HomeMy WebLinkAbout10 CLAIM SHEILA HOMES 11-05-01AGENDA REPORT NO. 10 1.;'1 -$-01 MEETING DATE: NOVEMBER 5, 2001 180-10 . 1' TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM: CITY ATTORNEY SUBJECT: CLAIM OF SHEILA HOMER; CLAIM NO. 01-42 SUMMARY: The City Attorney is recommending that the City Council reject Claim No. 01-42, Sheila Homer. RECOMMENDATION: After investigation and review by this office and by the City's Claims Administrators, it is recommended that the City Council deny the claim and direct the City Clerk to send notice thereof to the claimant and the claimant's attorneys. FISCAL IMPACT: There is no fiscal impact with this action. BACKGROUND: The claimant suffered personal injuries when she fell into a non-City owned cable ground vault. The claimant alleges approximately $28,725.00 in damages. This unfortunate accident was due to a non-City owned facility. The claimant will be directed to submit her claim to the cable provider for 14701 Buckingham Place. ATTACHMENTS: Claim Internet · ' CLAIM AGAINST TH[ CiTY OF ~o~-i~O-~er publlG enid. Where space ia Iniutficient, pletse uae additional paper and identify Info~tlon by p~rgOrlph number. Completud claims must be ~lled of dellve~ To the C~ Clerk, caw of T~n, 3~ Centenn~l Way, Tust~n, California 93~80. WHEN GOMPLETING THIS FORM, PLEASE TYPE afl USE TD ~il Honorlble Mayor and City Council. City o/'Tusttn. California' The' underell;Inecl reepeatfully iubmita the ~ollowlng claim end information relative ~o d~mage to · per, on tn<l/or proPe~: 2~ Narrm, telephone, and post office address m which ;laimae! desires notlcel ~ be cent (if other ¢ mul3~lEed againsT: The City of TuatJn only. The following emplavee($1 of the CIty of Tustin onlv:. C~ __ a. D~'3~t &'~ 27, 2()()z ......... ~ _ ___ .......... : o~urmnce, even~, acz or omt~lon you cl~m ce~ed the I~u~ or Oammaa (urea additional OCT- 1 ?-20EI 1 96~. P. 02 oc:-L- 1 ~-01 OZ: 3~51:) i " P.O2 ,when .she fell int. 0 the area he l~v 0 defec-I~i:vc'~:~o'1~ hex cover ---_ _ _ _,_, Give ~ d~Cription of ~he Injury, prope~y damage o~ lass Bo far Known et Lhe t;me of th;8 claim, If th~ wire ~ in, riel, 8ta~ "no Injuries". .... ~us~l~__~rratn/~nr~[n ~n_r_h~ l~ec~__ In.er _brick. mid ~n:l 1 Name end iddrlms of any other pecson in]uteri' Name and addfel4 of the owner or any damaged property: , Damaged Claimed: a, Amount. claimed ~s of ~i~ data: t 2~, ~ 2.~. b. Ear.ted s~ntof future coats..~_ u n ~o~-~-, -, ..... .-= ..... ~ -- _ ~- l~ti~tU., etG.) 10. Nlm$1 lad Bddremaes of all wttnes~l, hG~pi~lll, doctor[, etc. ~-- WARNINS: IT I$ A CRIMINAL OFFENSE TO FILE 4 FALSE CLAIM (Penal Code 5egtloft 72; Insurance Code Section 656,0) · have fe~l the metterm end tatlments made in the above claim ~nd t know the iI~ ~ bi True of my own ~0~~~, Oxmpt as to thoae meners =tat~ To be u~n in~rm~mn or belief and a6 to ix~uted lh~ 17=h day of Oct. obcr _ ,1~ 200.1 _ .. __..._~. --. ~ - _ .......... _ ...... __ --- _ _, , ~.~,., ~-~- :~:~ .... - ~ 0CT-1?-28~)1 16' 20