HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 76-074 RESOLUTION NO. 76-74 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, TERMINATING THE MITCHELL- HEATHERFIELD ANNEXATION NO. 91 The City council of the City of Tustin, California hereby resolves as follows: 1. The City Council hereby finds and detormines- A. That the Local Agency. Formation Commission of the County of Orange did on August 27, 1975. approve the commencement of proceedings for the annexation of the territory described as Mitc'~lell-Heatherfield. Annexation No. 91, t'he legal description of which said territory is attached heret°, marked as Exhibit "A", and incorporated herein by this reference. B. That on September 15, 1975, the City Council of the City of-Tustin, California,. did give its approval'for the commencement of annexation proceedings pursuant to Govern- ment Code Section 35106. C. That since said last aforementioned date no petition requesting the annexation· of said territory has bee.n filed with the City of Tustin. D. That no other steps in connection wi th the proceedings for the annexation of said territory have been taken by the City of Tustin. · E. The City Council of the City of Tus~in now wishes to terminate proceedings for the annexation of said territory described hereinbefore. 2. The City Council of %he City of Tustin, California · does hereby terminate proceedings for the annexation to the City of Tustin of the territory known and.described as Mitchell- Heatherfield Annexation No. 91. ~ PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council, City of Tustin, California, held on the 2nd day of August, 1976. ATTEST' . -. CITY CLERK 51 9 1 143 Beginning at the po:nh o Avenue a~:d Brown,n9 ~ '~. S. 40°21'29'' W., 1320 fe Block 11, Zrvine's S.~di ~g of Miscellaneous '.laps poLnE of intersection a! Block 11 of said Irvine' also being an angle poin as established o/ th~ p~r Ordinance No. ,!04, f in~--sect.fon o~' th,a centerline$ of bt.ttchelt ua, said point of inhersection being et more or less from the easterly corne~ of v:sic~, as per map recorded in Book 1, page , R~c'~rc!s of Oran-'.'~ %,~ County, Ca]ifOrnia, said so ba'~g ~he south~.~.cly~ corne~_ of Lot .~v~, · s Sub. livision, said point of intersection t 4~ -~ existinc' City ~ro~ni~- Avenue-WalnuE Avenue ~aexation, passod :,n~ ~ ~ 1968; cop=ed jun~ 17, ' ' ' ~ablishad by Thence, alohg the ex sting C -_y o-' Tustin Bounda?y as. es= the above mentioned Bro;¢ni. ng Avenue-Walnut Avenue Anne:.~ation u. nrough the follo~{ing courses' . N. 49°40'18'' W., a distance o= 990.53 a disohanc:a or 660.!9 -eet; ~=_= , . 990.97 feec; thence N. ~0°19'~ ~-, an angle, po&nh in said City o= Tu~tin also be{n~ ~ oo{nt on the no~-%'''= te~!y per map recorded in Book .195, pails 9 to = aid Or - 1,1eps, Records o~ s ang= County; fee._; thence, S 40°17'44'" W., ,~9°aO '58:' .'.,';' . '"' · . . . ., a dis'fence o z · a distance of 330.38 feet to Boundary, 5aid ~.gle point lin= o~ ~_ct >~o 5378, !7 inclusive, of b~scel!aneous Thence, leaving said Ci'ty o'= ?ustin Bo'un~ary, con'hinuing. N. 40°19'31 E., along the norti~westerly' !i.-..e of said ~ract No. 5378, a distance of 330.00 feet' to t/~.e northerly corner c~f said Tract No. 5378, sai& corner also being.a ~oint cn *-d~.e ~=nte~li~ne of "~' c~.~l] Avenue and also being an angle point ~n ~_he ex~st~ng-City' oz Tustin'Bounda._~-~.. as 'established by the Mitchel~ Avenue Annexation ~.io. 79, per Resoluh/on No. 73-2~, Pa~sed ~_nd adopted Ap'~it 16, 1973; .. ' =4~, C~:-v of Tustin ~ounda._--¢, as est~Jo]ishe~ Thence, along the exis~_.~ --_ - - ~ by said Mitchell Avenue Annex~ticn No' 79; the Nisson Road ~nnexatio~ . _ . ~ . ~,.ay 15, , No. 7J, per Resolution No. 72-26, Dassea and adopted ,t . 1972'- the Browning Avenue~,;iss'on Ro~5 g~nexation ~;o. 60 {revised), per Resolution No. 70-17, oass~_ ~nd ~a.~ ~=d Ap~1 ~0, 1970; and the previously mentioned Bro-~ning Avenue-]'lalnuh Avanum ~nnaxation, the follo~{ing courses' _ . ._ ~., a. dis'-~ ce 660 ~3 fe~-t; -- a0o20'~-0'' ~ a dis=~n~ of 650 05 Thence, ~,~ ...... · -~ - Thence, N. 49041' 05" W., a ~s==~ce of 330.29 N ~0°20' ~0" ~ c~ ~~~ ~ 356 53 Thence, . _ = ~., a -'s ..... o~ . .... ~ ~s=~~= of 330 33 ~hence, S. ~90~] '05" E , ...... · - Thence, S'='~0°~I'01''_ W., a ~{s==~Ce__ __.. of'.137.05 Thence, S. ~9°a0'18'' E., a ~{==ance of 990 5 Th~~ S ~.0°21'22" ~'~ , a ~5=ance of 219 T'h~ S ~9°~0'58'' ~ a dis==~'= of 330 ~'~n~nce~.., S. =~°21'= 29" W., a dish,rice, oz. 660. 7 beginning. feet; iee~; fea~; feet; .- , zees; fee~; fee._ to .the +~h ro ugh point o~ STATE OF CALI FO ~hN IA) COU['~TY OF 0r'''~'~,.'~:~ ~ ) SS CIT'~ OF TUS~"I~? ) RUTH C. POE, C hy Clerk and ez-of~cio Clerk o:. _ _ · = ~usti.~ California, do--~s h-~rebv Council of the City o,_ _ certify tha~ th= whole n~~er oz nne m =rs of th-~ City Council of the C'ty of Tustin is five; that the~ove and foregoing Resolution No. 7674 was duly and regularly introduced read, passed and adopted at a regu!ar meeting of the City Council held on.the 2nd day of August, 1976, by the following vote AYES- NOES - ABSENT - COUNCIL'~N~.~ - COUNCILMEN' COUNCIL?[EN ' EDGAR, SHARP; SALTARELLi, ;'~L.SH',. SCHUSTER NONE · NONE ~ .. _. _~_ . _.....:, .~ ~.. , .... ~- .... ~ ~ ~_~: ~ .... _~_~ ~ ....... -. City 'Clerk, ~i~ of Tust'i'-]~,. ,..,"Cai-i{°rnia',.,., . · ) -, ', .' - / - ~,., . . . .. ~ - -...