City Council authorization is requested for the City of Tustin's response to the subject
Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) for a General Plan Amendment and Zone
Change associated with the proposed development of approximately 3,918 dwelling units,
1,540,000 square feet of Multi-Use, 205,000 square feet of commercial uses, and 100,000
square feet of institutional uses in Planning Area (PA) 40 (571 acres) and approximately
575,000 square feet of Research and Industrial (Medical Science) uses on a 36-acre
parcel in Planning Area (PA) 12. PA 40 is generally bounded by Jeffrey Road to the
northwest, the I-5 Freeway to the southwest, the Orange County Great Park to the
southeast, and Trabuco Road to the northeast. The portion of PA 12 is generally bounded
by vacant land to the west, the I-5 Freeway to the northeast, Sand Canyon Avenue to the
southeast, and OCTA railroad tracks to the southwest.
That the City Council authorize staff to forward the attached response letter to the City of
There are no fiscal impacts associated with this action.
The proposed project includes the development of approximately 3,918 dwelling units,
1,540,000 square feet of Multi-Use, 205,000 square feet of commercial uses, and 100,000
square feet of institutional uses in Planning Area (PA) 40 (571 acres) and approximately
575,000 square feet of Research and Industrial (Medical Science) uses on a 36-acre
parcel in Planning Area (PA) 12. The project includes an option to convert the Multi-Use to
residential for up to 1,309 additional dwelling units. Also proposed are various parks and
open space. PA 40 is generally bounded by Jeffrey Road to the northwest, the I-5
City Council Report
DEIR - PA 40 and PA 12
April 1, 2008
Page 2
Freeway to the southwest, the Orange County Great Park to the southeast, and Trabuco
Road to the northeast. The portion of PA 12 is generally bounded by vacant land to the
west, the I-5 Freeway to the northeast, Sand Canyon Avenue to the southeast, and OCTA
railroad tracks to the southwest.
The Community Development and Public Works Departments have reviewed the
subject Draft EIR. Staff believes that it is in the City's interest to be on record regarding
this matter and has prepared correspondence expressing the City's concerns regarding
the Draft EIR document (see Attachment). Staff requests that the Tustin City Council
review and consider these comments and, if acceptable, authorize their formal
transmission to the City of Irvine.
Scott Reekstin
Senior Planner
Elizabeth A. Binsack
Community Development Director
Attachment: Draft Comment Response Letter
S:\Cdd\CCReports\DEIR Irvine PA 40 and PA 12.doc
April 2, 2008
Michael Philbrick
City of Irvine
P.O. Box 19575
Irvine, CA 92623-9575
Dear Mr. Philbrick:
Thank you for the opportunity to provide comments on the Draft Environmental Impact Report
(DEIR) fora General Plan Amendment and Zone Change associated with the proposed
development of approximately 3,918 dwelling units, 1,540,000 square feet of Multi-Use, 205,000
square feet of commercial uses, and 100,000 square feet of institutional uses in Planning Area (PA)
40 (571 acres) and approximately 575,000 square feet of Research and Industrial (Medical
Science) uses on a 36-acre parcel in Planning Area (PA) 12. The project includes an option to
convert the Multi-Use to residential for up to 1,309 additional dwelling units. Also proposed are
various parks and open space. PA 40 is generally bounded by Jeffrey Road to the northwest, the I-
5Freeway to the southwest, the Orange County Great Park to the southeast, and Trabuco Road to
the northeast. The portion of PA 12 is generally bounded by vacant land to the west, the I-5
Freeway to the northeast, Sand Canyon Avenue to the southeast, and OCTA railroad tracks to the
The following comments focus on the Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) by Austin-Faust (AFA) of the
1. TIA, page ES-1: the North Irvine Transportation Mitigation ("NITM') is a previous study
based on General Plan land uses and serves as mitigation for the proposed Project.
Use of NITM for mitigation is not likely to be acceptable, since the Project represents
substantial changes to the General Plan land uses.
2. TIA, page ES-6: the traffic analysis is not consistent with regard to cumulative project
assumptions/traffic growth between "with Project" and "without Project" conditions. The
cumulative project assumptions (i.e., for PA1, PA9, PA9C-1 and PA9C-2) need to be the
same for "with" and "without" Project, so the full Project impacts are disclosed.
3. TIA, page ES-6: the Project assumptions serve to document that some of the other
"cumulative" PA's (i.e., PA 1, PA 9, etc.) will not be built to full General Plan potential.
These known assumptions need to be included in the "without Project" analyses of years
2012, 2030, and post-2030.
4. TIA, page ES-7: the table at the upper portion of this page (and subsequent areas)
would need to be modified to reflect the comments in number "3" above.
Mr. Michael Philbrick
DEIR For Planning Areas 40/12
April 2, 2008
Page 2
5. TIA, page ES-7: the table at the bottom portion of the page indicates the trip totals are
for the project site, which appears incorrect. In addition, these totals may be misleading,
as they do not reflect the significant changes in land uses proposed as a part of the
6. TIA, page ES-8: NITM is being used as mitigation for the Project, but the NITM analyses
do not appear to accurately reflect the land use assumptions for the Project sites (PA 40
and PA 12).
7. TIA, page ES-8: any improvements (including NITM) assumed as mitigation, which are
to be constructed in locations that require approval of other Agencies, need to be well
coordinated with those other Agencies. The City of Irvine has recently presented to the
City of Tustin, a significant road project on Jamboree Road at the I-5 Freeway. Even
though the proposed road project significantly affects the City of Tustin, essentially no
prior discussion with the City of Tustin occurred.
8. TIA, page ES-9: the traffic analyses contained in the DEIR do not appear to disclose the
full impacts of the Project. As an example Figure 3-2 ("Existing ADT Volumes") was
compared to Figure 4-1 ("Existing-Plus-Project ADT Volumes"). The DEIR and TIA
assume the Project impacts are represented by the difference of the two Figures (and
similarly for the other analysis conditions). It can be seen, however, that the volume
differences do not appear to accurately represent the approximate 76,300 ADT
generated by the proposed Project being distributed to the surrounding roadways.
9. The DEIR traffic analyses assume "with" and "without" Project traffic projections made
through the Irvine traffic model ("ITAM"), provide full disclosure of Project traffic impacts.
This is not believed to be correct. Given the methodology that was used in the TIA; a
significant portion of Project traffic appears to be replacing "existing" and
"background/cumulative" traffic in the analyses, but is still identified as existing and
background/cumulative traffic (rather than Project traffic). The result is that only a
portion of the actual Project related traffic impacts are identified.
10. There should be clear documentation of all Project generated traffic and where these
trips travel to/from on the surrounding street system. This will also allow full disclosure
of Project related traffic impacts. Right now a portion of the Project traffic appears to be
shown and is analyzed as existing and background/cumulative traffic, which serves to
"mask" some of the Project impacts.
11. TIA, Table 3-1, page 3-7: shows existing intersection conditions on Jamboree Road (i.e.,
at Bryan Ave., EI Camino Real, I-5 ramps, etc.) that do not appear to accurately match
field operations. There are significant queues on Jamboree Road during peak hours.
12. There is significant existing congestion on the northbound I-5 Freeway, with vehicle
queues from the SR-55 Freeway back toward the Jeffery Road and Sand Canyon
Avenue interchanges. There is also congestion shown on the southbound I-5 Freeway
as well. We believe there will be significant volumes of Project traffic that will use arterial
roadways, including those in the City of Tustin, to bypass the I-5 Freeway congestion. It
does not appear that the DEIR and TIA properly showed all Project impacts that will
Mr. Michael Philbrick
DEIR For Planning Areas 40/12
April 2, 2008
Page 3
result from the congested freeway conditions and use of the arterial roadways as a
13. DEIR, Table 5.14-2, page 5.14-5: the significance threshold for non-CMP locations
under City of Tustin jurisdiction, is a "0.01" or greater Project impact, at locations
operating at worse than LOS D.
14. There are significant concerns regarding the methodology used in trying to identify
Project impact, as detailed above. Since the methodology for identifying Project traffic
impacts appears flawed, the DEIR and TIA conclusions would be invalidated. We
request the opportunity to review the document in detail once these issues are resolved.
15. DEIR, Table 1-5, section 5.14: the mitigation measures are based on the current
analyses, but the needed improvements need to be updated to reflect full project
impacts. For example, the fair share should be based on all Project trips impacting a
particular location; the Project trips that are "replacing" existing and
background/cumulative traffic, must not be ignored.
16. As mentioned above, there is comparison of existing General Plan trip totals versus
proposed General Plan land uses. However, the proposed uses have significantly
different trip characteristics (i.e., office versus residential) so even if the "baseline" trip
generation totals are equal, their traffic patterns and resulting ,effects are not
interchangeable, especially with regard to mitigation needs.
17. The trip generation totals shown in Tables 2-2 through 2-8 of the TIA show the
socioeconomic result to be lower than the land use based. Overall, the use of different
trip generation rates used for various purposes, NITM, site analyses, and project impact
evaluations support the conclusion that the ITAM model may not be an appropriate tool
for evaluations of single projects. The current ITAM methodology is also not conducive
to public review of development projects, and is inconsistent with the goals of the DEIR.
18. The City of Irvine recently requested the City of Tustin to complete a significant effort to
verify ITAM assumptions for areas within the City of Tustin. These efforts have been
completed and some discrepancies have been found that should be corrected as a part
of this DEIR.
19. Assumptions included in some previous City of Irvine DEIRs were that Barranca
Parkway would be improved to an eight-lane facility by year 2012. While the City of
Tustin is designing improvements to four lanes in the westbound direction on Barranca
Parkway, added information on the improvements to four lanes in the eastbound
direction (within the City of Irvine jurisdiction) needs to be provided in the DEIR and how
that is planned to be accomplished.
20. There was a signal progression study completed for Barranca Parkway between Red Hill
Avenue and Jamboree Road in February 2006 that assured adequate traffic operations
on that roadway based on the planned roadway design, future traffic projections, and
traffic signal operations. The City of Irvine's Traffic Engineering staff has reviewed and
approved the progression analysis. Given the proposed Project is shown to affect travel
Mr. Michael Philbrick
DEIR For Planning Areas 40/12
April 2, 2008
Page 4
patterns on Barranca Parkway, the potential increase in Project traffic impacts due to
previous comments above, different travel patterns due to a change in land use, etc. it
must be assured that adequate signal progression along Barranca Parkway will be
maintained. Any needed mitigations need to be made a condition of the Project.
21. TIA, Figure 3-2 compared to 4-1: the sum of the traffic volumes arriving /leaving the site
do not appear to match the full Project trip generation attributed to the site. These two
sources of data should match.
22. The process for inclusion of particular road improvements was discussed. There should
be table(s) and/or figure(s) that clearly show the existing and future intersection lane
geometries used in the analyses. If the evaluations include assumptions of roadway
improvements to be implemented by others, then the source(s) of providing these
improvements should also be identified.
23. Previous ITAM projections included an assumption that the Tustin Ranch Road/ Warner
Ave intersection would exist only for longer range, future conditions (i.e., post-2030).
This is not accurate. As of today the easterly half of this intersection is already
constructed, with the westerly half scheduled to be constructed before 2010. Please
verify that this assumption has not been made for this study. If this is the case for these
ITAM projections, the model runs need to be corrected, as this would probably affect
other assumptions and analyses for the year 2012 evaluations.
24. Previous DEIR documents indicated that the actual existing trip generations for an IBC
project exceeded the current trip budgets for the project sites. Is this the case for this
currently proposed Project? If this is the case, it would be further confirmation that
actual area wide traffic impacts may be exceeding previously approved conditions.
25. The IBC has formal TDR policies, which are believed to exacerbate problems associated
with situations where trip budgets appear to be significantly exceeded by the actual
developments. In some situations (i.e., General Plan conditions, etc.) where actual
development may exceed a projected amount, there are also other sites within the large
scale plan, that are developed below their expected trip generation potential. In the IBC,
however, the TDR policies result in "unused" trip potential being transferred to other sites
and increasing traffic intensity at a new location. This serves to eliminate the potential
for under-utilized sites to "balance" those sites with excess trip generation. This is
essentially the case for this project as trips are in a sense being transferred from PA 1
and PA 9.
26. To emphasize and summarize what was stated earlier in these comments, the ITAM
traffic model is used to generate "with project" and "without project", traffic projections
and the conclusions about significant project impacts are based on these comparisons.
This methodology, however, does not account for traffic displaced by potential project
traffic. The result is that only a portion of the project traffic is identified in these
evaluations. Some of the actual project generated traffic may be "masked' by existing
and cumulative traffic that is redirected to other roadways. While this methodology may
be appropriate for large scale evaluations (i.e., General Plans, the IBC as a whole, the
Tustin Legacy, etc.) where countless interactions between various land uses need to be
Mr. Michael Philbrick
DEIR For Planning Areas 40/12
April 2, 2008
Page 5
accounted for through a modeling process; to apply this same procedure to individual
projects can be problematic and lead to undisclosed development impacts. When
evaluating individual projects, all of their generated traffic should be accounted for and
mitigated as necessary.
27. The significance thresholds for locations that involve City of Tustin jurisdiction are also
incorrect. The City of Tustin uses a "0.010" threshold for non-CMP locations; not the
"0.020" threshold applied in the DEIR. This correction combined with other comments in
this memorandum may significantly change the traffic and transportation findings of the
28. A "Red Hill Avenue" study has been jointly conducted by the City of Irvine and City of
Tustin that includes further definition of traffic mitigation responsibilities for development
projects in the IBC. This project should be subject to the findings, requirements, and
agreements that will result from this study. The intersection analyses and assumptions
in the DEIR should also be consistent with the Red Hill Study results. Red Hill Avenue is
actually closer to the Project than some of the study locations in Lake Forest and
Laguna Hills.
The traffic analyses conclusions for the proposed Project appear to be dependent on the
"with" and "without" Project differences, but those underlying assumptions no longer
appear to be valid based on the conditions documented in the DEIR and TIA. The traffic
analysis should provide analyses that clearly account for all proposed Project volumes
and impacts, as well as identify appropriate mitigation improvements.
Thank you again for the opportunity to provide comments on the Draft EIR for Planning Areas 40
and 12. The City of Tustin would appreciate receiving all additional environmental documents with
the responses to our comments when they become available and all future public hearing notices
with respect to this project and individual development projects within PA 40 and PA 12.
If you have any questions regarding the City's comments, please call me at (714) 573-3016 or
Dana R. Kasdan, Engineering Services Manager at (714) 573-3171.
Scott Reekstin
Senior Planner
cc: Elizabeth A. Binsack, Community Development Director
Dana Kasdan, Engineering Services Manager
Douglas Holland, City Attorney
SR:environllrvine Planning Areas 40 and 12 DEIR Comment t_etter.doc