HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 83-29
BE IT RESOLVED BY _cA t~ Council
Robert S. Aedendecker
- * (Name of £ncu/~[~ent)
.... *' (Name of lncurnb$nt~ ....
is hereby authorized to execute for and in behalf of
OF Tustin
' (Public' Entity ') ....
, ,,Director of Public Works/City Enginee
~0 ffic~al' Pos~t~on ) '
, Governor's Authorized Representative.
Cit~l of Tu,s, tin
.... , a public entity established under the laws of the State of ..California,
this application '~nd ~ t-fie it in the appropriate State office for the purpose of obtaining certain Federal fix~an'cial
assistance under the Disaster. Relief Act (Public Law 288, 93rd Congress) or otherwise available from the President's
Disaster Relief Fund. '
THAT ,, Ci tF ...o.f Tustin , a public entity established under the laws of the State
of California,, , t~ereby authorizes its agent to provide to the State and to the Federal
Emergency Management Agency (FEM',) for ail matters pertaining ~o such Federal disaster assistance the assurances
and agreements printed on the reverse side hereof.
Passed and approved this 4th day of April, 1983
(Name and~itl..e) MAYOR
i,~AR¥ S. v~r~ ~ (Na~tle') CITY CLERK
,19 83 .
(Na'me a~'d"Title )
..Mary E- Wynn
the City...of Tustin
resolution passed and approved by the
,, duly appointed and ,el,ected, City Cle, rk
, do hereby certify that the above is a true and correct copy of a
City Council _ of , City of,. Tustin
(Governing Body) ' (Public Entity)
on the .4.t.h day of April ,19 ~.
Date' , Ap,~il 6, 1983
City Clerk
(Official Position) '
' ~Signa}~.re)- 6-'
*Name of incumbent need not be provided in those cases where the governing body of the public entity desires to authorize any
incumbent of the designated official position to represent it. ·
FEMA Form 90-63, MAR 81
The Applicant hereby a~ur~.s and cer" 'hat he will comoly wi~ the FEMA ~ula[io~, polici~, .aiin~ and r~uimments inciudin~
OMB'~ C[~ulam No. A-9~ and A-[0R. ,. ~MC T4-4, ~ they ~iate co me appiicutio~ acceptance a~d use o~ Federal ~unds ~or ~ F~ily~
~[~ prol~t. AI~. the Applicant ~iv~ ~umnce and certi~ with r~t to and ~ a condition ~or the Rrant tha~:
[. [t po~e~ses local authority to apply t'or the grant, and to financ~
and construct the proprmpd t'aciiities; tha¢ a resolution, motion or
simila~ action hn~ been duly adopted or panned as an oi~ficial act
of ch~ applicant's ~iovernmK l~ndy, authorizin~ the filial[ of the
application, inctudin~ all understandings and aaauran~es contained
therein, and directinl~ and authoriziml the l~erson identified as the
ot'ficial re1~rt-sentatiYe o1' the applicant to act in connection with
the application and to provide such additional int'ormation as
may he required.
'.'. [t will compty with the provisions o(: Exemztive Order 11988,
retatin~ co Floodplain Management and Kxecutive Order 11990,
relatine to Protection of Wetlands.
3. [t will have suificient funds available to meet the non-Federal
share of the cost for construction prelects. Sufficient funds will
!~ available when construction is completed to asmzm effective
operation and maintenance of the facility t'or the purpose
4. [t will not enter into a construction contract(s) tar the projee~ or
undertake other activities untit the conditions of the grant pro-
iraml s) have been met.
.5. It will provide and maintain competent and adequate architectur-
al enKineerin~ supervision and inspection at the construction site
to insure that the completed work conforms with the approved
plans and specifications; chat it will furnish pro~esa reports and
such other information u the Ftderai ~rantor a~eney may
6. It will opernte and maintain the facility in accordance with the
minimum standards as may be requirmt or presm~bed by the
applicable Federal, State and local a~eneies for the maintenance
and operation of such fatalities.
?. [t will give the frantor a~eney and the Comptroller General,
through any authorized representative, access to and the right to
examine ail records, books, papers, or documents retatad to the
~.- [t will require the t'aeility to be designed to comply with the
"American Standard Speeificatiorm for Makinl Buildings and
Facilities Acceasible to,. and UMbie by the Physically Handi-
capped,'' Number Al17.1-1961, as modified '(41 CElt 101-t?-
?03lk The applicant will be. responsible trot eonduetin~ 'in-
~pections 'to. insure compliance with. these sl~eifications by
the contractor.-
9. It will cauae work' on the project to be commenced within a
reasonable time al'tot receipt of notification t'rom the approvinl
Federal asleney that, t'unds have been approved and will see tha~
work on the project will be prosecuted to. completion with
ru~onable dilil~ence.
t0. ti, will not dispose of or encumber its title or other interesta in
the site and t'neiliti~s durin~ the period of Federal interes~ or
while the Government holds bonds, whichever- is the Ion~er.
il. [t al~r~,a to comply with Section 3'~. P.I,. 93-288 and with
Title VT of the Civil Ri~hts Act of 1964 (P.L. 83-352) and in
aceordanee with Title VI of the Aec, no person in the United
States shaft, on the ground of race, color, or rmtionaJ origin, be
excluded t'rom participation in, be denied the honer'its, of, or be .
otherwise subjected to discrimination under any pro.strum or
activity t'or. which the applicant receives Federal financial as-
sistanee and will immediately take any meaaures necesaary to
effectuate this as[reement. [f any real property or structure is
provided 'or improved with the aid of Federal financial asaist-
ante extended to the Applicant, this asaurance shall oblil~ate, the
Applicant. or in the case of any transfer of such property, any
transfert, e. t'or the period dunn~ which the real property or
structure is used t'or a purpo~ for which the Federal financial
assistance is extended or t'or another purpose involvin~ the
provision al' similar services or benefits.
[2. [t will ~tablish sa/'e~uards to prohibit employees from usint~
their positions for a purpose that is or gives the appearance al'
hein.~ motivated hy a desire t'or private tlain (or themselves or
others, particularly chase with whom they have family, business,
or other ~ies.
[3. [t will 'e0mply w,,~t.~· the requirements of Title [! and Title
the Unil'~ tm ','~0ca~.nn Assurance and ReM Property Acqui-
sitions Act ot:'i..I/?O" ~.~ 91-646) which provides for t'air and
'ecl~itahle trea~.mer~ ,)t'-'~,rsons displaced as a result of Federal
and Feoers. ll y.- a~.s&M
~4, it wij.r comp.p, .wit,~:~ll ·~t.~lirements imposed hy the Federal
--~rantor a~'~nc:' C.~m~'-.i, nins[ s~ecial rec[uirements of law,
r~lmrements, artcl re.i- er".~, m;n'-'=tracive requirements approved in
~accoruam'-.. wltit. O~J~_~;,cu:a~ A-t02, P.f., 93-288 aa amended,
[nd,af, pbcable .~ ede.-~t, A .e~u!,~tiona.
. ~ ,
15. It will comply with the provisiona of the Hatch Aec which limit
the politir,~ activity al' empioye~. ·
16. It viii com~ly ~th the minimum wa~e and m~imum
p~v~io~ o~ ~e Fede~l Fair ~bor S~~ ~t, ~ ~ey apply
hmpi~ and ~ucation~ i~ticution ~mploy~ of
1~ governmen~
lT. (To the ~ of h~ knowi~qe and belief) the d~er r~ief work
d~nbed on e~h ~e~ ~me~eney ~lana~ement A~ency
(F~IA) Proi~t Application for whi~ Fede~l Fin~ei~
s~~ is ~u,t~ is eligible in a~anee ~ the cnte~a
con~in~ in 44 Code of ~ede~ Relu~tio~, P~ 205, and
applicable F~MA Hand~~
18. ~e eme~eney or d~er relief work the~in d~n~ for
which Fede~ ~m~n~ is ~u,t~ he,under d~ not or
~ll not dupii~te benefi~ ~i~ ~or the ~e 1~ ~mm
uno,er mu~.
19. [t will (1) pm~de without ~st to ~e United S~t, all I~.
e~enM ~d ~[h~of-way n~~ ~or ~compi~ment at' the
app~ work; (2) hold ~d ~ve the Unic~ Stat,
~~. due to ~e app~v~ work or F~e~ ~undin~.
20. ~ ~n~ ~ giv~ in ~ide~tion of and rot the pu~
ob~nin~ ~y and alk F~ ~nn,, 1~, ~imbu~en~ ad-
~e~ ~nt~ p~ny, d~un, o~ other F~e~
m~ extend~ after the date huff co the Appti~t
FEM~ ~ such F~e~ Fin~ci~ m~n~ mil ~ extend~ in
~tiance on ~e ~9~n~tio~ and a~men~' made in
su~e ~d that ~he. Oni~d S~t, ~aii have the ~ht to
judici~ enfo~ent of ch~ ~~ee. ~ ~u~ ~ binding'
on ~e a9pli~ i, su~~n, tin,f m, and ~n~ and the
~n or ~m~ whoH sil~tum ap~ on the ~e~ u
· o~ to ~n th~ ~n~ on ~h~ of the applic~L
~1. It ~li comply with the fl~ i~u~n~ ~u~h~ ~qui~eno o~
~tion 102(a) o~ the FI~ O~ter ~t~ion ~t o~ 19T3,
~blic ~w ga-il4, 8T S~ g;l, appmv~ D~m~ 31, 1973.
~tion 102fa} r~uim, on and alter Slash ~ lgTf th~ pu~h~
at ~d i~n~ in communiti~ vh~ such i~nce
available M a '~ndition ~or the ~ipt of ~ Fe~r~
m~~ for ~tmction or acqu~itzo.a pU~os~ for
ma. ~ha~ h~ b~n identi~ by th~ ~to~, ~de~
M~~ent Aqency ~ an a~a ha~-ia~ S~ tT~ ha~ ~e
~ni, ~~ty, i~rance payment, rebat,.~ ~idy~ d~ter
~e I~n or g~nt, or any.~ee ~0~ 2t"dim~ c~ ;ndimet
Fede~ ~nce ........ '
.· ;·
2L It MIl comply wi~ th~ i~umnee'r~u'i;~enM of.~iofl
PL 93-288, to obtain and mainuin ~othe~mumn~ ~ ma~.' be
~~ble, ad~uate, and n~ to, pm~ ~nst
to ~y pm~y which wu replace, ~&o~,re~ai~, or eon-
stmet~ with this ~nce. " '
23. It will defer fundin~ of any proj~ in~lvin~ flexible tundin~
until F~A mk~ a favorable envimnmen~ ele~~,
~ ~ui~.
24. It will mbt the F~eml grantor a~en~ in i~ compliance with
~ion ~06 of the Nation~ Hhtode ~~tion Aec of 1966,
n ~end~, (16 U.~C 4T0}. ~x~utive O~er 11593, and the
~h~io~ie~ and Hhto~e PrHemtion Aec of t966 (16 U.S.C.
469a-1 et ~.).by fa) co~ultifl~ with the S~te Hhto~e P~
ration Officer on the ~nduet of inv~ti~ation~ n n~~,
to identify p~pe~i~ Ihted in or eti~ible ~or inclusion in the
Na~on~ Re~ter of Histo~e plata that are sublet to advem
eff~M (~ 36 CFR Pa~ 800.~) by the activity, and notit'yin~
the Fede~ ~ntor a~eney of the exhtenee of any such
ti~ and by (b) complying with ail r~uimmen~ ~tabli~ed by
the Federal f~tor a~eney to' avoid or mitigate adve~
u~n such p~peni~. ·
25. It will, ~or any repai~ or construction financed herewith, comply
with applicable scandals of ~l'ety, d~eney and uni~tion
in confo~ity with a~pticable cod~, .sp~tt'ieations and stan-
dards; and, witl evalua~ the natural h~ar~ in areu in which
the p~~s of the ~nt or loan am to be used ~nd take
propfiate action to mitigate such hanr~ including ufe land
uM and eo~tmetiofl pmetie~
The State al~rees to take any neeeasary action within State capabilities
to require compliance with these asaurances and a~r~ements by the
al~plicant or to a~sume responsibility to the Federal government fbr
any det'iciencies not resolved to the satisfaction of the Regional