HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 77-13358 1 4 8 10 11 15 16 17 18 19 ~0 ~6 ~7 3O 31 RESOLUTION NO. 77-13 A RESOLUTION DECLARING THAT PROCEEDINGS HAVE BEEN INITIATED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN TO ANNEX TO SAID CITY CERTAIN UNINHABITED TERRITORY DESCRIBED HEREIN, AND DESIGNATED AS "IRVINE-MYFORD ANNEXATION NO. 81 (AMENDED)" TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN AND GIVING NOTICE OF THE PROPOSED ANNEXATION The City of Tustin, California, does hereby resolve as follows - 1. Pursuant to the provisions of the Government Code of the State of California, application was made to the Local Agency Formation ComJnission to annex to the City of Tustin, all that territory situate, in the County of Orange, State of California, designated "IRVINE-MYFORD ANNEXATION NO. 81 (AMENDED), described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference as though set forth herein in full. 2. The City Council hereby finds and determines that all of said territory is uninhabited within the meaning of Government Co~e Section 35303, on the date of th.e. adoption of this Resolution that said territory is contiguous to the City of Tustin. 3. The Local Agency Formation Commission, in session duly assembled, on January 26, 1977, did certify that it had re- viewed and considered the information contained in EIR 76-5, prior to approving Annexation Nc. 81 (Amended). 4. The property within the annexed territory shall be taxed to pay the indebtedness and liability of the City contracted to or existing at the time of annexation. - 5. That said territory described in Exhibit "A" attach hereto and incorporated herein by this reference as though set forth herein in full is designated and identified as "IRVINE- MYFORD ANNEXATION NO. 81 (A~4ENDED) ". 6. The City Council desires to annex said 'territory to the· City of Tustin for the following reasons- The 'territory is contiguous to the City of ~ustin and its proposed annexation will contribute to and facilitate the orderly growth and develcpment of both the City and the territory proposed to be annexed, will facilitate and contribute to the proper and orderly layout, design and construction of streets, gutters, sidewalks and sanitary and storm water sewers and drainage facilities, both in the City and in the territory proposed to be annexed, and will provide and facilitate proper overall planning and zoning of ].ands in said City and in said territory, in a manner most conducive to the welfare of the City and said uninhabited territory. 7. Notice is hereby given that on the 7th day of March, 1977, at the hour of 7-30 p.m., in the Council Chambers, Centennia at Main Street, Tustin, California, any person owning real propert] within said territory so proposed to be annexed, and having any objection to the propesed annexation, may appear before said City Council and show cause why such territory should not be annexed Such protest must be in writing and shall state the name or nam~ of the owner or owners of the property affected by such annexat n and the location and area of such property, in general terms. If it be found that protest is not made by public and private owners equal to one-half tl~e value of the territory, further proceedings shall be taken to annex said territory. 8 10 11 12 14 15 -- 16 18. 19 ~0 ~4 ~6 ~7 31 8. The City Clerk Shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution and cause the same to be. published in the Tustin News-, a n~:-:s[~aper of general circulation, printad and published in the City of Tustin, County of Orange, State of California, and in the Register a newspaper published outside the City of Tustin, bu~ in the County in which is located the property proposed to be. annexed, once a week for two (2) weeks prior to the meeting.. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Counci of the City of tustin, hel'd on the 26th day f January, 1977. ATTEST - CITY C L~E-RK MAYOR / ~T__0:_~!!~ .... C_! _.TY. -:.OF _ TU_ST!M ~ .... CAL..T-F.0, R.NI~ Beginning at the most westerly corner of Block 44, of Irvine's Subdivision, as per m~p. recorded in Book 1, paKe 88 of Miscellaneous ~laps, Records of Orange Courtty, California, said corner also bein~ the point of interspction of the ccnterline of the Santo. Aha Freeway and the cennerline of Bzo~,'~ing Avenue; Thence N. 40°37'16'' E., along the northwesterly line of said Bloc'.: 44 and along said centerline of Browning Avenue, a distance of 9.9:).70 .... feet~ to' an ansl. e point in the existing boundary of the City of Tusti.n, as established by the San Juan-Bro:ming Annexation. per Resolutio:~ 73-8 passed and adopted December 3, 1973, said angle point hex. n6 the most southerly cornc.- of said annexation; . Rqxence N. 40~37'16"E., along said City of Tustin boundary' and along the northweste--'~.f line of said Block 44 and along said centerline of Broxming ^vet:c--, a distance o~ 3~3.17 fea¢, to the point.of intersec~:i, on wiCh a line p~.---~lel ~o and 33.00 fee~ northeasCer~y of~ as measured =-~ the center line of San juan Street; right angles " 19 14 W., along said parallel line, a distance o.f Thence, ;.. 49° , ,, 40.00 feet, to a..--, angle point in the existing boundary of the City of Tustin, as established by ti~e Bryan-Red Hill Annexation, per Ordinance No. 172, passed -and adopted June 4, 1962, said angle point; being the most southerly .~~-ner of said annexation and a point on the northwesterly right-of-way line of Bro~ing Avenue; ~ Thence, N. 40°37'16'' E., along said City of Tustin boundary and along said northwesterly ri"-' '-- . ~n,_ of-way line, a distance of 1391 00 feet, to an angle point in said City of Tustin boundary; .. Thence, leaving said northwesterly right-of-way line of Browning Avenue and continuing along said Gity of Tustin boundary through, tb.e. . following described courses: .. S. 49°20'23" E., 130.00 feet; S. 4.0°37'16'' W., 63.00 feet; . S. 49°20'23" E., 240.00 feet; ' N. 40°37'16" E., 283.00 feet; N. 49o20'23'' W., 370.00 feet, to an angle point in said ~ity of Tustin boundary, said angle point also being a point on said northwesterly right-of-way line of Browning; Thence, co..~inuing along said city boundary, N. 40°37' 16" E., along said right-of-way line, a distance of 59.50 feet, to an angle point in said city boundary, said angle point also being a point on the southwesterly boundary of Tract No. 2916, as per m~p recorded in Book 95, pages 8 and 9 of Miscellaneous lY~ps, records of said Orange County; Thence, leaving said City of Tustin. boundary~ S. 49°18'24'' E., along said southwesterly tract boundary, a dist.a~ce of 40.00 feet, to the po_nc o~ intersection wit}~ the northwesterly line of said. Block 44~ said point of intersection also being the mow southerly eorne~ of said Tract No. 2916 and a point on the c£nter~ine of Broxming Avenue; Thence, N. 40°37'16'' E., along the northwesterly line of said Block 44, alon,_% Said ccnterline and along the s'o~theasterly bound~ry of sz~J.d Tract No. 2916 ~nd its northeasterly prolongation, a distazxCe of 93S.52 feet, to tt~e ~,~ost westerly cor:~cr of Tract No. 6628, as i~cr map r'ccorded in Bool% 246, pages 36 tl~.rough 38 i~lusive of Miscellaneous Maps, Eccords of said Orange County; Tl'~¢:nce, S. 49° 19'4]." E., alone the soutl~westcrly boundary of s;~J.d Tract i'~. 662;:.:, :~ cli.:;ta~ce of 660.0~) feet to .tl~e ~tost souti~erly c(~r~tcr of ~;'~i~1 'l'~'~tct r'.~c~. (~2,'>; 361 ~t~c[~ce, N. 40°37'16'' E., along the soutl~casterl¥ boundary of said Tract No. 6628, a distance of 1321.07 feet, to the most easterly corner. of said Tract No. 6628, said corner also .being a point on the nortl~- easter].), line of said Block 44 and a point on the centcrline of Irv£ne Boulevard; ~t~ence, S. 49°18'55" E., alon% said northeasterly line and along said ccntcrline, a distance of 1992.57 feet, to an angle point therein. · ~a~d an~;ie ~o£n~ be.±ng ~he mos~ northerly corner o~ LoC 7~ Block :a£d I.rv~na s Subd~v~s±on; Thence continu' ~n~ along said northeasterly line and said cente~li, ne, S. 49°19'05/' E., a distance of 1548.16 feet to the point, of intersection with a line pa-allel to and 1095.00 feet northwesterly of, as measured at right e~gles from, thc southeasterly line of. staid Block 44; c 40°36'19'' W , along said parallel line., a dis6ance of Thence, ~. . 2640.94 feet, -o the point of intersection with.the centerline of Bryan Avenu~, __=-~id point of intersection also being a point on the northeasterly !!ne of Lot 24, Block 44 of said Irvine's Subdivision; . continuing along said line being parallel to the south-- ~]~enc e, . easterly line cf said Block 44, S. 4.0036' 34" W., a. distance of 2507.40 feet, to the p.:int of intersection ~.ith the existing boundary of the City of Irvine, as established by the Orange County Board of Supervisors Resolution No. 71-1472, said point of intersection also beit~g a point on the northeasnerly ri~'-'~._n-of-way line of the Santa And Freeway as described in a deed recorded in Book 4072, page 65 of Deeds, Official Records of sa,~ Orange County Thence, N~ 49°20'32'' W., along said City of Irvine boundary and along said freeway right-of-way line, a distance of 9.52 feet , to ap. --'ngle point tkerein; Thence, continuing along said Cit~ of Irvine boundary and said freeway right-of-way line, N. 55°03'29' W., a distance o~ 40.68 foet, to an angle po:.~.- in said city boundary; Thence,. leaving said freeway right-or-waY line, S. 41025'26'' W., continuing alon- said City of Irvine Boundary, a distance of 130.00 feet,, to an ang%e point, in the existing boundary of the City of Tustin, - ~xa~ion No 71 A, as established by the U. S. ,X~rine Corp Irvine Ann° ' . - per Resolution :,;~. 71-79, passed and adopted December 6, 1971, said angle point being the most easterly corner of said annexation and a point on the southwesterly line of Block 44 of said Irvine's Subdivision'; Thence, leaving said City of Irvine boundary, N. 49o20'32'' W., along said City of Tustin boundary and along said southwesterly li'~e, a distance of ]480.15 feet, to an angle point in said city boundary; Thence, leaving said southwester].y line, S. 40,039'56" W., continuing along said City of Tustin boundary, a distance of 92.72 feet to an angle point therein, said angle being tt~e m~.st easterly corner of the Bro;,~.ing Avenue-Walnut Avenue Annexation, ~.er Ordinance No. 404, passed and.~ adopted June 17, 1°6~ ~, and a point on the soutl~v:esterly --~ight-or-way line of tt~e Santa And Freeway; /]~ence, N. 46045'55'' W., continuing along said City of Tustin boundary and along said freeway rig}~t-of-way line, a distance of 660.60 feet, to an angle poi.hr i~ sa~.(1 City l)o~nd~'ry, saJ.d ang].e point being a t)OJ.I~t On tl~e soutl~c;~;tcrly iine of t}~e i~r~,~,~ing Avcnue-Niss~,~ 'Road A:~e:.:~,tio;~ No. 6(5 (revised), per Resol.utJ. on ~o. 7t}-17, passed adopt:e~l A[~'-il 2',), 1970, a I)oint on tt~e norti'twcsterly ].5.ne of Block 45 Of set.icl lrvit~e's Subdivisio:~ ,~nd a point on tl~e ce.naerline of Bro~,n~i. ng Ave]~t~t.; (2) 362 I.EGAI, Dt:.SCI~IT.I"ITION t:f)R '171 Thence, N. 40°42'53'' E., along northwesterly block line and along feet to the most easterly corner of · said said last city boundary, along center line, a distance mentioned annexation; said ' of 17.02 Rq~unce, leaving said City of Tustin boundary, E., along said northwesterly bi. tek line and along distance of 46.00 feet, to the point of begi~ming. continuing N. 40°42' 53" said centerline, a. TO TIIE CITY OF TUSTIN, CAI.IFORNIA 363 Beginning at tt~e most northerly corner of Lot 30, Block 12, of. Irvine s Subd£visio~, as per map recorded in Book 1, page 88 of Mi. scellanec Maps, Records' o'f Orange County, California, said corner also being tl~e point of intersection of the centerline of Red }I5.11 Avenue and. the-centerli of San Juan Streen; Thence, S. 49°41'00" E., along said ccnterline of San Juan Street, -~.istanco of 479.61 feet to the most northerly corner of Tract No. 7~1.6, ,s per ,.-uap record, cd in Book 296, pages 8 and 9 of Miscellaneous ~.iaps, 'ecords of said Orange County; a · Thence, along said Tract boundary through the COll~S ~ S; following described of Lot 3, Tree;_ ;,o. Miscellaneous f_zps, S. 40°18'54" W., S. 49°41:00'' E., S. 40°18'54'' W., N. 49041'00'' W., $. 40° 18'54" W.,. S. 49°40'19" E., 580, as per map records of said '608.49 feet; 3.00 feet; 200.00 feet; 3.00 feet; 47.44 feet; 510.67 feet, to the recorded in. Book 23, Orange County; easterly corner page 45 of Thence, S. A0°18'54'' W., along the easkerly line of said Lot 3 per said last menti,ned Tract, a distance of 666.08 feet to a point of inter- section on the centerline of the Santa Aha Freeway, ai~d a point on the northeasterly line of. Lot 35, Block i1, of said Irvine's Subdivision, and a point on the existing boundary of the City of Tustin, as established 'by the Nis. son Road Armexation, per Resolution 72-26, passed axad adopted May 15, 1972; Thence, N. '49°38'44'' W., along said centerline and said northeasterly lot line and along said City of Tustin boundary, a distance of 330.76 feet Thence, leaving said centerline and said northeasterly lot line and continuing a!eng said City of Tustin boundary, S. 40o23'53'' W., a distance of 106.24 feet, to a porn._ of intersection on the existing boundary of the City of Tust~ ~ ' _.., =s estaoiished by the Red Hill Avenue-Santa Aha Freeway South Annexation, per Resolution 982, passed and adopted. February 17, 1969 ~.~.~inuing along said last mentioned City of' Thence, through the following described courses: Tustin boundary on the Pa~nk ey N. 53°26'35"'W., 576.78 feet; N. 49°36'22'' W,, 118.00 feet, to'a point, of intersectic existing boundary of the City of %'ustin, as established by the s ~mnexation, per Ordinance No. 99, passed and adopted April 23,. 19 Thence, along said last mentioned City following described courses: of Tustin boundary through the tangent curve in southwesterly and feet alon.~ said curve throu corner of tl',e existing boun the }~.:-.l.:ey Annexation ~;o. 2 5, 1963; N. 40°23'38'' E., 144.03 feet; N. 40°22'58" E., 406.30 feet; S. 75°50'20" W., 20.87 feet to the b-~inning~, of a non- said last mentioned City of Tustin boundary, concave havin~ a radius of'52S.00 feet; thence ~orthwestc. rly 4..~ gh a cc~',tral angle of 0~"31'51'' to the ~::ost sour dary of the City of Tustin, as establis~ed by , per Ordinance No. 229, passed and adopted Au.~ N. 40° 22'58" E. , 271.88 feet, to a along point per Ordinance No. distance of boundary of thc City of Tustin, as Baptist Clout.ch of 'Dustin Annexation, adopted February 19, 1962; said City of Tustin bound.ary, a of intersection on the exmsting established by the First Southern 169, passed and through the along said last mentioned City of continuin- following described courses: S. 49 ~38'12'' E., 10.00 feet; N. 40° 19'55" E., 630.60 feet, to the most corner of last mentioned annexation; Thence, continuing N. 40~19'55'' E., along the longation of said City of Tustin boundary, a distance of 30.00 point of intersection with said centerline of San Juan Street; . "-La ~41'00'' E , along said centerline, a distance TheI1oe~ ~ . · feet, to the point of beginning. Tustin boundary . easterly northeasterly pro- feet, to of 40.00 Beginning at the westerly corner of Lot 17, Block 12, of Irvine's Subdiv~.sion, as per map recorded in Book 1, page s8 of ~[Lscellaneous Mo]~s, Records of O.:angc Count~, California, said corner ~lso being the point of intersecti°n.of the eenterline of San Juan Street and the centerline of Ne~cport Avenue; R]~enee, N. 39~57'46'' E. along said centerline of Ne~.rport 'Avenue, .a -'-]istance of 1S0.00 feet, to the point of intersection witt~ the existin.~ ~oundary of the City of Tustin, as established by the Preseott-Bal:x~ar · annexation, per Ordinance No. 130, passed and adoptcd November 2, 1959, said point of intersection being' the true point of beginning; - Thence, ~. 39 57 4 E., a d~stance of 347 00 feet along said.center- line of Ne~,.~or:- Avenue, said centerline also being the exis'ting boundary of the City o lustin, as established by the Hain Street-Nex,mort Annexatio~ per Resolutio-. 72-77, passed and adopted November 20, 1972, to the north- westerly te~-. :.-':s of that certain cours-e sho~.m as having a bearing of S 49°~9'00'-''''~''- and a length of 183 ?0 feet on the map filed in Book 42, page 40 of Recc.-ds of Surveys, records of said Orange County; · 2]~ence, '._==,. lng said City of Tustin boundary, S. 50°0-1"32" E.., along said certain c:,:.rse, a distance of 183.20 feet, to the. southeasterly terminus of s=_~ certain course; Thence, So 39057'46'' W., along a lirm 'that is parallel to said center line of Nexqpor'..n Avenue, a distance of 173.50 feet to a point on the cent. er line of Andrews Street per said Record of Survey map; Thence, N. 50°01'32'' W., along_ said centerline of Andrews Street, a distance of 6 6'0 f et to a point oz ~ ~ersection with a line that is paral ,.to and 176.60 feet southeasterly of, as measured at right..angles from, sa5 centerline, of Ne~,lport Avenue; Thence, S. 39o57'46'' W., along said parallel line a distance of 173.1 feet, to the existing boundary of the City of Tustin, as established by ti' San Juan-Ora~.ge Annexation, per Resolution 75-2, passed and adopted Febru~ 3, 1975; Thence, N. 50001'32'' W., along said city boundary, a distance of 46.{ feat to the most easterly corner of said Prescott-Balmer. Annexation, per Ordinance No. 130, passed and adopted November 2, 1959; Thence, continuring N. 50°01'32'' lq., along said City of Tustin bound~ a distance of 130.00 feet to the true point of begirming 36~ .........TO TILE_ ................. CITY Beginning at the most easterly corner of Lot 65, Block 10., of Irvine' Subdivisiott, as per map recorclcd in Book 1, [>age 88 of).l£sce.l, lancous blr~ps, Records of Orange Country, California, $~tid corner al. so being the most southerly cornier of Lot 64, Block 11 of sa-i.d Irvine's Subdivision and being on thc 'center line of tt~e Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Rail. waY Company rigi'tt-o~. ; Thence,S. 3'9°49'10'' W., along the existing boundary of the City of 'Ik~stin, as established by the Newport-Edingcr Annexation per resolutio.-.~ 70-30, passed and adopted June 15, 1.970 and along the southeasterly ot5 said Lo~ 65, a d£s~ance of 50 00 feet, ~o an an~le po£nt in sa-id C-;~-,- · t~ ._ u.,..),.' . of Tustin boundary, said. angle point being a point on the southweste~£v right-of-way line of said Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Compart~- right-of-way; Thence, N. 50010'50'' W., along said City of Tustin boundary and along said south~'es~=_=y right-of-way line, a distance of 43.20 feet, to an angle point in said City of Tustin boundary; Thence, leaving said southwesterly right-of-way line of the Atchison, Topeka and Sarma..~'e Railway Company and cont. inuin~ along said City. of Tustin bounda_~¢ nh. rough the following described courses: .N. 55°53'25'' W., 40.20 feet; · S. 39°48'55'' W., 336.00 feet;' .N. 50°10'50" W., 1,236.80 feet; N. 3'9~48'55" E., 415.00 feet, along said City of Tustin boundary and a ~.=on~¥ the center ~ inc.. of Newport.Avenue to the point of intersection with the existing boundary of the City of Tustin, as established by the South Tustin Avenue ~n~xation, per ordinance No. 136, passed and adopted July 5, 1960; Thence, continuing along said City of Tustin boundary through the ...... following described courses' S. 50°11'05'' E., 30.00 feet; N. 39°48'55" E., 75.00 feet; $. 50°10'50~ E., 1,290.00 easterly line of said Lot 64, said point being the most southerly corner of last mentioned a~exation and a point in the existing boundary of: tke City of Tustin, as established by the Warner-Sycamore Annexation per Ordina~ce. No. 245, passed ~d adopted December 2, 1963; . ..Thence, S. 40°00'00'' iq., along said city boundary and along said southeasterly line, a distance of 100.00 feet, to the point of beginning. (l) STATE OF CALIFOP~NIA) COUNTY OF OF~NGE ) SS CITY OF TUSTIN ) RUTH C. POE, City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, does hereby certify that the whole number of the members of the City Council of the City of Tustin is five; that the above and foregoing Resolution No.~ 77-13 .~..~as duly and. regularly " introduced, read, passed and adopted at a regular adjourned meeting of the City Council held on the 26th day of _Janu.ar.w. , 1977, by the following vote- - ........... ~ ..........- .... · ............ AYES: COUNCILMEN-_ EDG...AR,. SALT.A_.RE. LLI_,.. ~WE~..L..$H,_ SCHUSTER NOES ". COUNCILMEN- NONE ABSENT - COUNCILMEN · SHARP ~.: ~ _ ,,__ ~ , ,, j ~ .... , _ . _ · _ _ .... ~ = ~... ~... ... CitY,' cie~~_Ci ty' 0~' "T-~S-t~' ~ ........ ' --' California · . Publish Tustin New February 3, and February 10, 1977 Publish The Register February 4, and February 11, 1977 ·