HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 77-26392
The .City Council,
City of Tus'tin,
does hereby
resolve as follows"
1. That the City Council of the City of Tustin did
January 26, 1977 adopt its Re.solution No. 77-13 declaring
proceedings ~ad been initiated with the City Council of the City
of Tustin to annex said territory to the City and giving notice
of the proposal to annex said territory to the City,. which said
Resolution described the boundaries of the territory proposed to
be annexed.
Said Resolution No. 77-13 did set March 7, 1977 at
7'30 P.M. in the Council Chambers at Centennial at Main Street in
Tustin, California, as the day, hour and place where and when the.
· ,
City Council of the City would hear all persOns and would hear
all protests made by any person owning real property within the
territory proposed to be annexed, the time of said hearing being
not less than forty (40) nor more than sixty (60) days from the
date of passage of said Resolution.
The territory proposed to be annexed is situated' in the
County of Orange, State of California, more particulary described
as set forth in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated
herein by this reference, and is as shown on map att'ached hereto
marked Exhibit "B" and incorporated herein by this reference.
4. That the said .territory is contiguous to the City of
Tustin and is uninhabited territory in the County of Orange, as
defined in the Government Code of the State of California..
That the said territory is composed of four (4) separ-
ate parcels, each contiguous to the City of· Tustin, ann eacm of
said parcels is not contiguous to any-of the other of the· four·
(4) said parcels, and the territory in said annexation proposal
was by the Local Agency Formation Commission of the County of
Orange, pursuant to Section 54797 of the Government Code, ap'-
proved for annexation and deemed a single area for purposes of
determining the manner in which the annexation proceedings should
be initiated' and conducted pursuant to the provisions of Chapter
1 of Part 2 of Division 2 of Title 4 of the Government Code
(Section 35000 et seq.) and all in accordance and pursuant to
Section 35002.1 of the-Government Code.
On March 7 and March 21, 1977, at the hour of 7'30 P.M.·
in the Council Chambers of the City Hall, Centennial at Main
Street, City of. Tustin, County of .Orange, State of ·California,
said time and place being the· day, hour and·pla~e fixed for
hearing protests to. the· said annexation, the City Council did
hear all persons and did hea~ and pass upon all protests made to
the proposed annexation and did find and determine that protest
had not been made by the owners of one-half, of the value of the
privately-owned territor·y proposed to be annexed as shown by the
last equalized assessment roll, nor by public owners of one-half
of the value of tlie publicly-owned territory proposed to be
annexed as determined by said legislative body.
--2-- ·
· 394'
The owners of property comprising more than two-
tt~irds (2/3) of the assessed valuation of all of the property-
wi. thin the subject territery have filed their wr~ tten con~ent to
~ 2O
annaxatio~ and ao the assumptizn c=. .~.~'~_ ~,,nded~. an"d 'o~,~'-
indebtedness and liability of the City contracted prior to or
existing a.t the time of the annexation of .the subject territory,
pursuant to Section 35319 of the Government Code of the State of
NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Tustin,.
California, does hereby determine and declare that a protest has
not been made by the owners of one-half of the value of the
privately-owned territory proposed to be annexed as shown on the
last equalized assessment roll, nor by the public owners Of one-
half of the value of the publicly-owned territory proposed to be
annexed, all as provided in the Government Code of' the State of
The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption, of this
City of Tustin, California,
a regular meeting of'the City Council,
held on the 21st day of March, 1977.
TO Tllc, CT. IY 0[" TIISTT. M~
Beginning at the most westerly corner' of Block 44, of Irvine's
Subdivi,'ion,'' as per m~tp rccor~lcd in Book I, pas,,e ~8 of H/scellancous
Haps, kccords of Orange Couttty, Califotmla, said corner also be/n-., the
point of intersection of tl~c cet~tcr/ine of thc Santg Aha Freeway and the
center line of Bro~,x~iug Avenue;
"~' ..... ce N. 40°~7'!6'' E , a]~-o the ~,~ttncester].y line of' sai Bloc'.:
,~ ~..~ ':¢... ,., .... ~ .... ..., . . ': o. '".'"'"' *0 .- · "' - '
44 and along said cente{'linc of Browning Avenue, a distance of 99:).70
feet, to an angle point in the existing boundar7 of tim C£t¥ of Tustin,
a~.,estrtt~lished by the San Juan-Bro:,~in~ Annexation. per Resolutio:t 73-d4,
p~ sed anti adgpted December 3, 1973, said angle point being the most
s~ therly come- of said annexation; .
Thence N. 40°37'16"E.: along said City'
the no-'th:.:este-lv line of said Block 44' and
Brovming Avenu-, a distance of 363.17 feet,, to the point
with a line pa-~-!lel· to. and 33.00 .feet northeasterly of,
right angles f_-c..n, the centerline of San juan Street;
of Tustin boundary' and along
along said ccntcrlin.e of
of . intersection
as measured at
" £9~ ' 4" '
Thence, ~.. 19 1 W., along said parallel.line, a of
40.00 feet, to a_~. angle point in the existing boundary of the City of
Tustin, as es_='~lished by ti~e Bryan-Re'd Hill Ap~exation, per Ord~n~..ce
No..172, passed s_~.d adopned Jume 4, 1962, said a~ngle point being the
most southerly c.:raer of said annexation and a point on the northwesterly
might-of-way line of Bro~xaing Avenue;
Thence, N. 40°37'16'' E., along said City of Tustin bounda~ and
along said no~_:.~,--sterly_ ri-~.h,~.._-of-way line, a distance of 1391.00 feet,
to an angle po~n~ in said City of Tustin boundary; .
Thence, leaving said northwesterly right-of-way line
Avenue and"co:n'tinuing along said City of Tustin boundar~
f~llowin§ described courses: '
City o f
$. 49~20
S. 40 "37
S. 49~20
N. 40~ 37
'23" E., 130.00 feet;
' 16" ~,.,. , 63.00 feet;
'23" E., 240.00 feet;
'16" E., 283.00 feet;
'23" W., 370.00 feet, ko
y, said ang'le point al'so
-way line of Bro~,~ing;
N. 49~20
T~stin bounder
~orthwesterly right-of
o f Brown lng
throug~ the
an angle point in said
e~no a point on said
Thence, continuing along said city boundary, N. 40~37' 16" E.
along said right-of-way line, a dist,.ce of 59.50 feet, to an angle.
point in said city boundary, said angle point also being a' point on
the southwesterl
Book 95, pages 8 and 9 of btlscellan~ous Haps, records of said Or~.~
Thence, leaving said City of Tustin boundary, S. 49018'24'' E.,
along said southwesterly tract boundary, a dist,:ac of 40.00 feet,
to the ~,oint of intersection witt~ the northwcster.iy line of said Bio. ck
44, said point of interscction also being thc mos* southerly corner
of saj. d %ract No. 2916 and a point on the canter!ine of Brox,a~ing Avenue;
_, 5q~¢:nce, N. 40°37'16" E., alon.~, thc nor't}t',,'-stc~ly.. ~ l'ine of sa~d
] 0c~: ..., alon,% saJ. d cente,. ] ine a~'~d :t ~on~ the outheas'cer ly bo~nd',ry
~ s~l Tract [;o. 2916 '.:~cl its ]~ort}tca~:t~,.riy ~'~ro].:.ngation, a dist'=:zce
of 93' .5] rec..t, t(~ tl:e ~:o~'t wcstcrl:,' cor~tc~r of Tract ~;o. 6628, as
~,::~ :'(.c.~,'-(~c.(t in l;ool~ 246, p'~qes ]6 t.l-rouf%i~ 3S j.~clusive of bliscell:~n~.ous
~-,at~.,'' ,; }'~ c.(~rcls of .,'aid O,-~,~'u Cou~t)';
t.~,~c· sot~tt~:-:{.:.~;t,~.rly br~ur'tdrtry of
l'c(.L Lo t..l[~'..: u:o.~;L :;t~ut. iter. ky
~q~c.~ce, N. 40°37'16'' E., a!ona tl~e soutl~e;~sterl¥ t)o~n(lary of .':aid
Tract N,:~. 6628, a (tista~ce {~f 1321.07 feet, t{~ tl~e ~o. st easterly
of s~<~ Tr'~ct No. 6(.,2g, .:;t].d cor~cr also bcit~g a poi.~t on tt~e.
caste.' l)- linu. of said Block 44 a~xd a point on tl~e center[ina of I"vine
q;,~",co c 4~°~e'~'~'' ~' alan~ ~aid :le,-t-~o-,~t-o~Iv line ap, d'
said c,::"erlinc, a distance of 1992.57. feet, to an angle, point th~reLn.
said r~ .... ie Doi~t being t}~e most northerly corn.-r of lot 7, Block 44, 'of
said I"~'ina s Sul~division;
T~.~nce continuing alon; said northeasterly line and said
S. 49°19'05?' E., a distance of i543.16 feet to the point of intersection
~.:ith rt lin.2 parallel to and 1095.00 feet northwos, terly of, as measuz-ed
at rig~t ~n~les from, the souttieastcrly line of said Block 44;
~Fr~nnce, S. 40°36'19'' W., along said parallel line, a dis6ance of
2640.94 -eet, -o t~e point of intersection ~'ith. the centerline of
Bryan Avenue ~ :id
, __ point of intersection also being a point on the
north, cas te-ly :~-' '
~ne or Lot 24~ Block 44 of said Irvine.'s Subdivision;
~nence, ccntinuing along said line being parallel to the south-
easterly line c' said Block 44, S. 40°36'34'' W., a distance of 2507.40
feet, to the ~.._-'i?.t. of intersection with the existing boundary of the
City of 4-= as established by the Orange County Board of Superx. sots
Resolution No. ~'-1472, ~ _
,._ said Point of intersection also being a poin~
on the northeas-'~rly~ ri~S~-o~-wayo._~ line of the Santa Aha Freeway as
described in a deed recorded in Book 4072, page 65 of Deeds, Official
Records of said Oran~oe County.-
~: 49° , ,,
Thence, ~,. 20 32 W., along said City of Irvine boundary and
mlong said freeway right-of-way line, a 'distance of 9.52 feet , to ap.
angle point therein; .
Thence, continuing along said City of Irvine boundary and said
freeway ri~'snt-o~-waY line, N. 55°03'2~'~ .W., a distance o~ 40.68 feet,
to an angle point in said city boundary;
%~nence, leaving said freeway right-or-way line, S '41~25' 26" W
continuing a~on s~id City or Irvina Bouncar5 ,. a distance of 130 00
feet, to an angle point in the existing boundary of the. City on Tustin,
as es¢,bl~shed by ~he ~. S. ~r~ne Corp-Irv~ne Annaxa~on~' No. 71-A, ,.-
per Resolution ..,o. 71-79, p~ssed and adopted December 6, 197~, sa~d
~gle po~n~ b~Sng ehe mos¢ easeerly corner o~ saSd annexation and a
po~n~ on Che southwesterly 15ne o~ Block ~ o~ sa~d irv~ne's Subdivision;
Thence, leaving, said Cit~ of Irvine boundary, N. 49020'32'' W.,
along s~4d City of Tustin boundary and alon~ said southwestarly Iil,.--
a dista::ze of 3:4,0.15 feet, to an angle point in said city boundary;
Thc. nae, leaving said southwestcr].y line, S. 40° 39'56" I.~.,
cont i:','.: :-n-5 ~ lon~ ' ' '-
~ said City o Tu~'tin boundary a distance or 92 7'~ {:eet
.... 3e ~oJnt therein, s:[id'angle beir~s~ t}~e most eazterly corner
to an a ~.,_ . _
of tt:e ';r~s~.ing Avenue-W:tlnut Avenue Annexation, per Ordinance No. gOg
oass~.d. . .:--''...... a~o~0"c;d~ , ~ Jun,-~ 1.7, 106u. .., ....~-,d rt t>o4nt'~ ~ on ti~e sout}:westerty
rigl~~-- .... ;cay line of tl~e Santa Aha !"~ce:.:ay;
'iq~.'.~.ce, N. 46°45'55" W., contin~in..'.; al. on'- said City of Tustin
boun",~ ..... · .' a-d.. ale)n;; said f~e~:.:ay, ri.;~*~t:-r~l!-w~ty, . .ii.ne, n d}.str,~ce., oc,.
b~Ji~:7· '. : ::.~:.~xt o~i t..}le ~;oi:tl'{_.',"t. er l. y }i.~"c, (~f t'.}'c., !'ro:c~in>;
!'o'~c) ,','.'.. '."ltio'~ "c.>. 6t) (rc'~'J.:'cd), l~c'.~.' }~c,:;oll.~t.:ir~'~ r':o. 7t~-1.7, paz~:cc!
r, '~c,p'', ",";l '~,~, 197(~ ' ' .... . -
~i ' ,. , , , i, . ...- ; .,
~',%'C." ' [ ' ' ' --
%t'~c~cc, N. AO°&2'53" E., along
~ortl~,'cst(:rly block litte ;tt~('l alon~:
feet to tt~e most easterly core,er of
said city t~ot~ndary, along
sai. d center line, a d.lst:~nce
last mentioned annexation;
of 17.02
Thence, leav.in~ said C~.ty of' Tu.cti'a boundary,
E. ~ al'o:~'L 'said nc)'?t:h:,~'cs'tcrly' bloci< lS.~e and- along
dista'~ce of 46.00 feet, to thc point of beginning.
continuing N. 40° 42'53"
said c'.nnt'crline,, a
£-xA, b,-t- 'A
n'oot nor'tl~crly corner of I.ot 30, t.-ll, ocl.: 12, of
per t:~ap rccord,c,.d in t~c.,c,k 1, page 88 of I-Ii. sca llano:
Cougars-, CaiLfo~-~xi.a, sa.i.(l corner ;~lso bein~- t:i:c
tt'te ccntcr li"c of Red }lill Avenue an~ thc center l
Thence, S. A9°41.'00'' E., along said ccnterline of San Juan Street-, a
dist.anc;', of 479.61 feet to t}tc utos't nortt~criy co~,~er of Tract No. 7'L6,
as pc-;rap recorded in Book 296, pages 8 and 9 of I-Llsccllancous l-b. ps, " ....
records cf said Orange County;
. Thence, along said Tract boundary through the following
courses '
of Lot 3, Tract
}iiscel laneous Y_--ps
S. 40° 18' 54" W.,
S. 49°41'00" E.,
S. 40°18'54'' W.,
N. 49041'00'' W.,
S. 40°18'54" W.,
S. 49040' 19" E.,
580, as per map
records of said
_ "" W'
Thence, S. A0°]8'5- .,
said last meat~ shed Tract, a
section on the censerline of
608.49 feet;
3. O0 feet;
200.00 feet;
3.00 feet;
47.44 feet;
510.67 feet, to the
recorded in Book 23,
Orange County;
easterly corner
page 45 of
along the easkerly line of said Lot 3
distance of 466.08 feet to a point of
the Santa Aaa Freeway, and a point on.
. ~ortheasterly line of Lot 35, Block il, of said irvine's Subdivision, a"~' ..
a point on the existing bom-:dary of the City of Tustin, as established
~y the Nisson Road Ar~nexation, per Resolution 72-26, passed a_nd adopted
}icy 15, 1972; . .
Thence, N. 49~38'44'' W., along said centerline and said northeast ...... 'I
lot line and along said City of Tustin boundary, a distance of 330.76
. Thence, leaving said centerline and said northeasterly lot line and
continuing a!cng said City .of Tustin boundary, S. 40°23'53~' W., a distan.
of 106.24 feen, to a poznn of intersection on the exist~n- boundary
City of Tust~.~ - tabiished by the Red Hill Avenue-Santa Aaa F~eway
_..~ ~..S ~S -- .
South ;~.exation, per Resolution 952, passed -acrid adopted February i7,.
' ~nence, continuing along said last mentioned City of Tustin boundary
' , ~ lowing described courses'
tnroug.h, the fo=
N. 57 6.78 feet;
N. 118.00 feet, to a point of intersect.'..
on th~ c¥isting boundary of the City sC- Tustin as established by the
Pankey's Armexanion, per Ordinance No. 99, passed and adopted April 23,
follo::in~ described
tango-'t curve
sot~ t' ' '.-, '." e r ].y
CO ri':
5, l.~'~ ''''
53°26'35'' W.,
49° 36' 22" W.,
along said last mentioned
City of 7V. stin boundary through~
E., 144.03 feet;
E., 406.30 feet;
l~c~",ce, N. 40°22'58'' E., along said City of 'rk~stin t~oundary,. .
distat:~c of 271.g.g feet, to a tJo'i~t of .i~ter,;cc. tlon on t!~e
bounds-')' of tl~e Ci. ty of '[tt:;ti.n, a,;.t-~stabl, isl~cd l)y tl~e First
Bapt].~;t C~tt-'c}~ of 'lMsti. n Armexat/on, per Ordinance No. 169, passed aud
adopted Feb~ary 19, 1962;
throu &'~ tt~e
continuing alon.q said last mentioned City of Tustir~ boundary
fo!!c:-:!:'~g described courses:
10.00 feet;
630.60 feet,
to the most 'easterly
S. 49°38'12" E.,
N. 40°19'5'5'' E.,
of last mentioned annexation;
2~xence, continuing N. 40°19' 55" E., along the northeasterly pro-
longat;on of sa:d City of 2hastin boundary, a distance o.f 30.00 feet,
point o~ in~-ersoction with said centerline of San Juan Street;
,~,~o._ 41'00"' E , along said centerline,
~ncnce, .... ·
to the c.c'_n~ of begip:ning.
a distance of 40.00
Bc, gi~lng at tl~c we:;terl¥ corner of l,ot 1.7, BloCk'12, of Irv].ne's
Subdi"; =:~,.~n ct:.;' t~er ~,.~:~p r~:c:orctc:d J. zt };oolc l, l;~:t~'e ~5'~
Reco'"['-' o~ O=at,.-c: Coun,.v, (i',l;~orni. n, ' tlte [~o[~,t
i~ter~';~'ct ion .of tl~e ce~[erli~c of S~tn Juan Street and ttte centerL.i_rte of
Ne~o"c Avenue;
7]~e;~ce, N. 30°57'46'' E. along :;aid centcrline of. Newport Aven~,:.e, a.
,, - - _ c inter:;ectic~'~ ~ci~l~ tl~e (.xlL, t.t-tlf;
dlsta, c.e or 1S0.00 feet, to thc t~ui.t~: ~ , '- -
bounda~"? of ti~.~ City of 25~stin, as establist~ed by tt~e Frescott-Bal.:::ur
Anne>:~tion, per Ordinance No. 130, [)assed a~td adopted November '2, L95n
said point of intersection being ti~e t~e point of beginning; . ' .....
X? 0 I I f
%~:~ence, ,,. 39 57 46 E., a distance of 347.00 feet along said ce~,_ar
line of Ne;,.oo-t. A,.:enue, said centerline also bei~o the existing
Of the City o' Yustin, as established by the 1.lain Strect-?;ex.rport
per Resolution 7'2-77, passed and adopted Novc[.nbar 20, 1972, to t~te nortl~-
,i.:esterlv te ' s of that certain course shoi. m as having ct bearing of
S. 49'°3:~'00''. ,.- , and a length of 183._90 feet on the map filed in Boo~. 42,
page 40 of Recc=ds of Surveys, records of said Orange County;
Thence, !ezving said City of Tustin boundary,
said certain c:u:se, a distance of 183.20 feet, to
term. inus of s~-:' certain course;
S. 50°01'32" E.,
the .southeasterly
Thence, So 39057'46'' W., along a
of Ne~,%Do-.- Avenue, a distance of
of Andre-...;s S'-~eet per said Record
line 't,l~at is parallel to said
173.50 feet to a point on the
of Survey map;
Thence, N. 50~01'32'' W., along
distance of 6.60 feet to a point of
to and 176.60 feet southeasterly of,
center line of Ne;cp. ort Avenue;
said centerline of Andrews Street,
intersection with a line that is. pa,."
as 'measured at rzgn~ angles from, ~..
Thence, S. 39°57'46" W., along said parallel line a distance of 7~3..
feet, to. the existing boundary of the City of Tustin, as established 1 t~
San Juan-0rang,~ Annexation, pe~' Resolution 75-9. passed and adopted Ft_ r~.,
3, 1975; .
Thence, N. 50°01'32'' W., along said city boundary, a distance of 46.,
feet to the most easterly corner of said Prescott-Balmer Annexation, per'
Ordinance No. 130, passed mud adopted November 2, 1959;
continuring N 50°01'32'' W., along said City of
~'~ er~c e ~ .
a distance of 130.00 feeg to the true point of begirgn, ing
Tus tirt bounc
m ~ ~' ~ lnnin~ at t)~e most easterly cor~cr of I.ot 65, Block 10, of Irvine'
St~bd£"'. :..o:~, as p~:r n~:,p rccr~rclc,.cl in !lc>of: 1, pa~:e
Reco ....;.-~._-' O ...... -'-,,.. Cot~t:),, C'tLki:c~,'tti't,, .. ~ :;;rid coulter also t~ei.,,~- t~,,- -
sotttl~cr'" co'--,TMo*: Lot 6A Block 11 of said Irvj.~c:'s Sttt.~clivision
b~i,,~__.. ~-~.. "~-e_.. 'c.-------~inc... of tttc Atct~iso:~, Topel:a and Santa .Fa .RaLl.t:;.ty
Comp-,'-'5' rigl~t-o--"ay;
~"i"~"a~,S._ _ . _ng°A9'10'' '.',.., a].on-s the.., e>:lst<n<q_ bo~:ndary of the. City o~
~s~;'' -s es~n',~sh~ct b,, t~,e" - '
"_~_ ~.,~..'t>ort-tCd~n~ ar Annexation l~ar rasol, utla:.~
~-'2:3, 7:ssed and adoptccl June 15, 1970 and alon~q tt~e sot~tl~aasterlv [i. na
~ s :~-...~ 05, ........ ~ dist',nce o~ 50 O0 fact, to an angle point in sa4ct C.;~7~-
.......' Tus~:~ ~,~ '-:-v. , said an_.,,~te point, being a point o:~ the southweste-~v_
r~ght-c '-v:a7 !i.:e of said Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fa Railway Coa:p-~:~
right -c - - ;cay;
Tn. ante, .,. ~0°10'50'' W., along said City of Tustin boundary and along
said s~_......_~-'--s~'.:.r!-'~. , ri~ht-of-way=, line, a distance of 43.20 feet, to an
angle p.a£nt in sa'id City of Tustin boundary;
Tb. ena~_, ~. = =--~' .~g___. _.. said south:.;ester!y r~ eht-of-way_o line of the Atch~ son,_
Topeka and £a.-.xa Ye Railway Company and continuing along said City of
Tustin m..~.;,_~._: ~.,_ough the following described courses:.
.N. 55°53'2S'' W., 40.20 feet; '-
S. 39°48'55" W., 336.00 feet;
+~ 50° ' " 1 236 $0 feet;
.,. 10 50 W. , , .
' N. 39°48'55" m.,~ 415.00 feet, along said City. of Tustin
bounder7 and along the centerline
of Ne~..~-~t Ave:u= to the point of intersection x~,ith the existing boundary
of the City o= -__stin, as established by' the South Tustin Avenue Annaxatic
per ordin~_nce ."~. 136, passed and adopted July 5, 1960;
,-, Thence, co_-.tinuin-~. = along said City of Tustin boundary through the
llo-..-:ing described courses:
$. 50°11'05" E., 30.00 ._eat, = ·
~ N. B9°48'55'' E., 75.00 feet; '
S. 50°10'50'' E., 1,290.00 feet, to a point on the south-'
easte-!y line o= said Lot 64, said point being the roost southerly corner c
last mentioned a.-2. exation and a point in the existing .boundary of t. he Cit'~
of Tu--..~-'. ~___.., as es~abiished, b7 the Warner-Syc~_more Annexation .per Ordinance
No. 245, passed -G,nd adopted Decewfoer 2, 1963;
.%"nence, S. 40°00'00'' W., along said city boundary and along said
southeasterly l:na, .... a distance of 100 00 feet, to the point of bo~'~:~
�'•11)M\ �Iti•4 ��ii�t#R/M�' '
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RUT}! C. POE, City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City
Council of the City of Tustin, California, does hereby
certify that the %~,hole number of the members of the City
Council of the City of Tustin is five; that the above and
~--. .... ~ ................. 77- 26 wn.~ d~]lv_ and regu~a~'ly
introduced, read, passed and ~d6~-te'd:-at a regular meeting
of the City Council held on the .... ~!S.t ......... . day of__. Mar_.ch ................. ,
1977, by the fotlowin.g vote- . .
:. ~ ~,,,~_..~ ~_._- _ - ~_ ... :~...._.. _ .~: ...... . ~.~...-.~ ~ _-~.~ .-.
'clerk-, C~y Of"~ustin, ca~i~°rnia