HomeMy WebLinkAbout05 CUP 07-020ITEM #5
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Report to the '' J
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Inning ~ommi~s~on
TUSTIN, CA 92780
That the Planning Commission adopt Resolution No. 4079, denying Conditional Use
Permit (CUP) 07-020 to authorize a dental ofFce located at 740 EI Camino Real in the
Central Commercial (C-2) zone and fronting on to EI Camino Real.
The applicant is requesting approval to establish a dental office in a stand-alone building
located at 740 EI Camino Real, also known as Assessor Parcel Number (APN) 401-641-
01 (Attachment A -Location Map). The subject property is located within the Central
Commercial (C-2) zoning district, where professional offices fronting onto Main Street or EI
Punning Commission Report
CUP 07-020
December 11, 2007
Page 2
Camino Real and located within the Old Town Commercial General Plan land use
designation are conditionally permitted, subject to criteria established in Tustin City Code
Section 9233(y) (Attachment B). The General Plan designation is Old Town Commercial,
which allows for retail, professional office, and service-oriented business activities to serve
Old Town and surrounding areas.
Site and Surrounding Properties
The site is located at the Y-intersection of EI Camino Real and EI Camino Way. The
site surroundings include retail and commercial uses on all sides. EI Camino Plaza is
located at the west, Tustin Motor Lodge and Makena Square to the south, Galaxy
Automotive to the north, and a retail strip center to the east.
Public Noticing
A public hearing notice identifying the time, date, and location of the public hearing for
the proposal was published in the Tustin News on November 29, 2007. Property
owners within 300 feet of the site were notified of the hearing by mail; a hearing sign is
posted on the site; and, the hearing was posted at City Hall on November 29, 2007.
Project Description
The proposed site is improved with an existing single-story, 1,757 square foot building that
was relocated to the City in 1972. The applicant proposes to operate his dental practice at
the property, which will involve dental care services, orthodontic work, as well as a small
retail area to sell and market whitening products, videos for dental hygiene, and dental
operatory chairs. The proposed use would require extensive interior plumbing remodel
work to the building. The retail area will occupy around 180 square feet, which constitutes
approximately 10 percent of the floor area of the facility (Attachment C -Submitted Plans).
The proposed hours of operation are 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. The
anticipated number of employees is five (dentist, two dental assistants, receptionist, and
front office dental secretary).
Permitting Requirements
The provision relating to office uses within the C-2 district was initially adopted in 1983.
The intent of the office use provision was to encourage retail establishments on the ground
floor, particularly in Old Town. After a series of interim ordinances adopted by the City
Council and workshops held by the Planning Commission, the new office use provision
(Code Amendment [CA] 06-004) was recommended for approval by the Planning
Planning Commission Report
CUP 07-020
December 11, 2007
Page 3
Commission on August 14, 2006, and adopted by the City Council on September 18,
Section 9233(y) of the TCC lists professional and general offices fronting onto Main Street
and EI Camino Real and located within the Old Town Commercial General Plan land use
designation (which the proposed project qualifies as), as a conditionally permitted use in
the C-2 zoning district. However, the office development must meet certain specific
criteria outlined in that section.
In determining whether to approve the Conditional Use Permit, the Planning
Commission must determine whether or not the proposed use will be detrimental to the
health, safety, morals, comfort, and general welfare of the persons residing in or
working in the. neighborhood or whether it will be injurious or detrimental to property or
improvements in the vicinity or to the welfare of the City and the criteria set forth in TCC
9233(y). A decision to deny this request may be supported by the inability to positively
make the following findings:
A. Pursuant to Tustin City Code Section 9233(y)(1), professional offices proposed at
the ground floor level shall not be approved unless the approving authority finds,
based on supporting documentation and evidence, that an office use would be
more compatible with the existing and planned uses in the vicinity than a retail
commercial use on the subject property and that an office use would be more
beneficial in implementing applicable land use policies such as the Tustin General
Plan, Tustin City Code, and any Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency
Project Area Redevelopment Plan than a retail commercial use on the subject
While some of the documentation may support approval of the conditional use
permit, insufficient and/or inconclusive evidence exists to meet finding
requirements that an office use would be more compatible than a retail commercial
use on the subject property. In addition, approving an office use would not be
more beneficial in implementing applicable land use policies such as the City Code
and General Plan, as outlined below.
B. Pursuant to Tustin City Code Section 9233(y)(2), approval of professional and
general office uses shall meet one or more of the following criterion:
a. The proposed use is to be located in an existing building originally designed,
built, and occupied as offices or converted to office uses pursuant to an
approved building permit.
The original building permit does not exisf, but records dating back to 1972
indicate that the building has been occupied as an office since the building was
Planning Commission Report
CUP 07-020
December 11, 2007
Page 4
relocated to and first occupied in Tustin. However, the office use has lapsed
for more than twelve (12) consecutive months. On October 9, 2006, the Zoning
Administrator approved CUP 06-074, permitting a tutoring and counseling
facility including a retail area, which currently occupies the building.
b. The proposed use is to be located in an existing building that because of its
design and orientation is impractical to modify or alter to accommodate retail
The existing building's site and orientation at the prominent crossroads of El
Camino Real and El Camino Way at the entry to Old Town Tustin make it a
prime location for a retail establishment. The property, with minor
modifications, presents a significant potential for retail uses or for
redevelopment of the site to accommodate retail at least at the ground floor.
Approving another office use at this location would lengthen the non-
conforming use indefinitely and hinder the potential for retail or redevelopment.
c. The proposed use is to be located in an existing building requiring significant
reconstruction that is not economically feasible or practical to accommodate
retail establishments.
The existing building, with some modifications, cou/d be suitable to
accommodate service-oriented retail uses that are outright permitted in the C-2
zone. The building is currently oriented towards the interior of the lot, but the
addition of some storefront elements along the elevation on El Camino Real
could feasibly transform the structure to accommodate retail by capitalizing
upon its corner location. However, establishment of a dental office at this
location would necessitate tenant improvements to the building, thereby
impairing the opportunity for retail at this location in the reasonable and
foreseeable future.
d. The proposed use is to be located in amulti-tenant retail center and is ancillary
but complementary to the remaining mixed uses with respect to type of use,
hours of operation, convenience, and parking demand.
This criterion is not applicable, since the proposed use is to be located in a
single-tenant building. However, the site is located adjacent to El Camino
P/aza and other shopping centers, which feature a large variety of retail
commercial operations.
e. The proposed use is determined to be beneficial, complementary, and
compatible with surrounding neighborhood and nearby retail establishments.
The subject property is located within the Old Town Tustin District, which is a
walkable neighborhood district. The intent of the office provision in the C-2
Planning Commission Report
CUP 07-020
December 11, 2007
Page 5
zoning district is to encourage pedestrian activity in the area. Although the
applicant has indicated that the dental office use would bring increased foot
traffic to the area, the nature of the patron for this type of activity is more single-
use oriented than amulti-trip retail customer that might visit a travel agency or
bank, or drop off children at a tutoring facility, for example. The proposed use is
not complementary to surrounding retail establishments in that office uses do
not encourage pedestrian activity in the neighborhood in the same way that
retail orservice-oriented uses do.
C. The proposed project must be determined to be in conformance with the City's
General Plan. The project as proposed appears to be in direct conflict with the
following policies set forth in the Land Use Element of the General Plan:
a. Policies 1.2 and 10.6: Provide for and encourage the development of
neighborhood-serving commercial uses in areas of Tustin presently
underserved by such uses. Encourage the integration of retail or service
commercial uses on the street level of office projects.
The project proposal is for a dental office to fully occupy asingle-story building
located in an area identified for retail commercial uses. The Old Town
neighborhood has been recognized by the City Council and Chamber of
Commerce as underserved by retail commercial uses. The proposed use does
not further the land use goals set forth in the General Plan because it does not fill
a land use need of the neighborhood. CA 06-004 was adopted to address this
deficiency and encourage much-needed retail uses in the heart of O/d Town
The City's zoning code and general plan provide for several areas throughout the
City where professional offices may locate. Dental offices are permitted outright
in the Professional (Pr), Retail Commercial (C-1), and Commercial General (CG)
zoning districts, as well as in the Central Commercial (C-2) district when not
fronting on to Main Street or El Camino Real and located outside of the Old
Town Commercial Genera/ Plan land use designation.
~0 .rr ~~ ~ ~ir~~
Reina Kapadia Elizabeth A. Binsack
Assistant Planner Director of Community Development
Attachments: A. Location Map
B. TCC Section 9233 (Central Commercial District)
C. Submitted Plans
D. Resolution No. 4079
S:1Cdd1PCREPOR712007\CUP 07-020 (740 ECR).doc
Attachment A
Location Map
A1111~000. -lwn e~ i+_.Ye_ _ w
Attachment B
Tustin City Code
Section 9233
The planning commission may Prescribe the amount of parking for uses not listed
herein. (Ord. No. 963, Sec. 2B, 1-20-86)
(g) Driveways: Subject to Subsection 9271 bb. (Ord. Na 1240, Sec. 2, 8-6-01)
d Use Criteria-Office Development
(1) Office developments within the Retail Commercial District (C-1) shall be constructed
to conform with the parking standards for retail commercial uses on the first floor area
of the building unless otherwise specifically ezempted pursuant to the approved
conditional use permit,
(2) Findings, including, but not limited to the following, shall be made by the Planning
Commission prior to approving a conditional use permit for construuction of a building
where greater than fifty (50) percent of the total floor
floor area is de . ~8. ~ say portion of the ground
signated for occupancy by Professional or general oflicss:
(a) Development or construction of professional ar general office buildiaga would be
more compatible with. surrounding .uses in the area than permitted retail
commercial uses on the subject property.
(3) Development or construction of buildings restricted to a mizture of ones in which the
retail commercial floor area ezceeds Sfty (60) percent of the total floor area is ezempt
from office development use criteria, (Ord, No. 167, Sec. 4.7; Ord. No. 896, Sec. 4,
a Permitted Uses
The foll~ving ones, or unlisted urea which, is the opinion of the Communi
Director and/or ty Development
Planning Commission, are resolved to be similar, will only be allowed in the
Central Commercial District,
(Ord. No. 1317, Sec. II, 9-18-06)
(1) All uses allowed in the C-1 District, subject to the development and use criteria
specified in Section 9232.
(a) Reserved
(b) Bakeries
(c) Bowling alleys
(d) Food shops
(e) Mortuaries
(fl Nurseries
xEV i-2oo~ LU-2-39
(g) Professional and general offices not fronting onto Main Street or EI Camino Real
or located outside the Old Tbwn Commercial General Plan land use designation.
(Ord. No. 1241, Sec. 1, 7-2-O1; Ord. No. 1242, Sec. 2, 8-13-01; Ord. No. 1261, Sec.
2, 5-20-02; Ord. No. 1317, Sec. II, 9.18-06)
(h) Public utility buildings and uses (except corporation yards)
(i) Radio stares
(j) Restaurants
(k) shoe shops
Q) Studios (Ord. No. 175, Sec. S; Ord. No. 888, Secs. 1(a), S, 6, 8-1-83)
b Development Standards ,
(1) Mazimum height: SO feet
(2) Minimum building site: 200 [square feet].
(3) Maximum lot coverage: 100 percent, leas parking and landscaping- requirements,
subject to General Provision8.
(4) Minimum front yard setback: None, 10 feet when frontage abuts. a lot in an "R"
District, unless otherwise shown on Zoning Map.
(S) Minimum side yard setback: None, 10 feet when side abuts on a lot in an "R" Tistrict.
(6) Off-street parkng: As specified for "Gl" Zone. The planning commission may
prescribe the amount of parking for uses not listed herein. (Ord. No.1S7, Sec. 4.8, Ord.
No. 288, Sec. 2(b) and 3)
(?) Driveways: Subject to Subsection 9271 bb. (Ord. No. 1240, Sec. 2, 8-6-01)
c Conditionally Permitted Uses
The following permitted uses subject to a use permit:
(a) Adult book stores
(a.1) Amusement resorts, arcades and private recreational facilities, and video and vending
machines and other such contrivances in excess of five (S) which are identical to the
principal business.
(b) Small animal hospitals or clinics with one (1) caretaker apartment incidental thereto.
(1) Off-street parking: 4 spaces per doctor plus one (1) space fair each additional
employee. (Ord. No. 340, Sec. 2; Ord. No. 352, Sec. 4)
(c) Auto repair shops.
(d) Billiard parlors and pool halls
(1) Off-street parking: one (1) parking apace per 100 square feet of floor space. (Ord.
No. 314)
xEV: i-2007 LU-2-40
(e) Churches, schools and public uses
(fl Cleaning and dyeing establishments
(g) Drive-in establishments for permitted uses
(h) Figure model studios
(i) Garages, Public
(j) Hotels and motels
(k) Laundries and launderettes (Ord. No. 699, Sec. 2)
(1) Massage establishments (Ord. No. 699, Sec. 2)
(m) Nursery school
(1) Mazimum height: 30 feet
(2) Minimum building site: 10,000 square feet
(3) Minimum lot width at property line: 100 feet
(4) Minimum front yard setback: None, 10 feet when frontage abuts a lot in an "R"
District, unless otherwise shown on Zoning Map
(b) Minimum side yard setback: None, 10 feet when side abuts on a lot in an "R"
(6) Off-street parking: One (1) apace for each staff member plus one (1) loading space
for each eight (8) children. Loading spas shall be located for each circulation
and shall not interfere with other required parking,
(7) Building requirement8 and indoor and, outdoor space "required per child are
established by the City of Tustin Uniform Buffding Cod®-sad hY the State
Department of Social Welfare.
(8) Outdoor play areas shall be screened from surrounding properties by a 6'8" high
solid wall or fence, except when play areas abut public park or playfield;.
(9) Structures proposed for nse as a day :nursery aa~., a nursery school shall be
inspected and approved by the Fire Department prior to occupancy. (Ord. No. 372,
Seca. 3 and 4)
(10) Driveways: Subject to Subsection 9271 bh. (Ord. No. 1240, Sec. 2, 8-6-01)
(n) Outdoor markets and outdoor salsa establishments
(o) Pet shops
(p) Rest homes
(q) Secondhand sales
(r) Service stations (Ord. No. 311)
(s) Used car sales lots
(t) Other uses which in the opinion of the Planning Commission are of a similar nature
~' 1-~~ LU-2-41
{u) Reserved
(v) Alcoholic beverage sales establishments subject to. the, following criteria. and the
Planning Commission's Guidelines for Alcoholic Beverage Sales Establishments.
Off-site alcoholic beverage sales located in a building and permitted business with less
than 1b,000 square feet of gross floor area and permitted businesses with more than
1b,000 square feet of gross floor area where the off-site alcoholic beverage sales area
within the building occupies more than 10 percent of the gmss floor area, subject to the
following m;nim~ distance regulations:
(1) 300 feet from any other residentially zoned or used property.
b00 feet from any e~sting off-site sales establishment.
600 feet from any church, place of worship, Public or private school, .Park,
playground, clinic, hospital, health care facility oar convalescent home.
600 feet from e~dsting on-site sales establishments, except restaurant establish-
(2) Minimum distances between a~ site sale establishments and; residentially zoned
or used Property, churches, placers of worship. Public. or private schools, Parks,
Playgrounds, clinics, hospitals, health care facilities and convalescent homes
shall be computed by measuring the distance from the closest entry/e~rit provided
for public%ustomer access of the off site establishment to the property line of any
of the above uses, whether inside or outside the city boundaries.
(3) Minimum distances between off-site sales estabt and another off-site or
on-site sales establishment, ezcept restaurant establishments whether inside or
outside city boundaries shall be computed by measuring the distance between the
closest e=terior structural walls of each use.
(4) Specialty stores as defined is Section 9297 of the Tostin City Code shall be
eEempt from minimum distance regulations. (Ord. No. 123?, Sec. 2, 6-4-01)
On-site alcoholic beverage sales establishments ezcept restaurant establishments
Subject to the following minimum distance regulati0ua.
(1) 1,000 feet from any residentially coned ar used property.
1,000 feet from any other e~sting on-site except fair restaurant establishments or
off-site sales establishments.
1,000 feet from airy church, place of worship, public, or private school, park,
playground, clinic, hospital, health care facility or com~alescent home.
(2) Minimum distances between on-site sale establishments except for restaurant
establishments and; residentially zoned ar used property, churches, places of
worship, Public or private schools, Parks, Playgrounds, clinics, hospitals, health
care facilities and convalescent homes shall be computed by measuring the
distance from the closest exterior wail of the on-site establishment to the property
line of any of the above-uses whether inside or outside the city boundaries..
~v 1-~ LU-2-42
(3) Minimum distances between on-site sales eiatabliahments and another off-site or
on-site sales establishment except restaurant establishments whether inside or
outside city boundaries shall be computed by measuring the distance between the
closest exterior structural walls of each use, (Ord, No. 920, Sec, 2, 11-19-84; Ord,
No. 981, Sec. 4, b-4-87; Ord, No. 1101, Sec. 1F, 11,_16-g2; Qrd, No. 1161, Sec, iB,
1-2-96; Ord. No. 1230, ~ 2, 6-19-00)
(w) Bowling alleys
(a) Hotels and motels
(y) Professional and general offices fronting onto Main Street or EI Camino Real and
located within the Old Zbwn Commercial General Plan land use designation, subject to
the use criteria for office development provided herein:
(1) Professional and general offices proposed at the ground floor level or that are
greater than fifty (60) percent of the total budding floor area shall not be
approved unless the approving authority finds, based on supporting documenta-
tion and evidence, that an office use would be more compatible with the ezistiing,
and planned uses in the vicinity than a retail commercial use on the subject
Property and that an office use would be more beneficial in unplementin~
applicable land use policies such as the Tustin. General Plan, Tustin City Code,
and any Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency Project Area Redevelopment
Plan than a retail commercial use on the subject property.
(2) Approval of professional and general office uses shall meet one (1) or more of the
following criterioa:
a. The proposed use is to be located in an e~dsting buflding originaAy designed,
built, and occupied as offices or converted to oily use .pursuant to as
'approved building permit.
b. The proposed use ie to be located m an
design and orientation is impractical. ~~ ~~ that because of its
modi$r ae alter to accommodate
retail establishments.
c. The proposed use is to be located in an e
cant reconstruction that is not economically fe gasib e ~ ~~ s~fi-
3' practical to accom-
modate retail establishments.
d. The proposed use is to ,be located in amulti-tenant reta>7 center and is
ancillary but complementary to the remaining mixed use with ~p~ ~
type of use, hours of operation, convenience, and parl#ing demand.
e. The Proposed use is determined to be beneficial com lemen
compatible with surroun ' ~ P ~' and
du-g neighborhood and nearby retail establish-
mente. (Ord. No. 1242, Sec. 3, 8-13-01; Ord. No. I2b1, Sec. 2, b-20-02; Ord,
No. 131?, Sec. II, 9-18-06)
(z) Fortune-telling businesses as defined by Section 3811 a~f the Z~stin City Code.
x~.v i-zoos LU-2-43
(aa) Convenience stores. (Ord. No. 981, Sec. 3, 6-4-87)
(bb) Bulk vending machines, subject to standards contained in the C-1 District regulations,
Section 9232b. (Ord. No. 993, Sec. 6, 9-8-87)
(cc) Large collection facilities, subject to standards contained in the C-1 District regula-
tions, section 9232a.2. (Ord. No. 993, Sac. 7, 9-8-87)
(dd) Adult entertainment booking agency, as defined in section 3731 of this Code. (Ord. No.
17b, Sec. 6; Ord. No. 699, Sec. 2; Ord. No. 888, Secs. 1(6), 7, 8-1-83;. Ord. No. 968, Sec.
2, 1-20.86; Ord. No. 1170, Sec. 2, 6-3-96)
(ee) Specialty stores. (Ord. No. 123?, Sec. 2, 6-4-01)
(~ Reserved. (Ord. No. 1251, Sec. 2, b-20-02)
d Development Standards far Conditionally Permitted Urea
(1) As specified in sectioa 9233b above, unless otherwise indicated, with rear yard and
off-street parking requirements as specified in the use permit.
(2) Hotel o$=street parking requirement is 1 space for each 2 guest rooms. (Ord, No. 293,
Sec. 3)
e Reserved
(Ord. No. 167, Sec. 4.8; Ord. No. 896, Sec. 8,.1121-83; Ord. No. 1241, Sec, 2, 7.2-01; Ord. No.
1242, Sec. 4, 8-13-01; Ord. No. 1261, Sec. 2, 5-20-02; Ord. No. 1317,. Sec. II, 9-18-06)
a Permitted Uses
None but the following uses, or uses which in the opinion of the.Planning Commission are
similar, will be allowed in the Heavy Commercial District (C-3)r
(1) All uses listed in the C-2 District, except schools, churches and outdoor sales
(2) Electronic plants within a building
(3) Research plants
(4) Secondhand sales within a building
(5) Wholesale stores and storage within a building
(6) Off-site alcoholic beverage sales located within a building and permitted business with
at least 16,000 square feet of gross floor area and where the alcoholic beverage sales
area within the building occupies no more than 10 percent of the gross floor area (Ord.
No. 1101, Sec. 1B,• 11-16-92)
x~v i-2oo~ LU-2-44
b Development Standards far Permitted flees
(a) Maximum height: b0 feet
(b) Minimum building site: 2,000 square feet
REV 1-2007
LU 2-44.1
Attachment C
Submitted Plans
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Attachment D
Resolution No. 4079
I. The Planning Commission of the City of Tustin does hereby resolve as follows:
A. That a proper application, Conditional Use Permit 07-020, was filed by Dr.
Ashok Mehta, requesting authorization to establish a dental office in an existing
stand-alone building at 740 EI Camino Real. That the property fronts onto EI
Camino Real, is located in the Central Commercial (C-2) zoning district, and is
designated as Old Town Commercial by the General Plan land use map;
B. That a public meeting was duly called, noticed, and held for said application on
December 11, 2007, by the Planning Commission;
C. That the project is categorically exempt pursuant to Section 15270 (Projects
Which are Disapproved) of the California Code of Regulations (Guidelines for
the California Environmental Quality Act);
D. That pursuant to Tustin City Code Section 9233(y), professional and general
offices fronting onto Main Street or EI Camino Real and located within the Old
Town Commercial General Plan land use designation are conditionally
permitted, subject to certain use criteria;
E. That the Planning Commission has considered the matter and determined that
the proposed project does not meet finding requirements needed to support the
conditional use permit, in that:
1. Pursuant to Tustin City Code Section 9233(y)(1), professional offices
proposed at the ground floor level shall not be approved unless the
approving authority finds, based on supporting documentation and
evidence, that an office use would be more compatible with the
existing and planned uses in the vicinity than a retail commercial use
on the subject property and that an office use would be more
beneficial in implementing applicable land use policies such as the
Tustin General Plan, Tustin Ci Code,
ty and any Tustin Community
Redevelopment Agency Project Area Redevelopment Plan than a
retail commercial use on the subject property.
While some of the documentation may support approval of the
conditional use permit, insufficient and/or inconclusive evidence
exists to meet finding requirements that an office use would be more
compatible than a retail commercial use on the subject property. In
addition, approving an office use would not be more beneficial in
Resolution No. 4079
Page 2
implementing applicable land use policies such as the City Code and
General Plan, as outlined below.
2. Pursuant to Tustin City Code Section 9233(y)(2), approval of
professional and general office uses shall meet one or more of the
following criterion:
a. The proposed use is to be located in an existing building
originally designed, built, and occupied as offices or converted to
office uses pursuant to an approved building permit.
The original building permit does not exist, but records dating
back to 1972 indicate that the building has been occupied as an
office since the building was relocated to and first occupied in
Tustin. However, the office use has lapsed for more than twelve
(12) consecutive months. On October 9, 2006, the Zoning
Administrator approved CUP 06-014, permitting a tutoring and
counseling facility including a retail area, which currently occupies
the building.
b. The proposed use is to be located in an existing building that
because of its design and orientation is impractical to modify or
alter to accommodate retail establishments.
The existing building's site and orientation at the prominent
crossroads of El Camino Real and El Camino Way at the entry to
Old Town Tustin make it a prime location for a retail
establishment. The property, with minor modifications, presents a
significant potential for retail uses or for redevelopment of the site
to accommodate retail at least at the ground floor. Approving
another office use at this location would lengthen the non-
conforming use indefinitely and hinder the potential for retail or
c. The proposed use is to be located in an existing building
requiring significant reconstruction that is not economically
feasible or practical to accommodate retail establishments.
The existing building, with some modifications, could be
suitable to accommodate service-oriented retail uses that are
outright permitted in the C-2 zone. The building is currently
oriented towards the interior of the lot, but the addition of some
storefront elements along the elevation on El Camino Real could
feasibly transform the structure to accommodate retail by
capitalizing upon its corner location. However, establishment of a
dental office at this location would necessitate tenant
improvements to the building, thereby impairing the opportunity
for retail at this location in the reasonable and foreseeable future.
Resolution No. 4079
Page 3
d. The proposed use is to be located in amulti-tenant retail
center and is ancillary but complementary to the remaining mixed
uses with respect to type of use, hours of operation, convenience,
and parking demand.
This criterion is not applicable, since the proposed use is to be
located in asingle-tenant building. However, the site is located
adjacent to El Camino Plaza and other shopping centers, which
feature a large variety of retail commercial operations.
e. The proposed use is determined to be beneficial,
complementary, and compatible with surrounding neighborhood
and nearby retail establishments.
The subject property is located within the Old Town Tustin District,
which is a walkable neighborhood district. The intent of the once
provision in the C-2 zoning district is to encourage pedestrian
activity in the area. Although the applicant has indicated that the
dental office use would bring increased foot traffic to the area, the
nature of the patron for this type of activity is more single-use
oriented than amulti-trip retail customer that might visit a travel
agency or bank, or drop off children at a tutoring facility, for
example. The proposed use is not complementary to surrounding
retail establishments in that once uses do not encourage
pedestrian activity in the neighborhood in the same way that retail
orservice-oriented uses do.
3• The proposed project must be determined to be in conformance
with the City's General Plan. The project as proposed appears to
be in direct conflict with the following policies set forth in the Land
Use Element of the General Plan:
4. Policies 1.2 and 10.6: Provide for and encourage the development
of neighborhood-serving commercial uses in areas of Tustin
presently underserved by such uses. Encourage the integration of
retail or service commercial uses on the street level of office
The project proposal is for a dental office to fully occupy asing/e-
story building located in an area identified for retail commercial
uses. The Old Town neighborhood has been recognized by the
City Council and Chamber of Commerce as underserved by retail
commercial uses. The proposed use does not further the land use
goals set forth in the Genera/ Plan because it does not fill a land
use need of the neighborhood. CA 06-004 was adopted to address
this deficiency and encourage much-needed retail uses in the heart
of Old Town Tustin.
Resolution No. 4079
Page 4
The City's zoning code and general plan provide for several areas
throughout the City where professional offices may locate. Dental
offices are permitted outright in the Professional (Pr), Retail
Commercial (C-7), and Commercial General (CG) zoning districts,
as well as in the Central Commercial (C-2) district when not fronting
on to Main Street or El Camino Real and located outside of the Old
Town Commercial General Plan land use designation.
The Planning Commission hereby denies Conditional Use Permit 07-020 to
authorize a dental office in an existing building at 740 EI Camino Real in the C-2
zoning district and Old Town Commercial General Plan designation.
PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Tustin Planning Commission, held
on the 11th day of December, 2007.
Planning Commission Secretary
I, ELIZABETH A. BINSACK, the undersigned, hereby certify that I am the Planning
Commission Secretary of the City of Tustin, California; that Resolution No. 4079 was duly
passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the Tustin Planning Commission, held on the
11~' day of December, 2007.
Planning Commission Secretary