The Airport Land Use Commission (ALUC) of Orange County is in the process of updating
the Airport Environs Land Use Plan (AELUP) for the John Wayne Airport (JWA). City
staff first reviewed the draft amendments in November of 2007. On November 20, 2007,
the City Council authorized the Mayor to send a comment letter to the ALUC. A copy of
the letter is attached to this report (Attachment A).
Staff from several Orange County cities, including Tustin, met with ALUC staff to discuss
our comments. In response to this input, the ALUC released a second draft of the
proposed amendments on February 22, 2008, for review and comment (Attachment B).
Staff has reviewed the second draft and has prepared the attached letter (Attachment C)
for the Council's consideration.
That the City Council authorize the Mayor to sign and send the attached comment letter
(Attachment C) to the ALUC.
Other than minor fiscal impacts associated with the staff resources required to process
potential amendments to the City's General Plan or Zoning Code or to applicable specific
plans, there is no direct fiscal impact associated with the proposed amendments to the
The ALUC statute was adopted in the late 1960s with two primary stated duties: to prepare
compatibility plans and to review local land agency land use actions and airport plans. In
fulfilling the first duty, the ALUC is required to prepare and adopt an Airport Environs Land
Use Plan (ALEUP) for each of the airports within its jurisdiction. In fulfilling the second
City Council Report
Airport Environs Land Use Plan
March 4, 2008
Page 2
duty, they are to review the plans, regulations, and other actions of local agencies and
airport operators.
There are limitations in that the ALUC has no authority over existing land uses regardless
of whether such uses are incompatible with airport activities, and they do not have control
over airport operations. The ALUC does, however, review any amendment of a general
plan, specific plan, adoption of a zoning ordinance or building regulation ("projects") within
the planning areas established by the ALUC. These projects must be submitted to the
ALUC to determine consistency with the AELUP.
The ALUC is in the process of amending the AELUP. City staff first reviewed the draft
amendments in November of 2007. On November 20, 2007, the City Council authorized
the Mayor to send a comment letter to the ALUC. A copy of the letter is attached to this
report (Attachment A).
Some of the proposed amendments in the first draft were of concern to the City of Tustin.
However, staff from several Orange County cities, including Tustin, met with ALUC staff to
discuss our comments, and much of the proposed language in the first draft that was of
concern to local cities has been removed or revised in the second draft, which was
released for review and comment on February 22, 2008 (Attachment B).
The ALUC staff has requested comments by March 10, 2008. Staff has reviewed the
second draft and has prepared the attached letter (Attachment C) for the Council's
consideration. Depending on the nature and extent of the proposed amendments, the City
may be required to update its General Plan and/or Zoning Code and any applicable
specific plan, if necessary, to be consistent with the AELUP within 180 days.
Scott Reekstin
Senior Planner
Elizabeth A. Binsack
Community Development Director
A: Comment Letter Dated December 10, 2007
B: Airport Environs Land Use Plan for John Wayne Airport -Proposed Amendments
C: Draft Comment Letter
S:\Cdd\CCREPORT/AELUP Second Review..Doc
Comment Letter dated December 10, 2007
Office of the City Council
City of Tustin
300 Centennial Way
Tustin, CA 92780
(714) 573.3010
December 10, 2007
Ms. Karl Rigoni
Executive Officer
Airport Land Use Commission
3160 Airway Avenue
Costa Mesa, CA 92626
Dear Ms. Rigoni:
Thank you for the opportunity to review the proposed amendments to the Airport Land Use
Commission (ALUC) Airport Environs Land Use Plan (AELUP) for John Wayne Airport (JWA).
Thank you also for granting an extensbn of time to the City of Tustin to submit comments.
The Tustin City Council is particularly concerned about proposed amendments pertaining to
height limitations, navigation easements, deed disclosures, signage, and proximity discosures.
However, the Council does understand the importance of preserving navigable airspace and the
consequences that may result from obstructions which penetrate and/or interfere with this
airspace. Therefore, the Council would not support any amendment to the AELUP or any policy
that would result in a further diversion of flight patterns over Tustin.
The City of Tustin has identified the following concerns regarding the proposed amendments:
Draft AELUP Paae 2 Paraaraoh 2 and Paae 14 Paraaraoh 3 - As currently proposed, the
amendments would require that any proposed structure in the County that is more than 200 feet
Above Ground Level (AGL) of its site be submitted to the ALUC for review. Such a requirement
should only apply to structures within the ALUC's Planning Area and not throughout the County.
If the intent of this proposed requirement is to notify the ALUC, then this requirement should be
clarified and a more specific process for such notification should be clearly identffied.
Jerry Amante, Mayor Doug Davert, Mayor Pro Tem Lou Bone Tony iCawashima Jim Palmer
Ms. Kari Rigoni
December 10, 2007
Page Two
Draft AELUP. Pages 29 and 30 -The proposed amendments include seven policies that are
recommended for inclusion in general plans. It is our understanding that these policies would
assist an agency in being deemed a consistent agency by the ALUC and that these policies are
to be advisory only. Therefore, we request that they be removed completely from the AELUP.
General Comments
It is unclear to the City of Tustin whether the Planning Area for John Wayne Airport includes the
ground level of the entire area depicted within the FAR Part 77 John Wayne Airport Obstruction
Imaginary Surfaces (Appendix D) or only the airspace that penetrates the imaginary surface
within the depicted area. This issue is of significant importance to Tustin and should be clarified
in the AELUP.
It is our understanding, that ALUC staff will be conducting additanal outreach to the affected
cities and will be making additional refinements to the draft amendments before the document is
presented to the ALUC Board for consideration. We bok forward to reviewing the refinements
and providing additional comments at that time.
If you have any questions regarding our comments, please contact Elizabeth Binsack at (714)
Jerry Amante
cc: William A. Huston
Elizabeth Binsack
Dana Ogdon
Scott Reekstin
SR/Airpat/AELUP Amendmerrta Commerrt Letter 2007.doc
Airport Environs Land Use for John Wayne Airport
Proposed Amendments
Airport Land Use Commission
Amended: March 20, 2008
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Text of Plan Adopted -April 17, 1975
Marine Cops Air Station, E1 Toro Adopted -April 17, 1975
Orange County Airport Adopted -May 15, 1975
Fullel-ton Municipal Airport Adopted -June 5, 1975
First Revised Edition Adopted -June 30, 1983
Updated for Amendments Adopted - Thru December 19, 1985
Second Revised Edition Adopted -September 15, 1988
1990 Airport Environs Land Use Plan Amendment Adopted -November 29, 1990
1994 Airport Environs Land Use Plan Amendment Adopted -December 15, 1994
1995 Airport Environs Land Use Plan Amendment Adopted -November 16, 1995
2002 Airport Environs Land Use Plan Amendment Adopted -December 19, 2002
2005 Confirm nonapplicability of AELUP for MCAS El Toro Adopted July 21, 2005
Gerald Bresnahan, Chairman
Rod Propst, Vice-Chairman
Herman F. Beverburg
Jon Domitru
Thomas F. O'Malley,
Jim Righeimer
Don Webb
Patricia Campbell
Winnie Houston
Stephen Beverburg
Doug Davert
Leonard Kranser
Randy Teteak
Homer Bludau
Kari A. Rigoni, Executive Officer
Lea G. Umnas and Sue Tanner
1.1 Background
1.2 Purpose and Scope
1.3 Authority 2
l.4 Requirements 3
1.5 Concept of the Planning Document 4
1.6 Applicability 4
1.7 Glossary/Definitions 6
2.1 Standards and Criteria 11
2.1.1 Aircraft Noise 11
2.1.2. Safety Compatibility Zones 12
2.1.3 Building Height Restrictions 13
2.1.4 Air Transportation 15
2.1.5 Airports/Heliports/Helistops 15
2.1.6 Planning Areas - Airports 16
2.1.7 Planning Areas -New Airports 17
2.2 Establishment of Planning Areas 18
2.2.1 John Wayne Airport 18
3.1 Concept 2
3.2 Land Use Policies 21
3.2.1 General Policy 21
3.2.2 Specific Policies 22
3.2.3 Noise Impact Zone "1" - High Noise Impact 24
3.2.4 Noise Impact Zone "2" -Moderate Noise Impact 25
3.2.5 Clear Zone "CZ"/Runway Protection Zone "RPZ",
Extreme Crash Hazard 25
3.2.6 Height Restriction Zone
3.2.7 Airspace/Airport Inconsistency 2c~
3.2.8 Avigation Easements
3.3 Specific Policies for Consistency Determinations
4.1 Statutes
4.2 General Plans and Specific Plans (Zoning)
4.3 Amendments to General Plans and Specific Plans (Zoning)
4.4 Zoning Ordinances and Building Regulations
4.5 Airport Master Plans
4.6 Other Submittals 3
4.7 Submittal Requirements 3
4.8 Submittal Deadlines 3
4.9 Acceptance of Submittal
4.10 Who May File 33
4.11 Commission Finding of lnconsistency .3
4.12 Inconsistent Local Agency 3.
4.13 Continuous Monitoring 3
4.14 Periodic Review 3
4.15 AELUP Amendments 34
Appendix A State Aeronautics Act and Airport Land Use Commission Law
Appendix B Summary of Federal Aviation Regulations Part 77 - "Objects Affecting
Navigable Airspace"
Appendix C Pertinent Resolutions of the Airport Land Use Commission
Appendix D Impact Zones Map, AELUP Novification
area for JWA, Imaginary Surfaces Map: Airport Land Use Plan & Safety
Zones (Approved JWA ALP March 2005. JWA Safety Zone Reference
Map, Table B Basic Safety Compatibility Qualities
Proposed for Deletion
Appendix E: Summary of Federal Aviation Administration Advisory Circular
No. 150/5190-4A, "A Model Zoning Ordinance"
Appendix F: Airport and Heliport Regulations, California Code of Regulations
Appendix G: Noise Standards for California Airports, California Code of
Appendix H: Airport Land Use Commission - Referral Confirmation Notice
Appendix I: Sample: Avigation Easements and Deed Notice
1.1 Background
In 1967 the first Airport Land Use Commission (ALUC) statute was adopted by the
California legislature, according to the California Airport Land Use Planning Handbook. The
legislation has been amended many times in the ensuing years. Particularly significant
amendments occurred in 1982, 1984, 1994 and 2000. The 1982 amendments more clearly
articulated the purpose of ALUCs, eliminated the reference to "achieve by zoning", required
consistency between local general plans and zoning and ALUC compatibility plans, required
that local agencies make findings of fact before overriding an ALUC decision and changed
the vote required for an oven-ide from four-fifths to two-thirds. In 1984, amendments to
compatibility plans were limited to once per year and immunity was extended to airports if an
ALUC action is overridden by a local agency not owning the airport. In 1994 the California
Environment Quality Act (CEQA) statutes as applied to the preparation of environmental
documents in the vicinity of airports was amended. Lead agencies are required to use the
Airport Land Use Planning Handbook as a technical resource when assessing the airport-
related noise and safety impacts of airport vicinity projects. In 2000, Section 21670(f) was
added to clarify that special districts are among the local agencies to which airport land use
planning laws are intended to apply. The 2002 amendment included clarification of various
provisions of the AELUP including clarification of the option of an avigation easement as a
project mitigatiun, specification of notification methods, and clarification of-a specific infill
policy. The AELUP was also separated into individual stand-alone AELUP volumes for each
airport in Orange County and a separate AELUP for Heliports.
The purpose of ALUCs has remained essentially unchanged since the early years of the
statutes. To fulfill its purpose ALUC has two specific duties according to the Handbook.
• Prepare Compatibility Plans-Each commission is required to "prepare and adopt" an
airport land use plan for each of the airports within its jurisdiction (Section 21674 (c)
and 21675(a)).
• Review Local Agency Land Use Actions and Airport Plans-The commissions' second
duty is to "review the plans, regulations, and other actions of local agencies and airport
operators..." (Section 21674(d))
The key limitations are 1) that they have no, authority over existing land uses regardless of
whether such uses are incompatible with airport activities and 2) the "powers of the
commission shall in no way be construed to give the commission jurisdiction over the
operation of any airport."
The Airport Land Use Commission for Orange County was established in late 1969.
Between 1970 and the actual adoption of the Airport Environs Land Use Plan (AELUP), the
Commission made advisory comments on projects. The first AELUP elements were adopted
by the Commission between April 17 and August 7, 1975.
1.2 Purpose and Scope
This AELUP for John Wayne Airport is one of several AELUPs prepared for each of the
airports in Orange County. The ALUC serves all the airports in Orange County which
include John Wayne Airport (JWA), Fullerton Municipal Airport (FMA) and Joint Forces
Training Base Los Alimitos. Additionally, there is an AELUP for Heliports.
This land use compatibility plan intends, for the twenty year planning future for John Wayne
Airport (See Appendix D for maps), to safeguard the general welfare of the inhabitants
within the vicinity of the airport and to ensure the continued operation of the airport.
Specifically, the plan seeks to protect the public from the adverse effects of aircraft noise, to
ensure that people and facilities are not concentrated in areas susceptible to aircraft accidents,
and to ensure that no structures or activities adversely affect navigable airspace. The
implementation of this plan will forestall urban encroachment on the airport and will allow
for its continued operation. This compatibility plan for John Wayne Airport affects the cities
of Costa Mesa, Irvine, Newport Beach, Santa Ana, and Tustin, as well as unincorporated
areas of the County of Orange. Furthermore, per Federal Aviation Regulation Part 77,
Section 77.13(a), notice to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is required for any
proposed structure enure than 200 Feet Ahove Ground Level (AGL) of its site. Notices to the
FAA provide a basis for evaluating project impacts on operational procedures and air
navigation. To coincide with the FAA regulation, the ALUC also requires notification of all
such proposals which may result in referral to ALUC.
1.3 Authority
Public Utilities Code (PUC) 21676(a) requires each local agency whose General Plan
includes areas covered by an airport land use commission plan to submit a copy of its general
plan or specific plans (each reference to specific plan also includes conventional zoning and
planned community zoning) to the airport land use commission.
If the plan or plans are inconsistent with the commission's plan, the local agency shall be
notified and that local agency shall have another hearing to reconsider its plans. The local
agency may overrule the commission after such hearing by atwo-thirds vote of its governing
body if it makes specific findings that the proposed action is consistent with the purposes
stated in Section 21670.
Section 21676(b) of the Public Utilities Code requires that prior to the amendment of a
general plan or specific plan, or the adoption or approval of a zoning ordinance or building
regulation within the planning boundary established by the airport land use commission
pursuant to Section 21675, the local agency shall first refer the proposed action to the
commission. If the commission determines that the proposed action is inconsistent with the
commission's plan, the referring agency shall be notified. The local agency may, after a
public hearing, overrule the commission by atwo-thirds vote of its governing body if it
makes specific findings that the proposed action is consistent with the purposes stated in
Section 21670.
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Adopted by the Airport Land Use Commission for Orange County
Kari A. Rigoni, Executive Officer Date
Section Z 1676(c) requires that each public agency owning any airport within the boundaries
of an airpot-t land use commission plan shall, prior to modification of its airport master plan,
refer each proposed change to the airport land use commission. If the commission
determines that the proposed action is inconsistent with the commission's plan, the referring
agency shall be notified. The public agency may, after a public hearing, overrule the
commission by atwo-thirds vote of its governing body if it makes specific findings that the
proposed action is consistent with the purposes stated in Section 21670.
Section 21676.(d) requires that each commission determination pursuant to subdivision (b) Formatted: strikethrough
or (c) shall be made within 60 days from the date of referral of the proposed action. If a
commission fails to make the determination within that period, the proposed action shall be
deemed consistent with the commission's plan.
Section 21676.5(a) and (b) provides that:
(a) If the commission finds that a local agency has not revised its general plan or specific
plan or overruled the commission by atwo-thirds vote of its governing body after
making specific findings that the proposed action is consistent with the purposes as
stated in Section 21670, the commission may require that the local agency submit all
subsequent actions, regulations, and permits to the commission for review until its
general plan or specific plan is revised or the specific findings are made. If, in the
determination of the commission, an action, regulation, or permit of the local agency
is inconsistent with the commission plan, the local agency shall be notified and that
local agency shall hold a hearing to reconsider its plan. The local agency may
overrule the commission after the hearing by atwo-thirds vote of its governing body
if it makes specific findings that the proposed action is consistent with the purposes
stated in Section 21670.
(b) Whenever the local agency has revised its general plan or specific plan or has
overruled the commission pursuant to subdivision (a), the proposed action of the
local agency shall not be subject to further commission review, unless the
commission and the local agency agree that individual projects shall be reviewed by
the commission.
1.4 Requirements
Section 21675 of the California Public Utilities Code specifies that the comprehensive land
use plans will:
"(a) ...provide for the orderly growth of each public airport and the area surrounding the
airport within the jurisdiction of the commission, and will safeguard the general welfare
of the inhabitants within the vicinity of the airport and the public in general. The
commission plan shall include and shall be based on a long-range master plan or an
airport layout plan, as determined by the Division of Aeronautics of the Department of
Transportation, that reflects the anticipated growth of the airport during at least the next
20 years. In formulating a land use plan, the commission may develop height restrictions
on buildings, specify use of land, and determine building standards, including ,
soundproofing adjacent to airports, within the planning area. The comprehensive land
use plan shall be reviewed as often as necessary in order to accomplish its purposes, but
shall not be amended more than once in any calendar year. (see Appendix A for state
(b) The commission may include, within its plan formulated pursuant to sub-division
(a), the area within the jurisdiction of the commission surrounding any federal military
airport for all of the purposes specified in subdivision (a) ...."
The Commission is prohibited from exercising any authority over the operations of any
1.5 Concept of the Planning Document
This document has been designed to reflect a uniform approach to planning for John Wayne
Airport. Noise and safety impacts have been identified for each airport by using similar
standards and criteria except where the size of an airport or type of aircraft operations
dictated otherwise. All building height restrictions will have as their ultimate limits the
imaginary surfaces as applicable and as defined in Part 77 of the Federal Aviation
Regulations. When a project is proposed by an agency, which exceeds the height limits
established by FAR Part 77, a determination will be made by the commission on a case by
case basis.
Land use policies have been established on the basis of noise and safety impacts on the
welfare of the public, and on the building height and activity impacts upon the continued
operation of the airport. The concepts and processes presented below illustrate the
commission's efforts to ensure that land use policies were determined only by the most
incontrovertible methods.
1.6 Applicability
Section 21670(a)(2) of the Public Utilities Code indicates that a commission's authority is
applicable only within areas around public airports to the extent that these areas are not
already devoted to incompatible uses.
1.6.1 Section 21674.7 provides that an airport land use commission that formulates, adopts
or amends a comprehensive airport land use plan shall be guided by information
prepared and updated pursuant to Section 21674.5 and referred to as the California
Airport Land Use Planning Handbook ("Handbook") published by the Division of
Aeronautics of the Department of Transportation.
The Handbook advises that while existing development which is incompatible
becomes a nonconforming use with respect to ALUC criteria, any redevelopment of
those areas would be subject to ALUC policies.
1.6.2 "Existing Land Use" is defined by the Commission as a property already "devoted
to" a certain use or a use that has been vested by virtue of the fact that a property
developer has:
-4- "~
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• Obtained a valid building permit (as distinguished from merely a foundation
or other specific permit); and
• Performed substantial work; and
• Incurred substantial liabilities in good faith reliance upon the permit.
• Entered into a Development Agreement
• Obtained a Vesting Tentative Map
1.6.3 The Commission believes that the limitation on its authority over existing land uses
applies only to the extent that the use remains constant. If new or increased
compatibility conflicts would result and to the extent that such land use changes
require discretionary approval on the part of a county or city, the Commission policy
is to review expansion, conversion, or redevelopment of existing uses.
1.6.4 Infill development is development proposed in a location where some development
already exists. These are commonly residual vacant areas within already established
areas. These existing areas may represent either compatible or incompatible land
uses within the Commission's planning area for an airport.
The Commission recognizes that while a particular non-conforming infill use would
likely be inconsistent with its compatibility plan, the introduction of a use which is
compatible into a developed area may raise broader community planning issues. The
Commission, therefore, will weigh both the severity of the incompatibility and the
integrity of the already developed area.
Infill projects are those submitted to the Commission pursuant to applicable law
which seek to develop residual vacant areas within established neighborhoods. Such
existing neighborhoods may represent either compatible or incompatible land uses
within an airport's planning areas. An infill project must comply with all applicable
Specific Policies (and their associated mitigation measures, such as sound
attenuation, height limitation, occupancy limits, etc.) in order to be found consistent
with this AELUP. The Commission will not find an infill project to be consistent
with this AELUP, if the project would result in an increase of incompatible land use
within the airport's planning areas. Examples of potentially incompatible infill
projects include, but are not limited to, the development of: dwelling units within the
65 CNEL Contour, high-occupancy buildings within an APZ, and excessively tall
structures deleterious to the navigable airspace.
1.6.5 The Commission will utilize the following additional criteria in determining
consistency/inconsistency of an infill action/project within the applicable planning
The portions of the planning area within which infill is to be permitted (infill
within the runway protection zone would be prohibited, for example); Formatted: Centered
• The maximum size of a parcel or parcels on which infill is to be allowed;
• The extent to which the site must be bounded by similar uses (and not extend
the perimeter of incompatible uses);
• The density and/or intensity of development allowed relative to that of the
surrounding uses and the otherwise applicable compatibility criteria; and
• Other applicable development conditions (such as easement dedications or
special structural noise level attenuation requirements) which must be met.
1.6.6 Conditions such as acoustical treatment of structures, recorded deed notices,
aigation easement dedication (if offered by a local agency or project proponent),
buyer awareness measures, real estate disclosure statements, and building occupancy
limits may be considered and applied by the Commission to find an infill
projectlaction consistent.
1.7 Glossary/Definitions
ADD - Average Daily Departure.
AELUP - Airport Environs Land Use Plan. (A land use compatibility plan
referred to in Public Utilities Code Section 21675.)
AERONAUTICAL - The technical analysis performed by the Federal Aviation
STUDY Administration (FAA) pursuant to the tiling of Form 7460-1 "Notice
of Proposed Construction or Alteration" by a project proponent.
AIRPORT - Any public or military airport, airstation, or air facility within Orange
County, California.
AIRPORT - The area in which current or future airport-related noise, over-
INFLUENCE flight, safety, and/or airspace protection factors may significantly
AREA affect land uses or necessitate restrictions on those uses. In most
instances, the airport influence area is designated by the ALUC as its
planning area boundary for the airport and the two terms can be
considered synonymous.
AIRSPACE - The technical analysis performed by the FAA pursuant to the
ANALYSIS filing of Form 7480-1 "Notice of Landing Area Proposal" by a project
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AVIGATION - Avigation easement is generally defined by the Caltrans
EASEMENT Aeronautics Division as: "A type of easement which typically
conveys the following rights: aright-of-way for free and unobstructed
passage of aircraft through the airspace over the property at any
altitude above a surface specified in the easement... a right to subject
the property to noise, vibrations, fumes, dust, and fuel particle
emissions associated with normal airport activity; a right to prohibit
the erection or growth of any structure, tree, or other object that
would enter the acquired airspace; aright-of-entry onto the property
with proper advance notice for the purpose of removing, marking, or
lighting any structure or other object that enters the acquired airspace;
a right to prohibit electrical interference, glare, misleading lights,
visual impairments, and other hazards to aircraft flight from being
created on the property." (Caltrans Division of Aeronautics
California Airport Land Use Planning Handbook dated January 2,
2002 or as revised by Caltrans; Appendix D, pp. D-3/4). A sample
avigation easement is included in Appendix, I.
CNEL - Community Noise Equivalent Level [CNEL is the energy average
noise level measured in A-level fora 24-hour period, with different
weighting factors for the hourly noise levels occurring during the
daytime (0700 to 1900, 0 dB weighting), evening (1900 to 2200, 5 dB
weighting), and nighttime (2200 to 0700, 10 dB weighting) periods.]
COMMISSION - The Airport Land Use Commission for Orange County
dB(A) - A-Weighted sound pressure level or A-level is the sound pressure
level which has been filtered or weighted to quantitatively reduce the
effect of the low frequency noise. It was designed to approximate
the response of the human ear to sound. A-level is measured in units
of decibels.
FAA - Federal Aviation Administration.
FAR - Federal Aviation Regulations.
FREE-STANDING - A building which does not share a common wall
BUILDING with another building.
HABITABLE - Any room meeting the requirements of the Uniform Building Code
ROOM other applicable regulations which is intended to be used for
sleeping, living, cooking or dining purposes, excluding such
enclosed spaces as closets, pantries, bath or toilet rooms, service
rooms, connecting corridors, laundries, unfinished attics, foyers,
storage spaces, cellars, utility rooms and similar spaces.
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HELIPORT - An identifiable area on land or water, including any building or
facilities thereon, used or intended to be used for the landing and
takeoff of helicopters. Does not include temporary landing and
takeoff sites, as defined in the California Aeronautics Act. Refueling
and overnight maintenance are permitted.
HELISTOP - An identifiable area on land or water, including any building or
facilities thereon, used or intended to be used for the landing and
takeoff of helicopters. Does not include temporary landing and
takeoff sites as defined in the California Aeronautics Act. Refueling
and overnight maintenance are not permitted.
INFILL - Development which takes place on vacant property largely
surrounded by existing development, especially development which
is similar in character.
LOCAL AGENCY - The County of Orange, or any city or special district within Orange
NEW AIRPORT - Any new public airport that is proposed to be constructed and
operated by a local agency(ies) such as county(ies), city(ies), or other
special district(s) or authorities.
NOISE - Appropriate written notification, usually in the form of
DISCLOSURE aiitation easement, deed notice, or real estate disclosure
statement, or final tract or parcel map, which informs the future
resident of aircraft noise. Noise disclosure examples are presented in
AELUP Section 3.3.
NOTICE OF -Notice disclosure method defined by Section 11010 of the
AIRPORT IN Business and Professions Code.
OBSTRUCTION - Any object of natural growth, terrain or permanent or temporary
construction or alteration, including equipment or materials used
therein, the height of which exceeds the standards established in
Subpart C of Federal Aviation Regulations Part 77, Objects
Affecting Navigable Airspace.
OPERATION - Any single landing or approach performed by an aircraft. Also any
single take-off or departure constitutes an operation.
OUTDOOR - Spaces that are associated with residential land uses typically
LIVING AREAS used for passive recreational activities or other noise-sensitive
uses. Such spaces include patio areas, barbecue areas, Jacuzzi
areas, etc. associated with residential uses; outdoor patient
recovery or resting areas associated with hospitals, convalescent
hospitals, or rest homes; outdoor areas associated with places of
Formatted: Centered
worship which have a significant role in services or other noise-
sensitive activities; and outdoor school facilities routinely used for
educational purposes which may be adversely impacted by noise.
Outdoor areas usually not included in this definition are: front
yard areas, driveways, greenbelts, maintenance areas, and storage
areas associated with residential land uses; exterior areas at
hospitals that are not used for patient activities; outdoor areas
associated with places of worship and principally used for short-
term social gatherings.
OVERRIDE - See "Overrule" below.
OVERRULE -The formal procedure set forth in PUC Sections 21675.1, 21676,
21676.5, and 21677 whereby a local agency's governing body may
overrule an ALUC determination of inconsistency.
PLANNING AREA - Public Utilities Code Section 21675(c) requires that area
surrounding any airport which affects, or is affected by, aircraft
operations be embraced by the boundaries of its compatibility plan.
The planning area sets limits of the area within which proposed
land use projects are to be referred to the ALUC for review. With
certain exceptions, planning area boundaries are determined by the
location and configuration of the airport included in the plan, and
the extent of the noise and safety impacts associated with that
airport. The overall planning area is the furthest extent of the 60
CNEL Contour, the FAR Part 77 Notification Surface and the
runway safety zones associated with the airport.
POLICY - Aline adopted by the Orange County Board of Supervisors
IMPLEMENTATION in 1985 which corresponds to the location of the 65-decibel
LINE CNEL contour for John Wayne Airport. This line is based on the
highest noise level at a given location utilizing noise projections
from both the 1990 and 2005 project case contours developed as
part of the 1985 John Wayne Airport Master Plan (See Section
2.2.1) Thee contours continue to bc; applicable as a result ut the
must recent JWA Airport Layout Plan ALP) approval on March
24, 2005.
PUC - Public Utilities Code of the California Codes.
REDEVELOPMENT -The expansion or conversion of an existing land use, whether
compatible or incompatible within an airport environs, which would
result in an intensified use, or in a new use which may or may not
be compatible.
RUNWAY - A trapezoidal area off each end of a runway used to enhance
PROTECTION the protection of people and property on the ground. The
ZONE (CLEAR ZONE) innermost of the safety zones.
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Saftey Zones: Safety and compatibility zones depict which land uses are
acceptable and which are unacceptable in various portions of airport
environs. Sec: Appendix D for safety zone exhibit and definitions
for JWA.
SINGLE EVENT - In decibels, shall mean the sound exposure level of a single event,
NOISE EXPOSURE such as an aircraft fly-by, measured over the time interval
LEVEL (SENEL) between the initial and final times for which the sound level of a
single event exceeds the threshold sound level. SENEL is an A-
weighted measure of an individual flyover, which time-integrates
the level accumulated during this event with reference to a duration
of one second. Because of this integration process, SENEL takes
into consideration both the duration and the magnitude of the noise
(Formatted: Centered
Guidelines for airport land use planning have been set down in a variety of cohesive approaches and
systematic forms. Civilian and military authorities have established regulations or statutes which
specify numerous methodologies 1'or mitigating the incompatibilities between an airport and its
environs, and such incompatibilities have been adequately defined.
Public Utilities Code Section 21670 et. seq. provides general planning and procedural guidance
while directing a land use commission to provide "for the orderly growth of each public airport and
the area surrounding the airport," and to "safeguard the general welfare of the inhabitants within the
vicinity of the airport and the public in general." Toward these ends, Sections 21675 and 21674
further enables the Commission to "develop height restrictions on buildings", to specify the "use of
land", to determine "building standards, including sound-proofing"; and to "assist local agencies in
ensuring compatible land uses in the vicinity of all new airports and in the vicinity of existing
airports to the extent that the land in the vicinity of those airports is not already devoted to
incompatible uses." The Commission is also empowered to "coordinate planning at the state,
regional and local levels so as to provide for the orderly development of air transportation, while at
the same time protecting the public health, safety, and welfare."
The California Department of Transportation's California Airport Land Use Planning Handbook,
provides further guidelines, which the commission is bound by law to utilize in the preparation of
this AELUP. Similarly, legislation passed in 1994 requires that, when preparing an environmental
impact report for any project situated within an airport influence area as defined in an ALUC
compatibility plan (or, if a compatibility plan has not been adopted, within two nautical miles of a
public-use airport), lead agencies shall utilize the Handbook as a technical resource with respect to
airport noise and safety compatibility issues. (Public Resources Code, Section 21096)
In the formulation and amendment of this plan, the Commission has made every effort to study and
to evaluate all available viewpoints regarding airport land use planning. Historically, the
Commission has held formal public hearings to gather input in addition to its key reliance on the
Caltrans Handbook.
2.1 Standards and Criteria
The following sections describe the standards and criteria adopted by the Airport Land Use
Commission for Orange County for establishing planning boundaries and the reasoning of the
Commission in choosing them.
2.1.1 Aircraft Noise
In adopting the Community Noise Equivalent Level Methodology, Resolution No.
75-1 of the Airport Land Use Commission for Orange County states that:
" ...aircraft noise emanating from airports may be incompatible with the
general welfare of the inhabitants within the vicinity of an airport and in order
to measure the impact of aircraft noise on inhabitants within the vicinity of an
airport, the Airport Land Use Commission for Orange County adopts the
Community Noise Equivalent Level Methodology as specified in the Noise
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Standards for California Airports (Title 21, California Code of Regulations)."
Historically, the Commission investigated other aircraft noise description systems
including Composite Noise Rating, Noise Exposure Forecast, Noise and Number
Index, and Aircraft. Sound Description System. The Commission discussed at length
the variability of aircraft noise due to atmospheric conditions and aircraft operations
and the inahility of any sound measurement system to provide a completely accurate
noise description at all times.
The Community Noise Equivalent Level (CNEL) system was adopted by the
Commission for the following reasons:
(1) the system is set forth in the State Code of Regulations (Title 21, California
Code of Regulations) and therefore is imbued with legal authority; and
(2) the Noise Insulation Standards in the State Housing Law (Title 25, California
Code of Regulations) specify the use of the CNEL system to describe
intrusive noise levels and prescribe soundproofing; and
(3) the CNEL system most accurately describes those noise levels prescribed in
the Noise Element of the Orange County General Plan.
The 60 dB CNEL contour line was chosen as a planning boundary by the
Commission for the following reasons:
(1) this level is prescribed in the California Noise Insulation Standards as the
criterion for enforcing the use of sound insulation; and
(2) the flexible nature of a CNEL contour requires that some leeway from the 65
dB level, prescribed in the Noise Standards for California Airports, be created
in older to protect inhabitants of the airport environs from noise. The CNEL
methodology has been adopted for, and applies to, all airports in Orange
County, both civilian and military.
2.1.2 Safety Compatibility Zones Formatted Font: Times New
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Safety and compatibility zones depict which land uses are acceptable and which are
unacceptable in various portions of airport environs. The purpose of these zones is
to support the continued use and operation of an aitport by establishing compatibility
and safety standards to promote air navigational safety and to reduce potential safety
Hazards for persons living, working or recreating near JWA.
The John Wayne Airport Safety Compatibility Zones are defined in the Airport
Layout Plan (ALP) approved by FAA in March 2005. These zones are shown in
Appendix D and were developed for the runways at J WA using the California Airport
Land -Use Planning Handbook January 2002 Edition. The following Safety
Compatibility Zones are defined for the "Short General Aviation Runway'' (length
less than 4,000 feet) and the "Medium General Aviation Runway" (length 4,000 to
5,999 feet):
Zone 1: Runway Protection Zone
Zone 2: Inner Approach/Departure Zune
Zone; 3; Inner Turning Zone
Zone 4: Outer Approach/Departure Zone
Zone 5: Sideline Zone
Zune 6: Traffic Pattern Zone
These zones are further described in the California Arrport Land Use Planning
Handbook, 2002 Edition, Chapter 9, Table 9B). See Appendix D to view Table 9B.
2.1.3 Building Height Restrictions
In adopting criteria for building height restrictions in the vicinities of airports, the
Commission considered only one standard and that was Federal Aviation Regulations
Part 77 (FAR Part 77) entitled, "Objects Affecting Navigable Airspace." These
regulations are the only definitive standard available and the standard most generally
used. In order to ensure that buildings which might affect the continued operations of
airports are not built in their vicinities, the Commission has incorporated the
standards for determining obstructions and FAR Part 77 definitions, of the
"imaginary and notification surfaces" for airports, as the guidelines for height limits.
The "imaginary surfaces" are defined by means of elevations, heights and slopes in
relation to individual airports, the spaces above which are reserved to air navigation.
In addition to the "imaginary surfaces", the Commission will use all of the FAR Part
77.23 standards along with the results of FAA aeronautical studies, or other studies
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deemed necessary by the Commission, in order to determine if a structure is an
"obstruction." Building or structural heights are limited to the distance between the
ground elevation of the site and an elevation that has been determined will not
adversely effect an airport or aeronautical operations, nor navigational-aid siting
criteria, Includin`r intc;rle:rence with navi`Tational-aids or published flight paths and
procedures. The FAA uses the 100:1 notification surface to help identify projects that
may interfere with airport operations. A project exceeding the 100:1 notification
surface is not necessarily incompatible but rather requires that the FAA be notified.
so they can conduct an aeronautical study. Projects that penetrate the 100:1
notification surface must file Form 7460-1 with the FAA. See Appendix D to view
the FAR Part 77 Notification Area and Obstruction Imaginary Surfaces for JWA.
In the aeronautical studies, the FAA determines if a project is considered an
Obstruction and if a project is determined to be a Hazard to Air Naivigation. A
Determination of No Hazard to Air Navigation does not automatically equate to a
Consistency determination by the ALUC. The FAA may also conclude in their
aeronautical study that a project is an Obstruction but not a Hazard to Air Navigation.
The Commission may find a project Inconsistent based on an Obstruction
determination. The Commission may utilize criteria for protecting aircraft traffic
patterns at individual airports which may differ from those contained in FAR Part 77,
should evidence of health, welfare, or air safety surface sufficient to justify such an
Commission review of individual cases will be guided by FAR Part 77, and by FAA
Advisory Circular No. 150/5190-4A, as published on December 14, 1987 and
entitled "A Model Zoning Ordinance to Limit Height of Objects Around Airports"
(Appendix F). This document has been promulgated by the FAA expressly to guide
local agencies in the preparation of specialized zoning regulations, and in the conduct
of individual case reviews. The Advisory Circular complements FAR Part 77, and
together they provide an overall means to protect the navigable airspace at local
airports. In addition, per FAR Part 77, Section 77.13(a), notice to the Federal
Aviation Administration (FAA) is required for any proposed structure more than 200
feet Above Ground Level (AGL) of its site. To coincide with this regulation, the
ALUC also requires notification for such protects regardless of where within the
jurisdiction of the County of Orange the project would be located. This may or may
not result in referral of a protect to the ALUC.
The results of an aeronautical study conducted by the FAA pursuant to FAR Part
77.1.3 will be utilized to help determine if a structure will have an adverse effect on
the airport or on aeronautical operations. If the proposed object is concluded to be a
potential hazard to air navigation, the FAA may object to its construction, examine,
possible revisions of the proposal to eliminate the problem, require that the obiect be
appropriately marked and lighted as an airspace obstruction, and/or initiate changes
to the aircraft flight procedures for the airport so as to account for the object. The
ALUC considers projects that are a hazard to air navigation to be Inconsistent with
the AELUP for JWA. Formatted: Font: Itaiic
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The Commission considers and recognizes the FAA as the single "Authority" for
analyzing project impact on airport or aeronautical operations, or navigational-aid
siting, including interference with navigational-aids or published flight paths and
procedures. The Commission also considers the FAA as the "Authority" for
reporting the results of such studies and project analyses. The Commission will not
consider the findings of reports or studies conducted by parties other than the FAA
unless the FAA certifies and adopts such findings as true and correct.
In those portions of the height restriction planning areas that lie outside of the Formatted: Font: Times New
Safety Zones and 60 dB CNEL Contours, or other areas of Roman, striketnrough
special concern as delineated by the FAA and adopted by the Commission, local
agencies are required to submit only those matters which contemplate structures that
would penetrate the imaginary surfaces as defined in FAR Part 77.13, 77.25, or 77.28
which have been designated for each individual airport for height restriction referral.
2.1.4 Air Transportation
The Commission is charged by PUC Section 21674 "to coordinate planning at the
state, regional, and local levels, so as to provide for the orderly development of air
transportation while, at the same time, protecting the public health, safety and
welfare." The preparation and dissemination of the AELUPs are themselves
important long-term steps in fulfilling this duty.
2.1.5 Airports/Heliports/Helistops
The Commission is charged with reviewing and acting on proposed airport master
plans, expansion of existing airports, and plans for construction of new airports and
heliports within its jurisdiction and with making recommendations directly to the
California Department of Transportation/Aeronautics Division, regarding the state
airport heliport permit under Section 21661.5 of the California Public Utilities Code.
Heliports/helistops to be located at an existing airport do not require Commission
review. Emergency/Temporary landing sites do not need to be submitted to the
The Commission review of proposed projects for airports/heliports/helistops is
initiated by the local agency's referral of the proponent's request for a development
permit to construct and operate an airport/heliport/helistop. (Note that per Section
3534(b)(5) of the California Code of Regulations, a referral for a heliport/helistop
may be directly from the applicant/sponsor.) A finding by the Commission regarding
consistency of the proposed project with this plan will be forwarded to the local
jurisdiction for their consideration. Prior to a heliport referral to ALUC, the applicant
must obtain an Airspace Analysis from the FAA. To obtain this analysis the
applicant must file FAA form 7480-1 Notice of Landing Area Proposal. Formatted: Centered
The information needed for review of the proposed airport/heliport/helistop by the
Commission includes the following:
1. Location of the proposed airport/heliportlhelistop (street address).
2. Purpose of request: Personal, private, or commercial use of airport/
3. General Plan and zoning of the site.
4. Description of area and adjoining properties.
5. Approach/departure paths.
6. Anticipated number of approaches and departures (counted separately) during;
a specified time interval (day, week, month).
7. Potential for creating a nuisance due to noise generated by the operation of
fixed-wing aircraft and helicopters (Noise Study may be required).
8. Potential for creating an accident hazard (Accident Probability Study may be
9. Federal Aviation Administration Airspace Analysis (Form 7480).
10. Type of craft proposed to be used and noise output of craft.
11. Description of proposed operations/facilities (maintenance, refueling, etc.).
12. Depiction of proposed Helipad Protection Zone per Section 2.1.2 of the
Heliport AELUP.
Policies and criteria for heliports can be found in the ALUC's separate Airport
Environs Land Use Plan for Heliports.
2.1.6 Planning Areas - Airports
Designated planning areas for each Airport are set forth in Section 2.2. (See
Appendix D) The Commission evaluated the factors germane to its mandated duties
and decided that the planning areas shall be based on the following criteria:
1. Areas that are within the 60 dB CNEL contour, as specified for each
individual airport in Section 2.2 of the AELUP.
2. Areas that are within the Runway Protection Zones or
Safety Zones, as specified for each individual airport in Section 2.2
of the AELUP.
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3. Areas subject to building height restrictions, as specified for each individual
airport in Suction 2.2 of the AELUP. See the Height Restriction Zone Map and
the Obstruction imaginary Surfaces Map in Appendix D.
4. In addition to the criteria listed above in items 1-3, the entire County shall be
deemed within the Commission's planning area for development proposals (as
defined in PUC Section 21676(b)) which are:
a. Germano to air transportation i.e., sites of developments whose proposed
populations are so large as to have an effect on air transportation.
b. Outside the height restriction planning area specified for each individual
airport in Section 2.2 of the AELUP, but which are planned to be built to
a height of more than 200 feet above ground level, and which in the
opinion of the local agency, the FAA, or the Commission, may pose an
adverse aeronautical effect, as generally defined in AELUP Section 3.2.1,
must be submitted to the Commission.
c. Within 20,000 feet from the nearest point of the nearest runway of at least
3,200' in length at JWA, which in the opinion of the local agency, the
FAA, or the Commission would interfere with visual or electronic
navigation systems or would threaten the operation of an airport or
decrease its utility, by producing or causing excessive glare, light, steam,
smoke, dust, electronic interference, or by attracting birds, must be
submitted to the Commission.
In those portions of the planning areas that lie outside of the Runway Formatted: Font: Times New
Protection Zones or Safety Zones and 60 dB CNEL contours or Roman, Strikethrough
other areas of special concern as specified in Items 4a, 4b, or 4c, local agencies are Formatted: Font: Times New
required to submit only those matters which contemplate or permit structures that Roman, Strikethrough
would penetrate the imaginary sw-faces as defined in FAR Part 77.13, 77.25, or 77.28
which have been designated for each individual airport for height restriction referral.
A local jurisdiction's legislative acts (general plan or specific plan amendments,
including conventional zoning and Planned Communities, zoning ordinances or
building regulations and airport plans) shall be referred to the Commission pursuant
to Public Utilities Code Section 21676(b).
2.1.7 Planning Areas -New Airports
Public Utilities Code Section 21661.5 states that no application for the construction
of a new airport may be submitted to any local, regional, state or federal agency
unless that plan has been both:
1. Approved by the board of supervisors of the county, or the city council of the
city, in which the airport is to be located; and
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Submitted to and acted upon by the Commission.
During the process by the local land use authority and the FAA to certify/approve an
EIRIEIS and a Master Plan for the development of a new airport, the Commission
shall review the EIR/EIS and/or Master Plan for consistency with, and possible future
inclusion in, Section 2.2 of the AELUP. The Commission will adopt the projected
noise contours presented in the EIR/EIS and/or Master Plan based on the selected
alternative runway alignment and future operational projections. Likewise, the
Commission will adopt the FAR Part 77 -height restriction criteria based on the
selected alternative or Master Plan project. These will form the basis for the planning
area for Commission referral until revised data can be generated based on an
evaluation of actual operations. New or amended Safety and Formatted Font Times New i
Runway Protection Zones may be considered for possible establishment
as a planning area if called for as a mitigation in the EIR/EIS or included in the Formatted: Font: Times New
Master Plan. Other factors such as light and glare or smoke will also be considered if
called for in the EIR/EIS and/or Master Plan.
2.2 Establishment of Planning Areas
In adopting the various standards and criteria, the Commission applied several appropriate
systems and methodologies to the individual airports. The following section details the
considerations of the Commission in fixing the particular contours and boundaries around
John Wayne Airport.
2.2.1 John Wayne Airport, SNA, Orange County
John Wayne Airport, Orange County, was formerly called Orange County Airport.
CNEL CONTOURS -Formerly, the Commission utilized those contours developed
by Wyle Laboratories in February 1975.
In February, 1985, the Board of Supervisors adopted the John Wayne Airport Master
Plan (AMP) and the Santa Ana Heights Land Use Compatibility Program (LUCP).
The Airport Master Plan includes a limit of 73 average daily departures (ADDS) for
most commercial jet operations. In preparing the LUCP, a projected 65 dB CNEL
noise contour reflecting expected future flight levels and a reasonable mix of aircraft
types was utilized. This contour, referred to as the Project Case and depicted in EIR
508 (Figure 4.15-15) (prepared jointly for the AMP and LUCP), was approved by the
Board of Supervisors as the implementation line for two noise compatibility
programs: Purchase Assurance and Acoustical Insulation. It was also utilized in the
preparation and Board adoption of a land use plan. The Commission recognizes and
utilizes the noise contours referred to in EIR 508 (Figure 4.15-15). Consideration
of a future revision to this set of contours, referred to as the 73 ADD-Project Case -
1990 Contours, would probably occur subsequent to full implementation of Phase II
of the JWA Master Plan, based on the JWA continuous noise monitoring program
and the Commercial Airline Access Plan and Regulation. The Commission
determined that the partial noise contour for JWA resulting from the 1992 FAA
Demonstration Study (EIR 546, JWA Phase II Access Plan Amendments) should not
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be adopted. The Commission will re-evaluate this set of contours at such time as a
comprehensive noise study is conducted as part of an Airport Master Plan update.
Tho Commercial Airline Access Plan. regulates flight operations at JWA. The
Commission also adopted a set of noise contours referred tows the 73 ADD-Project
Case - 2005 Contour (Figure 4.15- l7) from EIR 508. The Commission will utilize
noise projections fi•vm either the 1990 or the 2005 Project Case contours, which ever
projects the highest noise level at the given location. The JWA CNEL contours
adopted by the Commission are reflected in Appendix D and reflect the 1990/2005
highest noise level contour.
ZONES-JWA Runway Protection Zones are shown in Appendix D on the map Roman, strikethrough
entitled John Wayne Airport Impact Zones. Safety Zones are depicted on the exhihit
titled Airport Land Use Plan & Safety Zones also in Appendix D. Sasfety Zones were
adopted through the Airport Layout Plan and were approved by the FAA in March
2005. Formatted• Font: Times New
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BUILDING HEIGHT RESTRICTIONS -For JWA, the Commission, by reference,
has adopted Part 77, Objects Affecting Navigable Airspace, of the Federal Aviation
Regulations as a guideline to describe the ultimate height of structures under the
imaginary surfaces as defined in FAR Part 77. Structures should not exceed the
elevations defined in FAR Part 77.25 unless, upon completion of an aeronautical
analysis conducted by the FAA pursuant to FAR Part 77.13, the Commission finds
that they will be consistent with the Policies of Section 3.2 of the AELUP. In
addition to the imaginary surfaces, the Commissivn will use all of the FAR Part
77.23 standards for determining if a structure is an "obstruction." Structural height is
limited to the distance between the ground elevation of the site and an elevation
which the FAA has determined will not adversely affect this airport or its
aeronautical operations, including interference with navigational-aids or published
flight paths and procedures. If the FAA concludes that the proposed structure would
be a potential hazard to air navigation, the FAA may object to its construction,
examine possible revisions of the proposal to eliminate the problem, require that the
object be appropriately marked and lighted as an airspace obstruction, and/or initiate
changes to the aircraft flight procedures for the airport so as to account for the object.
The Commission may consider the utilization of criteria for protecting aircraft traffic
patterns at this airport which may differ from those contained in FAR Part 77, should
evidence of health, welfare, or air safety surface sufficient to justify such an action.
The Commission will utilize the results of an Aeronautical Study, conducted by the
FAA pursuant to FAR Part 77.13, in order to determine if a structure will have an
adverse effect on the airport or on aeronautical operations. The California Airport
Land Use Planning Handbook (pages 9-6, January 2002) emphasizes that the FAA
aeronautical Studies are concerned only with airspace hazards, not with hazards to
people and property on the ground. An FAA determination of "no hazard" says
nothing about whether proposed construction is compatible with airport activity in
terms of safety and noise.
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PLANNING AREA -The Commission has adopted and defined as its Planning Area
for John Wayne Airport all area within the 60 dB CNEL Contour (either the 73
ADD-Project Case Contour 1990 - or the 73 ADD-Project Case - 2005 Contour,
whichever projects the highest noise level at the given locale), within the Runway
Protection Zones, Safety Zones, and all area that lies above or penetrates the 100:1
Imaginary Surface for FAA notification, as defined in FAR Part 77.13.
Outside of the 60 dB CNEL Contour, the Runway Protection Zones, or
other areas of special concern as delineated by the FAA and adopted by the
Commission, local agencies are required to submit only those matters to the
Commission which contemplate or permit structures that would penetrate the 100:1
imaginary surface for notice to the FAA as defined in FAR Part 77.13.
TWENTY-YEAR FUTURE -The Commission assumes that the Airport will
continue to operate in accordance with the JWA Master Plan and subsequent
settlement Agreement Amendments, and the current Airport Layout Plan through
the 20-year planning horizon. The County of Formatted: Font: Times New
Orange and the City of Newport Beach have approved an agreement to modify the Roman, strikethrougn
1985 Settlement Stipulation to allow an increase in operating capacity and
commercial airline facilities at John Wayne Airport. The Formatted: Font: Times New ~
settlement agreement modifications were also approved by the two citizens groups Roman, Strikethrough i
which are signatories to the original 1985 Settlement Stipulation. These
modifications increase the regulated Average Daily Departures from 73 to 89, and the
permitted number of commercial passenger loading bridges from 14 to 20. This Formatted: Font: Times New
activity level will continue through at least December 31, 2015. Roman, Strikethrough .
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3.1 Concept
To fulfill the purpose of this plan, land use within the planning area boundaries of the AELUP
must conform to noise, safety and height restriction standards. Section 3.0 sets forth both the
General Policy and Specific Policies pertaining to land use. The General Policy outlines the
land use standards for the planning areas. The Specific Policies clarify the General Policy.
Impact areas are denoted either on maps (appended) or by reference to some standard source.
3.2 Land Use Policies
3.2.1 General Policy
The General Land Use policy of the Airport Land Use Commission for Orange
County shall be:
Within the boundaries of the AELUP, any land use may be found to be Inconsistent
with the AELUP which;
(1) Places people so that they are affected adversely by aircraft noise,
(2) Concentrates people in areas susceptible to aircraft accidents,
(3) Permits structures of excessive height in areas which would affect adversely the
continued operation of the airport, or
(4) Permits activities or facilities that would affect adversely aeronautical
Adverse effects of aircraft noise are defined by the "reasonable person" concept
presented in the Noise Standards for California Airports, Title 21 of the California
Code of Regulations (Appendix G). Adverse effects of aircraft noise include Formatted: Strikethrough
single event noise disturbances to which people near airports are subjected.
A concentration of people in an area susceptible to aircraft accidents, are defined as Formatted: Strikethrough
a number of people situated on the ground so as to increase the potential magnitude
of a major crash catastrophe (i.e., a larger number of fatalities or injuries than
otherwise may occur).
Adverse effect of structure height refers to a structure of such height and/or location
that its existence would threaten the continued operation of the airport, or would
decrease the airport's utility, such as by creating an obstacle in the flight paths or
other aircraft traffic patterns employed at the airport, or by interfering with visual or
electronic navigation systems.
Adverse effect of activities or facilities refers to a land use that would hamper
aeronautical operations within the boundaries of the AELUP of an airport by
producing or causing excessive glare, light, steam, smoke, dust or electronic
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interference, or by attracting birds.
Any land use which is in conformance with this general policy shall be consistent
with the AELUP. Any land use which is not in conformance with this general policy
shall be inconsistent with the AELUP.
3.2.2 Specific Policies
Some proposed land uses as normally designed and constructed may be found to be
inconsistent with the AELUP by the Commission on a case-by-case basis. Other land
uses may be found to be consistent with the AELUP by the Commission provided
that certain conditions, mitigations, or design measures as described in the following
Sections are utilized. Examples of limitations on land uses due to noise are set forth
in Table 1.
(Applicable to Aircraft Noise Sources)
LAND USE CATEGORY 55 60 65 70 75 80
Residential (all types): ,
Single and Multi-Family Residences
Community Facilities: E
Churches, Libraries, Schools,
Preschools, Day-Care Centers,
Hospitals, Nursing/Convalescent
Homes, & Other noise sensitive uses
Retail, Office
Conventional construction methods used. No special noise reduction requirements.
Must use sound attenuation as required by the California Noise Insulation Standards,
Title 25, California Code of Regulations. Residential use sound attenuation required
to ensure that the interior CNEL does not exceed 45 dB. Commercial and industrial
structures shall be sound attenuated to meet Noise Impact Zone " 1 "criteria (refer to
Section 3.2.3).
All residential units are inconsistent unless are sound attenuated fo ensure that the
interior CNEL does not exceed 45 dB, and that all units are indoor oriented so as to
preclude noise impingement on outdoor living areas.
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3.2.3 Noise Impact Zone " l " - High Noise Impact (65 dB CNEL and above)
Noise impact in this zone is sufficient to warrant restrictions on residential uses and
to require sound attenuation measures on other uses. The ALUC does not support
residential development within the 65 dB CNEL noise contour. All residential units
are inconsistent in this area unless it can be shown conclusively that such units are
sufficiently sound attenuated for present and projected noise exposures, which shall
be the energy sum of all noise impacting the project, so as not to exceed an interior
standard of 45 dB CNEL, with an accompanying dedication of an avigation easement
for noise to the airport proprietor applicable to single family residences, multi-family
residences and mobile homes. Furthermore, all residential units are to be sufficiently
indoor oriented so as to preclude noise impingement on outdoor living areas, as
defined in Section 1.7.
Noise-sensitive institutional uses such as schools, churches, hospitals, libraries, and
other noise-sensitive uses may also be inconsistent in this zone. All noise-sensitive
uses are inconsistent in this area unless it can be shown conclusively that such units
are sufficiently sound attenuated for present and projected noise exposures, which
shall be the energy sum of all noise impacting the project, so as not to exceed an
interior standard of 45 dB CNEL, and may require the dedication of an avigation
easement for noise to the airport proprietor. Commercial, industrial, and recreational
uses may be acceptable in this zone providing that commercial and industrial
structures are sufficiently sound attenuated to allow normal work activities to be
conducted. Said structures shall be sound attenuated against the combined input of
all present and projected exterior noise to meet the following criteria:
Typical Use Level L (eq)*(12)
Private office, church sanctuary, board room, conference room, etc. 45 dB(A)
General office', reception, clerical etc. 50dB(A)
Bank lobby, retail store, restaurant, typing pool, etc. 55 dB(A)
Manufacturing, kitchen, warehousing, etc. 65 dB(A)
* L(eq) is the equivalent sound level for a specified time period in dB(A).
** A Measured from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. or other appropriate, approved time
An enclosed office intended for use by an individual
An open office intended to have more than one workstation.
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In addition, it is recommended that all designated outdoor common or recreational
areas within Noise lmpact Zone1 provide outdoor signage informing the public of
the presence of operating aircraft.
3.2.4 Noise Impact Zone "2" Moderate Noise Impact (60 dB CNEL or Greater, less than
65 dB CNEL)
Noise impact in this area is sufficient to require sound attenuation as set forth in
the California Noise Insulation Standards, Title 25, California Code of
Regulations. Single noise events in this area create serious disturbances to many
inhabitants. Even though the Commission would not find residential units
incompatible in this area, the Commission strongly recommends that residential
units he limited or excluded from this area unless sufficiently sound attenuated.
The residential use interior sound attenuation requirement shall be a CNEL value
not exceeding an interior level of 45 dB. In addition, it is recommended that
designated outdoor common or recreational areas within Noise Impact Zone 2
provide outdoor signage informing the public of the presence of operating aircraft.
3.2.5 Runway Protection Zone "RPZ"
The severe potential for loss of life and property due to accidents prohibits most land
uses in this area. Also, the close proximity to aircraft operations limits land uses
which would endanger such operations. Only airport-related uses and open space
uses, including agriculture and certain types of transportation and utility uses are
permitted. No buildings intended for human habitation are permitted in the
RPZ. Furthermore, because of the proximity to aeronautical operations, uses in
this area must not attract birds nor emit excessive glare or light, nor produce or cause
steam, smoke, dust, or electronic interference so as to interfere with, or endanger,
aeronautical operations.
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3.2.6 Height Restriction Zone
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Any object, which by reason of its height or location would interfere with the Roman, Strikethrough
established, or planned, airport flight procedures, patterns, or navigational systems, is
unacceptable to the Commission. Similarly, any proposal which would cause a
diminution in the utility of an airport is unacceptable to the Commission. The
standards, criteria, and procedures promulgated by the FAA for the thorough
evaluation of development projects are designed to ensure the safe and efficient use
of the navigable airspace. The application of these principles by the Commission
will ensure the stability of local air transportation, as well as promote land uses that
are compatible with the airport environs. However, any object which rises above the
height of surrounding development, or which is located in close proximity to any of
the various flight paths, must be clearly visible during hours of twilight or darkness
and must not threaten, endanger, or interfere with aeronautical operations. Such
objects, even if within the above height restrictions, are not acceptable to the
Commission unless they are clearly marked or lighted according to FAA standards.
3.2.17 Airspace/Airport Inconsistency
In reviewing projects, the Commission will find any structure, either within or
outside of the planning areas, inconsistent with this AELUP if it:
1. Is determined to be a "Hazard" by the FAA;
2. Would raise the ceiling or visibility minimums at an airport for an existing or
planned instrument procedure (i.e., a procedure consistent with the FAA-
approved airport layout plan or a proposed procedure formally on file with the
3. Would result in a loss in airport utility, e.g. in a diminution of the established Formatted: Centered
operational efficiency and capacity of the airport, such as by causing the usable
length of the runway (s) to be reduced; or
4. Would conflict with the VFR air space used for the airport traffic pattern or
enl•oute navigation to and from the airport.
3.2.8 Avigation Easements Formatted: Font: Times New
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The dedication of an avigation easement in favor of an airport proprietor is
designated as a method which may be employed by airport proprietors for controlling
and reducing noise problems surrounding airports, pursuant to Title 21, California
Code of Regulations, Section 5037. See Appendix J for Section 5037.
Therefore, in recognition of Section 5037 Formatted: Font: Times New
the continuing policy of the Commission is that an avigation Roman, Strikethrough
easement may be considered by the Commission if so requested by a local agency or
project proponent as a factor which may render a land use, within the AELUP
planning area set forth in Section 3.2.3 (Noise Impact Zone "1 "),consistent with the
AELUP. However, nothing in this section shall be deemed to confer upon the
Commission the legal jurisdiction or authority to require, compel or mandate the
dedication of an avigation easement as a condition of consistency; and the lack of an
avigation easement shall not constitute the basis for a determination by the
Commission that a project is inconsistent with the AELUP. This section is
applicable only to projects submitted to the Commission by local agencies after the
adoption of the revisions set forth herein and only to projects within the subject
matter jurisdiction of the Commission.
3.3 Specific Policies for Consistency Determinations
3.3.1 As set forth in Public Utilities Code Sections 21676 and 21676.5 and as discussed in
the California Airport Land Use Planning Handbook, a key responsibility of an
airport land use commission is to review particular types of local actions for
compliance with the criteria and policies set forth in a commission's adopted
compatibility plan.
3.3.2 Section 3.0 of the Airport Environs Land Use Plan sets forth the policies and criteria
by which a local action can be reviewed, and a determination made of its
consistency/inconsistency with the AELUP.
3.3.3 The ALUC may find a local action consistent with the AELUP; or
3.3.4 The ALUC may find a local action consistent with the AELUP with condition(s)
attached if the local agency/project proponent offer such conditions. These
condition(s) serve to mitigate a project which would otherwise be found
inconsistent with the AELUP; or
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3.3.5 The ALUC may find an action inconsistent with the AELUP.
3.3.6 Examples of conditions which may serve to mitigate aproject/action and thus may
permit the ALUC to make a finding of consistency include the following:
• Requirement for the lighting of structures per FAA Standards as set forth in
FAA Advisory Circular 70/7460-1 J "Obstruction Marking and Lighting''.
• Specification of maximum density of residential development
• Specification of maximum intensity of non-residential development
• Appropriate written notification, (as set forth in the "Noise Disclosure" and
'`Notice of Airport in Vicinity'' definitions), for residential and other noise
sensitive land uses (as described in Table 1), of aircraft noise impact, to all
initial and subsequent buyers, lessees, and renters within the AELUP Noise
Impact Zones set forth in Sections 3.2.3 and 3.2.4, may on a case-by-case basis
be a condition/mitigation for a land use to be found consistent with this AELUP.
Inclusion of a statement on the Final Tract or Parcel Map and the Deed
Disclosure Notice, for property in Noise Impact Zone "1" or Zone " 2", that the
residential or other noise-sensitive land use property is subject to aircraft noise
impact in substantially this form:
This property is in an area in the vicinity of John Wayne Airport and as a result
residents and occupants of buildings may experience inconvenience, annoyance
or discomfort arising from the noise resulting from aircraft operating at the
State law (Public Utilities Code Section 21670 et seq.) establishes the
importance of public use airports for the protection of public interest of the
people of the State of California. Residents and building occupants near a
public airport should therefore be prepared to accept such inconvenience,
annoyance or discomfort from normal aircraft operations.
Any subsequent deed conveying parcels or lots shall contain a statement in
substantially this form.
• Presentation of evidence that commercial and industrial structures are
sufficiently sound attenuated to allow normal work activities to be conducted.
The structures should be attenuated to at least meet the level specified in Section
3.2.3. (Noise Impact Zone "1 ").
• If offered by a local agency or project proponent, dedication of an avigation
easement in favor of an airport proprietor for residential and other noise-
sensitive uses as described in Table 1 under "Community Facilities" of this
AELUP. Sample avigation easements are included in Appendix I.
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The dedication of an avigation easement in favor of an airport proprietor is
designated as a method which may be employed by airport proprietors for
controlling and reducing noise problems surrounding airports, pursuant to Title
21, California Code of Regulations, Section 5037.
Application of a "Notice of Airport in Vicinity" prior to January 1, 2004. The
Commission may elect to mitigate a residential action/project under the
"airport influence area" as defined by Subdivision (b) of Section 11010 of the
Business and Professions Code, by including a condition based on the language
added to Section l 1010 of the Business and Professions Code prior to the
operative date (January 1, 2004) of this section by the inclusion of the following
language on the Final Tract or Parcel Map and the Deed Disclosure Notice for
residential property.
This property is presently located in the vicinity of an airport, within what is
known as an airport influence area. For that reason, the property may be subject
to some of the annoyances or inconveniences associated with proximity to
airport operations (for example: noise, vibration, or odors). Individual
sensitivities to those annoyances can vary from person to person. You may wish
to consider what airport annoyances, if any, are associated with the property
before you complete your purchase and determine whether they are acceptable to
• Other condition(s) as determined by the Commission which would mitigate
an action/project.
In order to apply the preceding specific policies in the most diligent manner, the Commission
will consider all relevant data pertaining to the various airports within Orange County and the
areas surrounding them. The Commission will consider current information, as it becomes
available, whenever germane to the Commission's deliberations. The integration of current and
reliable information into this plan will be an ongoing goal of the Commission.
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4.1 Statutes
The Public Utilities Code fc~r the State of California. Sections ? 1670 through 21679.5
governs the activities and responsibilities of the Airport Land Use Commission. A copy of
these Sections can he found in Appendix A of this document. Further discussion of these
responsihilities can be found below. Generally, the Commission is required to make
recommendatiuns directly to the California Department ol~ Transportation/Aeronautics
Division regarding the required State permit for new airports and heliports/helistops. The
Commission also makes findings regarding consistency of proposed land use plans/
regulations/projects with this AELUP and forwards those findings to the appropriate local
jurisdictions for their consideration.
4.2 General Plans and Specific Plans (Zoning)
Each local agency having jurisdiction over any area within the planning areas (as defined in
Section 2.1.6) is required to submit its general or specific plans (including conventional
zoning and Planned Communities) for that area to the Commission for a determination in
accordance with the Government Code for the State of California, Section 65302.3 and
Public Utilities Code Section 21676. The submittals should highlight those areas which
address the AELUP noise impact, safety compatibility, and height Formatted: Font: Times New
restriction zones. The only requirement is that the submittals illustrate how local agencies Roman, Strikethrough
will incorporate the performance standards outlined in this AELUP into their planning,
zoning, and development processes. All agencies are encouraged to file their submittals at
the earliest practical time. The agencies are encouraged further to include a statement or
summary of those issues which are believed to be consistent, as well as inconsistent, with the
standards of this AELUP.
4.3 Amendments to General Plans and Specific Plans (Zoning)
Within the AELUP planning areas (as defined in Section 2.1.6), any amendment to a General
Plan or Specific Plan (including conventional zoning and Planned Communities) must be
submitted to the Commission for a determination prior to its adoption by the local agency.
The submittal should be in the same manner as with Section 4.2 above.
4.4 Zoning Ordinances and Building Regulations
Within the AELUP planning areas (as defined in Section 2.1.6), any proposed changes to a
zoning ordinance or building regulation must be submitted to the Commission for a
determination prior to its adoption by the local agency. The submittal should be in the same
manner as with Section 4.2 above.
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4.5 Airport Master Plans
Each public agency owning an airport within Orange County must submit any change to its
Airport Master Plan to the Commission for a determination prior to its adoption pursuant to
Section 21676 of the Public Utilities Code.
4.6 Other Submittals
A project other than those described above, including but not limited to use permits and site
plans, may be submitted voluntarily to the Commission for a recommendation prior to its
adoption. See Section 4.11 for exception to "voluntary" submittal of projects such as use
permits and site plans. The submittal should be in the same manner as with Section 4.2
4.7 Submittal Requirements
To file a project for a consistency determination with the Airport Land Use Commission
(ALUC), a letter from the local jurisdiction (city, county or special district) requesting the
ALUC to review the project for consistency with the Airport Environs Land Use Plan
(AELUP) and attachments as specified below are required.
1. Proic:c;t submittals should be sent to:
Airport Land Use Commission
Attn: Executive Officer
3160 Airway Avenue
Costa Mesa. CA 92626
2. Description of Project: General Plan Amendment (GPA); Specific Plan
Amendment (or other zoning amendment); Zoning Ordinance; Building
Regulation; Conditional Use Permit (CUP); etc.
3. Location of Project: Area Map; Site Plan; street address, etc.
4. Existing and proposed Genera( Plan and zoning designations.
5. Existing and proposed uses on the site and adjacent pI-operties (descriptive text
and maps from an environmental document may be submitted to respond to this
6. Approval Schedule: Planning Commission, City Council or Board of Supervisors.
7. Is the project within the 60 CNEL Contour of the affected airport? Within the 65
CNEL Contour? What noise mitigation measures will be required to achieve
interior standards?
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8. Is the project within the Runway Protection Zone (RPZ) of the affected airport?
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9. Is the project within the Height Restriction Zone (FAR Part 77 Notification Area)
of the affected airport'? Has the project sponsor filed a 7460-1 Notice with the
FAA'? (Provide a copy of the FAA Determination to ALUC staff. If a 7460-1
Determination is necessary, the ALUC must have this as part of the submittal
hefore the project can be accepted for filing.)
10. Applicable sections of CEQA documentation.
11. Latitude and longetude (accurate to within the nearest hundredth of a second if
known .
12. Height of each of the proposed structures above ground level.
13. Elevation of the project site using North American Vertical Datum1988
(NAVD88) or National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 (NGVD29).
14. Local agency building height restrictions for the project area (Zoning
15. Building heights of surrounding structures within 1000' radius of the proposed Formatted: Indent: Hanging: 0.5"
project area.
PLEASE NOTE: A heliport (airport) referral check list is in the AELUP for Heliports.
• Formatted: Tabs: 0.54", Left + Not
4.8 Submittal Deadlines at 0.5" + 1" + 1.38" + 5.75" +
The Commission requests that project referrals be submitted and agendized by the ALUC
staff between the Local Agency's expected Planning Commission and City Council
hearings. The ALUC meets on the third Thursday afternoon of each month so submittals
must be received in the ALUC office by the first of the month to ensure sufficient time for
review, analysis, and agendizing.
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4.9 Acceptance of Submittal
Matters referred to the Commission for review shall be deemed accepted upon the date when
all materials and information necessary for processing a project have been confirmed as
received by the Commission staff. Staff will inform the local jurisdiction, in writing within
five working days after receipt of an item for consideration (with copy to applicant), whether
more information as specified in Section 4.7 is necessary or if the item will then be deemed Formatted: Strikethrough
accepted and scheduled for formal review by the Commission (See Appendix H -Referral Deleted: - 3? -~
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Confirmation Letter). Necessary information as specified in Section 4.7 must include final
plans, acc.~ustical reports or FAA Aeronautical Studies when deemed necessary for
Commission review by the Commission staff. This procedure does not apply to screen
checks or Draft Environmental Impact Report responses which staff will respond to within
the specified review period. If the local jurisdiction is not contacted by Commission staff by
the sixth husiness day, they should contact the Commission office to verity receipt of the
original referral packa~~e. Upon receipt of a complete referral for Airport Land Use
Commission review and consideration. the Commission Secretary shall schedule and
agendire said referral for the next available Airport Land Use Commission meeting.
4.10 Who May File
The implementation of this AELUP shall result generally from the interaction between the
Commission and local agencies. Only local agencies may submit General and Specific Plans,
Airpol;•t Master Plans, and amendments thereto.
4.11. Commission Finding of Inconsistency
When the Commission determines that a submittal is inconsistent with the AELUP, the
Commission shall promptly notify the affected local agency. The local agency may modify
the submitted project so as to be consistent with the AELUP, and resubmit the project to the
Commission for a determination of consistency; or the local agency may instead choose to
overrule the Commission by following the procedure established in PUC Sections 21676 and
21676.5 (see Appendix A). This procedure requires the local agency to: hold a public
hearing on the matter by its governing body (Board of Supervisors, City Council); make
specific findings that the proposed overruling is consistent with the purposes stated in PUC
Section 21670 (see Appendix A); and overrule the Commission by at least atwo-thirds vote
of the Board of Supervisors or City Council.
When such an overruling occurs, the PUC provides in Section 21678 (see Appendix A) that
if the local agency does not operate the public airport in question, then the operator of that
affected public airport shall be immune from liability for damages to property or personal
injury caused by, or resulting directly or indirectly from, the local agency's decision to
overrule the Commission's determination of inconsistency.
4.12 Inconsistent Local Agency
If the Commission determines that a City or the County is an Inconsistent Local Agency and
the local jurisdiction does not overrule that determination, the Commission may require that
the jurisdiction submit all land use actions to the Commission for review and determination.
4.13 Continuous Monitoring
It shall be the ongoing function of the Commission and its staff to monitor all development
within the planning areas to ensure that the purposes of this AELUP are fulfilled.
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4.14 Periodic Review Deleted:
The Commission shall review the substance and adequacy of this AELUP Formatted: Font: Times New
at a minimum of once every five years. Roman, Strikethrough J
4.15 AELUP Amendments Deleted:
Upon approving any amendment to this AELUP, the Commission will promptly inform all
affected agLncies of the action and the requirement for local agency action per Government
Code Section 65302.3 as specified below:
65302.3 (a) The general plan, and any applicable specific plan prepared pursuant to
Article 8 (commencing with Section 65450), shall be consistent with the plan
adopted or amended pursuant to Section 21675 of the Puhlic Utilities Code.
(b) The general plan, and any applicable specific plan, shall be amended, as
necessary, within 180 days of any amendment to the plan required under Section
21675 of the Public Utilities Code.
(c) If the legislative body does not concur with any provision of the plan required
under Section 21675 of the Public Utilities Code, it may satisfy the provisions of this
section by adopting findings pursuant to Section 21676 of the Public Utilities Code.
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Draft Comment Letter
March 5, 2008
Ms. Kari Rigoni
Executive Officer
Airport Land Use Commission
3160 Airway Avenue
Costa Mesa, CA 92626
Dear Ms. Rigoni:
Thank you again for- the opportunity to review the proposed amendments to the Airport
Land Use Commission (ALUC) Airport Environs Land Use Plan (AELUP) for John
Wayne Airport (JWA). Thank you also for meeting with City staff on November 19,
2007, and January 28, 2008, to discuss the proposed amendments.
As stated in our letter dated December 10, 2007, the Tustin- City Council is particularly
concerned about any proposed amendments pertaining to height limitations, avigation
easements, deed disclosures, signage, and proximity disclosures. ~lowever, these
types of amendments were not included in the second draft released on February 22,
The Council understands the importance of preserving navigable airspace and the
consequences that may result from obstructions which penetrate and/or interfere with
this airspace. Therefore, the Council would not support any amendment to the AELUP
or any policy that would result in a further diversion of flight patterns over Tustin.
The City of Tustin has identified one remaining concern regarding the proposed
• It is unclear to
the City of Tustin whether the Planning Area for John Wayne
Airport includes the ground level of the entire area depicted within the FAR Part
77 John Wayne Airport Obstruction Imaginary Surfaces (Appendix D) or only the
airspace that penetrates the imaginary surface within the depicted area. This
issue is of significant importance to Tustin and should be further clarified in the
It is our understanding, that the proposed amendments are anticipated to be considered
by the ALUC Board on March 20, 2008. We request a copy of the staff report prepared
Ms. Kari Rigoni
March 5, 2008
Page 2
for the proposed amendments and the opportunity to review any additional refinements
that may be drafted prior to the Board's consideration of the amendments.
If you have any questions regarding our comments, please contact Elizabeth Binsack at
(714) 573-3031.
Jerry Amante
cc: William A. Huston
Elizabeth Binsack
Dana Ogdon
Scott Reekstin
SR/Airport/AELUP Amendments Comment Letter 2008.doc