HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 76-099214 10 11 13 14 15 16 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 ~6 28 29 3O 31 32 RESOLUTION NO. 76-99 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN AUTHORIZING THE PLACEMENT OF DIRECTIONAL SIGNS IN THE PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY ~'-~_~,e C?~'ty Councz_' ] of the City o_~ Tustin does herebl,, re~<.oive as follows- 1. Ti',.e City Council finds and determines as f.'ol!cws. a. That di. rectionat signs provide a public and private service for the purpose of d'rectin.? the pulo~ic..., to places fo~ the sale of real personal property. b. That Ordinance ~.To. 684 (2'he Sign Code) e::ab'~es signs to be placed in the public r'ght upon specific auhhority of the City Council. · 2. The City CoLmcil hereby au'tliorizes d'~re.c~on bv~ permit in _oarkways (defined as the ~._.~-''~ .... betweer: the curb iine and hhe private property 1' e) , subj.~.-~:~: . to the fo!lowing conditions- a. Only one sign shall be permitted on any' abutti_~_g property line. b. Signs shall be limited to %hree square fe=~ (3 sq. ft.) in size and three (3') feet in height. = t. he s i g c. The name o-f the owner o..~ %ained on the sign, and 'the sign City of Tustin permit seal. · d. The content of signs shall, be liraited to al arrows with street address au'tbor"z.':::d and foi~.ev;ing words and/or phrases- 1) Open Ho use 2) H.~use (Apartment) For Sale 3) House (Apartme~t) For Rent 4) Garage Sale 5) Lost Dog (Ca,t) and description e.. Signs in the parkway s!lall require the permiss'on of the abutting property owner. f. The installation and maintenance o= s~gns s'.hal: ' be limited to the hours between sunrise a~d sunset. · T ~'~ e g. Signs shall not be attached in an}' _n~.,,n r to ar. lf traffic control device, tree, stre,..et light, or utility pole, nor placed so as to ~.,.,.eede . ~ s Lri~ walkwavs. ' :. h. Signs shall be located so as not to obstruc+- the · vision of motorists and shall be proh'bited area designated by the City Engineer as a · area. 'l 10 1! 1£' 15 14 18 16 l? 18 19 ~0 ~4 ~7 28 ~9 3O 31 215 Resolution No. 76-99 9-20- 76, Page 2 3. The City Council determines that the following pro- c'e'dures, fees, and penalties sha!] .... apply to the place- ment of signs in the public right of way. a. city of Tustin sign perP, it seals may be obtained from the Community Development Department by the payment of a fee for eacl,~ sign permit seal in accordance with the foil. owing sci!edu!e- 1) Permanent permits for reazty agencies licensed to conduct bus'[ness, in the .Ci':ay of' Tustin-. $5.00. 2) 30 day Permit - $2.00 3) 7 day Permit - $1.00 4) Rep]'acemen'h. fee for damaged sign permit seal- upon exchange of damaged seal for new sign permit seal - $1.00' b. Permit fees shall.be non-refundable and fees shall not be pro-rated. The City Council reserves the right to revoke or amend this resolution without notice and without refund of fees paid. c. Permittees shall be liable. ~o the City of Tustin, priva:-e prope~%y owners, and general public for · any injury to persons or property resulting from the placement and maintenance o:_ signs in the pub- lic right of way. · d S~gns not in com.oliance' with t. his Resolution shall be removed.-' -" by the City of Tustin and may be' redeemed by the owner upon payment o= a double fee · for each violating s gn Un~ ss othe~,ise author- izod by the City Council, sign permits pursuant to this Resolution shall be den'ed uoon notice of %hree or more violations of this Resolutionwithin one calendar year. PA':7. SED AND ADOPTED at a regular mee%'ng of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, held on the 20th day of September, 1976. . 216 -o STATE OF COU>?TY O~ 0[C,I..','GE ) SS CITY O? TUS"£iN )' · ,=~"~:!~-.~ '~-OE, City CIe=;,--" ~-'~d e:.:.--of~_._cio Cleric' o'~ '~'.ha Ciuv' Council of. 'the Citsy of Tustin, California, does i~'~reby- ~ ~.. u.~at th~,. .... w~o'~'~ ~..un.be~. ~. o.~. th~_ me:~bers or ti,~.,_ o~ [:.v Co~nc~] of %be City o :us in is f~ve a~ t e. ~ 'foregoing Resolution No. 76-99 was duly .and ragu~ar!v introauc--d,~ . read, passed and adopted ~h.~ a regu]_~.r ..... :,~:~,~.~,~4 ng,_ ~. or the ri. ny Council held on the 2o-~h day of Se;}te:y~b.er 1976, by the followinr; vote- '"' '~' AYES - ' COUNCIL~i.LEN- 'EDG:AR, SHARP COLrNC I LHEN · ABSEi'~T ' COUNCILN~_EN - .. ABSTA!NES- COUNCILYEN'" . · -,..~nLSH SCHUSTER ' ~A~± AP~.LLI' · · . City C!erkS-,City o~2 Tus. tinyi'Cali':C'~-~~ o o o -