HomeMy WebLinkAbout11 INVESTMENT RPT. 01-16-01AGENDA RE. ORT NO. 11 01-16-01' MEETING DATE: TO: JANUARY 16, 2001 HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM' SUBJECT: G. W. JEFFRIES, CCMT, CITY TREASURER QUARTERLY INVESTMENT REPORT RECOMMENDATION' Receive and file. DISCUSSION: In compliance with Government Code Section 53646, the attached Investment Report for the quarter ending December 31, 2000 is rendered. · . Jeffri Treasurer GWJ:ts Attachment GWJ:QuarterlylnvestmentReportDecember2000.aoc CITY OF TU5 TI N _TN VE5 TII EN T I~EPOA T CITY OF TUSTIN INVESTMENT REPORT QUARTER ENDING December 31,2000 LAIF Cas 5.6% Other Investments Treasury Bills/Notes 4.0% 19.4% I · ~ Feder~14Ag ..... Cash with Fiscal Agents 25.7% Bankers Acceptances _.. 0.0% RDA INVESTMENT REPORT QUARTER ENDING December 31,2000 LAIF 63.9% --~ Federal Agencies__. 15.5% Cash ~__ 3.1% i Treasury Bills/Notes Cash with Fiscal Agents 3.1% 14.4% PAR VALUE DE5CRIPTION C~TY OF TUDTIN: $0 ~me Deposits $0 Megotiable Certificates of Deposit $0 Commercial Paper $0 Bankers Acceptances $2,500,000 Other Investments $10,000,000 Federal Agencies $13,000,000 U. $. Treasuries N/ A Cash N/A Cash with Fiscal Agents ' N/A Local Agency Investment Fund TUSTIN REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY: $0 Time Deposits $0 Negotiable Certificates of Deposit $0 Commercial Paper $0 Bankers Acceptances $0 Corporate Notes $0 Other Investments 5,000,000 Federal Agencies $1,000,000 U. $. Treasuries N/ A Cash N/A Cash with Fiscal Agents ' N/A Local Agency Investment Fund CITY OF TU$ TIN INVE5 TALENT RE?OR T SUMMARY/ QUARTER ENDING December 31,2OOO (Unaudited) Allowable Original Current Maximum Portion of Purchase Book Maturity Portfolio Total Value Current Market Vab~ § yrs No Limit $0 5 yrs 10% $0 90 days 25% $0 180 days 25% $0 § yrs No Limit $2,650,900 5 yrs 50% 9,982,534 5 yrs No Limit $1,999,800 N/A N/A $3,766,762 N/A N/A $17,212,822 N/A N/A $20,409,633 $56,022,451 PERI~ORMA NCE MEA 5UREMENT: Jweighted Average Portfolio Life (Days): Weighted Average Portfolio Yield: .Current 6 mos. Treasury: $0 $o $o $o $2,650,900 $9,982,534 $12,984,930 $3,766,762 $17,212,822 $20,409,633 $67,'007,§81 242.90 6.46% 5.70% 5 yrs No Limit $0 5 yrs 10% $0 90 days 25% $0 180 days 25% $0 5 yrs 10% $0 5 yrs No Limit $0 5 yrs 50% $4,991,266 5 yrs No Limit $998,000 N/A N/A $1,010,454 N/A N/A $4,645,726 N/A N/A $20,590,747 $32,236,19'3 $0 $o $o $o $o $o $4,991,266 $998,000 $1,010,454 $4,645,726 $20,590,747 $32,236,193 PERFORMANCE MEA5UREMENT: Weighted Average Portfolio Life (Days): Weighted Average Portfolio Yield: Current 90 day Treasury Bill: 51.47 6.53% 5.80% TOTAL CITY/RDA INVESTMENTS: $99,243,774 $0 $o $o $o $2,534,200 $9,940,730 $13,092,285 $3,766,762 $17,212,822 $20,409,633 _ $66j956,432 $0 $o $o $o $o $o $4,955,1o8 $1,OlO,14o $1,010,454 $4,645,726 $20,590,747 , $32,212,17§ $99,168,607 Current Concentro,ion 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 3.96% 14.90% 19.38% 5.62% 25.69% 30.46% 100.00%' 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 15.48% 3.10% 3.13% 14.41% 63.87?° 100.00%' Cash with Fiscal Agents are the Reserve and Construction funds held by Trustees for various City and RDA bond issues. Investment options are limited to those specifically permitted by bond documents. Total City funds available for effective active management ore: $77,385,226 : CZ ~ O? TU& TII~I £1V VE6 Tt~EIq T ~E?O~ T (~) VALUE INVESTMENT SCHEDULE AS OF: December 31,2000 UNAUDITED COUPON YZELD TO PUI~£.HASE AAATURiTY D~,TE . .. (3) (4) (5) O~ZGZN,~L CUrrENT CUrrENT MATURITY PUP, CHASE BOOK DA~ PRI~ V~LUE VALUE . _ (p) Cur~nt To~ts: $0 j $0" ' I $0 (~urrcnt To~als: 52,000,000 $2,000,000 FHLB $2,ooo,ooo $2,000,000 52.000,000 $10,000~000 04O7-Otn~: investments $2,500,000 5~c~c Of (:aliforni~ GO Bonds s ~ :5oo,ooo" ' 0~09-U5 T~c~u~ E, ilislGondslNotcs-No Limit ~ i i m i $2,000,000 U5 T~asur~, Notes $3,0D0,000 Ut Trcasur~, Notes 52,000,000 US Tr~u,,,y Notes $2,000,000 U5 Treasury Notes $2,000.000 US T~u.-y Notes $2.000,000 Ut Trt~sury Notes $~ooo.ooo Cash-lDO! {Includes Overnight 5weep)' DcpesiTs with Fiscal Agents-'93 Wa?ct COP's" Dcp~s~rs with Fiscal A~nts-ASscs$. Di~.* Dcp=si~ with Fiscal A?~zs-~c. Widc Fir, Auth.' Lo~' A~cn~ InvcsTmcn~ Fun5-1102 ' ' Thc December Yields wc~c not available at thc thc ;,mc this rcpom w~ p~ar~c[. ThC Yields rcf,:~cd arc a~ of September. 5.38% 6.38% 7.00% 6.50% 5.39% 5.28 % 03111/99 03102/01 6.52% 03/16100 03113103 6.84 % 05119/00 O6114/01 6.86% 03116/00 12/27/01 5.49 % 11105/98 11105/03 (=urr~nT i OToI$: $2.003,672 $2.003,672 $1,996,860 $1,997,140 $1,997,140 $2.000,120 $2,002,971 $2,002,971 $2,007,390 $1,987,813 $1,987,813 $2,003,860 $!,990,938 $1,990338 $1,932,500 $'9,982153:4 '' $9.982,534 $9.~940,730 8.!5% 5.45% 03130/99 09/01/01 l~urr?, ri1' I 6.38% 6.25% 6,25% 6.00% 5.75% 5.63% 6.48% 06/30100 06~30~02 6.28% 07131/00 07131/02 6.33% 08/31/00 08/31/02 6.00% 10/02/(}0 09/30/02 5.~5% 10131/00 10131/02 5.70'/. 12104/00 11/30/02 ~F~r. nt ,orals: $2,650,900 $Z,650,900 $ 2,650~900 $2 ~650~900 $2,534.200 $2~534,200- $1.996,000 $1.996,000 $2,020,293 $2,998,110 $2,998,110 $3,030.381 $1,997,080 $1,997,080 $2,020,195 $1,999,900 $1,999,900 $2,020,342 $1,996,460 $1,996.460 $2,000,566 $1,997,380 $1,997,380 $2,000,508 $i ~9-997800 $12,984',9'30 .... $13',092,28~ [ ~.:~"° I '(~) 4 30% N/A NIA 4.90% 6.47% (8) (9) (1o) (7) (111 Current Total: TOTAL CITY INVESTAAENT5 242.90 6.46% 5.70% $3,766,762 $3,~66,762 '$1,052,008 $1,052,008 "$12,525,105 $12,525,105 · ' $274,077 $274,077 "$3,361,632 $3,361,632 $20,409,633 $20,409,633 '" $41,389,217 $41~.38 9,217- [,, ~.,-7;; I $67.007,58! $66,956,432 REDE VEL OPA,I EN T A ~ EAICY' IN V£5 T44 EAI 7- REPOR 7' PAR VALUE (2) DE 5CRIPTI ON-LIAAiT5 INVESTMENT SCHEDULE AS OF: December 31,2000 UNAUDITED COUPON ,I 1 I , $1,000,000 FHLB $1,000.000 FHLB $1,000,000 FHLB $1,ooo.ooo FH~C $ !,000,000 FHLMC s 5,000',000 (6) $i,000,000 U5 Tr~ury Notes E ' ' Daily-No L,m~t ,, , Cosh-]O::)l ('Includes Overnight 5weep) Dcposi;s w/Fiscal Agenl-T~.x Allocation ~c~l A~n~ In~mcnT Fund-II02" 'l'nc bcccmbcr Yields wc~c not available at ?he thc ~imc this rcpo~ wn< p~porcd. ThC Yields relieved arc o~ of 5cp~embcr. YIELD TO PUR~.HA5E MATURITY DATE , , ~urrcnt To'raj: ('3)( (4) OP,.Z~,Z NAL CURRENT PURCHASE BOOK AMOUNT VALUE 11, ,,, , · , ,,, C. ur-rent Tolal: J $0 J Cu.r~.~To,o,: [ '~o 1 ! ~o I Total: J' S0 ] ~U~EtJT VALUE 5.38% 5.28% 03/11/99 03/02/01 6.38% 6.53% 03/16/00 03/13/01 7.00% 6.847. 06/:19/00 06/14/0:1 6.50% 6.86 % 03/16/00 12/27/0! 5.39% 5.49% !1/05/98 !1/05/03 6.38% 6.48% 06/30/00 05/30/02 Cur:rent Total:- 4.90% (8) N/A 6.47% (1I) TOTAL RDA INVESTMENTS PEi~FOAM'AiqCE MEASUPLEMENT: Weighted Aver .o9~ Portfolio Life (b~s): Weighted A~ra~ Po~olio Yield: ~u~nt 90 d~ T~~: $1,001,836 $998,570 $1,001,485 $993,906 $995,469 'Curr~nt To?hli $1,001,836 $998,570 $1,001,485 $993,906 $995,469 $4,991,'266 ' TOTAL CI'FY/RDA INVESTMENTS: 5998,428 $1.000,060 $I,003,690 $1,001,930 $951,ooo $998,000 $998,000 $998,000 3.10%' ' J 5i,010,!40 $ l.o']o~T4o 7 $1,010,454 $!,010,454 $4,645,726 $4,645,726 $20,590,747 $20,590,747 C, urr~nl Total: $32,236,193 $32.212.175 $ 9,~ 343,T74 1! 1, , 51.47 J 6.53%J 5.80:', J $99,16B.607 ,, i i i , i m mm i i ~ Il I Il I FOOTNOTES: (1) PAI~ VALUE is the full value of the security before any discount or premium is paid at purchase. (2) DESCRT;PT~ZON-LTM[T5 reflects the various authorized investments as documented in the most current adopted investment polcy and the allowable percentage of total portfolio per investment type. (3) Original Purchase Price is the amount paid for a securities less any dis~our, t plus any premium. (4) Current Book Value is original cost of secuities less receipt of principal payments, net of amortized premiums/discounts. (5) Current Market Value is the price at which similar securities are curre~.ti¥ trading. Current market values are provided by Bank of America and Bank of New York on all securities held in safekeepir~j for the City and RDA. Differences in value are booked only if the securities are sold prior to their maturities. (6) In compliance with Section I~[, paragraph f. of the City's ]~nvestment Pohcy, Corporate Notes must have a Moody's~Standard and Poors's long term debt rating of at least AA. (7) Securities held in Trust per Funding Agreement between the City of Tustin and the Foothill/Eastern Transportation Corridor Agency adopted by the City Council on 6-5-95. (8) Earnings allowance on compensating bank balances to offset bank activity charges. Allowance is included in the Average Yield calculation. The cash balances include amounts "swept" from account for overnight investments. · (9) Current percentage by investment type to be measured against allowable limits in current investment policy at time of purchase. M~ximum ratio limits calculated using current book values and may change over time as total portfolio changes. (]0) Znvestments and earnings on monies held by fiscal agents generally are limited as to type and yield by the bond documents or current ZI~5 codes. (]]) The carrying amount of the pool as of September 30,2000 was $42,7241278,314 and the.estimated market value (including accrued interest) was $43,103,882,608. The City and Agency's proportionate share of that value is $4],364,668. CERTZF~CAT~ON: ]~ certify that this report reflects all City and RDA pooled investments. The investments represented in this report are in conformity with the current adopted investment policy of the City of Tustin. The market values represented in this report are provided by Custodians and Trustees currently holding securities for the City and Agency. The investment program her~in shown provides sufficient cash flow liquidity To meet the next six (6) months estimated expenditures. This statement is prepared in conformance with ,Section §3646 of the~overnment Code. Signed: ' ~ /' // ,.," // ,....--