HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 76-079 RESOLUTION NO. 76-79 A RESOLUTION DECLARING THAT PROCEEDINGS HAVE BEEN INITIATED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN TO ANNEX TO SAID CITY CERTAIN UNINHABITED TERRITORY DESCRIBED HEREIN, AND DESIGNATED AS "SAN JUAN - UTT ANNEXATON NO. 98" TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN AND GIVING NOTICE OF THE PROPOSED ANNEXATION. , The City of Tus'tin, California, doe's hereby resolve as " follows · 1..Pursuant to the provisions of the Goverr~ent Code of the State o~ California, application was made to the Local Agency Formation Com~.m, ission to annex to the City of Tustin all that territory situate in the County of Orange, State of Califor-~ia, designated "San. Juan-Utt Annexation No. 98" described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference as though set forth herein in full. · 2' The City Council hereby finds and determines that all of said territory is uninhabited within the meaning of Govern- ment Code Section 35303, on the date of the adoption of this. Resolution, that said territory is contiguous. to the City of Tustin . 3. The City of Tustin desires to annex said uninhabited territory to the City for the follo%~ing reasons-' Annexation requested by a property owner to facilitate amplified . Police and Fire Protection, street sweeping, refuse service, participaticn in City elections and other City services. · 4. The Local Agency Formation Commission, in session dull assembled, on July 28, 19 76, did adopt the negative declaration and approve said proposed annexation.. 5. The property within the annexed territory shall be taxed to pay the indebtedness and liability of the City contracted prior to or existing at the time of annexation. 6. That 'said territory described 'in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference as though set forth herein in full is designated and identified as "San Juan- Utt Pmnexation No. 98" 7. Notice is hereby given that on the 20th day.of Septembe 19 76, at the. hour of 7- 30 P.M., in the Council Chambers, City Center, Centennial at Main, Tustin, California, any person owning real property within said territory so proposed to be annexed, and having any objection to the proposed annexation, may appear before said City Council and show cause why such territory should not be annexed, Such protest must be in writing and shall' state the n~me or names of the owner or owners of the..property affected by such annexation and the location and area of such property, in general terms. If it be found that protest is not made by public and private owners equal to one-half of the val6e of the territory, furhter proceedings shall be taken to annex ..... said territory. 8. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution and cause the same to be published at least twice, but not oftener than once a week, in the Tustin News, a newspaper .of general circulation printed and published in said City of Tustin, County of Orange, State of California, the city to which it is propsed to annex the aforesaid territory, and,~he .. 155 ~ Register, a newspaper of general circulation printed and pub- lished in the City of Santa Ana, outside' the City of.Tustin, but · ~ in the County of Orange, State of California, the county in. which is located the territory proposed to be annexed to the ~ City of Tus.tin, said publications to be complete, at least twenty 'days prior to the date set for hearing. 4 ' 9. The City Clerk is further authorized and directed 5 to cause written, notice of such proposed annexation 'to be mailed to'each person to whom land Within the territory proposed to be 6 annexed is assessed in the last equalized county, assessment roll available on the date the .above said proceedings were initiated,. ~ at the addresses shown on said assessment~ roll or known, to the Clerk, and to any person who has filed his. n~me and address and 8 the designatiQn of the lands in which he has an' interest, either legal or equitable, with the Clerk, such notice to be . 9 given not less than twenty (20) days before the first public- hearing on the proposed annexation. 10 10. The City Clerk is directed to cause written notice 11 to be given to such other persons as may be legally entitled thereto, in the manner required, by law. · PASSED ~ND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council, City. of Tustin, California, held on the 2nd day of August, 1976. 15 . 16 18 19 20 ATTEST - MAYOR ~6 ~8 ~9 3O Beg'ai~i~%9 ~t abe, poir~a o=_ intcr;~c"~_ ~ on of th~ cent~li~e~__ -. of San Juan Street .an~ Utt D-ira as shown on a ~ap of Tract ~Io. 4334 re--o-deal . in Book 153, pages 13,. t4 and 15 of Miscellaa~ous Haps, r-~cords 0~ _ ~ ~,z ]ie ~ ~ ~id ooint o intersection, a] so being the westerly co-nar of ~he Fairbank's Subdivision as per map recorded in Boou.. 36, p=g.=- ~ nS. of _.'~isc=]ian~ou'~__ = R=cords_ of Los Angeles_ County, Call lorn; a; . . Th=nc=,_ ~ }1. 39°54' 57" '~. , a:o~g._ the cent=rl';ne_ ~ of Utt Driv~'~ and th=.~ no~t'hwesterly boundary of said Fairbank' s Subdivision, a disf-~ance of 339.4~ feet to the soutb.~rly corner of -said Tract }io. 4334, said southerly corner also being t'~e true oo~n= o'f be..~inn~ng; ------. _ . Thence, leaving said centerline of Utt Drive and the .nort'n~¢ester!y - ""' N 50°01' ~8" W a!on~ th~ boundary oz said Fairban.-~ s S,,_bdivision, . _ .,. _ $outhw~st=~ y boundary of said Trac ~ No. 433" .... '~ -_, a distance of 3.0.00 _ ~h= e'xist~ng C~ ty of Tustin boundary as feet to an angl~ point in established by the Bryan-Red Hill Annexation., per Ordinance No. passed and adopted June 4, 1962; .. along said City of Tustin boundary '.through 'the following Thence, co..urses; N. 39°54'57" 172, E., a distance of 330.46 feet; · , Thence, S. 50°01'01'' E., a distance o= 195.00 fee'k-to the point of intersection wi~k t~e northeasterly proiongation .of the southeasterly - line of lot t, Block."~ of Tract -':o.. 632 as per ~ao recorded in · · Book 20, page 30 of Miscellaneous Maps, records of said Orange. Count:.-- .... . Thence, leaving the existing City o= Tustin boundary, S. 39°54'57'' W a~ong said northeasterly p olonganion and southeasterly line lot 1 and along the southeasterly line of lots 2, 3, 4 and 5, Block of said Tract No. 632~ a distance o= 280..75 feet to the southerly. -. corner of said lot 5; .. . Thence, I~. 50°01'01" W., along the southwesterly line of said lot. 5 ' . and along ~ts northw=ster!y prolorgation thereof , a distance' of 165.00 fee~ ~ to th= ...... point o~ int'ers=ction with the cent~-lin= of U~ Dr_ve~ and th-~ northwes~erly~ boundary o.:. said Fairbank's Subdivisior:,., Thence, S. 39°54'57" W. , northwesterly boundary of beginning. along sa~d centerline of Utt Drive and sai~. distance of 49.71-feet to the tru~ .~oint .. . EXHIBIT "A" .. o STATE OF CALIFORNIA) COUNTY OF 0~NGE ) SS · CITY OF TUSTIN )' 157 RUT~! C. POE, CitY 'Clerk and ex-officio .Clerk of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, do~$ l~ereby certify that the whole n~~er o'f the members of tl~e City Council of the City of Tustin is five; tha~ the above and foregoing. Resolution ,.'.Io. _.76:.7.9 was duly.and regularly introduced, read, passed and adopted a!: a regular meeting of the City' Council held on the 2nd day of August 19'76, by the following vote- - .. · o AYES' ' COUNCIL~IEN- EDGAR, SHARP, SALTARELLI, · NOES- COUNCILMEN- NONE NONE ABSENT- COUN CI L~iEN - .. . .o WELSH; SCHUSTER' . . · · .. o. . ,, . . . '~.i:~Y Clerk, Ci~f Tus't~ih, ..... c-a~fo~nza · . o, .. · ·