HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 76-071 RESOLUTION NO. 76-71 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFI- CATIONS FOR NEWPORT AVENUE AHFP PROJECT NO. 809 AND 855 PHASE II CONSTRUCTION AND DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO ADERTISE FOR BIDS AND AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 76-62 WHEREAS, it is 'the intention of the City council of. the city. of Tustin, California to construct certain street widening improve-- . taunts and appurtcnanccs ~'~-signa=-~ as ~'~,,,~n~t Avenue n[I~.~ ~roD~ NO. 809 and 855 Phase II Construction, WHEREAS, the City Engineer has presented plans and specifications for the construction of said work, · . NOW, THEREFORE, BE. IT .~SOLV'ED that the plans and specifications l>res~nted by the city Engineer be and are hereby'approved, as the plans and specifications for the construction of Newport Avenue AiIFP Project No. 1309 and 855 Phase Ii Construction. " BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That the City Clerk is hereby author':.zed and directed to advertise as. required by law for ~n.e receipt of sealed bids or proposals for the doing cf the work specified in the aforesaid plans and specifications which said advertisement shall be substantially in the following words and figures, to-wit: . · ~. . "NOTICE TO CONT?~ACTORS"' SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at the office of' the City Clerk, Tustin City Hall, 300 Centennial Way, Tustin, California, until 11:00 A.M. on the 10th'. day of ~Au?,~hS_.~t ........ , 1976, at ;WhiCh time they will be publicly opened and read for performing work as follows- Construction of Newport Avenue A~.HFP Project No. 809 and 855. Phase II Construction. Bids are required for the entire work described i%erein- A-1 3 7B · 8 10 $C}IEDULE OF WORX IT.F2,IS · UNIT ~UANTITY Lump Sum Lineal Feet Cubic Yard Lineal Fnet Lineal Feet 133 earing and Grubbing 13,340 SawCut 7,729 Excavation 14 137 ' Lineal Feet Lineal Feet Lineal Feet 15': RQP 1500 lB" RCP 1500 D 24" RCP 1500 D ' 873 - 27" RCP 1500' D * 873 30"' CIPCP * Lineal Feet 152 Each Each 11 E. ach . 3 12 13 14 36" RCP 1000 D 15 16 17 ' 18 Junction' Struct. Type I o Junction' Struct. Type · IV Each 2 · Catch Basin Type. OS · Catch Basin Type OL Each 1 Temporary Cmp Inlet Each 3. Concrete Collar Each ~J. neal Feet 17 1,464 Brick. and mortar plug · · Rem. or Crush Irr. Line Lineal Feet 2,114 Lineal. Feet 245 4". PVC Landscape Conduit -. . 6" PVC Landscape' Conduit * Bids are. requested on one only of bid ·alternate item 7A or bid alternate item 7B, not both. · · ,%~.tEDULE OF WOtLK IT'~IS (Continuea, ITF~M NO. - 19 · 2O 22 23 25 26 27 28 29 3O 32 33 UNIT Lineal Fee t Lineal Feet Lineal Feet Lineal Feet Each Square Feet Squire Feet Each Square Feet Cubic Yard Ton Square Feet Ton Ton Ton 311 3,652 185 8,358 22 21,220' 3., 294 2 520 ',678 982 . 326 65 14,933 · 4,052 '34 Ton 712 35 36 Lineal Feet 2,293 Each 47' Lump Sum · 1 · Lineal Feet 1,480 Square Feet 40,000 37 38 39 DESCRI.PTION __ 6'"'VCP Sewer Lateral Type A-2 Curb & Gutter Type A-2 C&G (Modified) Type A Median C&G Concrete Median Nose PCC SWK/Ramp PCC Driveway Apron Special' M.H" Median . PCC. Cross Gutter Opening select Median Backfill Class .4. Aggregate Subbase 6" Thick PCC Joins . 6" Thick AC. Joins & Misc. Deep Lift. AC Base & Leveling · AC Wearing course & Overlay' Course AC Bicycle Trail AC Berm Curb Adjust M.H. to Grade Relocate & Modify Traffic Sig. Future Traffic 'Sig. Intercon. ** · . Petromat" Fabric . The city resez~ges the right to delete this bid item. A-3 .0 135 The foregoing quantities are approximate only, being given as a basis for t]~e comparison of bids, and the City of. Tustin doe.~· not, expressly or by implication, agree that the actual ~no~.~nt of work will correspond therewith, but reserves the rigllt to increase or decrease the eJnou, nt o.f any class or portion of the work, or to omit portions of the work as may be deemed necessary or advisable by the Engineer. Plans, specifications and .proposal forms to be used for bidding o'n this project can only be obtained by prospective bidders at the office of the C. ity Clerk, Tustin City }{all, Centennial at ~4ain Street, Tustin, California,. 92680, upon pa~-m, ent of the following a~mounts at the City Clerk's Office which smou~nts shall not be refundable. _Complete set - Includes specifications, plan and prof.~le sheets, details, and cross sections sheets R-972A thru P & R-973 A thru T- Reco~-unended for prime .contractor.'s bidding project. Total cost $10.00 non-refUndable. . Partial Set - Includes specifications, plan and profiie- sheets and details sheets R-972 A thru P- ~ecommended for s~:b-contractors only. Total cost '$5.00- non-refundable. Plans and specifications will only be mailed out upon payment of a mailing and handling fee. :i.n addition to that stated above of $5.00 for a _Cc0~plete set and $4.00 for a partial set. In conformance with Section 37931 of the Government Code, all bids shall be presented under sealed cover on the proposal form .provided and accompanied by one of the following forms of bidder's 'security: · . a. Cash. Cashier's check made. payable to 'h~e City of Tustin. C. Certified check made payable to the City' of ~astin. d. Bidder's bond executed by an accredited surety insurer, made payable to the City of Tustin. The security shall be in an amount equal to at least ten percent (10%) of the amount of the bid. A bid shall not be considered unless One of ~h~ forms of bidder s security is enclosed therewith. A Surety Bond for payment of ·labor· and .materials will be required in 'the amount of fifty percent (50%) of the estimated total contract price-and a Faithful Perfo_~mance Bond in thc- amount of one hundred percent (100%) c.f the estimated total contract price .'~n the form attached to the contract documents. Said bonds shall be issued by a company having a rating of A+kA or better. · · A-4 136 City of Tustin reserves the right to reject any or all bids, and/or waive any info-~nmal, ity on a bid. No bidder may withdr~w his bid for a period of thirty (30) days after the date set for the opening thereof. . The contract will be awarded to the lowest qualified bidder. Provisions of the State Contract Act are not applicable, and prospectiv~ bidders will not be required to be prequalified. · All work to be done 'under the direct supervision of the City Engineer, City of Tustin. Ail work to be paid for at the unit prices bid from appropriate monies. ' · Said City of Tustin, pursuant to the Labor Code of the State of California, has ascertained and determined that the general prevailing rate of hourly and per diem wages in the locality in which the .said work herein described is to be performed, for each craft or type of wcrkman or mechanic needed to ekecute the contract and also the general, prevailing rate for legal holidays, and ouertime work for each. craft or typ'e of wor}unan or mechanic, to be as indidated in kesolution 76-11 as previously.published in a newspaper of general circulation, and on file in-the office of the City Clerk. ' . .~ ' · . .. · · Employer pa_vments other thin those itemized therein, as defined in. Section 1773..1 of the Labor Code, are' to be paid in accordance with the te_~ms of the collective bargaining agreement applicable to the type or classification of the workmen or mechanics employed on the project. Copies of all collective bargaining agreements relating to the work as set forth in the aforementioned Labor Code are on file and available . for inspection in the office of the Department of Industrial Relations, Division of Labor Statistics and, Research. BY ~RDER OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA o Dated: · .......... 7/19/.7.6 .... RUt~ C' -poe Cit!' Clerk of the City of Tustin, California BE iT' ALSO RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Tustin has ascertained and does hereby determine that the general prevailing rate of wages and employer payments in the locality of the City of Tustin, California, for each craft or type of wor'kman needed to execute the work herein above specified is as set forth in Resolution 76'11. · this PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the 'City of .Tustin, California., 19th day of July , 1976 ATTEST: _. - __. .... :_..: .... -. ._ _ ~ ......;.---_-- _ --~.~-_..-- ~ CIT Y~CI~; tU< A- 5 STATE OF CAJ.,IFORNIA) · COUNTY OF OF~ANGE ) SS CI.T¥ OF TUSTIN ) 137 RUTII C. POE,' City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, does hereby certify that the wl~ole 'nt'~mber of the members' of the City Council of the Ci~..y of Tustin .is five; that the above and foregoing Resolution No. 76-7] was duly and regularly int.roducad, rcad, passed and adoptod at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the !gth day of Ju_!v , 1976, by the following vote- ~ ................. ' ..... ' .............. AYES - ABSENT - COUNCIL~,IEN- EDGAR SHARP SALTARELL~, t~,rELSH, S ................. ~--- .............. , ............. . ........................ _ _..C~.-,.~'.~ · COUNCILMEN- NONE ' COUNCILMEN - NONE ..... ... _ .~_- ~_: ~-~? -:._: .: ~ _~ .... _--~__ -clerk,'~~y of Tust~n: (.azmfcrn~a . . o . A-6