HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 76-109RESOLUTION NO. 76-109 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN SETTING A TIME AND PLACE FOR HEARING ON PROPOSED CONFLICT OF INTEREST CODE a s fo'l__'i ow ~, ''' - ....... '"-' S '7 ,, -~ ,", xr:-3 1 oc ~,:~,:,~,A , Government Cod-~ Sech:i. on 300..reef._._. r s e rv_~ al gc-.:-,2rn:,men'b agency to' adop'h and promulga:"-e a Con "-- ]_ ic '~z 0'4 .Ln-Leresu C o.f,e; Wk"-EREAS, there has been presented to ~n.s C:~'[:y Counc:'Lq ,:, .~m.~ososed Conflict of tnteres~ Coie for '.the C[Ly, a copy' of which ~ -. is ~.n file with the City Cl'erk; and WI~REAS, Governmen't Code Section 8'7311 requires that-the !~ ,, review and preperation of Conflict of In'klerest Codes shall be -~=icers emol ovees ~ !P= carried out unde" procedures which guarantee or,_ , ~_ .. !5 } members, and consultants of the City ani to residents of the 16 17 jurisd~_ction adequate notice and a fair opportunity to present i I t?.eir views;. NOW, TH%REFORE, the City Council o= the City or Tustin does 19 2O 21 ~2 25 24 25 hereby Resolve:' ~,~n,~day Octob-~r ~, 1976, at the hour. of 7-30 1. That .. .... , ~ - o=clock p,m., or as soon thereafter as the matter can be heard, in tke Council Chambers, Centennial at }.iain, Tustin, Californie, be P. nd the same are h~rebv, appointed ;~,~,d fixed as the 'time and' -,,'~-~ d where, the City council ',~,;~ 11 cons{ de'~ and d;-,termine pla~e ,,:~=n an ~ - ...... whet.her the aforesaid proposed Conflict of interest Code shall be adopted. 2. That ~.ne City Clerk '~s h~reby directea to g~'ve' notice of said hearing by publishing in the Tustin News at least ten days prior to s~d hearthS. 3. That the city Clerk is hereby directed to distribute one copy of. this resolution together with one copy ox the aforesaid Conflick of Interes'k Code 'to each council me~2oer. 238 Tb.~ 't th.'"" C ' ':=.}/ C ~ '~ ' ~ ~ ,._ - = ' .... ,_._r~Q is h~reby c.i~'~--c'-e,., 't...-.', _~_ iAe cop~es .~ o= said Co.n'.f'f'J. ict o" Znte~e~k_ Code i. tt 'Lobe O.f':fic::_, o'~': C'i.L-.v C].e..ck to PASSED AND ADO::"."ED ah a Regular Me.'ating of 20th day of September, 1976 $?ATB O? CALT_FOPJZA) COU.::?I' OF ORA'_4GF, ) SS 239 RUT" C t~O~'~' C~tv C~ = ;' ~ -~' ~- - ~* -- , r~ a~d e×-offir'iio ce-~ify that the whole number of the me23ai~ ol tha SLtv Co .... cJ1 of th~ Cit,~ o~ ~'ustin is fly,~- tha' fo .....going Resoiu~J. on ~'o. 76-109 Was d.~l.y '~r:.i. 'fa .... '-2.:2T2~.~ introduced, read,.p~ssed and adopted at a =-~.~ Cit,/ Co'~c~ ~-'~'~d on the 20L~h cay :r--~ ,__~._ ..... .-:_ 1DTM, by. '~he ~o~low~ ~,~ vote- AYLS · · . NOES: CO U'N C! r...',?? .w -.~ _. _,:, EDGAR, S HAPi'~ , S .'ag~"2 A ~ - . ' r.; ....... ',.';ONE . SCHUSTER Puh~-'sh Tustin News S:B~am~v 23, ·1976 · .