HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 76-32 RESOLUTION NO. 76-32 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA DECLARING THAT A MAJORITY PROTEST OF PROPERTY OWNERS HAS NOT BEEN MADE AGAINST THE ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN UNINHABITED TERRITORY DESIGNATED AS "MARINE CORPS AIR STATON (HELICOPTER) ANNEXATION NO. 71B TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN". The City Council of the City of Tustin, California, does hereby resolve follows' · 1. That on the 9th day of February, 1'976, the Council of the City of Tust:in did pass and adopt Resolut-ion No. 76-15 giving notice of the proposal to annax certain uninhabited territory to the City of Tustin, said territory being therein designated as the "Marine Corps Air Station (Helicopter) Annexation No. 7lB to the City of Tustin", said resolution describing the boundaries of the · territory proposed to be annexed; and 2. That said Resolution No. 76-15 did contain a notice of the day, hour · . and place when and where the Council of the City. . of Tustin would hear protests made by any person owning rea~. property within, the territory proposed' to be annexed, the time of said hearing being not less than forty nor more than six ., days from the date of passage of said resolution; and " '3. That on the. 25th day of. March, 1976, at the hour Of 7'30 P.M. in the. o Council Chambers in the City Hall of the City of Tustin, County of. Orange, Stat~'. of California, said time and place being the day, hour and place fixed in said Resolution No. 76-15 for hearing protests to the said annexation, the said City Council of the City of Tustin did hear'and pass upon all protests made to· the proposed annexation and did determine that protests had. not been made-by the owners of one-half of the value of the privately and publicly owned property within the 'territory proposed to be annexed as. shown by the last equalized assessment roll, and as provided in the Government Code of the State of Califor- nia; and 4. That said territory is contiguous to the City of Tustin, and is uninhabited territory in the County of Orange, State of ~mlifornia,·as define. in said Code, and is more particularly described in Exhibit "A" attached 'here·to and incorporated herein by this reference. 37 1 4 8 9 it' 12 13 14 15 16 18 19 2O ~6 £8 $0 . .NOW, THEREFORE, the said` Council of. the City o~ Tus~i,,, - ~' '~ Californ~.a, does hereby determine and declare that a protest has not: been made by the owners of one-half .of the value of the privately and publicly owned Property within the territory proposed to be annexed, as shown on t~e last equalized .assessment roll and as provided in the' Government Code. 5. This resolution will be the final action of the Council in conducting. o 'this protest hear±rig. Pursuant: to the provis±ons of the Court:~s order daeed HatCh 9, 1976, in action No. 242399 of the Orange County Superior Court, no further action will be taken by the Council on Annextion 7lB until such time as the Council may take such further action as provided in said order and/or other orders' which may be made in said action. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council, City of Tustin, California, held on the /~'-~-day of ATTEST: MAYOR JGR' si 4/21/76 TCIt: 7 -2' T TO 38 ~~._~ ~ ~ .... n~~~ ' ~Or~~ eL '"" ~ - -- ' , S t!~3 division as per ma~ recorded in bo. ok 1, page 88 of tliscellaneous ~laps, Records of Orange County, California, said corner being distant N. 49°19'58'' W., 1320 feet more or less from ~e easterly corner of block ].0 o.,t said Irvine~s Subaivision, said northerly corner also being a point on the existing City of TUstin Boundary Hi!l'.Av~-Como Rd. Annexation (revised) and adopted February 19, 1968; as'establ.ished by the Red' per 0r~indance No. 386,' passed · · . . Thence, along the existing City of Tustin Boundary as established by above m'en~ioned Red H. ill Ave.-Como Rd. Annexation (revised), the Red Hil!-Lowana Housing ;~.nexation No. 63. per Orange County Board of Supervisors Resolution No. 70-1266, passed and- adopted Nove~er 25, and the Warner-Sycamore Annexation per Ordinance No. '245, passed and- adopted December 2, 1963, through the following courses- · Thence-, N. , Thence, .S. · · . · · .Thence, '"N _. Thence, S. 40 °42'11" W., a dista~ce of 1320.15 · 49°19' 58" W., a distance of 40 o39 ' 12" 49030 ' 43" feet; 1320 fee~, more or .~ess; or' less ;. . W., a distance of 1320 feet more · 'W'., 'ia. 'distance of 30.00 feet;. -' · . .... . o 40°39"12" W., a distance of 2640 feet more o'r less to an t970," angle point in said City of Tustin Bounda~-_,;, said angle point'also bei.ng an. angle point in the~ existing City. of Santa Aha Bound.?a~3 as established by the I~-~ine's Subdivision Annexation No. Ordinance No.. NS 696; ." -. ... . : . · . · . Thence, leaving said City of Tustin. Boundary, and. continuing S. ' 40°39'12'' W.', along said City of Santa Aha Boundary, a distance of 2640 feet more.or less to ~.he poin% of intersection wit.h the north- %~es~e_ly pr-elongation of the southw sterly bomndary of' that certain I606.49 'acre parcel as per map filed in' book 12., page 43 of Records of-Surveys, Records of said Orange Comnty, said point Of intersection also being an angle' point in the existing City .of Irvine Bo~nda. ry as established by incorporation per' Orange Comity Boar~ of'Supe~-~isors ReSo ..No. 71-1472; . · . · Thence, leaving said City of Santa Ana Bomndary, along ~,~_'~.d southwesterly bou. nda~ of said '160fi.49 acre City of Irvine BoundarY through the follqwing co..urses: . ·. , , o , . S. '49°19'43" E., a distance of 6636.45 feet;' ... ...... . __ · Thence, 40°37' 51" E., a distance of .3210.97 feet; ' .. .. - . said prolongation.. and .along said . Thence, 49°19"55" E.,-.a distance 'of 3215'.1~ fee_t; · · .. · , , · Thence, N 85°37'25" ? along ~he southerly boun.~arv of s-~i~ 1606, )_.9- acre parcel and along said City o~ Irvine Boundar~_~., a distanca of · 1060.39 feet to the point of intersection'-with th.a southeasterly line of lot 196, block 62, of said Irvine's Subdivisic=, said point of. inter= section also being an angle point in the sou~heas.berly boundary of said 1606.49 acre parcel and also bei;:g an angle point in said City of Irvine ..Boundary; ' "' . Thence, N. 40037'25'' E., along the southeastarly ~ine of said lot 196 and along the southeasterly 'boundary of said 1.6~6.49 acre parcel and · along said City of Irvine Boundary, a distance of 1319.67 feet, to the most southerly corner of lot 189, block 62, of said Irvine's Subdivision; Thence, N. 40037'52'' E., along the southeasterly /kine of 'said lot 1~9 and along the southeasterly boundary and northeasterly prolongation 'of said sou'theasterly boundary of said 1606.49 a~-e' parcel and along " said City of Irvine Boundary, a distance of 2644,.~4 feet, to the most southerly corner of lot 188, block 63, of said lr~ine's Subdivision; · · --~-- . 7 39 Thence, N. '40°38'0:1'' E., along the southeasterly line-of said lot · and alotxg..said City of Irvine Boundary, a distance o1~..50.00 ' ~--h t_ha no th~as+-e~ly right-of-way line of ~oint of intursect~on'~;i .. r ...... Atchison;. Topeka and Santa Fe Rail~-;ay Compa.~y, as described in a recorded in book 245, page 223 0t5 Deeds, Records of Cali£ornia; ' 'ence., N. 49°20'40" ;';., along said ..ong said City of Irvine Boundary, 188 to. the the deed Los Angeles County., · , . nor theasterl~! a distance of right-of-way line and 1617.87 f.e~t-~' to an ~.,gle point in T.ustin Indus hrial Transfer of City of Tustin Annexation No. · · ' October 21, 1974; . . ., Thence~ 1,eaVin.g the existing City of Irvine Boundary and alonq the existing City of Tustin Bounde_ry as established by the above mentioned Tustin Industrial Transfer; The U.S. Marine Corps-irvine Annexation No... 71-A per Res, No. 71-79 passed and adopted December 6', 1971; the Red .Hill-Walnut Annexation 'per Ordinance No. 343, passed' and adopted March 2Q., 1967; 'Annexation (revised) ... N. 49020.''40'' W., a o · , - · . Th~.nce, N' 49°19'58" · ' Thence, · beginning, . , · · , o the existing City of Tustin Boundary as es't=_blished by the Territory from'the City. of irvine to the 86 per Res. No. 74-71, pa.ssed and adopted and the previously mentioned Red Hill kve.-Como ~_hrough the followin~t courses- · · distance of 5199..65 feetr ' " · W., a. distance, of 2429. feet more or less';.' o- · o distance of 50..00 re.et to the point of' · . · o o o . .. EXHIBIT · , · S. · 40°42' I1" {,All · --2- STATE OF CALIFORNIA). COUNTY OF OF=ANGE ) SS CITY OF TUSTIN ) · RUTII C..POE, City Cl~rk and ex-officio clerk 'of 'Council of the City of Tustin, California, cloes certify that the whole number of the members of Council of the City of Tustin is fi~e; that the the City hereby the City above and foregoing Resolution No. 76-32 was duly and regularly · introduced, read~ passed ~-nd ~'~op~ed at'a regular meeting of the City Council held on the ___19 th__day of_.April.._~=:.~ ......... , 1976, by the following vote: o · AYES- COUNCIL~[EN:. SHARP, EDGAR, SALTARELLI, SCHUSTER NOES ' COUNCILMEN' NONE ~itY~' 'cl-e-rk,~ity o~' Tutti <~ California o' , . ·