HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 77-0522 6 X0 18 2O RESOLUTION NO. 77-52 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, ASCERTAINING AND DETERMINING THE PREVAILING RATES OF WAGE TO BE PAID ON PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACTS IN THE. CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA. WHEREAS., pursuant to the provisions of Sections 1770 and 1773 of the Labor Code of the State of California, it is necessary that .the City Council of the City of Tustin ascer- tain and determine the general prevailing rates of wage on public works and by the provisions of said Code it is mandato- ry upon the. awarding body of any public improvement to ascer-- tain and determine the general prevailing rates of wage in the locality in which the work is to be performed, for each cr.a'f~'_ or type of workman or mechanic needed to exec.ute the contrac~t, and also the general prevailing rate .for legal holidays and overtime work for each craft or type of workman or mechani.c; WHEREAS, the Tustin City Council did previousoly adopt Resolution No. 77-8 establishing the prevailing wage rates and benefits as set forth in the "General Wage Determi.- nation Made By The Director Of Industrial Relations Pursuant To California Labor Code Part 7, Chapter 1, Article 2, Sections 1770, 1773 and 1773.1" effective January 1, 1977; WHEREAS, the Director of Industrial Relations has provided supplementary wage determination which supersede, modify or correct the previous wage determinations. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Tustin has ascertained and does hereby determine that the prevailing wage rate and benefits as determined by Resolution No. 77-8 are hereby superseded, modified or corrected as provided in Exhibit "A" attached. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Tustin, held on the 16th day of May, 1977. ATTEST: 5/77 em ]-~'~ERAL PREVAILI;IG WAGE DETEF3~INATION M~ZDE BY I~HE DIRECTOR OF I~DUSTRI~.I, DZ~LATi0~.~S ~.'.!RSU~M':T TO CALIFOIUIIA LABOR CODE P~hRT 7~ Cih'~TE!{ 1, ARI~CLE 2, SECTiO::S 1770~ 1773 ~d~D 177~.1 Rof: 018-00022-001 Supersedes Dot' 0].$-13-77-1 Determination® 018-13-77-2 Effective cl..to of Dctc.~'~i:,''~' · -~ .~zon' Msy 15, 1977 ExTiration da~o of dc%~i~'~=tion" April 30, 1978, unless earlier modified, corrected, superseded, or rescinded by. the Director. Locality' f~l! loca!ities within 0r~nge CoLmty and that portion of Los Angeles Comuty lying south of Rosecr~ns' Boulevard. · Craf.__~t: Bricklayer and related trades ~:a_ge,. rates_ ~Cl~s_sif_i.O.~Di on.. (j ourne>m, on)_ Bricklayer, Block Layer, Caulker,.. Cle .aner, Pointer, Stone Mason, Cement Block Layer' _~np~oye~ pa_~vmen%s_~ (Labor Code .Section 1773.1) Basic straight-time _ ~ ho_ur~y ..ra~te $11.20 Health and welfare: $1.15 per hour. Pension: $t. 45 per hour. a Vacation/holiday: Included in basic s~ramght-t~E~ hourly rate · Training: 7~ per hour.b . ~a50~ per hour ~thheld from wages and sent to vacation fund ' °In addition, employer contrzout~s 23~ per hour worked to p~ovide health and welfare and pension benefits for apprentices, Stra. i.,Mht~_tim~ ~ours_' 8 ho~urs daily, Monday t~rough Friday, ~_e_r~.ozm% and ..holiday_ .rate' Work from 8-00 a.m. to 4'30 p.m. is paid at straizht time. All other' time, including Saturdays, S'~ndays, ~n~ holidays, is paid at 2x the basic stra2.gnt-time hourly rate plus employer payments as shown above. (Stab'ting and quitting times may be changed upon approval by employees' representative.) Reco~.~n~i_zed. holidays' In accordance with Labor Code Section 1773, holidays upon which the general prevailing hourly wage rate for holiday work shall b~ paid shall be all holid?~ys recognized in the collective bargaining agreement applicable to the .particula~ craft, classification, or t)qpe of worker employed on the project w~hich is on file with the Director of Industrial Relations. Travel and subsistence navr..ents: The contractor shall make travel and subsistence pa~nts to each worker needed to execute the work, as such travel and subsistence pa~unents are defined in the applicable collective bargaining agreement filed with ~he Director of Industrial Relations in accordance with Labor Code Section 1773.8. '"'~: - " . I IAY 1 0 l T'/ '""':'"'"' . :2~.~' :. .. .... , . ~E2~F~ PREVAILING WAGE DE'fEP~NATION ~-t~DE BY THE DIRECTOR OF INDUSTRIfdl RELATIO~S PUFu$[;.~'~T TO CALIFO[C.]IA LABOR CODE PART ?~ CHAP~2I 1, ARTICLE 2, SECTIONS 1770, 177~ FC.~D 177~.1 .477 .. Supersedes Dot: 018-23-77-1 Ref:. 018-O000~.~-001 Determination: 01S-2D-77-2 Effective d,nte of deterr, dnation: May 15, 1977. Expiration date of dcte~?._~nation'. April 30, 19'78, unless earlier modified, corrected, . zuperscdod, or 'rcsccnded by the Director. - ~ ~ ' Orange, ~verside, S~ D~rnardino, Loc~ity ~1 loc~iti~s within Kern, Los ~noeles, S~n L~s Obi'sp~, S~nta Barb~a~ ~nd Vcnt~a co~~cs. . . Craft: Marble Setter ~ ~ates Classificati on (j 0ttrneym~n)~ Basic straight-time· hourly rate Marble Setter $11.20 _wm_~l~'pa~ent~ (Labor COde Section 1773 1) Health ~nd welfare: $1.15 per hour worked. Pension' $1.45 per ho~r worked. Vacation/holiday' Included in basic straight-t~e hourly wage rate. Training- 7~ per hour worked,b i50Dour withheld from and sent to vacation f~ud. per wages n addition, employer contributes 23~ per houm worked to provide health ~elfare and pension benefits for ~S_tr..a..~h~tr~im~. hours' 8 hours daily, Monday tB~ough Friday. , . Overtime an__~d hq~iday_ rat~® Work from ~'00 aero. to 4'30 p.m. is paid at straight time Ail Other time including Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays, is paid at 2× the basic strai~~on~-~'~~~ hourly rate plus e~oloyer paymen.ts as sho~ above. (Starting and quitting time may be chs~uged upon approval of employees' representative. ) .. ~.~c.._o~nize~ holi_d~¥s: In accords_nee with Labor Code Section 1773, holidays upon' which the general prevailing hourly wage rate for holiday ~ork shall be paid sl~ll be all holidays recognized in the collective' bargaining agreement applicable 5o the partic-clar craft, classification, or txpe of worker employed on the project ~hich is 'on file with the Director of Industrial P~lations. ~r_aye! _~nd s?2~p_isteBce ravr, ents: The contractor shall make travel and subsistenCe pa)~en%s to each worker needed to.execute the work, as such travel and subsistence payments are defined in the applicable collective bargainLng agreement filed with the. Director of Industrial Relations in accords~uCe with Labor Code Section 1773.8. 478 G~IEIh%L PREVAILING WACE I)2;£1;~,~[NATION ~,LIDE BY TIIE DIILEGTOB OF I~H)[¥JTRIA[, R!~Z,tTI(..)::S I'U[~f':I~:t:.~P TO CA.I.,I'.}.,'f~IWIIA I.ABOll CODE PAIf~ 7, C}L~PTLR 1, ARTICLE~_, ~ SECTIONS 1770, 1773 .~,~D 1'773.1 Supersedes Det: O14-O1-77-1 Ref: O14-O000X-002 Deternd.nation: O14-01-77-2 Effective date of dcte~m~ination: May 15, 197~. ExPiration.date of determination' September. 30, 1977, unless earlier modified, corrected, superseded, or rescinded by the Director. Loca~ity: Ail .localities within the State of California ..... · ~., ,~'~...~, ...... .,. , .',.:-... ...... '.~....~'~. Craft: Boiler~ke r- Bla cksmibh ~ ~rates · Boilermaker- Blacksmith Basic straight-time hourly rate $13.175 _E~_p!oyer pa~vments (Labor Code 'Section 1773.1) Health and welfare: 77~ per hour worked. Pension: $1.00 per hour worked. Vacation/holiday: 50~ per hour worked. Training- 2~ per hotur worked. ~S%rai~ht-time h0.urs: 8 hours daily, Monday t.hrough Friday. Overtime and ho~ida_v ~-~+.=: Work from ~-00 a m to 4'30 p m is paid at straight time Ail other time including Sat~rdays, Sundays, and holidays is paid at 2x the basic straight-time hourly rate plus employer pa~.~ents as sho,~m above. (Start~.ng and. quitting time may be changed by mutual agreement. ) RecoEni~e~ ~h~_!id. ay~s: In accordance with Labor Code Section 1773, holidays upon which the general'prevailing ~o~,n~ __ .... ~ wage rate for holiday work shall be paid sh~.~ be all holidays recogumtzed in the collective bargaining agreement applicable to' the particular craft, classification, or type of worker employed on the proj-~ct which is on file with the Director of Industrial Relations. Travel and subs~'stence p~yments: The contractor shall m.-~. e travel and subsistsnce payments to each worker needed to execute the work, as such travel and subsi.~bence payments defined in the applicable collective barga~ing a~eem~nt filed with the Direc%or of Industrial Relations in accord~ce with ~bor Code Section 1773.8. . 1 0 1977 o PLI IIg ,:iO GSN!."J{AL PR~FAIToI);G WAGE DETZi~.2~';&?ION M;~D~.i BY TIIE )>ti~.ECTOR 'OF ~ U?..bu~,.~? ~ C;J,IFO~J)IA 1.10.~dJOR CODE INDUSTiLIAL ~a.~LAT!ONS ~ '"T~V ~ Ii PART ?, CtTAPT~A% 1, ;3[~SCLE..°, SECTIONS 17.'70, 1773 ';,.~:D 1773'.1 479 · .. CorrecLion, supersedes De't: 162-10-77-1 Ref: 162-003.17-001 ' · De'terminaticn: 162-10-77-2 · Effective date of detor~atnation' April' ~0., 1977. ,.~xp.i~ticn date of dete~-mination' July 1, 1977, unless earlier modified, coffee%ed, .i "~'~:~rscdcd, or rescinded by tho Director. 'oc-~]ity'. 1~1 loc'ilitic3 With Kerr., Los ~t.n~'~'l-s~., ~ ~ , Orange, Riverside, Stun Berna~d'Lno, San Luis Obispo, Santa. Barb~a, and Venture counties. ~ra~t:' Terrazzo l!elper and related trades. Base machine work (d~-M', wet or f!athead) Terrazzo Helpers, Floor machLuo operator, Finisher . · __~mpl.0yer pav?_ents. (Labor Code Section 1773.1) Basic straight-time :: l o_mgt ra.,t.e $9.15 8.88 Health and welfare: 70~ per hour. Pension: 80~ per hour. VaCation/holiday: $1.00 per hour worked. Stra~ht-time ho~____~'. 8 hours daily, Monday through Friday. ' Qvert!~e ~d~ hQ!ideM _rate. 8 ho~s work begi.,mLug as early as 6'00 a.m. is paid at '"' straight time. Work after 8 hours mud until 6'00 p.m. is paid at 1-~ the ba:~ic straight-time hourly rate; all other time i~nclud'kng Saturdays,. Sundays, and · holidays is paid at 2x ~he basic straig?.~-~ime hourly rate plus employer pa.~:~ents as sh~n above. :_RecoM!~i.ze2! h0.1~days: In accordance with Labor Code Section 1773, holidays upon ,,..'hich the general prevailing hourly ~ago rate for holiday work shall be paid shall be all holidays recognized in the collect~ve~ bargaining agreement apn~icab!e._ to the p~rticu!a, craft, classification, or ~yp~ of worker e:.~p!oyad on the project which is on file with the Director of Industrial P~!ations. ; Tra';e.___~l ~an:~ subs: et. encee_ ~ _: _~Da~ents :~ _- .... The contr4ctor shall r_~ke +ravel, and subsist, enc~ pa)~ents to each worker needed to execute the work, as such travel ~md subsistence payments a-e defined ~n t~e applicable collective bar aini cement filed with · . g. ng a~'~.r %ko Direc.to'- of Industrial Relations in accord.anco wi~h Labor Code Sect. ion 1773.8. 1 0 1977 48O GE~EItAI, PREVA'[[,ING W^GE D'F, TEtlM'[K'^'['ION MADE IiY TIlE ])I. ItEC:TOR OF INI)USTR[AL REI,ATION~ t:'Ui~UA,>I'[' TO CAI,]"FORNIA I,ABOR CODE PART 7~ CH^t'rER 1~ ARTICLE 2~ SECTIONS 17'ZO~ 177~ AND ~773,1 ' Supersedes Det: 0~1-13-77-1 o6 -0o -0o Dotorminatio. n: ..-061-t'3-7'/~2 · E£fective date of de.termination: April i4, 19'77. · Expira'~ion date of.dct,(';rmin~,~t.i.c~' Au:just 3'1, 1977, unless earlier modified, corrected, superseded, or rescinded by the Director. · ~cality' Ail localities within Orange County. Crafb- Electrician .. Waze rates Classification (journeymen) Basic s'braight-time Inside Wireman $12.54 Te chni clan 12.54 Cable Splicer . 13.12 _Emplo!-er pa~ents (Labor Code Section 1773.1) Health and welfare: 81~ Per hour worked; ~1.62 per overtime hour worked. Pension: .$1.45 per hour worked; ~2.90 per overtime hour worked,a Training: 2~ per hour worked. ~ ..... ~ ~_ _ ~ _ aIn addition, employer con6ribu6es an amou_n~ equal ~o 1% of gross wages ~o %he National ~plo~ees Bene£ifi Board. _S_~rai~htrti. m~ ho_~,~s: 8 hours daily, Monday through Friday, except that every fourth (4th) . Friday of every month is a ncn-paid day off. :0Y~_rt~ue ~ holiday rat___~e: Work from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon, and from 12-30 p.m. to -L ~..~ ~' l--I. .i. ~0 . ~. ~ ........ ~:30 p.m. is .paid at s u_~-~g::~-uime. All other time and hours ~orked on the ~our~n (&th) Friday of every month, including Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays~ is paid at 2x %he basic straight-time hourly rate plus employer payments as sho~,~ above. (A one hour variance in starting and quitting time is' permissible provided the employer notifies the parties accordingly.) .- R_.eco~nized ho!idavs: In accordance with Labor Code Section 1773, holidays upon which the general prevailing hourly wage rabe for holiday work shall be paid shall he ~11 holidays recognized in the collective bargaining agreement applicable to the particular craft, classification, or type of worker employed on the project which is on file with the Director of Industrial Relations. · Travel .a~nd subsis'tence paym. ents- The con.tractor shall make travel and subsistence ~a~.e.nLs %o each worker needed to execute the work~ as such travel and subsistence ~='~=~+= ar= defined in the applicable collective bargaining agreement filed with the Director of Industrial Relations in accordance with Labor Code Section 1773.8. [' AY 1 0 i 77 GENER:~L PR.h~AILING WAGE DEri;.;~.~INATION MM)E BY THE DIRECTOR , OF IIIDUSTRI~ t~~TIONS PUf~tlAN'[' TO C3~II,~I~I[A ~BO[{ COD~ 'PA~ 7, Ci[APT.~q 1, Ai{i'I~E 2, SECTIONS 1770, 1773 ~D 1773.1 " Re.f:. 200-012%7-001 . gupergcdes Del: '200-06-77-1 Detemination: 200706-77-2 E~f,e[Sve da~ of d~,~ · ~ ~.c~a~.na~,ion N,.~rch 30, 1977. . ~pir~¢ion d~:'~'o of dc.~c~':.:[~:t'tion' July ]1~ 1977~ m~].cas earlier modificd~ corrected~ ~perseded, or rescinded by ttte Director. Lq .lity: ;~1 localities wit~n Los ~geles., 0r~ge, ~verside, San Bernardino, San Luis ' ,ippo, Scrota ~rbnra, ~d Ventura co~ties. , Craf~: Carpet Layer Wage rates ~C! a s. S if~ca ti On_ (,q 0 .u_r n.eS~:e ~ ~ Carpet Layer Basic straight-time ~p!°Yer p~yne~nts (Labor Code Section 1773. l) Health and welfare: 70~ per hour worked. Pension: 82.~ per hour worked. Vacation/holiday: 60~ per hour worked. Training: 6~ per hour worked. $~traight-time hours: 8 hours daily, Monday tkrOugh Friday. __~_~_rtLue an~d _hp~%~da~X ya%~: Work from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. is paid at straight time. Ti~e and one-half the basic s;raight-time hourly rate is paid for all time in excess of 8' hours or outside of re~alar hours tmtil 12:00 midnight and from 8:00 a.m. to --- 4:~0 p.m. on Saturdays. gll other t~.e, including the re.,:~inder of Saturday, Stmdays~ and holidays is paid at 2x the basic straight-time hourly rate pIus employer payments as shown above. A start.~ng time earlier than 8:00 a~m., but .not earlier than 7:00 a.m. r--~7 be established.by, mutual agreement. ~ecggDi~ed .hg~i~ays- In accordance with Labor Code Section 1773, holidays upon which the general prevailing hourly wage rate for holiday work shall be paid shall be all holidays recoo~mized in the collective bargaining agreement applicable to the particular craft, classification, or type of worker employed on the projecb which is on file with the Director of indusbrial Relations. ~r~Yp_! an_~d ?_~bsistence payments: The contractor shall make travel and sub'sistence payments tc each worker needed to execute the work~ as such travel and subaistence paymen~ aro defined in the applicable collective bargaining agreement filed with the D52ector of Industrial Relations in accordm~ce with Labor Code .Sect'i.on 1773.8. I' AY 1 0 · J . 482 Craf.~t: Terrazzo Me~hmni¢ ......... - ,,,,~- . ,, .~,, ,',ADE '~,, [ m'[E,, DY~;'''o~'n,,~: ....... I~ (.)F INDU°'''~''~ "' "'~ 1' ' "' ,~l~J~ t~LAI.[O~o I~U}{SiIAr, i' TO CAi, II"Oi~IIA L~Bfh~ CODE PART 7, OHAP'I'Ei~ 1, ARTICI, E 2, S~TIONS 1770, 1773 /did 1773,1 . . Rof: De'[e~m~ina~on: Olc-,. 5-77-1 . Zff~,2tive date of dctcrmi, natton' February 1,' 1977 E:q:~rat!on dat~ cf detenn[~a'tion- Jun,'~ 30, ].977, unless ear].ier modified, corrected, · ~uperscdcd, or rescinded by t!~c Dir' tc:'. ' ' -~ }[~'rn Los /mgclcs, Or~ge Rivers~u_ L¢ aiity All localities wJ.[hin Invo, .. , , , ....S~'~ Be~ardino, S~ Luis. Obispo, S~iLa Barbara and Vent'~a co, ties. __ , rates Classification:_ (j · Terrazzo ~'~echanie (Labor Code Section 1773.1) Basic straight-time ..... D 0~_~~ r___~.~_ t e ..... · · Health mud welfare' 30~ per hour. Pension: 80~ per hour. Vacation/holiday- Included in basic hourly wage rate.a ~ ~ ~_._ . .... ~_ .... a70¢ per hotu~ wit.hheld from wages m:d sent to vacation fund. hours daily, Monday throUgh Friday ?..-_.:_.rt~_F~.e:. Uork from 8'00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. is paid at straight t~ue. ~11 other · " time in excess of 8 ho',,_~s between 6'00 a.m. ~nd 6'00 p.ra. is paid at 1-.]-:,: the basic straigi~t-time hourly rate; double time thereafter. ~ Sa+~,~d c'n"'~avs ...nd ......... d_.vs Doubl= time-. In accord:race with L" ~' g~ i~~ _bcr uode ~~i holidays upon. which' the gensr~ .prevailing hourly wage rate for holiday work shall be paid shall be ~1 holidays reco~ized in the collective bargaining, agreezent applicable to the partic'~ar craft, classification, or t~e of worker employed on tke praject which is on file with the Director of I~dustrial Relations. T--a::e______~l e?.d Aubsis+euce p_a-~mg_r__,t~. Ti~e Contractor shall m.aJ.:e travel amd subsistence payments to each worker ~eeded to e:.:e, cute the work, as suc}~ travel mhd subsis- tenc~ p;a;-m~n..s are defined in th= applicable collective ba='gaining .~=~e:.~n~ filed with the Director of Industr'].al i~elations ~% accordance with Labcr Ccd-~ ~ecticn 1773.8. · · I',,1AY 1 0 1fi77 483 % , · · · · INI')UST[~.~ Rt~.A2TO[IS ru...~o:u,T CALIFt')I~'iiIA LAi3OI~ CODE P~T 7, Cli,~'~ 1, ARTICLE 2, S~~Oi'.IS 1770, 1773 /d'lD 1773.1 Ref: 162-00011-002 Do tcxu~ina tion: 162- 0/7-77-1 Effucttve date of de. termination' Febru?ory !, 1977 Exoi:'ation d~tc of dote--'i' ~tion' May. 3L, 1977, unless earlier modified, corrected, suoerseded, or rescinded by t.~e Director. Locality' ~1 loc~ities withLu .Kern, Lo:~ ~ugolca, Orange, Riverside, San Dernardino, S~ Luis Obispo, S~ita Barb~a, ~d Vent,~a cour~ties. Craf___~t: Marble Setter Helper. W ~.~ rates Mmrble Setter Helper Grinders, Stocknan pa:,_'me:_'._ts_ (Labor Code Section 1773.1) Basic straight-time $6.98 7.215. Health and welfare' $1.11 per hour. Pension: $1.20 per hour. Vacation/holidaY: Included in basic straight time hourly rate.a ato~ per hour withheld from wages ~nd sent to Vacation-Christmas fund. Hours' 8 hours daily, Monday through Friday. Overt~.me' Work from 8'00 a.m. to 4'30 p.m. is paid at strai"'~+ ~.. t~e. Time annd one- .......... ~a/£ the basic straight-time ho~rly rate is paid for first 2 overtime double time thereafter and for work before 7'30 a.m. . ~re...nium D_AY for Saturdays, Sundays, and ho!idavs' Double time In accor~g.nco with Lobor_ Code Sectien ].77~, ho]~d.e, ys .... upon which theg_~''--]~erel prevailing hourly-,'age rate for holiday work shall be paid shall' be all "e t..~ collec arg ~,:g agreem -- holidays reco~ni d in '~ tire b a[n~'', ent applicable to t:,e p~rtic'~CLar cra£%, c!assl£icaticn, or t~qpo of wor':...,r employed on the pro3ect ~hieh 5s on file ui%h tho Director o£ Industrial Relations. Travel and_ ~_ubs.~stence oa'~nents' The contractor shall m~ke travel and sub~;istence pa)-.~ents to each wo..-.er needed to ox,~oute .~hu work, as such travel s~nd sub is-. tence Fa.'.,..~ents are defined i~ the applicable col].ectlv~ bargaining agreement filed with th~ Director of Industrial Relations in accordance with Labor Cod~ Sect~ . . :on 1773 8 · · I A¥ 1 0 l g7'! 484. O~' !).T. INDUS~G~ RELATIONS P[;L~¢TJANT TO CALII:'CI'¢.IIA LtJ]OR CODE PM~T 7, CIUd'TZ]I 1, Ai~TiC[,E 2, S;.::CTIOi~S 1770, 177~ AIiD ].773.1 Ref: 20A-COO0 X-O0! Determination- 204-14-77-]. Effective d?,te of dot~r~'in.~t,$.on' Feb:~mry..~., 1977 ' E>:pi. rattcn d~.+e~, of dete~-::~i.~',;~ tio:~:. Jun.-,.. 23. , ].977., u.n].~sS., earlier nodtfied, co,-~~. . ~:c ted, superseded, or rescinded by the Director. Loc~ity: All loc~itics with~ Iuoori~l, Los fl.n-o~es Or, ge Riversid~ - San Be~ardino,. S~ Dke,,oo, S~mta B~b.~-a, mid 'Vcnt~a cern'ties. Craft: Pipefitter (Shortline) .rates Basic straight-time Pipefttter .. ' $11.22 Em~.plo~v:?r D:[~:~,e33_ts, (Labor Code Section 1773.1) He,mlth and welfare: $1.16 oer hour worked. Pension: $1.85 per hou_~ ~orked. Vacation/.holiday: $1.46 pe~ hour worked. Training' 7~ per hour worked. · Hour____~.~' 8 hours daily, Monday through Friday. Overt~ "~ · · ,-..~: 8 hours work beb~een 7 00 a m and 5 O0 p m is oa].d at s+~o~-'~ ~1 other t~ne is paid at 1-~-x the basic straight-tlme hourly rate. , . PFg:~i_~z~ o=a~ fo~ S._~.t~__d~ffE, ............ Smudavs, an~ ~0]:idf~s' T~= ~d ono-h~f for ~=...~~-*',~.'~ ..... :uys; double tiao for Sm~iays ~md holidays, in acco.,~ c.= w Labor Code S~c ~-'~ 17~, holidays upon ;-hioh the general prevailing hourly wage rate~ ~o.~'ho~idg.y_ work sh~l be paid sh~l be ~l holidays reco~mized in the collective ~g a~eement applicable to the part' '' ' ~ · zcaz~ cr~t, classification, or .typ.~ worker e~oloyed on th-~ ~ ' '~ ~' ~ ~.o~ec which is on file with the Director of ~naustrial ~lations. Travel ~md ~,;~=~-+~-~.~-~o .... *~- The con tot stla!l m~ke travel and subsistence pa~ents to e~h worker need-~d to ,,~'~cut~. the wo~k as such travel ~.d ~ubs~s- ' ~ tence p~-'~ents_..., are def'~ed in the applicable collective b~gain~g a~,,-ce=. ._~.,~ filed with tke Director of Industrial. Re' '~ za~ions in accord~ce with La%or Cc. do Section !773 · 8, I/JAY · ('i!~ ~!AL WAGE ~" FUF£U'"T '; " A~OI~ CODE PART 7, C}~AP'i'~2I 1, Az,~~; 2, ~,,.~ 1770, 17~ t~:I). 17~.1 485 Re C: 204-0000 Determination: 204-17--77-1 E-~£:_~ctt. ve date of deter:aD:erie::- Feb.~m.~..~ 1, 2977 E~iratt~,n date .el detor~i~a~io~: Seoteubur 30, 1977, m~le~ em'lier mode. ri,,4 , ~, . , or ~ ....cind'qd ~y t!:c Directs,-.. L.~'-eli~y' ............. Ail loc~t~,s wit'~n I::morial,. I, os ~tn,Zales, Orange, Rivcrside, . S~n Be~mardino, S~ Diego, S~ Luis obispo, s~ta B~bara, mhd Vent~a comities, Cr:.f____~t: Pipefitter (Utility) C!assificat!en_(j OIL PtPefitter Basic straight-tim~ ' hot:r].,z ,-a+~ -$ o.sz Emr, loye.r_ oa,,m, ents (Labor Code Section 1773.1) · tlealth amd welfare' $~ ~ _. ~o_ per hour. Pension- $1.73 per hour. Vacation/holiday' $1.189 per hour. . .h_'o, ~s' 8 hours daily, M~.nday through Friday.. Overtime: 8 hours work between 6'00 a.m. mud 5:30 p.m. is paid at strai, ght 'time. ;&l other time is paid at z~x the basic s+rai.~'* - an ~-t Lue hourly rate. q"-;o,""-, and hol~avs· T i.'a-~ mud one half for e--turdo:ra Prezit~m ~ for S~turdava, .... :~ ....,..., .., double t~e for S,mndays mud holidays. In accord~mce with Labor Code Section 1773, holidays upon ,;hich the gener~ provailLnr~o hc~ly ~,~age rate for hc, liday work sh~l be.oaid s~~.. ~ be ~1 holidays reco~nized~ ~ the collect"-=~,~ bargx~n- ~g agreement applicable to the pax'tic~~- craft, classification, or t3?~ cF worker employed on the project which is on file ,~ith the Director of Industri~ Relations. __Tr~aye].. mn__j s.~tbsis:tenc_e pay~,n~ts_- The contractor shall make travel and subsistence · "~'"~' t~,ave! mud subszs pa~-=ents to each worker needed, to execute the work, as ~_~,. . ' _ ·tence oa~men'ts sa-e defined in the applicable co!l~..~tivo b~,-gainLng filed ~-~th the Director of Induatria! P~lations in accelerate ~tith Labor Code Scctto: ,$ . . 486 . '~-' ' W' "',i D.t:,:'""~" GEI,~.,}~AT., ~:,,. ,~.,["'"'ION~,~,~ 1-1A1)~ BY '1'i{E ])l''R,s~,lO~{ ....... ()F I '"""~'"' ~"~ ~'~ 0 CAL 1 ~,',"~.,.:'r ,~ LA ~'{'~R CODE .,,.,u~iRIAL E, tONS PUI~,"~'""~.,,,, "' 2Alf[ ?, C}~i'?Ei~ 1., AliTiCLE '~ S~'~'' .... '" 7 .:,., · I '17VO, o,,,, 1 73 AND Re £: Determi:~a t, io:~- 204 O0oOX-O04 2'04-1 $...7'~- 1 E££ucti:':. date of determinations- February 1, 1977. }~pir~,tlc'n dat. e' of det, e~ni~'.:~tion' June 30, 1977, m]lc"s curlier mc, dj. Died, sui).~.;'re':cd, or rescinded by t~o Director. Loca]'~".. All !o"a!itic5 within imuarial,. I,o';. A".,e~ es ,..,, ~ Crange, Riverside, ' cants tkarbara and Ve~tura San 13~ e,,o, San I.,uis. Obispo, .. , . Cr~, ft.- Pipefitter (Industrial) cur:-cctcd, San l.lc:rnnrdino, .. ~ rates Pipefi t re" . }~.r,l,lo;'£.- r,~_/ht~ent, q (Labor Code Section 1773.1) }t¢.eith and welfare- $1.166 per hour. Pension- $1.~6& per ho'~, ' Vaunt. ion/holiday. $1.516 per hour. · ' "'l'ra'i~ing- 5.~¢ per t~our worked. , ~ Ili',ur:____2' 8 i~ours daily, Monday through Thursday, Basic straight-time _~__:ho_~!?].y rs_ t c .-&6 A t~our workday on Friday. ~r:,::-'i;r.,o- Work fro", '2.'iO0:"a ~ to 12-O0 nbon 1-[onday through Friday and from 1~.30 p m , t.o /.'30 p.m. Monday through Thursday is paid at s traig~t time. All ot}~er tine is ~:a!,! at...lx the ~sic straight-t~e hourly rate. . ' . Premi~m"~ for Satt~rdavs, S~.~ndavs, ~d ho!idavs' DoubIo ti~= In.acco~~ce with Labor G~o Section 1773, holidays upon which ihs general prevail- ing ho~ly ~age rate for holiday .work sh~l be paid shall bs ~! holidays recogmiz~!. ~n ~ne collective barga~n~-= - - ao~eement applicable to th~ p~tic~~ craf+ c!assif cation,, or t37~ of ~orl:O- employed on the project which ts on file with tho Direct of Industrial Relations. Trave_____~ ,:n¢___!~ Dubsi.:}.~:en_qe_ n~aym....ents' ~no contractor shall make travel and subsistence pay- men ts to ca~h wor,.er neeaed to execute tho work, as such travel m-~l subaist..-~r.~e pa~'ents are defined in tho applicab!o collective b~'[.,,aining agreement filed with the Directc~ of Industrial Roiations in accordance with Labor Code Section 1773.8. · [il AY .1 0 iST? GENEP~L WAGE Dg~''~''~ ' ,.,,,o.., BY TIlE Ditu~CT~.R OF INDUS'rRIAL t~~TIONS PIJi~UANT TO CAI, IFO,~NIA I,AI~R C ..... S 1~;C'f I C' PAtiT '/, Gt[AP'FER 3, ARTI 'r~ ..,~ ,~.., ~7'2'0, ~V7.3 AND 487 Ref: 204-00250-001 Determina t.ion · 204-19-77-1 Effe,';"."e date of determination: February 1, 197'7. · F~:ira': ~n dar,~.~ of .dete~..~ination: At~,n~-t,., ~ 31 , 19'77,. unlc--~, earlier modified, corrocLed, super~eded~ or rescinded by %he Direc%or. Locali-y- 7~ll localibics wiLh~n Los Angeles. and ()range counties. ~r. af~: Pipefitter (Air conditioning/Refrigeration) , W~r.e rates _C!~.p. si. f._i. ~ a t i oB:_ ( j o!~r n e ~vr..e n ) · Re~ri6erabion Re£ri~era~i~n £i~er. (cer~i£ied) . ~mPl, Oye~ ~a~_ents~ '(Labo~ Code Section 177~.1) Basic straight-time __ ~hm~rl¥ rate $11.935 12.085 ttealth and welfare: ~1.53 per hour worked. Pension: $1.70 per hour worked. Vacation/holiday: $1.42 per hour worked; $2.84 per overtime hour worked. Training: 20~ per hour worked,a Employer contributes-5~ per hour worked for certified refrigeration fitters. Hours: 8 hours dai].y, Monday through Thursday; A-hour workday on Friday. Dv_ertj_v.e: Work from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon, Monday through Friday and from 12'30. p.m. to 4'30 p.m. konaay through Thursday is paid at straight time. All other %Lv, c and work in excess of 8 hours daily is paid at 2x the straight-time hourly rate. Different starting and qui~+' -~ _ ~xns times may be established by agreement for s~ncle · shift operations between the ~mployer and the Union for such ccnditions as hot --- weather, traffic, where another craft or crafts on the same jo.b or project have · qu_~ting times and such cra s vea a~_._zerent starting and '~+ ft, ha direct effect On work covered by this Agreement, or for other mutually satisfactory reasons. Suclt deviation of starting t~,me shall not subject the Employer to. overti3ae rates. Premium oa__x..~or~ ~t___urd.-_ys, S.tm_d_~y.s~, n_~nd_ ho!~:d:.ay~s: Double time. In acco~a.nce -with Labor Gode Section 1773, ~olidays upon which the general prevail- ing hom.~ly wage rate for holiday work .shall be paid shall be all holidays recosntized in the collective bargaining agreement applicable to the particular craft, c].aosifi- cation, or tp~e of worker employed on the project which is on file with the Director of Industrial Relations. Tra._v_.,~. :end~ subs stence payments: The contractor shall make travel and subsistence pay- ments to each worker needed to execute the work, as such travel ~mnd subsistence payments are defined in the applicable collective bargaining agreement filed with the 'Director of Industrial Relations in accordance with Labor Code Section 1773.$. · ..... l Ah' 1. 0 i977 488 · ~,~'au~, ;/AGE DET~'~'E[NATIO,~ .14]dDE BY TIIE DIPJ~CTO.R OF INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS PU[~JU~'~IT 'lO C;~,IFO[CIIA L~OR CODE PART 7, C~[APT~ 1, ARTICLE 2, SECTiO:IS 1770, 1773 M~D ].773.1 Rof: 204-0070-)-001 Determination' 204-20-77-1 Effective date of determination: Feb~mary 1, 1977 Expiration d~_te of do'termi~:ation' Au[~R~.st 31, 1977, ~]_ess earlier modified, corrected, superseded, or rescinded by the Director. Lo..~].ity- City of Los.A,~je!e-.,..., .., and 25 miles beyon~. ~ c~ty.., l:h~ts of Los /mgo!~.,.;.. . Also . - . · ~tario and Santa Aha. The O.~e~s P~ver includes the cities or Santa Pa~a, Pomo~a, , Wiley aqueduct area is not' to be considered as part of the City of Los Angeles. Craft: Spr~ler fitter ~aKe rates Q!as_s!f ic~_t i_O.n _( j ourn · . Basic straight-time = _.ho~].y r,%te ,, _ _ Sprinkler fitter $14.66 _Employer payments (Labor Code Section 1773.1) Health and welfare' 66~ per hour worked. · Pension' 90~ per hour worked. Vacation/holiday- Included in basic hourly wage rate.a Training: 9~ per hour worked. a$1.70 per hour worked witb_held from wages and sent to vacation fund. }!our~:. 8 hours daily, Monday through Friday. Overt_Line_- 8 hours work between 7'00 a.m. and 4'30 p.m. is paid at straight time. All other time over 8 hours daily or 40 hours weekly is paid at 2x the basic straight-time hourly rate. . _P_r~mit~m._ ~ for_ Sat_?ur~a'j~_, $,undays~, an__Jd ~o!iday.s_.' Double t'~me. In accordance with Labor Code Section 1773, holidays upon which the general prevatlinE hourly wa,qe rate for holiday work shall be paid shall be all holidays recognized in the collective bargaining agreement applicable to the partic,a!ar craft, classification, or t)~pe of worker employed on the project which is on file with the Director of Industrial Relations. T=_r._a_ve.!_ ~nd subs~.stence ~avments' The .contractor shall mmke travel and subsistence payments to each worker needed to e~:ecute the work, as such travel and subsis- tence ~.~.:0m~nts. _..~ are defined in the applicable collective bargaining agreement filed with the Director of Industrial Relations in accordance with Labor Code Section 1773.8. · I,IAY 1 0 1$77 INDUSTRIkL KELATIONS I'Uf~U.~IT TO CALIFOi':I£A LABOR CODE" PART 7, Ct[Ai~rER 1, Mcr£chE 2, SZCTIOIlS 1'7'70, 1773 Al:i) 1773.1. P~£: 20i-OOCOX-O 14 Determination: 20~-21-77-1 Effective date of determination: February 1, 1977. ' Expl r a t' ' '-~ i r~~ · -~ · - ~cn date of detd ~ion. J~m~ 30, .1977, u~,!e~s e-flier modified, correct,,d, superseded, o- rescinded by tt~o Director. Loca~l..y' A!~ ~ ~ Ormngo ~vc~-side, Sen Bc,'na~ino, ' · _.~o aliti~s ~i+t~n Imperial, Los An,',clcs San :'ieEe., San L,~s Obis~, Santa Pnrkara~ n~d Ventura cog':ties. Irrigation and Laun SpripJcler Fitter - Sewer and Storm Drain Pipelayer. , · . __C!a~si f_~:cat ipn_ (jeurnevmen~ Basic stratght-tLme. Irrigation and La%m Spri~ler Fittor Irrigation and I,awn S~-'--~o.-~_._..._~. Fittor-(certified) Sewer and Sto:~ Drain Pip-~layor }hnlo';cr pa.~._ent_p (Labor Code Sec,_on 1773.1) Health end welfare (per hour): Pension (per hour): Vacation/holiday (per hour): Training (per hour)- hours daily, Monday through Friday. $ 8.80 9.40 7.92 _!~rri_gat_ign an~ I,at~____q.n ~pFipJc_!er_ Fitte._____~r Nonce rt i f led Cert i fi ed 88~ 94¢ $1.408 . $.1. 504 $1. l~.~Y, $1.222 · 8.8¢ 9.4¢ · 99.2¢ .267 .O3 5.9¢ -. Work from 7:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon mud from 12-30'p.m. to 3:30 p.m. is paid straight time. All other time is paid at 1-~x the basic straight-tine hourly rate. ~ ~ ::=f°r -2a ° "~u-_d~a3_p,- ' Sundays, ...... and holidays: Time and one-half for' Satu-~ay; ,t~,uble ti.me for Sundays and holidays.' In accor.dance with Labor Code Section 1773, ,~olidays upon which the general prevailing hourly wage rate for holiday, work si~all paid s.~:a!l be all holidays recognized in the collective bargaining agreement a.,.;p!icab!e to the patti~ ~ uu.~ar craft, classification, or type of worker employed on project ~hich is on fi!o with the Director of Industrial Relations. Trave~ ar.d s:~bs~'-',,nce navmcnt.,; The contractor shall r-rake travel and subs~s~en-e ' '~ tho work, as such travel and subs:s+ence payments .c each worker needed to e:.:ocu~. paymen'" ~ are defined in the applicable collective bargaining agreement filed with the Director of Industrial ~lations in accordance witt~ Labor Code Section 1773.8. MAY ! 0 i.qT1 · . · I..I . II III .... II ..... '] I ......... I. IJ ........ ,i ..... ' .... , . 490, ......... ~ D,',~}2,.~Y."'"IC.!,.,t; M.5[IE ]'~Y T!t~'.. DIRECq'~R OF' PART 7, ~d'rER 1, l~i~I~ 2,'SF~TIO'""~,o 1770, 1773 AiiD 1773.1 .~uperr~:des Dot- 200-17-77-1 Ref:. 200-0000X-OO6 Dete~mina ties: 200-17-77-2 .--~4~ · . --.~ect~ve date of deter.~tn~_tion: Jnnuard., 1, 1977. ~'Pi:'~t~cnn4 ~p. te of 3e~e~~.~icn- June 30, 1977,'~1cu~ ~arlier ~lified, corrected, ' ~-'-~ed by the Director su~e:'se_e~ or re~ c~._ . - 'l~ '4 ~ ' Locality ~_~ lo":2i._es wi~.~i~ ~pcri~l, Los Angulcs (that portion bo~ded by the San G~bric! Forcr:t Highway to S~ Gakrie! ~nyon t{oad to tho San Gabriel P&vor; t,o roo.n~ll Bo~evard and Ir;indUe Avenue ~n Azusa; South on vmJindale Avenue to B~u~vr-d. (Highway 90); S~"* ' ' - : ......... ~h cn S~nset ~venuc to Valley Boulevard; South on Seventh Avenue (~ente) to Los Altos Drive to 'Hacienda ~~evard; South on Hacienda %o the Or,ge Cc'&nty Line), ~~nge, ~versido, San Eernardino (exb!~ing western portion) an~ S~ Diego econo'es ' Craft: Painter mad related trades Wr:.-e rates C_!assi £i?a%iea. . Brush . Brush, Swin~ Stage Pope rh s_n ~e rs .Paint ~arner .. Spray - . Spray, Swing Stage S~dblaster S~dblaste-, SwLng Stage Iron, Steel ~nd ~idgo Paint=r (Grcm.dworz) Iron, S.uel ~nd Bridge Pain+~r~ (SwLng S,age) Iron, Steel ~ud Bridge Pa~ters, Spray Iron, S*~el ~nd ~ ~._~e Painter~ Sw~g. Stag~ Spray Steeple~ ack ~ggers, Gl' ' ~ L~D~no Steel Brush, ClLmbi~ Steel ~d Bridge Spray, Ci~bing Steel ~nd Bridge ~'~1 Finisher (!ncident~ ~ork) ~u1 c~.~e D9 -~" ~$ · ~' __ r ~ ~o.* (Labor C~e Section 1773 1) . ileal th and welfare. $1.09 per ~o~ worked or paid. Pensic-' $~.1S per hc,~-worked o~ paid. Vacat~on/h~!iday· 7~ per ho~ worked or paid. TraininC' 7.~ per hour worked or paid. Basic straight-time _ . .hourly rate $10.99 11.49 10.99 11.2~ 11.49 11 .~9 11.74 11.49 1 i. 74 12.39 11.49 11'.49 -~.74 12. CO i',IAY Ii 0 i977 ....... r:..rcm 8-00 a.m. to 12'00 noon, and from 12-30 p.m. to 4'30 p.m. is paid ', a~ s .... b:,~ t~me._. All other tLme is paid at 1 ¢ tI:,,~ bas4_~ strai-~*s..~-t~,q--, hourly rate. .... · - . c.._.~ and ¢clidavs- TLmc anti one-half for Sa~ : mad c .... days; d-',' ie t~e for holidays In accordm~co with ~bor Code Section 1773, ~ ~ ' ~ -~ · · .o!i'~"ys upon "~'~ ch the general prevailing ho~-ly wage rate for holid~ wor~. shall · ..e .r:aid .¢vm~.~_l_~ be all ho~_~, ~ days recogn~_--ed in the collective barga~_~ ag-ec-~,-.,. _~..-'t applicable to the particular craft, classification, or *"pe~.. of worl:er employed on ' .... ~'." pro jo-t_ w~i.2h.. _~s on file with the Director of Industrial ,,_la~ions.~)~ +, 'a2T, e:~ts to each worker nc. eded to excc~tto thu wo:-k, as such travel and :;ubsi:;tenco · .aymc~ts are defined in the apPlicable.collective barga~ing agreement filed with '.~:e Director- of Industrial t~ela%ions .i~ acco~anco uith Labo-'Code Section 1773.~,--" .. G '~{Eib'..L. '-'~"" ~*~ *"~~":u~ ,~.t.~, ~,,~, "'~,,~u~ DET~"~ A'z~ON .~ADE. BY THE DI~'~mn~',~.,,,, OF INDUST~$~ k~A~iu,'~o PO~LSiJ~J~T 20 Cf~ZFOi~g'iZA ~,AoOR CODE .PART 7, C}L~TER 1, ARTIGLE 2, SECTIONS 1770, 1773 ~ID 1773.1 491 Modification, supersedes Det~' 003-01-77-1 Ref: 003-00005-001 Determination: 003-01-77-2 Effec~zve dat.~ of determination' Janizary 1, 1977. Expir~tion dmte o£ de~er~utnation' Ju].y 31, 1977, unless earlier modified, correcteR, suoerseded, · or rescinded by the Director. Locmlity: ~] localitics wlthLn Imperial, In/o, Kern, Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside --man Bernardino, San Diego, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, and Venture counties '~ .ft- Asbestos Worker · Wa?~e rates C]? s. S i~j.C a_t_i q .n (J~0urne~vmgn) Basic straight-time Asbestos Worker $12.10 E~mU0__~lpye~ oavments (Labor Code Section 1773.1) Health and ~elfare: 80¢ per hour worked. Pension' $1.10 per hour worked. Vacation/holiday: $1.00 per hour worked. Training: 4~.~ per hour worked. Occupational health and reses_~ch: 7~ per hour worked. Strait'bt-time hours: 8 hours daily, Monday through Friday. 0~__~:.~.~ and holiday rate: Work from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. is paid at straight time. All other t.~me,- inclod-'., _n~o S~turdays_ , , Sundays. , and holidays (except Labor D~y) is paid. at 2x the basic straight-time_ ho~r].y rate. Three times the basic strai~sn~- '~ time hourly rate is os.id for Labor Day (~ ~' · . . o.~aro~mg and quitting times may be changed by mutual agreement between employer and employee representative.) co~nized holidays: In accordance with Labor Code Section 1773, 'holidays upon which ~%he general prevailing hourly ~age rate for holiday work shall be paid shall be all' holidays recognized in the collective bargaLning agreement applicable to the · particular craft, classification, or type of worker employed on the project which is on. file with the Dire-~ . ~ocr of Industrial P~lations Treve__~~_ an__jd sjzbsilt, enc,e ~~ents_' The contractor shall make travel m~d subsistence pa)unents to each worker needed to execute the work, as such travel and subsistence · payments are defined in the applicable collective bargaining agreement filed ~'ith the Director of Industrial F~lations in accordance with Labor Code Section 1773.8. 492 GENEi{AL P~.]vAII,ING W'AGE DETI.,,MINATION MADE BY Tile DISseCTOR OF I,,ilUSTfEEflL t~r~.,A'['[O;.~S FURSU'"~i~,T TO CALI[.'O?d~IA LAf.~OR CODE P~T 7, CI~PT~ 1, AR~~E 2, SECTIOrlS 1770, 177~ ArID Modification, supersedes De t: 200-32-77.-1 Ro£: 200-0000X-017 De tormi na ti on: 200-32-77-2 · Effective d?.te of'detcn:zlnatio'n' January 1, 1977. Expiration date of deterr, ination: September ~0, 1977, unless earlier modified, c~rrec%ed, superseded, or rescinded by the Director. ' Locality: Ail localities within Fresno, Imperial, Kern, Kings, Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San B~rnardino, San Diego, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara~ Tulare~ and ..... Ventura cormties. Craft: Parking and highway Lmprovement painter. Classification ( ~ourne~,en~ Basic straight.time hourly rate Traffic delineating device applicator ~tixer operator SqUeeqee man Applicator operator Shuttleman Top man Wheel stop installer Traffic surface sandblaster $8.87 8.48. 7 5.83 h, IAY 1 0 8.48 8.48 Striper ~'~¥;i:t DII~" "'~ ' Helper for above c!assification~UoH ~,u~j4~ ~..~,~,/~a ~, 6.83 Servi c eman =" · 5.6 5 ~o!oyer pa~auents (Labor Code Section 1773.1) Health mud welfare' 50¢ per hour Worked. Pension: 35¢ per hour p=_id. Vacation- 13¢ per hour worked in first year of emplo~nuent; 33¢ for one year but. less than five years; 43¢ for five years but less than l0 years; 53¢ for l0 years mud over. 'Holidays' 22¢ per ho,~. worked. hours' 8 hours daily. . _Over~.m~ gr.~ ~'.~.l,.'.dav rate' All time in excess of 8 hours daily or 40 hours weekly is paid at 1Q-x the basic straight-ti=e hot,fly ratej double the basic straight- time.:~w.~"~"-_~., rate is paid for holidays plus employer payments as shown above. · Recc~~-.=~ hoi~davs- In accordance with Labor Code Section 1773, holidays uoo~ which _--_-..*.-'- ,-: f..- '?.,, =: : -- ~ ~.- ~ ,, - ,, the genera], prevailing hourly wage rate for holiday work shall be paid s}'..a!l be all holidays recognized in the collective bargaining agreement applicable to the particular craft, classification, or type of'worker employed on the project which is on ,_.lo with the Director of Industrial Fmlations. Trave_~i an_~d s[_'.¥s[s_teqce pa:~p.:.ents: The contractor shall mmke travel and subsistence payments to each worker needed to execute the work, as such travel and subsistence pa)~ents are defined in the. applicable collective bargaining agreement filed with the Director of Industrial Relations in accordance with I~bor Code Section 1773.8. 493 STATE OF CALII.'O]U'IIA) COUNTY OF OI~\~:GE )SS. CITY OF TUSTIN ) · RUTII C. POE, City Clerk and. ex-officio Clc~'k of thc City Council of the City of Tustin, Calf fora]ia, docs hereby certify 'that the whole number of t~%e meI:~!3c]'-~; of the 'City Council of the City of Tustin is five'; tt]',~t tl~e above and fore'going Rcso].ution ~,'o. 77-52. was duly and ]-egularly introduced, rcad, pas.?,ed ~¢1 adoptc~--~t a regular meeting of the City Council held on the_. .16.th .. day of_~ May .... 1977, by the following vote' AYES: SHARP, WELSH, EDGAR, SALTARELLI SCHUSTER ' COUNCILMEN' ------ NOES' COUNCILMEN' NONE · NONE ABSEI,~T · COUNCILMEN ' ~ty of 'T~aliforn].a