HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 76-088.m 7 8 9 lO ll 1£ 14 !5 18 17 18 19 2O E1 25 27 28 29 3'0 RESOLUTIONNO. 76-88 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN FIXING AND DETERMINING THE AMOUNT OF REVENUE REQUIRED FROM PROPERTY TAXES TO CARRY ON THE VAROUS DEPARTMENTS OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN AND FIXING THE RATE OF TAXES ON THE TAABLE PROPERTY WITHIN THE CITY OF TUSTIN TO CARRY ON THE WORK OF THE CITY FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1976-77. The City Council of t/ne City .of ~astin does resolve as follows- Section Li? That the City of %k~tin has', p~suant to law, heretofore elected t.o have its duties of assessment and ta/< collectiop, performed by the Coun'~y of Orange, through the County Assessor', Tax Collector, Auditor, and · o+Ju.o-r officials of the Couuuty of Orange. Section 2- That it. is determined that the amo~mut of $1,093.,305[.00 is .tine' amount of money necessary to be raised by taxation upon the taxable prc~?=~ty within the City of Tustin, as revenue to. carry on the various depart- me_~ts of the City of %~as'tin for the year 1976-77. ' Section 3- That the rate of tax necessary to raise the aforesaid s~ o.f money to carry on the various work ~or the City of Tusti~ is the sum of $0.9600 upon each One Hundred Dollars ($!00.00) of the assessed valuation of all. rest and personal pro_merry within th=_ corporate limits of the City of Tustin, and that there be, .and her~_by is fixed and levied al prop~_rty tax for the fiscal year Of 1976-77 of $0.9S00 upon each One Hundred· Dollars '($100.00) of assessed Valuation of all real property within the corporate. 1Lmits of the .City of Tustin, for the purpose of Carz-fing on the various work of ~he City of Tustin for t~he fiscal year 1976-77. Section 4: That it is dete_~min~ t~hat the ~mount of $114,490.00' _ taxa~zon upon the taxable is the amount of· money necessa~y to be raised by ~' .pro?erty within the City of Tustin, as revenue to meet the debt service expense of ·the 1971 Park Bonds for the year 1976-77. Section 5: .That the rate of tax necessary to raise the aforesaid · sm~. of money to meet the debt service e ~xpense of t~he 1971 Park Bonds of the Ci~fzz, of Tu~tin is the sum of $0.0912 upon each One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) of' the assesssd valuation of all real and personal property within the co~?orate limits of. the City of. Tustin, and that there be, and hereby is fixe~i and levied a property tax for the fiscal year of 1976-77 of $0.0912 upon each One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) of assessed valuation of all real property within 'the Corporate limits of t2ae City of q~.astin excepting therefrom that. portion of. the annexation described in Ordina~nce ~io. 543 $out~h of Tract No. 7420. · Section 6: That'it is determined that the a~ount of $73,645.00 is ~h-= amount of. money necessary to be raised by taxation upon the. taxable _property within the City.of Tustin, as revenue to meet t~he debt' service ex_oeP~e of the Civic Center Bonds for the year 1976-77. section 7:. That the'. rate of tax necessary to raise the aforesaid sum. of money to meet the debt service expense of the Civic Center Bonds of the City of Tustin is the sum of $0.0577 upon each One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) of the assessed valuation of all real and personal property wit=bin the corporate limits of the City of Tustin, ~nd tb~t there be, ~nd hereby, is fixed and levied a property tax for the fiscal year of 1976-77 of $0.0577 upon each One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) of assessed valuation of all real property within the corporate limits of the City of Tustin, for the purpose of meeting the debt service expense of the Civic Center Bonds. of t~he City of' Tustin for ~.h~_ ~i.~cal v~.ar 1976-77. 182 2 Section 8- That the City Clerk of the City'of Tustin shall certify to the County Auditor of 'the Countv of Orange, State of Califo~.ta, a stat~nent of the r~he of taxes fixed herein, to be exten-ded to hinx on the 1976-77 Assessment Roll for the collection thereof in the sa.me manner as County Taxes. Section 9- That the-City Clerk shall, certify to the ado'phion, o..'..'[: ....... 'this Resolution and shall cause the same to be pub!isked once within fifte. , ~a.~s.,' a weekly ne-ws~amer of general.. days after its adoption in the Tustin · .._~ and circulated in t:~" City o~ Tustin. circulation printed, pub!ish= PASSED A_ND ADOPTED by the City Cou~cil of 't/ce City of Tustin, at a regular meeting thereof held on the 16th day of August, 1976. 8 10 11 -.% · . % ,' ; ',' ~ 15 ~ ' "'" "'" . .~ .' · . . ..., '~ X~-,.'" .17 18 19 2O 21 ~3 24 25 25 27 28 .'5O . . -o o . STATE OF CALIFOrnIA) COU.~'~Tv OF O~-~;r;~ CIT~v O? TUSTiN )- RUTH' C. Council cedi fy Council zoregoing introduced, of the City 1976, by the AYES - · 183 NOES - POE, City C'l..~rk and e:<-officio Cle.~ of the Cit? of Tustin, .California, do.es that. the whole nm~er of the members of of the City Of Tustin is five; that the -. the Ci%y hereby the City above and ABSENT - -. o · -~ollo%~ing vote- Resolution No. 76-88 was duly and regularly read, passed a_nd adopted a~ a reg:~,!ar meeting Council held on the 16th day o= August COUNCII2,LEN - NONE . -,,-~.--_ ~_~--- ~: ~- -_..,,.__ · NONE CO UN CI/~tE N - · - .. . · . .- · . . o . o. ..City o . . o . . o . ._. .. . o o . o ..