HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 76-063115 3~ 7 8 9 t0 12 13 ,. 14 ,i , 2O 30. RESOLUTION NO. 76-63 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN ADOPTING THE CITY BUDGET AND APPROPRIATING REVENUE OF THE CITY FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1975-77 WHEREAS, in. accordance ,.,,iLh Section 2.41 oF [h.e-Fustin M. unicipa] Code, th= City Administ:raLor has .prepared' and.submi tted to 'th'~ City Counci a proposed annuai'budge~ for the 1976- 77" :F i sca ! year beginning July and ~"~FREAS th= City Counc.i'!, as the legislative body of the City, has Fe-,./~ewed th~s pFoposed budget, and WHEREAS, the City Council has determine~] that it is necessary for the efficient management of the .City.that certain sums o'f revenue of the · City be appropriated to the various departments, of'rices, agencies and activities of 'the City. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Tusr, in does hereby resolve, determine and order as follows' Section 1' A certain document on file i.n three (3) copies in the- office of the City Clerk of the City of Tustin, being marked and designated "1976-77 Annual Budget," said document as prepared 'by the City Administrator and reviewed by the City Counc'il, is hereby adopted for the fiscal year commencing July 1, 1976. ' . Section 2' The following sums of'money are herebyl appropriated from the revenue of the City of Tustin to the following' named departments, offices, agencies, and activities of the City for expenditure during the 1976-77 fiscal year. BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS OPERATING BUDGET ACT I V t TY Leg i S let ion Admi ni stration . Cor~,.~nuni ty Devel opmen'~ Non-Departmental Poi ice Fire Engineering Ma; ncenance Recreation TOTAL BUDGET S. 127,175. 185,449 193,830 462~3~9 t,313,013 715,322 168,002 635,812 169 ~o15 C. pera~_ing ~3udget Gran~ Personnel Total Operations r,,., ,.,, p~ i t:a ] Jmpro,.,"-" S3,96e',9~7 203,592' - '~5, 1'73,53~9- 1,359,539 TOTAL APPROPRIATIGMS-ALL FU~tDS S5,533..078 Counz i ! PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular m'-e[ing of -the 'rust in City held on the 6th day of July, 1976. .. /,.- .,.. ?..,, ,.. ~....:'.. ,,'-:.;:. ~.. , .... ~'.~ ", V ' ":' / , ,~-,, . :, ., · ATTEST- .. :-.~--..~ .... · ..... : / ../,_.._..-~._..,.,.,%, ;4........, ,--. ..... -". "" ' ,...k.... '--.__..'°" ~.. CiTY RUTH C. POE, City'Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Tust'n, California, does herebf-. certify that the whole nmm2~ar of the members of the City Council of the Ci-hy of gustin is five; that the ~ove and foregoing Resc!ution No. 76-63 was duly and regularly introduced, , ~ ~ ..... read passed and adont~d at a regular ~=ti'ng of the City Cou=ncil held on the 6th day of July 1976, by the follo~,zing vote- ~ .............. AYES- COUN CILt. hEN-" EDGAR, NOES- COU!~CILMEN - NONE Cn~CIL~N · SHARP City Clerk,~y. of Tustin; .Catifornza ~ ~,~ - .. · :. . ...*.. ,2 -: /- ... ..