HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 76-066120 4 9 10 11 · 3_5 16 17 18 3.9 ~4 £? ~8 ~9 3O 51 RESOLUTION NO. 76-66 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, DECLARING ITS INTENTION TO CALL A SPECIAL ANNEXATION ELECTION AND FIXING A TIME AND PLACE FOR HEARING BY THE CITY COUNCIL ON THE PROPOSED ANNEXATOIN AND OF WRITTEN REQUESTS FOR EXCLUSION OF PROPERTY The City Council of the city of Tustin, California, ~~ resolves as follows- 1. That it i.s the intention of the City Council, City of Tustin, California, to call a special election to be held on November 2, 19 76, in certain inhabited territory contiguous, to said City, proposed to be annexed thereto,, for the purpose of submitting to the qualifi·ed electors residing in said territory the question whether or not said territory shall be annexed to the City of Tustin and. the property in the territory subjected. to taxation after annexation equally with the property within the City of Tustin t~ pay the bonde~ indebtedness of the City of Tustin outstanding or authorized at the date of the first public- ation of the Notice of Election, for the acquisition, construction or completion of municipal improvements. Said territory is legal described in Exhibit :'-A" attached hereto and incorporated herein · by th·is reference. · 2. That said territo_~~ hereby is designated and identifie¢ as the Sycamore-Newport Annexation No. 94 of the City of Tustin. 3. Notice is hereby given that on the 16th day of August, 976, at the hour of 7-30 P.M. in the Council Chambers of the ity of Tustin, at Centennial & Main Streets, City of Tustin, alifornia, the City Council will conduct a hearing on the posed annexation and will receive, hear and consider writ'ten quests for exclusion of property from the proposed annexation . ich shall be presented pursuant to Section 35120 of the Govern- nt Code anytime prior to said hearing. Jny·interested person y appear at said hearing and b'e heard by the City Council. · o . 1 10 11 14 15 16 ].7 18 19 ~0 ~6 ~8 3O 121 4. The City Clerk,. City of Tustin, California, shall · certify to the adoption of the Resolution and cause tlhe same to be published in The Register once a week for the two weeks prior to the hearing. PASSED AND ADOPTED At a speC[aI meeting .of the City Council, City of Tustin, California, held .on the 12th day of July, 1976. · MAYOP. / ATTEST - }.~'2 12 BeN~'~n{ng a +' +'~-~ pein ~' t-:.~' fnt Ne:.r~ort Avenue and S,,-camo~e ' 45o7, reco~d.~d' {n Book Recoudu of Ouan[;e Count. v, C~I ma~ recorded in ~ook 1, said Orance County, s.~ ~d venue as shown on a mad of Tract ~o. nges 3S and '39 of Miscellaneous ~forni~, sa~d poznt also ~~~. the ~.o-k ~ ~ ' ' Sub-~'' sion .~s "~sc~ laneous ~-~ ~='.~ords of ~ b:~ing d~s ~t ~: 40° O'n0" ~ 13 .o ~~1',~, ~orn-~?- o~ said- b~cck I1, ,~ .feet more or less Ire.-., th--~ we.s.___ .~ ~_ s~id point of intersection also being a point on the existing City of Tustin boundary as. established by_ the Newoo~t-Svcamo~e~ _ _._~nn~.-~atio~-~. ., No 66, Der R~so!u~:cn lie 70-"5, . _ .... ~~uass'=d- and amoo=ed_ ~ S~u*e~:~=_ _ ~ _'>3., . Th.~nc~, S a9°59' 23" ~ , along' s~id cent'erTM ine - Sv - .~ ~he northe, aste~l,~ ~ib~ o- s=id ~ot 6'~ ~n~ a~cn~ said. =.-.!~=ing C{~-,- of Tustin boundary, a distance of 39S.78 feet to an angle point in. said City o = Tustin bound~y; · 1970.; · -' Thence, leaving the e.~isting. City of Tus. tin boundary, continuing S. 49°59'2Z" = , along s~4d c~te~line of Sycamore .~v=nue and - said nor~h~st~r!y 1~ ~ = = ~' = ' ' -~ .... n~ o io= 64, a emstance o 92~ mi zeet to · the. easterly corner o~ said lot 64, said easterly corner also being ~n angle point in the o~-is=ing C== ~ ' z~y oz T.us~~ boundary as. establzs~ed · by the Warn=~-Svc~%o~e A~n~x~on per Or~~anc~" ' __ . ......... = .... ~o. 2~5, passed and adopted December 2, 1~63; ' , ' ' Thence,. leaving said center!ine of Sy'ce~.~,ore Avenue. and s~id north- ly .... ~ ~. o ~~ ' ity -easte~ ~{n~ or lot o--, _ ==n~ ~ of m"=. ~ ..... O.~., . _ Der above mentionod ~-[ar~er-Sv~==,.o=e Annexation, per Ordinance ~ ~67, .... ,o. _ ~ssed and adoo'==d ~ebruary D, _ _, South Tus-in Avenue Annex.mticn per Ordinance ' =~= ~=~iouslv m=nhioned N=v~o-t-Sycamoro adopted July 5, 1960, ~nexation No. 66 through the following courses- S..40°02'13" W.., a distance of 725.47 feet; . ,. Thence, N. 49°59'45'' W., a distance of 1350.E~ Thence, N. 40.°00'00" E., Thence, S. 49°59'23" E., ]~eginning. . a distance of.725.61 a distance o= 30.00 o EXHIBIT ',A" fe~~ feet; feel .to the ooint . 123 STATE OF CALIFORNIA) COU"T.'; Y OF Oi~l.>Iu, E' ~ ) SS CITY OF TUSTIN )' RUTH C. POE, City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk o= Council of -th~ City of Tustin, California, does Certify that the whole n~r.'ber of the Coun,-il of the Cit~z of ~ ~ ~ustin is fiv .. foregoing Resolution ~o. 76-66 was duly and ~r ce read p=ss~d an~ adooted at a · in~_odu d, , ..... . of thc City. Council held on the ~_~_~~ ~day 1976, by the .follo~ving vote- the City hereby th~_ CiLy= above an d regularly -- sp_ecial mee=zng oz July AYES ' COUN CI LMEN ' _~ ~DG_A~R r .... S HA,,RP_,_~W~_~LS H_, NOlo COUNCILMEN- · ABS.ENT - COUN CIL~,~_EN · NONE SA_LTARELLI, SCHUSTER .o Publish The Register July 15 and July 22, 1976