HomeMy WebLinkAbout04 P.C. ACTION AGENDA 04-01-08AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE: APRIL 1, 2008 TO: WILLIAM HUSTON, CITY MANAGER FROM: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT SUBJECT: PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION AGENDA SPECIAL MEETING -WORKSHOPS: 5:30 P.M. -BUSINESS LICENSE 6:00 P.M. -BUILDING CODE were held in the City Council Conference Room. AGENDA REGULAR MEETING TUSTIN PLANNING COMMISSION MARCH 25, 2008 7:10 p.m. CALL TO ORDER Given PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL Present: Chair Nielsen Chair Pro Tem Puckett Commissioners Kozak, Murray, Thompson Staff present Elizabeth Binsack, Community Development Director David Kendig, Deputy City Attorney Dana Ogdon, Assistant Community Development Director Terry Lutz, Principal Engineer Scott Reekstin, Senior Planner Amy Thomas, Senior Planner Eloise Harris, Recording Secretary None PUBLIC CONCERNS Action Agenda -Planning Commission March 25, 2008 -Page 1 CONSENT CALENDAR Approved 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES -MARCH 11, 2008, PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING. None PUBLIC HEARINGS REGULAR BUSINESS Approved 2. TUSTIN HISTORIC REGISTER NOMINATION - 535 PACIFIC STREET. RECOMMENDATION: That the Planning Commission approve the nomination of 535 Pacific Street for an Historic Register Plaque. Received and filed 3. OLD TOWN PARKING STUDY. On February 19, 2008, the Tustin City Council received the Old Town Parking Study and directed staff to begin implementing the parking alternatives discussed within that document. On March 11, 2008, the Tustin Planning Commission received a copy of the Old Town Parking Study as background to support its future involvement in the review of related implementing actions. At that time, the Planning Commission requested additional information and a presentation on the matter. RECOMMENDATION: Receive and file the report. STAFF CONCERNS 4. REPORT OF ACTIONS TAKEN AT THE MARCH 18, 2008, CITY COUNCIL MEETING. Director reported The City Council approved the MCAS Tustin Mitigation Monitoring Report and the 2007 General Plan Annual Report. The City Council approved the conditional use permit requesting a dental office at 740 EI Camino Real and directed the applicant to submit for a design review that must be approved by the Planning Commission. Action Agenda -Planning Commission March 25, 2008 -Page 2 Director continued The City Council held the second reading of the Prospect Village planned community district regulations; those regulations will become effective shortly; Prospect Village should be submitting an application for a master sign program soon; that application will be presented before the Planning Commission. City Hall will be open every Friday, commencing March 28, 2008. COMMISSION CONCERNS Thompson Stated he attended the Easter Egg Hunt and thought it was a big success; the swift clean-up was amazing. Noted he attended the Easter Prayer Breakfast sponsored by RBF Consulting; Councilmember Jim Palmer was one of the officials in attendance. Indicated that he was nominated and approved for the OCTA Go Local Committee. Referred to previous discussions regarding commercial guidelines for Old Town; and, asked that a timeframe be established for the next step in that procedure. Director Stated that staff received a draft copy of interim guidelines from the Redevelopment Agency; those guidelines will be reviewed internally and then presented to the Planning Commission. Thompson Referred to the letter from Broadmoor Park relating to the Southwest Tustin Tour; and, asked if staff would be responding to that letter. Director Answered in the affirmative. Kozak Welcomed new staff members Cari Meyer, Assistant Planner, and Amy Thomas, Senior Planner. Thanked staff for the workshops and Mr. Rock Miller and Assistant Director Dana Ogdon for their presentations regarding the Old Town Parking Study. Murray Thanked staff for the very informative workshops. Thanked his fellow Commissioners for the discussion of the Old Town Parking Study. Asked for the status of the Drug Emporium. Action Agenda -Planning Commission March 25, 2008 -Page 3 Director Indicated that Big Lots has requested a tenant improvement for that facility. Murray Complimented the City's Community Services Commission for the Easter Egg Hunt and also Chair Nielsen and Chair Pro Tem Puckett for their work through the Tustin Community Foundation. Puckett Noted the Easter celebration was a huge success, thanks to Dave Wilson and his staff and also to Erin Nielsen, Executive Director of the Community Foundation, for putting the Pancake Breakfast together; twice as many breakfasts could have been sold and the Foundation will prepare to do that next year; the funds provided substantial income for the Foundation that will be used in the grant process. Nielsen Thanked staff for the workshops; it is always good to see that staff is performing outreach to the community in an effort to provide better customer service. Indicated he had a fine time at the Easter Egg Roll and the Pancake Breakfast; and, thanked the .many volunteers who helped with the Breakfast. Thanked Kathy Hall for providing a letter to the Planning Commission regarding Broadmoor Homes in Tustin; he was pleased to hear that staff will be responding to some of the issues presented; the majority of the letter related to the architecture of the patio homes in Broadmoor with a nice dissertation regarding the designs referred to as "MidCentury Modern." Congratulated Commissioner Thompson on his appointment to the Go Local Committee for OCTA. Stated he looks forward to design guidelines coming forward for Old Town Commercial; anything staff can do to move that forward would be appreciated; and, added that the Old Town Residential Guidelines should perhaps also be updated. Requested that a tour be scheduled for the Laurelwood, Peppertree, Tustin Meadows, and Summerfield communities. Director Asked if the Commission would like the tour scheduled for the next meeting. Nielsen Answered that whatever is convenient for staff when there is a light agenda would be fine. Action Agenda -Planning Commission March 25, 2008 -Page 4 Thompson Requested a start time of 5:30 p.m. Director Stated the tour would be scheduled to occur before the next Planning Commission meeting, April 8, 2008. Nielsen Asked that staff provide information other cities may have regarding smoke shops in the vicinity of schools. 8:10 p.m. ADJOURNMENT The next regular meeting of the Planning Commission is scheduled for Tuesday, April 8, 2008, at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chamber at 300 Centennial Way. Action Agenda -Planning Commission March 25, 2008 -Page 5