictive endcr~e,'r,ent,., on checks you send to us wdJ not reduce your obligations to us. Unless e proper exemption 'cerlilicet~ i~ provided, applicable ~,,le~ end u~e taxes will be ~dded 1o the Rent. 4. UNCONDITIONAL OBLIGATION. YOU AGREE THAT YOU ARE UNCONDITIONALLY OBLIGATED TO PAY ALL RENT Al'iD ANY OTHER AMOUNTS DUE UNDER THIS LEASE FOR THE FULL LEASE TERM EVEN IF TH[ EQUIPMENT IS DAMAGED OR DESTROYED, IF IT IS DEFECTIVE OR IF YOU HAVE TEMPORARY OR PERMANENT LOSS OF ITS USE. YOU ARE NOT ENTITLED TO REDUCE OR SET-OFF AGAINST RENT OR OTHER AMOUNTS DUE UNDER THIS LEASE FOR ANY REASON WHATSOEVER. $. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES. THE EQUIPMENT IS BEING LEASED TO YOU IN AS-IS CONDITION. NO INDIVIDUAL IS AUTHORIZED TO CHANGE ANY PROVISION OF THIS LEASE. YOU AGREE THATWE HAVE NO1 MANUFACTURED THE EQUIPMENT AND THAT YOU HAVE SELECTED THE EQUIPMENT BASED UPON YOUR OWN JUDGMENT. YOU HAVE NOT RELIED ON ANY STATEMENTS WE OR OUR EMPLOYEES HAVE MADE. WE HAVE NOT MADE AND DO NOT MAKE ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES WHATSOEVER, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE EQUIPMENT'S MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAF PURPOSE, SUITABILITY, DESIGN, CONDITION, DURABILITY, OPERATION, QUALITY OF MATERIALS OR WORKMANSHIP, OR COMPLIANCE WITH SPECIFICATIONS OR APPLICABLE LAW. You are aware of the name of the Equipmen' manufacturer and you will contact the manufacturer for a description of your warranty rights. Provided you are not in default under ',his Lease, you may enforce all warranty rights directly against the manufacturer of the Equipment. You agree settle any dispute you may have regarding performance of the Equipment directly with the manufacturer of the. Equipment. $. TITLE AND SECURITY INTEREST. The Equir, ment is and shall remain our sole property during the Lease Term. Unles~ y~ are in default under this Lease. you shall have the right to Peacefully possess and use the Equipmenl durin~ the Lease Term· You hereby appoint us (or our agent) as your true and lawful attorney-ir,-fact to affix your signature to UCC financing stateme.r~ts prepared and filed on your behalf by us (or our agent) with the same force and effect a; if you had signet such financing statements. If we request, you agree to sign financing statements in order for us to publicly reco~d our security interest. This Lease or a copy of this Lear. e shall be sufficient as a fln~,ncing statement and may be filed as such 7. USE, MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR. You wifi not move the Equipment from the Equipment Location without our advance writ',~n consent. You will give us reasonable access to the Equipment Location so that we can check the Equipment'.', exi,.,te~e, condition and proper maintenance. You will use the Equipment in the manner for which it was inter, dad, as required by al; ap.ohcable manuals and instructions and keep it eligible for any manufacturer's certification and/or standard. · serwce maintenance contract. At your own cost and ex~nse, you will keep the Equipment in 9GOd repair, condition and working order, ordinar¢ wear and tear excepted. All replacement part.~ and repairs will become our property. You will not mak~ any, permanent alterations to the. Equipment. 8. TAXES. You agree that you will pay us, when invoiced, all t. axes. (includin9 any sales, use and persgnal property taxes), fine.'-, interest and penalties relating ~ this Lease and the Equipment (excluding taxes based on our net income). You agree (a) to either (1) reimburse us annually for all personal property taxes which we ma'/be required to pay a~ the owner of the Equil:men:. or {2) to remit to us each month our estimate of the monthli/equivalent of the annual personal property taxes to be ar, sassed. {b) to pay us for the loss of any income tax benefits caused by your actions, and (c) should an increase in the federal corpo:at.e income tax rate or a change in the 'accelerated cost recovery deductions' allowed by the Internal Revenue Code o' 1985, as amended, adversely affect our after-tax earnings or cash flows, we may increase, the Rent and other amounts due ~;n~er tn, i~ Lease to offset any such adverse effect. 9. INDEMNITY. We are not responsible for any injuries, damages, penalties, claims or losses, including ~egal expenses, incurred by you or any other person caused by the transportation, in~.'.aliatJon, manufacture, selection, purchase, lease, ownership, possession, modification, maintenance, condition, operation, use, return or disposition of the Equipment. You agree to reimburse us for and defend us against any claims for such losses, damages, penalties, claims, injuries, or expenses. This indemnity continues even after this Lease has expired for acts or omissions whit.', occurred during the Le~se Term. 10. IDENTIFICATION. You authorize us to insert er correct missing information on this Lease, including y~ur official name. seria', nurr:bers and any other information describing the Equipment. We will send you copies of such changes. You will at,ch to the Equipment any name plates or stickers we ;rovide you. · 11. LOSS OR DAMAGE. You are responsible for any loss of the Equipment from any cause at all. whether or net insured, from the time the Equipment is shipped to you until it is returned to us. If any item of Equipment is lost, stolen or damaged. you will promptly notify us of such event. Then, at our option, you will either (a) repair the Equipment so that it is in good condition and working order, eligible for any manufacturer's certification, or {b) pay us an amount equal to the Net Book Value (as defined in Section 14) of.the lost. stolen or damaged Equipment. If you have satisfied your obligations under ~his Section 11, we will forward to you any insurance proceeds which we receive for los~, damaged, or destroyed Equipment. If you in defaul.'., we will apply any insurance proceeds we receive tc reduce your obligatio.qs under Section 14 of this Lease. 12. INSURANCE. You a.oree to (a) keep the Equi;ment fully insured against loss, naming us as loss ~ye'.,e, and (b) obtain a general public liability insurance poli~ covering both personal injury and property damage in amounts not less than we may tell you, naming us as a~dJtionai insured, until you have met all of your obligations under this Lease. We are under no duty to tell you if your insurance coverage is adequate. The policies shall state that we are to be notified of any proposed cancellation at least 15 days prior tc the date set for cancel;etlon. Upon our request, ye'-' agree to provide us wish certificates or other e-,,ide,qce of insurance acceptable to us. If you do not provide us with evidence of proper insurance within 10 days of GU: request or we receive notice of policy cancellation, we may (but we are not obli.oated to) obtain insurance on our interest in the Ec~ipment at your expense. You will pay all insurance premiums and related charges. 13. DEFAULT. You will be. in default under this Lease if any of the following happens: (a)we do not res. eive any Rent or other payment due hereunder within 10 days after its due date. or (b) you or any of your guarantors become insolvent. are liquidated or disso, lved, mer~e, transfer substantially ali stc, ck or assets, stop doin~ business, or assign rigtlts or property for the benefi~ of creditors, or (c) a petition is filed by or against you or any of your guarantors under any bankruptcy.?':~: :':~.',~,nc¥ law. or (d)(for individuals) you or any o.f your guarantors die, or have a guardian appointed, or re) any representa.'.ion you have made in this Lease shall prove to have been false or misleading in any material respect, or (f) you or any of y'~-: r".'.'.' :.~rs break any promise made in this Lease or an~ guaranty and do not correct the default within 10 days after we se.",cl you written notice of the default, or (9) you default on any other agreement between you and us (or our affiliates). '.' .... · · ' 14. REMEDIES. Upon the occurrence of a default, we may, in our sole discretion, do any or all of the following: (a) provide written notice to you of default (b) as liquidated damages for loss of a bargain and not as a penalty. ~,,;J,,,~e due and payable, the present value of ri) any and all amounts which may be then due and payabie by you to us under this Lease, plus (ii) all Rent payments remaining through the end of the Lease Term, plus (iii) an amount equal to our reasonable estimate of the fair market value of like equipment as of the end of ',.he Lease Term, all discounted at the higher of 6% or me lowest rate allowed by law (collectively, the "Net Book Value"}. We have the right to require you to make the Equipment available to us for repossession during reasonable business hours or we may repossess the Equipmem, so long as we do no~ breach the peace in doing so. or we may use legal process in compliance with applicable law pursuant to court order to have the Equipment repossessed. You will not make any claims against us or the Equipment for trespass, damage or any other reason. If we take possession of the Equipment we may (a) sell or lease the Equipment a: public or private sale or lease, and/or (b) exercise such other rights as may be allowed by applicable law. Although you agree that we have. no obligation to sell the Equipment, if we do sell the Equipment, we will reduce the Net Book Value by the amounts we receive. You will immediately pay us the remain;rig Net Book Value. You agree (a) that we only need to give you 10 days advance notice of any sale ansi no notice of advertising, lb) to pay all of the costs we incur to enforce our rign',s against you, including attorney's fees, and (c) that we will re'fain ell of our rights against you even if we do not choose to enforce them a' the time of your default.. 15. YOUR OPTIONS AT END OF LEASE. At least thirty (30} days prior to the exaltation of the Lease Term or any Renewal Term las such term is defined below), you shall give us written notice of your intention at the end of the Lease Term or such Renewal Term to either (a} purchase all but not less than all of the Equipment for me fair market value of me Equipment, as determined i~' us in our reasonable judgment (plus any applicable taxes), or(b) return the Equipment to us in accordance with Sec~Jon lB. If you fail to provide us with such (30) day prior written notice, or having notified us, you fail to return the Equipment in amordance with Section 16, the term of this Lease shall automatically renew for an additional term of three (3) months (each, a 'Renewal Term') and all of the provisions of this Lease shall continue to apply, including your obii,oation to pay Rent. We reserve the right to limit the number of Renewal Terms available to you. If you elect to purchase the Equipment, upon pa.vment of the agreed upon purchase price including all applicable taxes, we will transfer the Equipment to you AS-IS, WHERE-IS, WITHOUT ANY REPRESENTATION OR WARRANTY WHATSOEVER, express or implied. 16. RETURN OF EQUIPMENT. If (a) a default occurs. (b) you do not purchase the Equipment at the end of the Lease Term, or (c} you do not extend the Lease Term, you will immediately return the Equipment to any location(s) and aboard any carrie~s) we may designate in the continental United S~ates. The Equipment must Ge properly packed for shipment in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations or specifications, freight prepaid and insured, maintained in accordance with, Semior, 7, and in "Average Saleable Condition.' "Average Saleable Condition" means ~a~ all of the Equipment is immediately avqilable for use by a third party buyer, user or lessee, other than yourself, without the need for any repair or refurbishment. Ali Equipment must be free of markings. You will pay us for any missing or defective parts or accessories. You wil! continue to pay Rent until the, E(~uipment is received and accepted by us. 17. YOUR REPRESENTATIONS. You state for our benefit that as of the date of ,'his Lease {a) you have the lawful power and authority to enter into this Lease, (b) the individuals signing this Lease have been duly authorized to do so on your behalf. {c} by entering into this Lease you will not violate ar~' law or other agreement to which you are a party, id) .vou are not aware of an~"~in.o that will have a material negative effect on your ability to satisfy your obligations under this Lease, and re) al! financial information you have provided us is true and accurate and provides a g~,od representation of your financial condition. 18. YOUR PROMISES. In addition to the other provisions of this Lease, you agree that during the term of' this Lease (a} you will promptly notify us in writing if you move your principal place of business, if you change the name of your business. or if there is a change in your ovvn, ership. (b) you will provide to us such financial information as we may reasonab~, request from time to time. and (c) you will take any action we reasonably request to pro,act our rights in the Equipment and to meet your obligations under this Lease. 19. ASSIGNMENT. YOU WILL NOT SELL TRANSFER, ASSIGN, PLEDGE., SUB-LEASE OR PART WIT1.! POSSESSION OF THE EQUIPMENT, OR FILE OR PERMIT A UEN TO BE FILED AGAINST THE EQUIPMENT. You will not attach any of t.~e Equipment to any real estate. Upon our reasonable request and at your cost, you will get each person with an interest in the real estate where the Equipment is located to waive any rights they may have in the Equipment. We may. withou~ no,,ify, lng you, sell, assign, or transfer this Lease and our interests in the Equipment· You agree that if we d... so. the new owner (and any subsequent owners) will have the same rights and benefits that we now have, but will not have to perform any of our obligations. You agree that the rights of the new owner will not be subject tn, any ciaims, defenses, or set-offs that you may nave a~ains~ us. However, any such assignment, sale, or transfer of this Lease or the Equipment will not relieve us of any obligations we may have to you under this Lease. If you are given notice of a new owner of this Lease. you agree to respond to any rec~uests about this Lease and. if directed by us, to pay the new owner all Rent and other amounts due under this Lease. 20. COLLECTION EXPENSES, OVERDUE PAYMENT, TERMINATION. Yo~ a.oree that we can. Dot :o not have to, take on your ~half any action which you fail to ~ake as required by this Lease, and our expenses will be in addition to the Rent which you owe us. We may charge you a late charge to cover our collection costs eaual to the higher of 10% of any late payment or S'22. but not more than the highest legal rate. To the extent allowed by law. any late payment or non-payment of any pas: due amount will accrue interest at the lower of 18% per annum or the highest iegal rate from the due. date until paid. If you sc request and we permit the early termination of this Lease. you agree to pay a fee for such privilege. 21. COMPUANCE WITH LAWS. You understand that the Equipment may be pu~hased for cash (the 'Equipment C, ost") or it ma~' be leased. By signing this Lease. you acknowledge that you have chosen to lease the Equipment from us for the Lease Term and that you nave agreed to pay Rent. 22. MISCELLANEOUS. Th, is Lease contains our entire agreement and supe,"seoes any conflicting provision of any equipment Du~hase order or any other agreement. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE IN THIS LEASE. If a court finds any p:ovision o: t,qis Lease to be unenforceable, the remaining terms of this Lease shall re.'r, am in effect. THIS LEASE IS A "FINANCE LEASE" AS DEFINED IN ARTICLE 2A OF THE UNIFORM COMMERCIAL CODE- You authorize us (or our agent)to (a) obtain credit reports, ih) make such other credit inquiries as we may deem necessary, and (¢) furnish payment histon/information to credit reporting agencies. To the extent permitted by law, we may charge you a fee of $43.25 to cover our ~Jccumentation and investigation costs. 23. NOTICES. All of your ~itten notices to us must be sent by certified mail or recognized overnight deliver' service, postage prepaid, to us at our address stated in mis Lease. or by facsimile transmission to our facsimile telepn,. -. ' ' -er, w~th oral confirmation of receipt. Al: of our notices to you may be sent first class mail. c, ostage prepaid, to your a(~:Jress stated in this Lease At any time after this Lease is signed, you or we may change an address or facsimile telep', ' ' '- '. '~r by giving notice to the other of the c~nge. -.' ~ '. ' 24. WAIVERS. WE AND YOU EACH AGREE TO WAIVE AND TO TAKE ALL REQUIRED STEPS TO WAIVE ALL RIG HTS TO A,JURY TRIAL To the extent you are permitted by applicable law, you waive all rights and remedies'chef,erred upon a lessee ~y Article 2A (Sections 508-522) of the Uniform Commercial Code includi~ but not limited to your ngn:s to: (a) cancel or repudiate this Lease; (b)reject or revoke acceptance of the Equi.Dment (c) recover damages from us for any breach of warranh' or for any other reason: and rd) grant a security interest m any Equipment in your possession. To the extent you are permitted by applicable law. you waive any rights you now or later may have under any statute or othe~ise which reqmre us to seh or ctherwise use any Equipment to reduce our dama.o, es. which require us to prov~0e you with notice of o~taul~, intent to accelerate amounts becoming due or acceleration of amounts becoming due. or which may otherwise limit or modify any of our rights or remedies. ANY ACTION YOU TAKE AGAINST US FOR ANY DEFAULT, INCLUDING BREACH OF WARRANTY OR INDEMNITY, MUST BE STARTED WITHIN ONE (1) YEAR AFTER THE EVENT WHICH CAUSED IT. We will no: be liable for specific peffcrmance of this Lease o: for any losses, damages, ctelay or failure to dehve' Equipment. Image 1~3.:' tgv) 4/97 Image IV January 8, 2001 Mr. Ron Worden Reprographic Supervisor Administration City of Tustin Dear Ron. The quotation reflects two formats to consider. One is for 3 units on a stand-alone basis; the second is for the same units networked. Delivery, installation and training are included at no charge for the digital photocopiers. In a network format, Image IV offers an initial 3-hours of network training. Additional training is billed at $120 per hour. The present Konica units would be removed at no charge. There is a cost savings to the City in networked units due to a reduced per copy cost when the copier is utilized as a printer. Desktop lasers per copy is an average $.04 cents per copy versus $.015 on the distal copier. Konica 7045 .... Konica 70'55_ Konica 7075 iiii111 i i Il 11, Copier with ADU ERDH Offset~inisher Stapler LCT Copier with ADU ERDH Offset~inisher Stapler LCT Copier with ADU ERDH 108 Finisher/Stapler LCT Hard Disk Drive 102 Total: $&650 + Tax Total: $12,092 + Tax Total: $18,200 +. Tax Net~vorked: · ,, _ With 431 Controller Nem,ork' Card Postscript 64 MB With IP302 Controller Network Card Postscript Video With IP601 Controller Network Card Video Postscript Total: $10,848 + Tax Total: $15,986 + Tax Total: $22,63..2 + Tax IMAGE IV SYSTEMS INC. DOCUMENT SOLUTIONS · ONE TECHNOLOGY, SUITE Blll · IRVINE, CA 92618 · (949) 453-8606 · FAX: (949) 453-8605 A PROMISE OF EXCELLENCE ge IV Fl Continued- pg. 2 7045 Cos! Per Copy 25,000 month 2;287.50 month 300 m/4~n .0l 15 Knnica 7055 g0,000 month ~'g00 month 5960 annually .01 Kt, nica 7075 ] 0.0,000 month 2;900 month 5;1.2 million .0090 Konica 7045 Konica 7055 .... Konica 7075 Stand Alons 5275 Install 5347 Install 5347 Install 5;38,392:48 months: $952.85 per month + tax 60 months: $767.84 per month + [ax Ne~vorked- Konica 7045 Network Card .. Konica 7055 Network Card 7otaI: $]5.985 Konica 7075 ,,, Network Card Total: $22.632 Total: fi;50¢~ with Installation Lnciuded .,¢- Lease Or)dons 48 Months .~,$J,235. 05 p:r month, F.kfV. 60 Months "~" ""~-"~ ,~/ ~:~,.~;~,.,o.~ per mon~ F~O). 2~~"~, 70 Annual Ser,'ice- Cost Per Cop), Ail Inclusive Konica 7045 2287.50 p=r rnon.~ (.0115) per copy, 25 .M~un 7055 5;800.00 p=r mon~ (.01) per cop3', 80 Id/t~n .~v:. £¢~-" 7075 S900.00 per month (.009) per cop3', 100 ~ ,: ,.%',, ~'",z, ¢ Deliveo,, Installation mhd Tmin~g hnziud=d. Image IV on W orden-trg. 3 Heavy-duty surge protector, s are recommended on the model 7055 and 7075 models. Price $110.00 each. Lease purchase rates are based on fair market value that affords the lowest monthly payment to the City of Tustin. Annual controller service billed separately per call. Konica 7075 IP-601 Controller- $384 annual or $120 per hour + parts. Konica 7055 IP-303 Controller- $384 annual Konica 7045 IP-401 Controller- $275 annual , · · .. When projected annually, digital photocopier equipment cost per copy savings can be highly si~ificant. Control can be achieved with passcodes either with or without copy limits. A departmental priority can be utilized and put in place by the Information Systems Manager. Five departments can be designated on the nem, ork. · Image IV Systems has recently achieved stares as Konica's third largest dealer nationally. Presently field support is supplied by over 50 service technicians with a 5-member team of system analysts. The cost per copy plan is all-inclusive and excludes only paper and staples. Service response would be on a 4-6 hr. basis unless otherwise stipulated in the contract. We offer over 4 years of networked experience with either a windows or MAC environment. Please allow five to ten business days for delivery after the order is authorized by the City of Tustin. Note:The imbedded hard drive of the Konica 7075 allows the operator to scan, store, retrieve and delete documents without having to use the network. Repeat forms and other documents can be printed as needed in a very cost effective manner. Very truly yours, O. Von Stetten Sr. Account Executive Image IV Systems, Inc. OVS'pm IMAGE IV SYSTEMS INC, DOCUMENT SOLUTIONS · ONE TECHNOLOGY, SUITE Blll · IRVINE, CA 92618 · (949) 453-8606 · FAX: (949) 453-8605 A PROMISE OF EXCELLENCE i (:onica Workgroup Document System A Networkable 45 ppm Printer/Copier/Scanner. I , .. I:onica 7045 The Konica 7045 is the perfect document system for offices and workgroups looking for high-end features and high performance in a mid-range package. Stackless duplex; Stamp, Watermark and Image Overlay; and a cascading finisher design are just the beginning. Whether you put it to work as a network printer, network scanner or walk-up copier, the 7045 never slows down. Thanks to Konica's innovative engine design, the 7045 maintains its rated 'engine speed of 45 pages-per- minute across all three functions. The embedded IP-431 Print Controller (optional) is the latest addition to Konica's full line of print controllers and is the brains behind the 7045's stunning versatility. Versatility that makes it the perfect fit for busy mid-size offices and workgroups. 7045 Highlights ~ 45 ppm Printing/Copying/Scanning 600 x 600 dpi Resolution Intuitive Touch Screen Control Panel Optional Network Printer & Netwo'rk Scanner ~ Stackless Duplex Real-Time Document Processing Multi-Bin Finisher/Cascading Finisher Design · 2,600 Sheet Maximum Paper Capacity I ,(onic Workgroup Document System Features I I _ II I I_ III ~ Real-time Document Processing With up to five copy reserve jobs, 'docu- ment production will never slow down. The 7045's real-world multifunctionality means it can do more than one thing at a time and do them all well. For times when the rush is on, the job interrupt feature provides immediate access to high-priority work. ~* Touch Screen Controls Truly user friendly, the Konica 7045 touch screen provides easy access to all advanced features, including unique print-driver applications such as. Stamp and Watermark. Konica's user interface is common to all our digital produc'ts -from our 20 ppm machine to our 75 ppm machine - providing users with applications that are familiar. ~- Multi-Bin Document Finishing With the FS-109 Finisher's three output trays users can send reserved jobs to a different output tray than designated for a copy or print job already in progress. Documents are processed according to which tray receives them. Tray1 processes documents face up or face down. Trays 2 and 3 process documents face down and have finishing capabilities. Total tray capacity is 1,500 sheets. ~ Job Management List Monitor job progress directly fro'm the touch screen, which displays the order and status of each job. Users can even delete or reprioritize jobs after they are programmed. To save time, this feature is accessible even while the copier is warming up. ~-Integrated Printing, Copying and Scanning The 7045's digital engine delivers high- performance multifunctionality ideal for mid-volume workgroups. Connected with the IP-431 Print Controller the 7045 prints and scans at 45 pages-per-minute. The Konica 7045 gives mid-size offices and workgroups the high-end features and versatility needed to stay on top of ever-increasing workloads. Its innovative engine delivers 45 page-per-minute, 600 dpi performance as a network printer, network scanner and walk-up copier. The 7045's embedded IP-431 Print Controller (optional) delivers advanced printer functionality, including true Adobe PostScriptS3*, and 45 ppm network scanning functionality. Advanced copier features like Stamp, Watermark and Image Overlay are easily accessed'from the 7045's intuitive touch screen controls. Console Configuration Technology Laser electrostatic Warm Up 90 seconds First Copy From platen 3.9 seconds (8.5" x 11 ") Copy Speed 45cpm/8.5" x 11" 5.5" x 8.5" 36cpm/8.5" x 14" 26cpm/11" x 17" Continuous Copy 1-999 copies Memory 32MB standard/upgradeable to 288MB Reduction/Enlargement 25% - 400% Maximum Original Size ' 11" x 17" Average Monthly Page Volume 50,000 pages Maximum Monthly Page Volume 150,000 pages ~'-~ · :'.':.'-. :.'. Paper Handling '{.."-!,:::i ~'.:'."-- Standard Capacity 1 x 500 sheets, Multi-Sheet Bypass - l~,'~':::.:.~et~. Min.-Max. Paper Size 5.5" x 8.5"/11" x 17" Min.-Max Paper Weight 16-321bs. Drawer Base Options DB-608 1 x500, 1 x1,500 sheets DB-208 3x500 sheets Automatic Duplex S tan da rd/S t a c k I ess Finisher Options Total Finisher Capacity 1,500 sheets Top Tray Capacity 100 sheets Middle Tray Capacity 700 sheets (300 sheets 8.5" x 14", 11" x 17") Lower Tray Capacity 700 sheets (300 sheets 8.5" x 14", 11"x 17") Staple Capacity 50 sheets Staple Positions 8-position, Portrait, Landscape, Double APS, AMS, ATS, Book Copy, Stamp/Watermark, ECM, .Frame/Fold Erasure, Image Shift, OHP Interleave, Job Memory, Reserve Job System Weight i 4281bs. Main Body Dimensions w/RADF I 25.5" W x 27.8" D x 29.3" H Finisher Dimensions ! 21.5" W x 23.6" D x 24.5" H Drum Yield I 200,000 Developer Yield I 200,000 Toner Yield [ 26,000 i i i i 04 2000. All s~cifLcat~on.~ are app,'ox~male and subject to chanee. K(o n i ca KONICA BUSINESS TECHNOLOGIES, INC. www.konicabt.com ©2000 Konica Business Technologies, Inc. KBT-00-33 Printed in U.S.A. [<oni c,a Workgroup Document System .. A Networkable 55ppm Printer/Copier. Introducing the Konica 7055, the most cost-effective solution for bringing high-volume copying and printing directly to the workgroup user. The 7055 gives you a choice of finishing options for the kind of high-end finishing features you'd expect to find on top of the line enterprise production systems. And with the addition of Konica's 5th generation print controller, the IP-303, the 7055 gives you something many enterprise systems can't: easy networkability and incredible versatility. When the 7055 is connected to the IP-303 it supports simultaneous tandem print and tandem copy, making the 7055 as productive a system as it is versatile. The Konica 7055 is the perfect solution for businesses that want all the advantages of high-volume production printing without the big invesl:ment. 7055 Highlights I ~ 55 ppm Printing/Copying Real-time/Dual Scanning Technology Heavy Stock Availability (Up To 65 lb. Cover)* Choice Of Standard Or Booklet Maker Finishing Options Simultaneous Tandem Copy/Tandem Print Intuitive Touch Screen Controls Total Paper Capacity Of 7,100 Sheets With Optional LCT Optional IP-303 Print Controller For Full Networkability * through multi-sheet bypass tray I[(onica Workgroup , . Document System Features ..... ii i .._ i i ii I I ~- Real-time/Dual Scanning Technology: Originals scanned face up from the document f~der pass over the fixed scanner, reducing mov- ing parts and improving performance and reliability. Originals scanned from the platen remain station- a~ while the scanner moves across the platen. ~* Heavy.Stock Availability: Feed heavy stock (up to 65 lb. cover) through bypass. Perfect for production-quality booklets, pamphlets and reports. ~ Workgroup Workhorse: With a maximum recommended volume of ]00,000 prints-per-month and an increased toner · capacity of 33,000 impressions, the Konica 70SS is the high-volume solution for the high-volume workgroup. ~- Simultaneous Tandem Copy and Tandem Print: ~e Konica 7055 joins the 7065 as the only digital products to offer both tandem printing and tandem copying at the same time. Producing up to 110 pages-per-minute as either a prin'.er or copier. ~ Production Finishing' Choose either the standard 2,200-sheet finisher with 8-position stapling or the optional 3,200-sheet booklet maker with folding, saddle stitching and optional post sheet insertion. ~* Electronic Recirculating Document Handler (ERDH): Originals are received and stored as compressed digitized data for unlimited set production. ~ Large Capacity Paper Tray: Doubles. standard capacity from 3,600 to 7,100 sh~ts. ~- Page Printer/Document Printer: With the optional IP-303 print controller, the 7055 ~n ~rform both page printing and document printing. The Konica 7055 is the most cost-effective solution for bringing high-volume copying and printing directly to the workgroup. The digital 7055 delivers a fast and efficient 55 pages-per-minute. It's high-end finishing features are similar to those found on the most sophisticated enterprise production systems. With the addition of. Konica's 5th generation print controller, the IP 303, the 7055 gives any end user easy access to the kind of print on demand system today's office requires. The 7055's simultaneous tandem print and tandem copy capabilities make it a highly versatile high-volume solution. Configuration Type Console High-Speed Dual Beam Laser Ir, aging Print Resolution Selectable 400-600 dpi Grayscale 2-256 Levels Duty Cycle Engine Speed Standard Memory Maximum Memory Reduction/Enlargement Total Paper Capacity (with optional LCT) Tray 1 300,000 pages-per-month 55 pages-per-minute- 400 dpi printing 55 pages-per-minute- 600 dpi printing 32 MB 128 MB 33% -400% 7,100 Sheets 500 Sheets Tray 2 I 500 Sheets Tray 3 I 1,000 Sheets .:-~-:':-- Multi Sheet Bypass Tray I 100 Sheets Optional Lar[te Capacity Tray. I 3,500 Sheets Minimum/Maximum Paper Size I 5.5" x 8.5" - 11' x 17" Minimum/Maximum Paper Weight (176 g/m2)t 16 lb. bond- 65 lb. Cover (MSB~ Automatic Duplex Standard/Stackless Duplex Modes Paper Sizes Capacity Total Finisher Capacity Main Tray Capacity Sub Tray Capacity Staple Capacity Short Edge Bind, Long Edge Bind 5.5"x 8.5" - 11' x 17' Unlimited FS-106 2,200 Sheets 2,000 Sheets 200 Sheets FS-108B 3,200 Sheets 3,000 Sheets 200 Sheets 50 Sheets-per-set 64 Page Booklets Staple Positions Portrait, Landscape, Portrait, Landscape, Double , Double, Saddle Stitch Folding None i Bi-Fold Options ' Post-Engine Sheet 'Insertion System Weight ' i 603 lbs. (with RADF & Finisher) Optional Lcr Weight ! 55 lbs. 29.8" W x 28.0' D x44.9" H Main Body Dimensions Document Feeder Dimensions I 24.0" W x 20.4' D x 5.9' H Finisher Dimensions I 18.1" W x 38.6' D x 24.3' H LCT Dimensions I 14.4" W x 21.8' D x 25.4' H Electrical Requirements i 120V, 20A Dedicated Line Att spedfications are approximate and subject to change. I onica KBT-00-23 KONICA BUSINESS TECHNOLOGIES, INC. www. konicabt.com ©2000 Konica Business Technologies, Inc.. Printed in U.S.A. I (:onica Enterprise Document System Built for the long haul Not every document system can go the long haul. The Konica 7075 Enterprise Document System is built to support environments generating up to 500,000 impressions per month. From heavy-duty paper drawers to a streamlined paper path, the 7075 is engi- neered to keep up with high-production work flow. Shop owners, and machine operators, gain easy access to a greater level of machine functionality, increased uptime and greater efficiency. The 7075 can even keep customized work flowing. Ail paper sources allow for up to 110 lb. stock, and the document feeder can accept heavy duty originals as well. At the output end, the optional booklet maker allows for on-line saddle stitching, post-engine sheet insertion and offset collating of up to 3000 sheets. 7075 Highlights I I ~ 75 ppm Printing/Copying 500,000 Maximum Monthly Copy Volume ~ 1 to N Page Processing Tandem Copy/Tandem Print Simultaneously ~,, 64 MB Standard Memory/512MB MAX ~ 6,150 Maximum Paper Capacity Full Bleed Imaging Intuitive Touch Screen Display Advanced Finishing Capabilities I (anic Enterprise Document System Features L _ . I I III IIII I .....[_ ~ Real-time/Dual Scanning Technology: 109 Originals scanned face up from the document ,_=d~,, pass over the fixed scanner, reducing mo'./ing parts and improving performance and reii~biiity. A sheet-through scanning process reduces the number of moving parts by allowing the scanner to remain fixed while the originals are scanned.. ~- Improved Paper Capability Wide slze copying (full bleed imaging); Custom paper sizes; Tabs feeding. Ali paper sources accept up to 110 lb. stock for customized applications (including large capaci~ tray). The production-duty d:~c~ment feeder also accepts hea'./,v stock originals. ~- Simultaneous Tandem Copy'and Tandem Print: The 7075 can be configured for both tandem prinfng and tandem copying. With the toUch of a bu~on two 7075s can deliver a blazing 150 ppm copying or printing. F Production Finishing'. Choose with the standard 3,200-sheet finisher with 8-position stapling or the optional 3,200-sheet bc)okiet maker with folding, saddle-stitching and po~ engine insertion. ~- Electronic Recirculating Document Handler (ERDH): Originals are received and stored as compressed o~g~=~ data for s. can-once-print-many and unlimited set production. F Large Capacity Paper Tray: Four thousand-sheet tray increases paper capacity from 2,150 sheets (including 150-sheet bypass) to 6,150 sheets. F Page Printer/Document Printer: \~,;~th the optional IP-601 print controller, the 7075 can De,fform both page printing and document printing. ~- Optional Hard Drive \.Y~,ter mark/stamping; Time/date stamping; Page num:)ering; File storag~reprint and Forms overlay. KBM-gF-32 The Konica 7075 is built on a completely new engine design. Engineered from the ground up to meet the needs of high-production environments, the 7075 is a document system that exceeds all standards for high-volume printers/copiers. The 7075 is the perfect tool for a paper-intensive enterprise searching for ways to minimize downtime and increase workflow. All critical machine functions are easily accessed to allow for quick maintenance by operators and shop owners. And all critical mechanisms are designed to withstand the rigors of a high- volume environment. The 7075 is built to handle the roughest conditions. Configuration Type Print/Copy Resolution Grayscale Duty Cycle Engine Speed Console High-Speed Dual Beam Laser Imaging Selectable 400-600 doi 2-256 levels 500,000 pages-per-month 75 pages-per-minute Standard Memory 64 MB: DIMM Maximum Memory 512 MB: DIMM Reduction/Enlargement 33%- 400% Total Paper Capacity (with optional LCT) 6,150 Sheets Tray 1 Universal 500 Sheets Tray 2 Universal 500 Sheets Tray 3 Universal 1,000 Sheets Tray 4 (LCT 0ption LT-401) 4,000 Sheets ::(ii.!!il:· Smart Bypass Tray 150 Sheets .::~ !iT-.. Minimum/Maximum Paper Size 5.5" x 8.5"- 11 "x 17' "-: ':".:':-- Minimum/Maximum Paper Weight (110 lb. index) 200 g/m~ = Approx. 531b bond, 1101b index, 741b cover Automatic Duplex Standard/Stackless Duplex Modes Short Edge Bind, Long Edge Bind FS-108 FS-108B Total Finisher Capacity 3,200 Sheets 3,200 Sheets Main Tray Capacity 3,000 Sheets 3,000 Sheets Top Tray Capacity 200 Sheets 200 Sheets Staple Capacity 50 Sheets-per-set 64 Page Signature Booklets Staple Positions-8 positions Portrait, Landscape, Portrait, Landscape, Single Position-4 Corners; Double Position-4 Sides Double i Double, Saddle Folding None : Bi-Fold Options Post-Engine Sheet Insertion System Weight 616 lbs. Optional LCT Weight 66 lbs. Main Body Dimensions 35" W x 30.5" D x 46' H Document Feeder Dimensions 26" W x 22.5" D x 46' H Finisher Dimensions 21.5" W x 26" D x 43' H Drum Life 1,000,000 Developer Life 1,000,000 Toner Yield 55K Electrical Requirements s~cihcat~ons ar~ a~:~x:.-,,.'-.:e and subjec! to change 220V, 20A Dedicated Line I (o nic a KONICA BUSINESS TECHNOLOGIES, INC. www. konicabt.com ©2000 Konica Business Technologies, Inc. Printed in U.S.A. Digital Investment Options Oce 3165 Digital Copier Total for 2 Units: o Oce 3155NC Digital Copier Total for 1 Units' 3165 Digital Copier Digital Access Controller Mailbox NCCS Memory Upgrade Job Submit Postscript Delivery and Installation Training 180K 180K Digital Access .... .:. : · "-' "' ,'. .... ~..~:i.;:i...~:`~...~:~.~.~:..~..?~!;..;.....~.):.:.;::~/~`~:.~??~:~¢iii¢?:.ii~:.~:ii~((~?~;i~!i:i..:~!~.:(.~:~ ...' ... "'. :' Controller, . .':': :')i::;:'?"~i~':~!i')~?i..--..'!:3?;(~?!.;i:i?ii':;'";../'.. -...' . · uccs :.'.::?:~...:--:-' '..-- - ,. ~.~.:..:..:..;?:?....:.,.~""~-..,'.~'._¢ii.;:.'~5¢".'-:5:?.;'(;.Ji.;57!1571 i;!iS!?!::::i;)?ii:.:;:iil..?.:.. :.'... Job submit. '"'-" '. -"'. :"':".') :i!:' i'.'.:'"'"' '!" "-'.¥."i!:')!!!'!;ii0;!?i!i¢?~?;~}{~!.}-~I.¢)?i;~i ~!}}}?i:.i};)-.'i:/'~'i::(:'i ::.'i;--.'i.:i'?'.:?"' Postscript · .'. :.:..':.. :' ':" i..).."..: ::;".":"..."' '..,; :'"'"...i':!.'i:??3i~;~}i'f"?i!'i!il}i¢ili!i:~:! !!~!?ili¢?;'"i?:.::.:.:/:'.i'.;'i.i.::!?'~''' Delivery and .': .'. :. .~...:i :.- .. '! /..'-.?¢,:....:-'. ., . .... ;::'" ..... ",....,, ""::;}fill?i: i?i~i]!:.:i:.;;.,:,-.'~'~::.(},:''' Installation ..-.'." "' '"" ". i'"'""' :':" .-.'i ""i''~ ..... "~'~:."'i. :' Training " Total Oce Investment: 25K 205,000 $2353.00 $2233.00 .0066 (Fixed 5 Years) $147.00 per carton (Toner Yield=60k) Ocd Document Printing Systems Printing Solutions Page I O Digital Investment Options Oce 3165 Digital Copier 3165 Digital Copier Digital Access Controller Mailbox NCCS Memory Upgrade Job Submit Postscript Delivery and Installation Training 180K Total for 2 Units: Oce 3155NC Digital Copier 3155 Digital 25K .......... .~- · .......... ... .............. . ....... . ...... Network Copier . .: .... :..'.:,...'..'. Digital AcceSs'. Controller ' ' '.. .................. . ..... ~i."?'::.;5::{:iii!i:ii::}i';"i!'???'~;.!?:!:!??:...:?''15';:;'':.''' ')'''':''':'' '~''' NCCS "::.'-i':..:.::'.::-:;"::.i;V~:'i?.::.(:'? Memory Upgrad~"i'.":.'.'i':.':"i! .i!i-::i?i'('!:i!~:i::;...'.::'::::....:?...:...........~::.!~..::!~:!~i:?~.:i!~!;i:~..~:!.?.!i~ii~}?!!!?:~i~i(!~?i.?:.:i!:?:~i?i?~!!~!i?i~7...~:.... i'." Job Submit '" "':"'"-'."..-.".':'"i::.:'~i'i' r)e~ivery and · ."."' Installation "':'":":'::i..:'::.:?'''':'~' .... "::?"-. " :"::":'""" Training Total for 1 Units' Total Oce Investment: 25K 205,000 $2353.00 $3135.00 (Fixed 5 Years) .0099 (Included) Oc~ Document Printing Systems Printing Solutions Page I 1 High-speed, digital copier/printer for office environments High-qualio, ?~nti,g with Ocd Image Logic Now, every of?ce environment can have advanced digital technology with the Oct; 3 ~ 65 Digital' Copier/lWntc, This mid-volume copier/printer, rated at up to ~ images per minute, incorporates benefits typically found only in high-volume systems. It also features Ocg's award-winning Copy Press and Image Logic technologies, ensuring users the high-quality, reliable performance they've come to expectjgom Ocd. 1. With Background compensation, 0c~ Image Logic can "see" a distracting background color,, then interpret it as white so images and type on that background print optimally. 2. 0c~ Image Logic recognizes photos as well as text, creating stunning grayscales while retain- ing crisP,' black text. 3. 0c6 Image Logic separates colors that would normally copy at the same gray value. 4. 0c~ Image Logic recognizes fine line details and ensures the lines stay crisp and clear. 5. 0c~ Image Logic provides optimal gray levels. User panel displays setting options in an easy-to-use menu Office environments employ digital advantage Until nm~; office environments typically off'ered only those features associated with analog copying--speed, enlargements/reductions, duplexing, variable media sizes and weights. With the Oc~ 3 ~ 6 5, users receive all those conve- niences plus digital technoloD? that produces documents at 62 images per minute and scans documents at 6o images per minute in 256 gray values. Printing occurs at 6oo x 6oo dpi. This unprecedented, high-qualit)' output for office users is possible because of Ocd's patented image processing system--Image Logic. Automatic, perfect quality Oc~ Image Logic technoloD' is an extremely efficient system for converting hard copies · into di2ital files. Ocd Image Logic automatically optimizes cop3' qua/it3' in relation to originals, even those combining text and graphics. H ['g h-s e.e el', dig. lea. 0c6 3165's digital mailbox stores jobs . until it's convenient to retrieve them Oc~ 3165's print driver makes it convenient to program jobs directly from PC screens Fully integrated copying and printing directly from the office network Simultaneous scanning and copying Users also will appreciate the Ocd 3 ~ 65's time- saving ability to scan and copy simultaneously. Unlike other digital copiers, the Ocd 3 ~ 65 produces the first copy while scanning the next original. Since scanning converts the original to a digital file, the Ocd 3 ~ 65 can store the image in memory. This ensures first-generation quality for ever), copy. Scan once, print many With the Oc~ 3 = 65 Digital Copier/Printer, original documents are scanned only once at an impressive 6o images per minute; then digitally stored. This saves wear on important or aging originals because the), are not repeatedly recirculated through the document handler. .also, the Oc~ 3~65's ability to store up to 570, 8 ~/2"x ~ ~ "originals means productMrv is dramatically increased. · Copying speed is another time-saving feature. ...' ' . \Vhether originals are simplex or duplex, copy- · . "· ing takes place at 6z images per minute. · ....-.. Network connectivity For many office environments, network connectivity is a goal. The Ocd 3 ~ 65 Digital Copier/Printer already is network compatible, and office environments have the flexibility to be connected at an?' time. Print support is provided for the most popular industry networ 'ks and topologies. Net~vorking instantly provides users walk-up, digital copying capabilig; and the power of a fully integrated copy/scan station. As a network printer, users can remotely program the Oc~ 3~65 from their PCs. Store jobs.in mailbox Once connected ro a network, the Oc~ 3~65 Digital Copier/Printer can serve as a temporary mailbox. It stores users' jobs or confidential documents until it is convenient to retrieve them. Imagine no more running to the copier and waiting for a document to print. Instead, users simply locate their jobs using the Oc~ ~ ~ 65 ~ display panel, and print at a convenient time. And because iobs can be stored short-term, traffic jams are virtually eliminated. Copies, not jams With the Ocd 3 ~ 65 Digital Copier/Printer, users not only get digital technolo~y benefits, but also Oc~'s award-winning Copy Press system that provides high-resolution copies with no fear of paper jams. That's because Ocd's Copy Press technology uses a short, direct paper path so problems associated with paper jams~such as static buildup, spaghetti-like paper paths and hairpin turns~are eliminated. One-pass duplexing Since the Cop)' Press engine works in concert with the Ocd 3 ~ 65's one-pass duplexing system, troubling duplex trays are eliminated. The result is Ocdk renowned reliability to produce double- sided copies at full engine speed. In addition to one-pass duplexing, the Ocd 3 ~ 65 has four paper compartments with a generous on-line capacity. These compartments hold up to 3,75o sheets, ranging from transparencies to card stock, in sizes from 5 ~/z" x 8 ~/z" to ~ ~"x ~7'; and weights up to ~ ~o lb. The result is users have one of the most productive and versatile copiers/printers on the market. cop.[er/pr nter vo r' o. f:-'- [ c e, e. m vi r'o rT't e n ts 3 6s c()pit'r/t)rirl~c'r ()£ficc cnvirr,nrrh~ ............. LIIIID Novell. APPROVED /' ............. ?c6 Service ( )kd i:. Iii'.' ,,ell'/.' rcl~r()gr,,i~t~ic', [l,c in~crn:,~ion.lly rcc(,j.r, ni/.c¢t mca?.urc m;~nufacturir]g org;,nizati()~:. Service yr)u can rely on plays a vital r()lc in any c(,pying ()pcra- [i()n. 'l'tmt i~ why all of Ocd'~ s~rvicc mu~[ compl~t~ a rigorous, cu~tomcr-fi)cu~ed, t~chni:~l training program, fi)llowcd by ongoing training. Thdr standards are t() none; customers will at[~st to this. Customer Satisfaction Guarantee Thc strength of the Ocd commitment is reflected in OccS-USA's Total Quality Customer Satisfaction Guarantee, ensuring that your equipment will perform to your expectations, or it will be replaced with a machine of equivalent capabilities. Oc6-Credit Corporation The flexibility of Oc(~'s Acquisition Alternative programs provide customized ways to meet your budget requirements. By leasing your equipment directly through Ocd, you can eliminate len~hy financing negotiations with third-party lenders and deal directly with the company manufacturing, selling and servicing ,..~.., ..~.. your equipment. ':"": ~''''`5' ': ..'../::'.' Ocd machines and materials are marketed by the Occ~ Group of companies in Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Brunei. Canada, China. Czech Republic. Denmark, Finland, France, German}; Hong Kong, Hungar3; Ireland, kal}; Lu.xembourg, Malaysia, Netherlands, Norwa}; Poland, Portugal, Sin~pore, South Africa, Spain. Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, United Kingdom and United States· Ocd cooperates with licensees or distributors in most other countries of the world· Oc -USA, inc. Oc~-Offlce Systems · 545 o North Cumberland Avenue Chicago, Illinois 60656 ~-8oo-877-6~ ~-, http://www, oceusa.com lllus[rafions and sr,ecifications do not n¢ce~,~arily :,pply n~ dw standard version of machines in all local markets. 'Fechni~l specification~ subject to change wsthout prior notice. . ~0S1011 0186-05-98 · .,:'.' ....,,, .. .,. ,, .. '. . .,' .".... ..,., .,.. Four paper compartments offer a generous on-line capacity of 3,750 sheets and accommodate · up to 11"x 17" documents Fully integrated copying and printing directly from the office network Oc6 3165's print driver makes it convenient to program jobs directly from PC screens Scan simplex or duplex originals at 60 images per minute The Oc6 3165 Digital Network Copier/Printer £veo'one on the office network h~ the power of a fully integrated copier with the Oc~ 3 ~ 65 Digital Network Copier/Printer. Scanning, copy- ing and printing all happen at impressive speeds without sacrificing the high-qua/in.' users expect from Oc& Network connectivity The digital access controller makes it simple for the Ocd 3 ~ 65 to be connected to the office nem'ork. Plug and print support is provided for the most popular industry networks and topologies. Automatic, high-quality output with Oc6 Image Logic \\'qth automatic compensation for shadings, photos and text, Oc~ Image Logic takes the ~esswork out of making high-quality copies. Image Logic automatically optimizes copy qua/it?, in relation to originals, even those combining text and graphics. Scan once, print many Than'ks to Ocd Im~e Logic, the Oc~ 3 ~ 65 Digital Network Copier/Printer scans letter size originals at 6o images per minute in 256 gray values. And whether they're simplex or duplex, copying takes place at 62 images per minute. Printing occurs at 6oo x 6oo dpi. Originals only need to be handled once because after they're scanned, they're digitally stored and printed. Desktop finishing functions Utilizing the Oc~ 3 ~ 65's print driver, users can dynamically select from four paper compart- ments. Whether its special stock inserts, front and back covers or stapling, finished sets are delivered automaticall): Digital mailboxes From the Print Driver, jobs can be sent to indMdual digital mailboxes. The digital mailbox option increases end user productivity by allowing jobs to be stored with a security code at the printer to be released for printing when convenient to the end user. This saves multiple trips to the printer during the da.~: Mailboxes also support proof printing, reprints and job programming. Integrated digital net~vork copier/printer for office environments High-.,~eed, high-quailO, scan,i,g, copying a,d?~inting 0c6 3165 Digital Network Copier/Pr~~.,~, technical specifications ~, / Oc6 Copy Press technology S/,rcd Up t~, 6z, ~ :.I~"/~ "im~gc.~ per minute ~n t,~,~h ~i~glc- ~r,d dm~l,lt-sidcd modes Full-speed, ~,]htcd printing for multiple copies Resolution 600 / 600 dpi digital copying and printing, black and white ! ~opying Printing Cal, acity Size Weight Duplex pri, ting &andard output tray Additional output tray Set memory Collated printing See thc Och 3 ~ 65 Digital Copier (non-network) spec sheet 4 paper trays: 3,750 sheets Bypass tray; specialty stocks to 9° lb. ~ ~ "× ~ 7" maximum 5 ~/z"× 8 ;/z"mJnimum ~ 6-90 lb. Automatic, one-pass duplexing for all sizes On4ine stapling up to 5o sheets Offset stacking 8 ~/z"× ~ ~" ~,ooo shee-: capaci .ty, may be emptied during operation All sizes 5oo sheet ca?aciD; may be emptied during opera:ion Standard 32 MB RAM storage with capacity for ~4o, 8 ~/2"/~" images (6% coverage) Optional upgrade to ~ 28 MB RAM storage with a capaciD' up to 560 images DigitalAccess Controller 350 MHz 3z-bit processor (DAC) 64 MB internal 1L~M 4.3 G B hard disk (optional) Digital mailboxes supporting security printing Copy audit systems Internal Cop;.' Control System (z,ooo accounts) (optional) Network Cop.'.' Control System _ Copy/print job management Program job ~-ne announcements Notify wor '~.:ation when print job is ready (NetWare en,cironments) Select ~ of 4 input trays as banner page source Dynamic sele~on of paper sources Paper tray linking Digital mailboxes (optional) Print Logic bi-directional communication Connectivity .Da,dard (hcrnet k;'l'i' (~o Mid,, ~r ]o¢., /.~,nnecti~,, ~, N,,vcli. Mict~fft (W~/, Win95, N'I'):,r~ct t ;NIX cnvir~mc'nts nnd NctBI.SUi: Novell h~tranet ~tre Novell Intranct Ware (using Ii'X/SPX with ' I'SERVER) 3. ~ ~/3. ~ z, 4.x (NDS); up to 3 z queues on max. 9 scrvcrs YES Cert~ed and Al,l, rovcd 'I'CI'/II' via LI'D NctBEUI (MS LAN Mgr.) Optional Ethernet: thick and thin 'Ii,ken Ring: UTI' and S'FI~ 4 and ~6 Mb/s AppleTalk-compatible Print drivers'~nd fonts PDL PCL 5 c PostScript t.cvcl II (optional) Print drivers Oc6 3 ~65 print driver fi~r: · MS-Windows 3.x · Windows 95 · Windows NT 4.0 · PostScript Printer Definition (PPD) files for Windows 95, NT and Apple System 7 Fonts 46 standard PCLse fonts installed (True Type and Intellifonts 43 %,pe- l standard outline fonts; PostScript (permanent) font download facilities True Type fonts (Type-4z) supported ~af~t~ and ~nvironm~nt~l specifications Dimensions 64' (~ x 35" (D) x 50.5" (H) ~ight 91 o lbs. ElecMcal requirements zoS/z4o V, 6o Hz, zo A Power consumption Ozone emission Recycling Dimensions DAC Weight DA C Electrical requirements DAC ~ zo V, zo A, 6o Hz dedicated line Power consumption DAC 3 z W (standby) Novell. zo W (in operation) 600 W (standby), z leo W (in operation) ..'."7'".":.'. Time weighted average: o.oo ~ mg/m'; far belci:.")iiT-".'. odor perception limit of o.o4 mg/m~ and :'".:..?'" threshold limit value of o.z mg/m' Ocd products are designed for recycling. Parts and components are marked for this purpose. ~6.5" (W)x ~4.5" (D)x ~4" (H) z 5 lbs. Ocd machin-~ and materials are marketed by the Oc~ Group of companies in Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Brmnei. C~ada, China. Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, German); Hong Kong, HungaD; Ire!-'-_nd. Italx; Luxembourg, Malaysia, Netherlands, No~'a); Poland, Portugal, Singapore, South o Africa, Spain. Sweden. Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, United Kingdom and United States. Oc~ cooperates with licensees or distributors in most other countries of the world. Oc -USA, inc. Oc~5 Document Printing Systems 545 o North C'_'mberland Avenue Chicago. Illinois 6o656 ~-8oo-877-c;: ~: http://v,'wcw, ozeu~.com lllustrafions and s.~i::.:a::on: do not nec~arilv apply to tl:c standard version of m.schines in all local markets. ~chni~l specifica::ea, sab.~': to change withe,ut prior notice. ~ 2ooo Oct: #0S1012 O300 PD/ABS filE DOC'UMENT COMP. Total Cost of Ownership Comparison For The City of _T, ust!,,,n Machine # 1 __ Proposed...Lease...Solution,~. Xerox DC480SL Copier/prin. ter Based on 100,000 copies/month' ..6..0 month Lease:/FMV Buyout Machine Monthly Monthly "'MonthiY Servi'ce CoSt per 1~t6 "Average Replaces Lease Copies Allowance Warranty Copy on months Monthly Konica Min. (in base) Overage payment cost over 6190 in incls. Lease, + + the term of Repro Supplies & supplies supplies the lease. Ctn. Service DC480SL $i,569.95' 10~),00b' 80,'0'00 .... 6 month~ ' .0075 $739.95* "$i,498 95* ................ $0.0012ea $0.;015cpc Total Combined Cost for DC480SL over 60 months: $89,937.00' Ail pricing is fixed for term of lease and includes delivery, training, network analysis training and automatic supply replinishment. Machine # 2 Pro~,osed., Lease Solution[.on. Xerox DC480SL Di.qita!. c0pier/Pr, in. ter Based on 80,000 copios/month' 60 Month Lease'/FMV Buyout Machine Monthly Monthly Monthly Service Cost per 1't6 Average Replaces lease Min. Copies Allowance' Warranty Copy on months Monthly Konica incls. Lease, (in base) Overage + payment cost over 5370 in Supplies & Supplies + the term Repro Ctn. Service supplies of the lease DC478SL ' '$1,41.9.9~*' 80,0'0'0 80",000 6 month~ ".0075 $739.'95' $1,361.5'5' .......... $0.0012ea $0.0..17cpc TOtal Combined Cost for DC480SL over 60 months:S81,693.00* All pricing is fixed for term of lease & includes delivery, training, network analysis trainin~ 8, automatic supply replinishment. 'THE DOCUMENT COM"' XEROX Machine # 3 , Proposed Lease Solution' on Xerox DC440SLS Digital Copier/Printer Based on 25,000 copies per month 60 month Lease:/FMV BuYou~t Machine Monthly Monthly Mor~thly Service Cost per Replaces lease Min. Copies Allowance Warranty copy on Konica incls. Lease, in base Overage + 4345 Supplies & Supplies Service DC440SLS $582.92 25,'000 25,000 "N/'A "' $0.015 .... Total Combined Cost for DC440SLS over 60 Months' #34,975.20 All Pricing is fixed for the term of the lease & includes delivery, training, network analysis trainig and automstic supply repllinishment. Unit # 1 Total Cost: Unit # 2 Total Cost: Unit # 3 Total Cost: Combined Total Cost: $89,937.00 $81,693.OO $34,975.20 $206,605.20* Total cost of ownership includes all service and supplies except for paper and staples. Copier volume based on service history usage and agreed volume. Lease on proposed solution is sixty months and includes replacement of Konica 6190, 5370, & 4345 machines. Sen'c b~ %KRTHI A~CADE · ,. THE DOCUMENT COMPANY XERDX LeaSe OnlY Costs ~The City of,Tu~_tJ n Machine # 1 il_ i t --i _, .... Pf0posed. Leqs.e Solution_.;.. xer.o_x_:DC_480S.L.. Copier/Printer Based on 100,000 copies/month' 60 monfh_~ea~:~MV.Bu¥out ___ MaCl~ine ' Monthly ' Mon'thlY MOnthly ~;ervice Cost'per ...... ;1" 6 A"verage Replaces Lease Service Allowance Warranty Copy on months Monthly Konica Amt. Amt. (in base) Overage payment cost over 6190 in Incls.' · + supplies the term of Repro Maint.,& supplies the lease. Ctn. Supplies DC480SL~ $739.95- $68b.00I' 80',000 6-montl~ ".007~ '$739195, $1,498.95*` .....I $0.0012e. a $0.015cpc - .i::':.'..'...:('.:- :.. ' Total Lease Cost for DC480SL over 60 months: $44,397.00* '":ii:'-':.:. -~e,c fi~[n4'. All pricing is fixed for term of loaso and includos deliver~, training, network O~n~ 5o,,O ~];~. analysis training and autommie supply mplinishmont. Machine # 2 -- Il __ 1 PrO_posed_ Lease S01u_ti.o..n: o.n Xerox DC480SL_D!_qital C_o~ier/_Printer Based on 80,000 copies/month: 60Month_ Lea, se:/FMV.Buyout ? Ma~hlne' Replaces Konica 5370 in Repro Ctn. DC478SL ... ', , .. Monthly Lease Amt. $739.95* Monthly Service Amt. incls. Maint., & , Supplies. I$680,00 ,, , , -- Monthly Allowance: {in base) 80,000 Warranty 6 months C~)st per Copy on Overage + Supplies .0075 1-8 months payment + supplies $739.95* $0.0012ea ,, Total Lease Cos~ for DC480SL over 60 months:S44,397.00* Ail pricing is fixed for form of lease & Includes dolivery, training, network So, f~p//e 5 analysis training & automatic supply replinishment. Average Monthly cost over the term of the lease $1,36~.S5' ~ $0.017cpc '" THE DOCUMENT COMP~-~Y Machine #_3_ Proposed Lease Solution' on Xerox DC440SLS Digital Copied Printer Based on 25,000 copies per month 6__o mqn_th L e a s~;_ ~[MV_: B_._uy o ut Machine Replaces Konica 4345 · Monthiy-' Lease Amt. 'l~Onthly Service Amt. lncls. MainL & Sup. plie~ $307.50 'MC~n[hly' Allowance in base ServiCe Warranty DC440SLS $275.42' 25,000 N/A TOtal Lease -C'~sts for b~,440SLS over'60 MonthS: $I-6,'~25.20' 3'07. Cost per copy on Overage ~- Supplies $o.o~ Total Lease Costs for unit # 1: $44,397.00' Total Lease Costs for unit # 2: $44,397.00* Total Lease Costs for unit # 3: ~;t 6.S2~~_ Combined Total Lea~e Cost: $10S,319,20' The above pricing is the lease cost for two DC480SL units and the DC440SLS unit. Total cost of ownership incl~es all service and suppli~ except for paper and staple, s. Copier volume ba~ on Service histo~ osage and agreed volume. Lease on proposed solution is sixty months and Inclodes repla~me~ of Konica 61g0, 5370, & 434~ machines: THINK ONLINE WO-..-KGROUP. XEROX DOCUMENT CENTRE 440 & 432. NLINE DOCUMENTS. THE/~/~{~'~'T COMPANY XEROX Your network makes it easier to pool and access knowledge, to make it available anywhere, any time. But your organization's success depends on employees working together. If people can't share the knowledge, they can't solve problems and make critical decisions. To do that, you need more than just a high-speed network. You need a more efficient way for people to work together. .ltl all oceall~ '..,~ '". ...... ': ":.""~ .':.';.'.c.;"'i'..'~",,'.' .-" ~-"-'..." '.:" '.!::. ~. '",.,.. .......... ,::"';:::¢'~&~;,'v3'-':.?;;,;:"~'~'....,,.'.~:~-~:/..~;4~:('-,;:~,W-~,~,~~,','' "-:' "~;I !i, Or. charts(' ?i:.:; '.' '";;;.'::':."/i:.,' '..¥':.., ,.". address .mg;.de.v!ee, ii.g; an.d Ethernet' ..-..,: ,:" ': i.' ::"..':.' .... '.. '.': '".' :'j:': :.' 'and Tok~'i~ ~'sP~ed'~iis~g'proVide after ~'l~or':':i""i''''-' :'.'Th~"$Mart'"~ntrOller provides unsurpassed , simple and automatic installation on your .:. · . :L-opying, · · support for native print formats. Office users network. it Centre 440/45~... "' ' ~.:...,..,,.,.:y, .~ '~. · ....... . .. gh the old barriers. Work~oups i'(~:~i'lir~it~d' b~) geo~m'aph3: Every- one"{~'~(~0~'~0up 'can share information... ~:??? :-"6~il:~'l~(~ra'ie'.-.. mm information into knoxvl- .. .... .... edge.., work smarter and more efficientl3: And it doesn't matter where in the world they are. will ·appreciate true Adobe PostScript 5, Which sets the standard for document quality and fidelity. This, combined with PCL6 emu- lation and direct support of TIFF and PDF document formats, creates a powerful and flexible printing system. Remote Management Made Easy-- Manage from anywhere on the Internet with CentreWare Internet Services. The Document Centre internal web technolog3T gives you immediate information abou.t ~e dexqce from your favorite Web brows, i.i:'.i.:i ~.'... no longer need to install extra hardw,. ........ ' software. ', · Anywhere in the world-If you can log on, to the ,W~.,.b.,. connected device serves as a handy ... .. .... ~ ".-' ~'~,t~; ,, · , .. -,, ,..,,.,. ;.., .-~. · :... '.'..' "." . ., .'../,~, .': , .f, o.; .. ..: ..... ~.,..~,...: [,,.,,,.,:..., '":'":':' "' ,~ i-:' j'":i:" ~;l ,..- :':!,:."'":";. Features /,ac O~ Clear AII AC I .... · © ©© '!;i. I":'!. ..... " I ,,?!~}!ii:.. Machine Statu~ · 0-, I /1' ":"'...'0 © .... '...."' .... · .... ~,,~,--:~.,¥?:'-.'r,,~.,.:O,:-.:: '." .:.~':::~ '. ';:' ,. ?i.T:..' ;:/.,'.'...',:'.....~ ;..':. "' ' i(.:;. ~....,..;..,,,:;.-.,...f.,: .~..-..5:. : .,-.,. ~/ .-;, ..:, · ::...,.. :. : ...; ..,,..-~.,...:/:. . ...... !.'::.:.,:',- .),"..'.E,;d,: ':.'; .... ".., ,: · ,-- ~ -! '~"':' '- .' "-' ".' :Ai ~he"~O/4ai~'~:~i ~ii~-to-'i~i',;"i/i{e/6'aii m'~'C:".-""':-':. '"'-:'.:' ....... ~ ........ :.. ""ffi~ihifi~'"~'i:ffiifiihd'h"eilSs jobs"rn~)~ more-5'5;i'ii'.,.'.~{'.::;..- ...... ',.::i.~-.:i:,'..',. 'T'ri41igihi~'tti}'aiiitt~ i/ou ? System':,'~:'r.:?~'::,:'''~ il. se: ,. ONI~IN IN can receive .. , ! ~.~.-.: ,~ .-m..-.::~ .--. which frees you up to S'~.PAe . ste~s;'?iild.~~ erro~;:'"~a .... aiS':~iii~g':'a¥""O~ii{"':5!aii"n'e~a:ti;"'~i'0:'.'?:'' ". · ..- .... :':.,.':~,?.-,-?r.,~.:7,...:.-:.,-..~ '?..-..: ..-L~:,~::.~.~.-;:::?..-.,.L..i,~-? ..... -'.t'-'-'~:'- .... '~', :?'?.~.-"c.'.'".,' '"-" . "" ' -" .... ~" ' · .~........' -; . .. . ..,. panei"Pfo~;:/}~:(~:?¢5...,'.?~"::.:?ii.i:.i::/'.f.''~''''i?.i'ii'. :~.'"".i'i'i':':.' ' The 'ability to'set up ~200 password-protected gral: t in~~'i~'i....':.''. The Document Centre 4,~/45~ improves doe- mailboxes proviaes security and peace Of. . . · ~~ ...... ~'~t in~C~tsy Work'out. of even me most' '7 .... ;~TTfi:~P3~"C%~'ie"T~iL:S'."iti'"660"i" iJO0 apl With Xerox-patented AutolQ prox.,ides crisp, clean copies ever)' time. It supports a wide range of print and copy paper sizes, from postcard to ledger, and runs labels, envelopes, and card stock effortlessly. ,,e Document Centre 440/452 is the bench- ,- . · ' 'irk in workgroup copiers. What else did . ~ '"""'you expect from the company that made workgroup copying convenient? ument management, l~qth the ability to add up to six fields of information to scanned files right at the control panel, it allows you to add information at capture instead of in some back office step. The Document Centre integrates With work- process improvement sotBvare developed by Xerox, including CentreWare for Microsoft Exchange Public Folders, FlowPort document management tools, and DocuShare web col- laboration tools. mind. Other features, such as duplex, cover sheets, and a choice of media, make the Document Centre 440/4512 the office fax · . . machine of choice. In addition, the exclusive Xerox Total Satisfaction Guarantee, recognized as the best in the industry, covers every Xerox Document Centre solution to help make sure you'll achieve the business results you need. E R 0 U M E N T / 4 3 2 ,...; DOING','THINGS BETTER' 0j MoRE!i.'WIT · ,,,, ' ': LESS' ; -;;:, -, · , . :;';.,',., D , . .............. ~, .... , ....... ' ........ . ........ . ,. ,.. ~:D'~.'," .: ,:; ,',~: -.:~':"..' ,' ...... ; ~,:~:..'..,,;~'I.?,;~,.~,-~ ............ , ....... ,.~,'~, ,~.,~ ............. ',. ......... ',' ................... " ........... . .................. {/,~. :.'. ' .... .-' ' , ;' '.':.!.',,.~;~..~,I '. ..... ":. ;.' ...... ' ....................... ;;~ ...... .,-',.' .................... -.-, ' · ~L,'.t,"' ,,'-', "":, '.~ s~,~,~.: '.,I t~: ,-.,,,, ,~,.,~,; .* - .,. L" ....... " .................................... , ' i I I .............................. w ...... ' ' ' DOING NEW". THINGS'" IN': NE '~:.'~'". 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'"" '::".j;."i,;: ;: ' ' ' .......... . ...... ...... ... .... ....,.:.' ..... .... ......:;...:;! i;':;",..:.'.;;,.:,i.::i:.:.':~',.!';;,,;:.?'.i~'~.~', .. ;::..'..,'.. "'":i.': .:'.'.. ........... ~ ~ ., :.:::. ~.,., :,. ' .'.:' '..! .":::i: :" '::~;i~?''''.'.':;,??.'..',.'':i'.::i::.''.]~..':.'L ;~.: ''~ '"' .... ' .... ::" .... ':'"':" "' · ..f .~ .:.° t,~:'~ ...... '" ..... ' '.'J': ' '" '"' ........... ' ........ · · '. ' · ' ...........:; .: ,.... :..,.' :;:.~,'~.::;.';:.".-.... '..'. 'i.:~.,.:.:!i:;':. ...... . ..... , .. ..-- .....· ,,..~,~... , . ..., .., . . · .,, · ...... ... "" '- .. -'~'-,':":'.i:":;".'.-,i.'~:'/..";,;.:.~>':' .' ;'.' .. :.. ...,.,., .-... :.: :.,..-.:.-.'."' ..,;,....' .: , . . . .. .... ...~- .. : .-- ... ,~.:~.,, ,, .... ..,,~ .......~ ...... ._,: .. ................ ... .... ... ~.~ ......... ;- . , .. ..., . , ~ ..... 1 .. .-,' ...,:; ..... . ....... . . --~-,-- ... :.. -: ;. .: :.:~ .' · '; .: :.'?'.. ..... 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AX and Intelli est Least-Cost Routing em trademarks of AVT Carp. Microsoft, Windows, W, ndows NT, MS Access. Exchange, Outlook. Exchange Pulr, '..' '. .... .'. I .ITRAC~.Iad OE"=ITrI¢ afl .trademarks d Equitrac Corp. RightF ,® ii ............ h- is a r--istered trademark of Com-a" Corp. Macintosh is a trademark of Apple Computer, Ir¥',,~-,:,.'.,. ' [-~e~'d'~ad~.~.~' _~."~r;~rks d Microsott Corp. ~ ~d ~ieron, are. re, g~'~, ..md tra_~_~_ ?,,_s_o~,o,a~.ar,~s,,o,t,~e,~,f ~i:~,lue:l~ksrd ~. Netscape® isa register;d~ademark of Netscape Communications Corp. Pa,rPort ...... of IBM C~:$~ ~d ~ am aldemarks or ~ ~raoeman~s m ~un MiCmsys~ms, m~. ar-u^ ~'nd Tma:Bri~e Pro i~ ~r~k~" Sc~Soft Inc. compaq Wo~ ~.is, Ir~demark of C4mpeq ~ ,C.o?:,VINES~_ h"_ _m_g~m_e_m, ~,~a_d,,e:a,r ' d . a regis- I~ In~ ~ Noes,® Damix~ and cc:Mail'are ~demad~s al Lams l)evelopmem Coq~. Navell~ aaa r~eTvvare are a',aem.r~ :""'l~ed ~,edem~tk of SAP. In"lui~:~rt af X,eox' ei~viro~mental leaderd~ geelrk lhes-e models may ~main some recycled components that are reconditioned. ENERGY STAR® is e U.S. registered mark. As an ENERGY STAR® Partner, Xerox Corporation has determined that these for minimized impact to the enviro~mem... ~....,,. ;-;;:i',:.,,,¥, -_:J,.~. pmduc3s meet the ENERG'Y STAR~ gdde~ for energy efficiency. Ten~ Choice En~onmemal Serdces, Inc. of Canada has v~ed mat Ibis Xerox product conforms to all applicable Environmental Choice EcoLoDo requirements .... - - P'~'pp~'''"c".b~`~`~'`~`"J~`~.?:~i~c`""~?"`~"~"'b~.~'~e"q'~w"~"~"".P~`'"~d"`u.s~ :'"'~"4'.::;, .'..'.,': ', ,~-, ,"'~ "*"--~',,T.~- "' ' ' "' ' ' · ., . infonMtm in this d,cumem b ~u~¢ect ~D C .ha. n. li.e ~h~.ut n..mi~ .fid..do- ~ represent e corer"temPt °n the Pan °f Xerox C°rp°reti°n' -..: ',,;,-.::(.'; ;.,',;....; .~.;,,~.~;:;~..~:.,,-.,..,,,,:,;,'.,~.',4,.~..~.',.~.~,~.;..~ ~ .. - ......................... · ....... ................ ,,~,"--,~': ':";':.'.'~'~' ....... ' "'"~'"".~"~';':' ..,,"- "":.'" .... .... :, ::: .' ",L.. ". .... ............. -,,e. ,,~,.,,..2~',~.,~?~';,~,~.~,,.'. ....... e ~', .*.~.~?-~"..';".,~.':' .'~'.'~."'"' ~ '"' · .... ..... .',:,.:. ,~ -:-".:,:~F2D:-:'.;':;,.;~S:L':" ;'. ...... ::£:~;~:~::;:::,~Z,:'?.L::,'~:::,,::;;',~'Z,,: 4, '.,'.', ,' ..... '. · XEROX DOCUMENT ~,~NTRE 480ST NETWORK SYSTEM ;PECIFICATiONS ... · . ,.. THEI~/~{~E~T COMPANY XEROX sr~i~rt~, I'qe~work Cordroll~r /'"'" - Prr~ces~or ~ 4~ MHz procE~-.~-,~"tJt~llze~, the Inlel® H~h. p~rf~rm~rlc~ Intel® C~leror~ mi~r~.Drchfteclur~'s ~uIt~-trarisBcl~n syr;lerr~ bus and incorpor~t~ , ftJll-~peed L2 cache interface. Memory 64 MB RAM, uses system disk for virtual memory, expandable to 96 MB. Syslem Disk 9.1 GB. Concurrent Print Processing Concurrently receives print jobs, interprets print jobs, and prints. 1-N processing with job streaming for high performance. Concurrent Protocol Suppo~ Supports up to 4 network protocols simultaneously. Adobe PostScript A PCL6, TIFK and PDF Inlerpreting Auto Sensing/Switching between Adobe PostScript So,ware, PCL, TIFg and PgE PDL support for LCDS, SCS, IPDS, XES to Adobe PostScript So~ware or PCL through third-pady transforms. Printing and Copying Output Speed Images per minute (ipm) DC480 8.5 x 11"/216 x 279mm 75 ipm 8.5 x 14¥216 x 356mm 37 ipm 11 x 17"/279 x 432mm 37 ipm First-copy-out time 6.8 seconds (8.5 x 11"/216 x 279mm) from platen to finisher top tray Two-sided copying is trayless, accommodates all sizes with no capacity limit. Paper Handling Input Settable tray priorities and properties (color, size, etc.), automatic tray switching, load paper while running. Document Handler Duplex Automatic Document Handler with 100-sheet capacity:(one- or two-sided originals). 65 images per minute (8.5 x 11"/216 x 279mm long edge feed). Handles 16 to 32 lb./60 to 120 gem originals. Scans each original to memory only once per job (scan once, print many). No precount for copying one-sided originals'to two-sided prints. Scans mixed-size originals. Document Hand/er-Paper Sizes Sensed-N. America 8.5 x 5.5"/216 x 140mm LEF, 8.5 x 5.5"/216 x 140mm SEF, 8.5 x 11"/216 x 279mm LEF, 8.5 x 11"/216 x 279mm SEF, 8.5 x 14'/216 x 356mm SEF, 11 x 17"/279 x 432mm SEE Front-Loading Paper Trays 4 trays hold 500 sheets each, adjustable from 5.5 x 8.5';/140 x 216mm to 12 x 18"/305 x 457mm (user adjustable to 11 x 17"/279 x 432mm), 16-110 lb. index/60-200 gsm weights. Letterhead, preprinted forms, labels, transparencies,' hole-punched, card stock, and recycled papers. Bypass Tray 50 sheets, 4.13 x 5.83"/105 x 148mm to 12 x 18"/305 x 457mm, 16-110 lb. index/60-200 gsm weights. High-Capacity Feeder 3,100 sheets, 8.5 x 11"/216 x 279mm LEF, 16-32 Ib./60-120 gem weights. Output Finisher-Main Tray 2,000-sheet capacity, 7.17 x 10.2"/182 x 257mm to 12 x 18"/305 x 457mm, 16-110 lb.index/60-200 gsm weights. Staples sizes 7.17 x 10.2"/182 x 257mm to 12 x 18"/305 x 457mm, dual or single stapled sets of up to 50 sheets. 5,000 staples Der cartridge (common with convenience stapler cartridge). Finisher-Top Tray 250-sheet capacity, 4.13 x 5.83"/105 x 148mm to 12 x 18"/305 x 457mm. Selectable'from user interface for unstapled output. Convenience Stapler and Work Surface Staples up to 50 sheets of 20 lb./80 gem stock. 5,000 staples per cartridge (common with finisher cartridge). IVo~e: Paper capacities are based on 20 lb./80 gsm stock; capacities will var,,, with differen.'. weight stocks. Copying Automatic and operator-selectable enhancements for copying. Copies 1:1, 1:2, 2:2, and 2:1. Copy Quantity 1 to 9,999. Concurrency Concurrent scanning and printing. Scan copy jobs while system is printing from ne~'ork. Resolution 600 × bDO du'>' ~, Copy Sets Scan once, prin! many wdt~ 1.N processing. Digital Imaging .... Xerox-patented Auto IQ tJ.~.;(;d to optimize capture of mixed text, graphics, and photos. Auto-rotation (rotates image 90° or 270' when needed). Image Shi (0 to 2.0 inches [50mm] in 0.05-inch [lmm] increments). Edge Erase (top, bottom, left, and right from 0 to 2.0 inches J50mm] in 0.05-inch [lmm] increments). Edge- to-Edge copying (except 12 x 18"/305 x 457mm). Auto Centering. Original Type selection (normal, text, halftone, photo). Adjustments for Lighter/Darker, Background Suppression, Contrast, Sharpness, and Screening. Memory 64 MB memory standard for copy pre-collation; optional upgrade to 160 MB. 9.1 GB disk storage holds more than 6,000 pages of 8.5 x 11"/216 x 279mm standard business text at 5% area coverage (varies with image complexity). Zoom Reduction/Enlargement Variable from 25% to 400% in 1% increments. Six customer programmable per- centages, factory pre-set at 200%, 154%, 129%, 78%, 64% and 25%, and 100%. Anamorphic zoom (adjusts vertical and horizontal reduction/enlargement sepa- rately to fit copy pages). Special Features Auto Paper Select; Auto % R/E Select; Auto Registration; Auto Tray Switching; Automatic Job Recovery; Booklet Creation; Multi-up copies (16-into-1 maximum for 8.5 x 11"/216 x 279mm), Transparency Dividers (blank or printed); Negative Image; Mirror Image; Covers Insertion (blank or printed); Build Job (special prO- gramming for different pages~can be used for inserts mixing input from Document Glass and Document Handler); Store and Recall Job Programming; Job Interrupt; Bound Document Copying; Sample Set; Mixed-Size Originals. Electronic Auditron Up to 2,500 1- to 12-digit user accounts; up to 11,000 5-digit general accounts. Auditron Report (optional) Direct connect or remote dial-in for upload/download of Auditron data. Supports Microsoft Access or comma-separated value formats for import into spreadsheet or database.. Foreign Device Interface (optional in U.S.) Foreign interface (connects to access-control devices)/Sixth Sense !i:.iiil;ii!il modem/RS-232c port for remote diagnostics and upload/download of Auditron... !...; data. .. :..,:: · Printing via CentreWare Printing Concurrency with Copy Concurrently receives and processes print jobs while system is scanning or printing copy job. Scan ahead for copy while system is printing network jobs. Resolution PCL: 600 x 600 dpi. PostScript: 600 x 600 dpi for 128 or 256 levels of gray. 1200 x 1200 dpi and 1800 x 1800 dpi for 256 levels of gray via patented emulation processes. Document Printing Transmit once, process once for maximum productivity. SMart® Controller 1-N processing with job streaming for high-performance processing and printing. CentreWare Print Services Custom print drivers or Adobe PostScript Printer Description (PPD) or Generic Printer Description (GPD) for all supported environments. Print Submission Features: Secure Print (via password), Delay Print, Sample Print, Multi-up, Watermark itext and bitmapped), Automatic Booklet Creation, Fit to New Paper Size, Transparency Interleave, Cover Selection, selection of paper stock by attribute (size, color, type), stapling of one or two positions of up' to 50 pages per set, Banner Sheet enable/disable per job, output location selection, offsetting by set or job, Edge-to-Edge printing, DocuTech 135 emulation, Draft mode (toner saver). Note: Not all features available on all drivers. CentreWare Network Services CentreWare Conductor for tracking print and fax jobs, Document Centre and job queue management, job deletion. Users can customize event notification and dis- play settings. CentreWare Administration Services · Device Admin Wizard: Simplifies installation and administration and remote . modification of Document Centre settings in NetWare, Microsoft Networking, ,. TCP/IP, and Banyan VINES environments. .. ',:-' · Device Discovery Wizard: Automatically locates Document Centres in TCP/IP" and SPX/IPX environments. · Macintosh Print Utility: Tool to modify AppleTalk zone and printer name.