HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 76-084RESOLUTION NO 76-84 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF IMPROVEMENTS AT COLUMBUS TUSTIN PARKSITE PHASE I AND DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS. WHEREAS, it is the intention of the Ci;ty Co~n.'il of the City of Tustin, California to construct Improvements at Coltz~bus 1:ustin Pa~-ksite, Phase I; and " · , · ~,~HEPgAS, the ·City Engineer has presented plans and specifications for the construction of said work at this location. NO.W, 7TIEREFORE, BE IT .REsoLVED tJ~at the plans .and s -~'-' p= _ .~_ z m ca tions presented by the City Engineer be and are hereby approved as ~e plans and specifications for the Improvements at Columbus Tustin Parksite., Phase I. , -. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to advertise as' required by law for the receipt of sealed bids or proposals for the doing of the work'specified in the aforesaid plans and specifications which said advertisement shall be. substantially in 'the following words and figures, to-wit- . "NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS" · · SEALED PROPosALs will be received at the office of the City .Clerk, Tustin City Hall, Centennial Way at Main St., Tustin, California until 11 o'clock A.M. on the ~6th day of S_e~e~be? .... ' ..... , 1976, - at which time they will be. p~blicly opened and read, for per=orming work as. follows' -- Improvements at Columbus Tustin Parksitej Phase Bids are required for the entire work described herein. 169 A-1 170 SCHED[3[,E CF WOR3t IT."~.!S ITEM NO QURNT'[TY ....... :.PTION OF WORK 1. Lump S t.ua Demolition and site work. '2. I,~unp Stun Irrigation system and related work.. 3.. Lump Sum 4. Lump Sum 5. Imm? S ~va Planting and related work. . ~.n.%ta]_lation of VCP sewer' service and manho].es. · · Installation of Water service extension. 6. L~nmp Sum Tennis court construction and related work including conduits for future lighting. 7. Lump 'Sum 8. L~nn~o Stun 9. Lump Sum 10. Lump Sum Installation of baseball diaunonds including dugout areas and fencing. · . Installation of sports field lighting (softball diamond ~o. 2) . ' · . Portland Cement Concrete sidewalks, building slabs and footings· Rest room and conc~ssi.on building.. ,, 11.* Lump Sum 12. * L~nmp S~m · . Construct reinforced concrete handball courts:;. Place infield material on three baseball infields. 13. * Lmmp Stkm Install A.C.P. storm drain system complete ·with inlet 'structures and collars. .. 14. * Lump Sum 15. * Lump Sum Installation of sports, field lighting (ball dipJnond No.' 1) .' .. Installation of tennis court lighting. · *Note - Items No. 1 through 10 are base bid items with items No. 11 through 15 being deductive alternates. The City reserves the right to delete any individual · or all of the bid items numbered 11 through 15. · . A-2 171 The foregoing quantities arc appro>:Lmate only, being given as a basis for the c~mparison of bids, and the City of Tustin doe.~ not, or by'i~nplicat~on~ agre=e that the actual ar~ount O.f t~,ork ¥;i!1 corre[~pond there- tv.[th,, but reserves the right to increase or dec.'3ease the amount of' any class or portion of the work, or to omit portions of the work as'may ~3e deemed necessary or advisable by the En%'ineer. The City reserves the right to select only bid items No. 1 through 10 and' delete any individual or all of the bid items numbered 11 through 15. Plans, .specific~ltions, and proposal fo~ns to-be used for bidding on this project can only be obtained by_ pros:oecti.ve_, bidders upon ~'vm=nt~a~ .... _.. of $10.00, which amount shall_ not be refundable, at. the City'Clerk's office, Tust{n_. C.[ty Hall, Tustin, California. . · . , In conformance with' Section 37931 of the Govermm. ent Code, all bids shall be presented under sealed cover on the proposal form provided ~n.d accompanied by one of the following fox--ns of bidder's security- a. Cash. b. Cashier's check made payable to the City of Tustin. c. Ce~ti'fied check made payable to the City of ~'ustin. d. Bidder's bond executed by g.n accredited surety insurer, made-payable to the City Of Tustin .... The security shall be in an a~moun~ equil to at least ten percent (10%) of the amount of the contractor's bid for items 1 through 15. A bid shall not be considered unless, one of the forms of bidder's security is enclosed therewith. .. - A Surety B6nd for pas~nent of labor and materials will be required· in the ~mount of fifty percent (50%) of the--',stimated total contract price and a Faithful Performance Bond in the a~nount of' one hundred percent (100%) of the estimated .total contract price in the fomn attached to.the contract docmm, ents. Said· bonds shall be issued ·by a company having a rating of A+kR or be tter. · City of Tustin reserves the right to reject any or'all bids, and/or- waive an~- informality on a bid. No bidder may withdraw his bid for a period of thirty (30) .days after the date set for the opening thereof. ° · . 'The contr, act will be awarded to the lowest qualified bidder. . ~aa~ifications- The tennis court contractor or subcontractor shall. provide evidence, to the Ci.ty that he has adequate experience in construction of concrete tennis courts. The successful low-bidding tennis court contractor or subcontractor shall submit a list of five or more, if required, tennis court locations which have i~een constructed by him, and which he can make . available for visual inspection before acceptance of bJ.d. C~ent finishers, employed by the tennis court contractor shall' have a minimtn~.' of five (5) years experience in finishing o.= concrete tennis courts. Tennis court contractor shall provide substantiating evidence of cement finishers experience and cf~alifications to the Owner. A-3 172 Finist~ing of concrete surfaces shall be pecfo.~nned only by qualified tennis court cement finishers. ~,~inJ. mum of five (5) finishers per half co~rt. The cont.ract, of shall keep the Owner advised as to w~,~%n finishing of corxcrete will be performed. Finishing shall be performe~] o~%ly in the presence o.~ the O~.,~er. Provisions of the State Contract Act are not applicable, ahd · prospedtive bidders will no't be required to be prequalified. All' work to be done u~der the direct .supez-vision o[ tl~e City Engineer and the Par~s and Recreation Director. Ail work to be paid for at the unit prices b[.l from appropriate monies.. Said City of Tustin, pursuant to the Labor code of the State of · California, has ascertained and determined that the genera], prevailing rate of hourly and per di~ war, es in the-locality in.which the said work herein described is 'to be perfoNP, ed, for each craft or type of wor.~.nan or mechanic needed to execute the contract and also the general prevailing rate for legal holidays and over.ti~e work 'for each craft or type of workman or mechanic, to be as indicated in' Resolut:~on 76-11 as previously published in a news- ' paper of general circulation, and on file in the o,~fice of the. City Clerk.. ~nployer payments othe.~ than those, itemized therein, as defined Section 1773.1 of the Labor Code, are to be paid in actordance with the terms of the collective bargaining agre~.ent applicable to the type'or classification of the wor.~unen or mechanic employed on the project- · Copies o,_ ali. collective bargaining agreements relating to..the work as set forth in .the afore_mentioned Labor Code are on file and available for inspection in the office of the Department of IF~dustrial Relations, 'Division of Labor Statistics and Research. . A-4 173 BY ORDER O' Ti'~E CiTY COUNCIL OF TI'{I?, CITY 0=' mUSm'r"? ':' ..... ", C£:L iEOF~q !A X4~Utt~ C. Poe City Clerk of the C' ty of Tustin, California BE iT fULSO RESOLVED that the City Council of the City. of Tustin has'ascertained and does hereby determine that the general prevailing rate of wages and employer payments in the '.'oca!ity o=' the City of .... ~ Or ........ ' Tustin, C~]iforn~a, for each craft or type o,_ w km.~ .~=~d,.~d to execute the work herein above specified ~s as set forth in Resolution 76-11. - = · . · PASSED ,~ND ADOPTED by the City Council of. the City of Tustin, California, this 16th day of August, 1976 MAY'O R ~,// k,,~.ITY CUE P~K a-5 , 174 STATE. OF CALIFOF~iA)' COUNTY OF OIQ\NGE ) SS CITY OF TUSTIN )" .. RUTH C. POE, City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of tke City Council of the Ci~_- _ ~ of Tustin, Cal~ fornia, doas hereby certify that the whole n~mber of the me,riflers of tt~e City Council of the City of ?ustin is five; that the above and foregoing Resoluhion ..'~o. 76-8~ was duly and regularly introduced, read, passed and adopted at:. a regular meeting of' the City Co~mc'l held on the 16'hh .day of August 1976, AYES - . NOES- by the following vote- ABSENT - .. · . · o COUNCIL~.LEN- EDGAR, S}IKRP, SALTA~LLI, WELSH SCHUSTER -- ~, COUNCiLHE~-f · NONE . cOUNCILF~EN - NONE ' -' ' i C-it.~y o~ Tustin, Caiifo-rnza