HomeMy WebLinkAbout16 THS 15 MIN PROGRAM 11-05-01AGENDA REPORT NO. 16 11-5-01 MEETING DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: NOVEMBER 5, 2001 330-20 WILLIAM A. HUSTON, CITY MANAGER PATRICK SANCHEZ, DIRECTOR, PARKS AND RECREATION SERVICES TUSTIN HIGH SCHOOL "EVERY FIFTEEN MINUTES" PROGRAM SUMMARY: Tustin High School is seeking a contribution of $2,500 to cover the cost of implementing the "Every Fifteen Minutes" program at Tustin High School on March 19 & 20, 2002. RECOMMENDATION: Pleasure of the City Council. FISCAL IMPACT: Tustin High School is requesting the City Council to allocate $2,500 to help cover the cost of their "Every Fifteen Minutes" program. BACKGROUND: This two-day program is designed to educate Tustin High School juniors and seniors on the dangers of driving while under the influence of drugs or alcohol. It is a coordinated effort involving the school, community, municipal emergency services and local vendors. This is the first time a contribution for the "Every Fifteen Minute" program has been requested. The Tustin Police Department is an active partner in the program. The Police Department will also be providing significant labor and resources to support the program. A representative of the "Every Fifteen Minute" committee will be in attendance to answer any questions. A letter from Tustin High School specifying the request is attached. Respectfully, Patrick Sanchez ,~1 Director, Parks and Recreation Services Attachment: Tustin High School Letter PRINCIPAL LARRY CARLSON ~ ASSISTANT PRINCIPALS TIM O'DONOGHUE Tustin High School 1171 EL CAMINO REAL · TUSTIN 4/730-7414 AMY MENDELSON October 18, 2001 Dear Pat Sanchez: In recent' years, on average, one person was killed by a drank driver every 15 minutes. Tustin High School, in conjunction with the Tustin Police Department and the Orange County Depamnent of Education, and the Office of Traffic and Safety, is proud to present the Every 15 Minutes program on March 19-20, 2002. Every 15 Minutes is a emotionally powerful program designed to educate Tustin High School juniors and seniors on the dangers of driving while under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol. This two-day program is a coordinated effort involving the school, the community, municiPal emergency services, and local vendors. On the first day, students wimess a mock fatal car accident in front of the school; and on the second day, student participants, their families and a guest speaker address a school assembly of 1,000 students. Please read the enclosure for more details. In order to guarantee a successful program, the Every 15 Minutes committee is seeking a $2,500 financial contribution from the City of Tustin. With your help, we can present this outstanding and powerful program to heighten awareness of the impact of driving and drinking. As a community, we all have an interest in keeping our children safe. Donations can be sent to Tustin High School care of Joanna Vandal. If you have questions, please feel free to contact Joanna Vandal or Amy Mendelson at Tustin High School. Tustin High School's address is: 1171 El Camino Real Rd. Tustin, CA 92780. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Every 15 Minutes Committee Member Every 15 Minutes ·· What is developed in/995 by the ~hico ~Oolice ~epartr~ent 2-day proyram for high school juniors and seniors challenges students to make mature decisions and realize the impact of their decisions on their family and [~ie~ds ffivst day of the proyram is video taped to present to the studeuts at the assembly o~ the second day 25 students are pre-selected to participate; they represent a cross sectio~ of the school one student is rmoved every 15 minutes from classes and pronounced ~*dead" by authorities a ~ock ~cmetery" is erected a~d the ~livi~9 dead" students' tombstones are added throughout the ~omiu9 ~mm~m~~~m~~~mm~m~~~~~m~~~~m~m~m~~~~m~mmm~~~~mm~~~m~m~~mmmmm~~m~~~~~~~~~~m~~m~m~m~~mm ~a.~ ~ simulated drunk driving collision involving pre-selected student actors is staged'in front' of the school. ~mergeucy response by law enforcement, firefighters, paramedics a~d the coroner simulate real-life FeS~O~SeS . Oue student is treated for mi~or i~juries, o~e is **critically injured" a~d trapped iu the vehicle, a third studmt is declared **dead" by the coroner, a~d the fourth student, designated as the dm~k driver, is 9ive~ a fi~ld sobriety test and arrested for **drivi~ u~der the influence." ~tudent actors are transported by e~ev~e~cy vehicles to their logical destinations, i~cludi~9 the ~or~ue, hospital, a~d police depa~ment. ~t the end of the first day, the student actors a~d ~*livi~ dead" participate i~ a~ overnight retreat with law mforcement chaperones. ~he eve~in9 involves team-buildin9 activities a~d culminates i~ a letter- writin9 sessio~ i~ which students write to their loved o~es about the decisions they made. ~mmmm~mmmmmm~mm~mmmm~mmm~m~m~m~mm~mmmm~m~mmm~m~mmmmmmm~mmmmmmmmmm~mm~mmmmmmm m q)a.v Two ]Oarticipatin~t students and their parents are the focus of an hour-long assembly. video of the previous day's events is shown. ~everal of the ~*livi~5 dead" share excerpts from the letters they wrote to their families the previous ~ight. powerful 9uest speaker relates his personal experiences as an alcohol and substance'abuse couuselov. ~he assembly concludes with a challenge to all students to make responsible choices whe~ alcohol is i~volved. .. This is an extremely emotional and powerful pro~ffam that has already impacted thousands of teenagers. ~oday's teenaffe~s continue to believe that they are invincible, cThis program creates an awareness amon~l teens that they are not invincible and that the tra~ledy of drinkin~l and drivin~t can touch their lives.