HomeMy WebLinkAbout13 AMEND 6 W/TETRA TECH, INC 05-06-08AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE: MAY 6, 2008 TO: WILLIAM A. HUSTON, CITY MANAGER FROM: PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT/ENGINEERING DIVISION SUBJECT: AMENDMENT NO. 6 TO CONSULTANT SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH TETRA TECH, INC., FOR ADDITIONAL DESIGN ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR THE RAWLINGS RESERVOIR REPLACEMENT PROJECT (CIP NO. 6136) SUMMARY Amendment No. 6 to the Consultant Services Agreement between the City and Tetra Tech, Inc. will provide for the preparation of a water quality management plan [WQMP] and additional engineering design services for the Rawlings Reservoir Replacement Project (CIP No. 6136). These services are needed because they were not included in Tetra Tech's original project scope of work. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council approve Amendment No. 6 to the Consultant Services Agreement with Tetra Tech, Inc. to provide additional Design Engineering Services for the Rawlings Reservoir Replacement Project (CIP No. 6136) and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the Amendment on behalf of the City. FISCAL IMPACT The Water Division's FY 2007-2008 Capital Improvement Program budget provides project funding of $16,133,541 for the Rawlings Reservoir Replacement Project (CIP No. 6136). Amendment No. 6 is in the amount of $49,400.00 and there is sufficient funding to cover this cost. BACKGROUND On November 15, 2004, the City Council approved a Consultant Services Agreement [please refer to Exhibit "A"] in the not to exceed amount of $277,000 with Tetra Tech, Inc., for the Rawlings Reservoir Replacement Project (CIP No. 6136). Additional contract Amendments Nos.1-5 totaling $240,579.00 were approved for geotechnical, structural and engineering design services outside of Tetra Tech's original scope of work. Tetra Tech has prepared 50%, 75%, and 90% project plans, specification and estimate (PS&E) packages which have undergone detailed staff review. In addition, the PS&E packages have been vetted by an independent third-party engineering firm as part of the project plan check process. Amendment No. 6 to Consultant Services Agreement with Tetra Tech, Inc., for Additional Design Engineering Services for the Rawlings Reservoir Replacement Project (CIP No. 6136), in the City of Tustin and unincorporated County of Orange. May 6, 2008 Page 2 Orange County Public Works is requiring the City to prepare a Water Quality Management Plan [WQMP] for the project. State/federal water quality regulations mandate that runoff from all public works project sites must be free of sediment, trash and any other potential contaminants. City staff has met with the Public Works Department's Environmental Coordinator plus the City's water quality consultant to confirm the County's WQMP requirement. The WQMP will ensure that the final project PS&E package reflects the best management practices available to address anticipated runoff issues from the project site. Additional design services are also being requested of Tetra Tech, Inc., to incorporate Water Division staff comments involving key modifications of the Rawlings Reservoir inlet/outlet vault. The requested modifications will reduce vault construction costs, improve vault access, and ensure the safety of Water Operations staff during scheduled vault maintenance activities. Tetra Tech, Inc., has submitted a letter proposal in the amount of $49,400.00 outlining the additional services to be provided [please refer to Exhibit "B"]. Staff has reviewed Tetra Tech's letter proposal and found it to be reasonable. Staff recommends that the City Council approve Amendment No. 6 to the Consulting Services Agreement with Tetra Tech, Inc. for the Rawlings Reservoir Replacement Project (CIP No. 6136). The City Attorney has reviewed Amendment No. 6 and has signed it "Approved As To Form". Tim D. Serlet Director of Public Works/City Engineer Attachment: Amendment No. 6 plus Tetra Tech Letter Proposal Dated Frederick J. Adjarian Water Services Manager S:\Council Items\2007\Ament #6 to CSA with Tetra Tech CIP 6136.doc. AMENDMENT NO 6 TO CONSULTANT SERVICES AGREEMENT FOR ENGINEERING DESIGN SERVICES FOR RAWLINGS RESERVOIR PROJECT THIS AMENDMENT NO 6 TO CONSULTANT SERVICES AGREEMENT ("Amendment No 6") is made and entered into this day of , 2008 by and between the CITY OF TUSTIN, a municipal corporation hereinafter referred to as "City" and Tetra Tech, Inc. a California corporation, hereinafter referred to as "Consultant". RECITALS WHEREAS, City and Consultant entered into a Consultant Services Agreement as of November 15, 2004 (the "Agreement") for design and engineering services for the Rawlings .Reservoir Project; and WHEREAS, City and Consultant desire to amend Section 4 of the original Agreement to provide additional funding for construction management/inspection services during the well equipping phase of the Rawlings Reservoir Project. NOW, THEREFORE in consideration of the mutual promises, covenants, and conditions contained herein, and upon the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth, the parties agree as follows: AGREEMENT Section 1: Section 4 of the Agreement is amended. Section 4 of the Agreement is hereby amended in its entirety to read as follows: Section 4: Compensation A. The compensation to be paid under the original Agreement shall be as set forth in Exhibit "A" and shall not exceed a total cost of $277,000.00. B. The compensation to be paid under Amendment Nos. 1-5 shall not exceed a total cost of. $240,579.00 C. The compensation to be paid under Amendment No 6 as set forth in Consultant s proposal dated March 24, 2008 (Exhibit "B") shall not exceed a total cost of $49,400.00 D. Consultant shall submit detailed monthly invoices, based upon the actual work performed accompanied by backup documentation as requested by the City. E. Progress payments for work completed shall be paid by the City as the work progresses, within thirty 30 days of receipt of Consultant's invoice with appropriate back up documentation. F. Consultant shall provide City with a brief monthly synopsis of all tasks performed and the fees accrued thereon in complete and sufficient detail to fully apprise City of work progress. Section 2: Except as expressly amended herein, all other provisions of the original Agreement remain in full force and effect. Section 3: Miscellaneous A. If any term, covenant, condition, or provision of this Amendment No 6 or the application thereof to any person or circumstance, shall to any extent be held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, void, or unenforceable, the remainder of this Amendment No 6, or the application thereof to any person or circumstance, shall remain in full force and effect and shall in no way be affected, impaired, or invalidated thereby. B. This Amendment No. 6 shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of California. In the event of any legal action to enforce or interpret this Amendment No. 6, the sole and exclusive venue shall be a court of competent jurisdiction located in Orange County, California, and the parties hereto agree to and do hereby submit to the jurisdiction of such court, notwithstanding Code of Civil Procedure Section 394. C. Each signatory to this Amendment No 6 hereby warrants and represents that each has been authorized to enter into this Amendment No 6 on behalf of the entity for whom they sign. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Amendment No 6 was executed by the parties on the day and year written above: "CITY" CITY OF TUSTIN By: Jerry Amante, Mayor ATTEST: Pamela Stoker, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Douglas C. Holland, City Attorney "CONSULTANT" Tetra Tech, Inc. By: Steve Tedesco, Senior Vice President TETRATECH, INC. EXHIBIT "A" October 6, 2004 Mr. Tim D. Serlet Public Works Director/City Engineer City of Tustin 300 Centennial Way Tustin, CA 92680 Reference: Proposal for Engineering Services for Design of Rawlings Replacement Reservoir Dear Mr. Serlet: Tetra Tech, Inc. is pleased to submit our proposal to provide engineering services for the design of the Rawlings Replacement Reservoir. We appreciate the opportunity to be considered for this challenging project, and the opportunity to continue to provide engineering services to the City of Tustin. We believe that Tetra Tech is uniquely qualified to provide services for the design of these two adjacent three-million-gallon capacity resevoirs. In the last decade alone, we have designed over 30 reaervoirs. Based on our understanding of your project needs and our familiarity with the project site and the existing Rawlings Reservoir, we have prepared the attached proposed Scope of Services for the project. Our assumption made in preparing this scope of services are also included. Tetra Tech's proposed Project Manager for the Rawlings Reservoir Replacement Project is Mr. Steve Conklin, P.E. & Ms. Conklin has aver 30 year's experience in the water industry in both the public sector and consulting, managing and designing water infrastructure projects. Mr. Conklin has as abundance of resources at his fingertips to sucessfully complete this project. AII civil, mechanical, sdn><ctnral, electrical sad instrumentation engineering, CAD and word processing will be connpleted by our staff. I will personally oversee the project's quality reviews throughout the duration of the project. Tetra Tech, Inc. proposes to provide flu design of the Rawlings Replacement Reservoir far atime- and-materiab, not-to-exceed fee of 5277,000, based an the attached Scope of Services, Person-Hour sad Fee Estimate, and Rate Schedule. AU costs for mileage, reproductions, overhead, and other reimbursable costs are included in each task. i 6241 L.a~una Carryon Read. Suite 200. Irvine, G 92618 Til 949.727.7099 Foc 949.717.7097 www.tecrattch.com TETRA TECH, INC. Mr. Tim D. Serlet October 6, 2004 Page 2 Tetra Tech is prepared to start work ;mmediately upon Your authon~stion. We appreciate the opporhmity to sul~aait this proposal and are available to meet with you to discuss it in further detail. We look forward to being of contimiing service to the City of'Twatin. Siaoezely, Tedesco, P.B. Divisional Smio:Via President SDT/SRC:cg L~ptap04~g166eevdoe A TETRATECH, INC. CITY OF TUSTIN Rawlings RepJaostnsnt Reservoir SCOPE OF SElMCES Task 1: Concepwal D~gn 1.1 We will prepare a meeting agenda sad meet with City staff to mview project scope, understanding, deliverables, budget and schedule. .Staff contact persons will be identified. Available maps, site plans sad rocozd drawings far the project site will be requested, and if available, raviewod at the meeting. Tetra Tech will prepare draft meeting miautas for review sad approvd. 1.2 We wfil prepare camcepfial plant ~ ~° Sd°Q'°l sits couSgutatioa,landacape sad hardacape impcovemeab in order to obtain Cfty Wsber Depatttnent and Btaldmg Dspsranes-t appsavsd. 1n addition, memoraadams will be pied, n needed, to discutt specific completing deal regarding: (s) demolition design issues. We anticipate ~ c 3CADA tia cantcastdocuments (a) reservoir Yard piping and valves, (b) cn-ertlow PiPmg• ( ) is and (d) Constructia® Phasing: Three (3) of draft will bs submitted far City raviaw sad eomayant. All reasonable cats will be addressed and three (3) copied of the final dear memorandums will be submittsd for City files. Task ?: FYaaf DaalgK 2.1 Ws wrll complete topographic mtapping of the project limit4. utilizing local County of Orange geachmarlc matching existing vertical daaan utilized far City of Tustin wsber project. A local basis of bearings will be determined firam recorded maps. 2.2 Ws will prepare a gtatachnieal mport. 'l'am 8~ repast shall inchide findings fines desldop raairch. field investigation, alsger borings, Y smlYsis+ and calculatiorut. Tine report will caatain site specific rceomaoaadatiasu far design of 11u eoacrste reservoirs, baried pipey~ ~ ~ frcilitiu including seimic design criteria. 23 Teas Tech will preparo pLas. ~ and estimate of probable coastructioa cyst to eomplste the demolition of the adsting resrs~-oir, clear sad grub .the rerr~siaing sites, sad prepare the site far the conat<uctiion of the now reservoir. Contract docimserrOt will inchide reference to City requiraoomt for recycling of materials resulting fiom demolition work. We envisisa the following sheets: Title Sheet ~ 1 ~~ ~~ Shy 1 Sheet Existing Conditions Site Play 1 Sheet Demolition Plan and DetsiL 2 Sheet Final Site Plan l Sheet Erosion Control Plan l.~t Total 7 Sheet TETRATECH~ INC. CITY OF TUSTIN Bowlines Replacement Reservoir We wi11 submit three (3) seta of Hill size plans, reduce size plans, specifications and estimate of probable cotutruction cost at the SO'/o and 90°i6 mile:tonea. Following City review. Tetra Tech will incorporate all reasonable review comments and prepare final demolition drawiagi, specification and estimate of probsble caesttuction cat to the City for bidding and construction of the Site Demolition Contract. Tetra Tech will camapleto independent Quality Assutaace /Quality Controls reviews prior to each sab®ittsL 2.4 Tetra Tech will prepare Plans, speci$catians and estimate of probable const<vction cat to comPlcoe the ooostroctian of two 3.0 million gallon contsaDe reservoirs. The reservoir shall be cirailsr, caocrete, prastrassed reservoirs with as diarnater of 130-feat each. Tetra Tech wilt conrptate all civil, mechanical, strucbu'al and cectrical calcaLtians fa thin project. All of the calculations will be assembled into one binder, neatly argmized and submitted with the 90'X. and Peal snbmittsls, as well as, if appropriatia, with any permit~plan appaovsl submittals male. we envision the following Title Sheet l ~OOt General Notes and Abbreviation 2 Sheets Site Plan 1 Sheet Site tlrading and Yard Piping Plan l Shoat Reservoir Cron Sections 2 Sheets Piping Profilers 2 Sheets Observatiaa Vwlt and Sations 1 Shoat CivillMecbauioai Details 3 ~ St<vctural Notes 2 Sheets Strlw~ural Tygical Detas']s 13heet Fonndatian Plea 13beat Partial Frnmdatioa Flan 1 Sheet Roof Slab Plan l sheet wall gection/Flevation 1 sheet wall Dataila 1 sheet Roof Slab Details 1 Shoat Roof Slab Sections 1 Shat Electrical 3yrnbola, Abbreviations aad Notes 1 Sheet ~~~ SiLe p~ - 1 Shoot Single Line Diagram, Details 1 Sheet Electrical Details and Diagrams i Shat Landscape and Irrigation Plan 4 Sheep Total 313heeb TETR14TECH, iNC. CITY OF TUSTIN Rawlfnps Replacemsnt Reservoir We will submit three (3) sets of full size pleas, reduce size plans, specifications and estimate of probable construction coat ax the 50°y6 and 9086 nailestoaes. Following City review, Tetra Tech will incorporate all reasonable review cammeats and prepare final demolition drawings, specifications and estimate of probable construction cost to the City for bidding sad construction of the Site Demolition Contract. Tetra Tech will complete independent Quality Assurance /Quality Controls reviews prior to each submittal. Tarsk 3: PeraN~or 3.1 Tatra Tech will mdoe necessary sub®ittal and procure pamtidpLn approval fium City of Tustin Building Department, Prange County Fire, Aathority and Department of Health Services. Tarok I: Mse+dbeRs 4.1 Tetra Tech Project Manager, and other staff as eppmpriate, will prepare agenda for, parrtiapate in andprepare meeting minutes for eight (8) project meetings. All meetings will be bald at City of Tustin City Fall, taster Yard ar the project site. Meetings shall be hdd as needed to review design element, project status and submittal review cearmeata ss well as coordinate variouu elements of the project. Task S: Bt~PArass Serrkaa 5.1 Tetra Tech's Project Manager will attend the Pre-Bid Meeting with City staff and prospective biddara to assist City stag' and to answer questiams regarding the design sad ~e project. 5.2 We will provide assistance dtairig contract bidd'mg period, answering questions from pa+oapective bidders sad preparma nay neaessar~- contract addardmm. ~~~ 1n preparing this scope of work, Tetra Tech hen made the following assuamptions: • City will provide Project Coordinator responsible for daily communications, providing requested dots available at . thb City, procesaiag submittals and coordinating various City Departments. • City will provide latest version of contrad documents ("front ends' in electronic format far our use is preparing the specifications. • City will prepare CEQA documents necessary to fullill environmental roquiremeata. • City will provide aU reproduction for bidding and construction phase work. • The proposal does not include any construction phase or post construction phase services. ~~d t CRY OF TU8TIN Dalpn d R~wWq~ R~p1~eNmnt Rwrvair Parson Notr Fw Esldn~ O TETMTECH.INC EJI~IT "A" 2oa HOURLY CBAItGS RATE AND E7~EN8B REIl1i~iTR3E115ENT SCHEDiJI.B Be~ir~eerias Imen~i'eceictaaJAseietaot... s 45.00 DeedOaedCAD CparataelEefiaar L»._»». 5 59.00 Bn~iaeee II aad ID/See~ior DeeiOaae ..».».., s 100.00 Bi4lo~t ....................................».»............ f 99.00 Plaatat... »..»»..»............»..._..».». i 99.00 Saoior B~,ioeeelt.fadeeape A=cbiiect....._. s 115.00 rr~.or BaSineedPivjeer cocediealeoe »».». s >.ss.a0 saoior Pl~mar .................»..~....»..».»..».» t 140.00 9~anior S~eisatiet .......»_ ..............».:..._....... f 140.00 lrajmK bjaaased8e: Projaot Cooedinatiot_. s 15000 3ania trgjact i-4mtepar ..»....:...».........».... S 165.00 ProFam DteecmdPraJoar Dirieetor.~.._._ s 200.00 Adasiaieaatlw Qadc ..................»...........». s 42.00 worn P~ooeeeoc-Admia. sappoet...»........» S si.0o cn..t~............»......._.._............s 44.00 Suvey Tatdce I...»......»»».».»..».».»» f 90.00 Srrwir Teen II/Field Sap4vLor ....» s 100.00. S~iac l~r+r~yar...»_...._.»_.......»»_.._...» s 115.00 hb~et S~evayor.......».»...»..........»........... s 135.00 haPenoa ~ Paety..........»......_»..» i 1LS.00 rwo~eeaoo 9~ai-Paeh- with @s....._».s 225.00 TbeeFtaeson Sorvey tarty »._._».».».„.» i 265.00 SttHey Trsvd Time ('1soo) .......,.». s 90.00 Svtvey Trnd Time ('Ibeeo-pesson)»....».» =127.00 caaa0nretioa Obawver........_........._.......... s 78.00 8snior Ccestruedon Obesrwr.._...»........... s ss.oo R.eidaat _......._...........»._..»..»_ s 12oao Coneen~edoawae~___......»_._».._..._s 150.00 Raprodacdaa. apccial pboaseapby. poseap, ddiwry aevica, at~ceee mail. ou~.of-area teiepvoae cam. prmtios and any otbsr aervicp perQoemad by eubooo~aem<, will bs blued v oost plan 1Sli. tea cops.. cs~w S.s"xl l'~ ._.» s aiormo~ 1'6oa Capia (>~w i 1l"~ci7'~ ..._.. s o.35/Badt color copia cap a Ss"xl1'~.....». 5 1sorBaeL color copa.a (to 11'yc177 ».«..».»» Z 2.SOBach compeer Diata._......._......_»»..._. s io.0oneaen Leeselormat Copla .»»»»..._.»»» s o.3orsp. computer rice. ».»».._.._»_........» s10 OorHoar Irma.se»...._...».»........».»»»...._.... s o.4orl~ale NO'I'lZs All cape ere effective a Ootober 1, 2004. TLire wit! be a ae8otiaoed iacreaae in rates, S'ji ntiaimtme per year. f~ coatrub extmdigs beyond October 1.2004. 11pop041pl6bev.~oe O TETM TECH, ING EXHIBIT "B' March ?~, 2008 Mr. Frederick J. Adjerian water 3avioa Manager City of Tustin 300 Ceabemnisl Way Tastier, CA 92680 Raderenca; Psbposd for Addltlo>oal 3ervlea for the Ba~wlla~ ]l~servoit Proied for the Preparatloa of water QaaNty Managesaent Platy Control Vadt Modincatbns sad >Resnltiag Ded~a Changes Dar Mr. Adjariea: Tetra Toch is pleased to provide a proposal for additional engineering servioa far the Rawlings Reserwir Project. The services would be for preperatioa of a Water Quality Msaagement Plan (wQ~ ~g ~ ~~g ~1~ Best ~ Praotioee mss) t4 the plans sad speaifioatioas, and modifying the reservoir oonirol vault Thu proposal iacarporatea costa received from Mr. Viotor 3sgindo of your staff via email am February 14, 2008. Prrparatlos of wateor Qaality Msaagement Plats Aa you know, the requirement for. the prepaxtion of a WQMP was rcqueated by the County of Oange, from tlu Cotmty'a aecos>td plan check for an eaer+oachment permit far the project SpeciScally, the Cou~y's letter dated November 21, 2007 to the City states: "Show BMP treatments of stoma water before discharge taro County storm drain system. BMP treatments should be obtained from approves WQMP sport." Beaed oa our meet3ag cn February 6, and informaticoo received from Victor Sagredo on February 14, our proposal far the WQMP u based oa the following "minimum level" of effort: • The runoff from the Trifler property to the weal would be presented in the WQMP sport as "bempanrcy" sediment flow, generated affairs. That is, the flow would have b be handled only until the T4ider properly u developed, when it would have ib own flow and sediment casttrol. Proposed tieirspoaarl- sediment control would be placement of fiber rolls or waddles along the westerly edge of the project site, and sand bags in the ccncrete V~itch to further slow the water and retain sediment. A cagy of Tlact Map 15591 will be included in the WQMP. Other than the fiber rolls and seed bags, no sediment control would be proposed for the flow from the 'hider property. Note that the Trifler property area is an estimated 719~b of the c~m~ent drainage area (3.8 of the 5.35 aces total). • All storm water generated oa the project site needs to be treated before discharge. In order to separate this flow from the offsitie Trifler property flow, the design plans will be revised m that 16241 Laguna Gryon Road, Suite 20Q Irvine, G 926 I B Td 949.727.7099 Fax 949.727.7097 www.tetratcch.com TETRA TECH, INC. Mr. Frederick J. Adjarian March 24, 2008 Page 2 all on-site flow travels easterly and southerly to the proposed paved area north of the costing Pump station. At that location the design plans will be revised to add a drainage structure to collect the an-site ruaofl~ and separate out the sediment and vegetative matter. The revised plans will include the design of a pipeline to carry the discharge to the existing proposed drain line junction shuettae in the southwest corner of the project site. • As requested, the wQMP will include water Quality storm .Flow calculatia~na for the drainage area (Trifler property and the project site), both before and after the proposed B1~ measures are in place. Note that the inah~sion of these sediment flow calculations in the WQMP, along with the associated evaluation sad presentatiaa in the report, will result in an increased work effort and increased cost far preparation of the WQMP. • Design for the above is included is this proposal. If additional treatment measiues or B1vIl's are required by the County they are outside the scope of this proposal. As requested, an estimate is provided as an optional task to provide the design of additional BMPs. Far purposes of this estimate, it is assumed that the additional BMPs would be the inclusion of a drainage treatment structure in the southwest corner of the site, to provide additional treatment of the offsite flow fiom the Trifler property. In order to accommodate the added drainage treatment strtictvre, it is assumed that redesign of the structures and facilities in the southwest corner would be required. Thin is further described below in Task 3. Scope of Work Per the City's direction provided in the February 14 email, our proposal includes the following: Tank 1. Prepara8on of Dn~ji' and Final WQ~KP. Based on the above direction and our u~S of the project, we will prepare one draft wQl~rn sub~rnittai to the City for review, trans which comments will be incorparatcd far submittal to the County. We have assumed two submittals to the County, a draft and final submittal. This task includes two meetings, which we currently assume as one with City staff and one with the County. Task ~ Dealgn Modiflcatrtorta. Per your direction we have combined the design modifications for the WQMP and far the vault modifications in the same task. The design modifications required far the WQMP are based on the above. The design changes to the plans for the WQIVIP B1VJPa and to modify the control valve vault are scrmmarized below: • Sheet G-2: Revise notes. • Sheet C-S Final Grading and Stte Plan: The grading will be revised to modify the site drainage and to show the fiber rolls, sand bags, and the new drainage collection structure. 1n addition, site grading, curbs, and fencing will be revised for the location of the new valve vaults. • Sheets G7 and G8: Revise site details. • Sheet C-9: Add drainage structure plan and details. TETRA TECH, INC. Mr. Frederick J. Adjariaa March 24, 2008 Page 3 • Sheet G10 Domestic Water Yard Piping Plan: Inlet and outlet pipelines for both reservoirs, as well as the common 16-inch inlet/outlet pipeline and wash down water pipeline horizontal alignments will need to be revised. The on-site fue hydrant location will need to be revised. • Sheet G 11: Drain structure and pipeline will be added. • Sheet GI a Yard P~Ing P%~iles: All four profiles shown on this sheet will need to be revised to reflect the saw elevation and Location of the control vault„ • Shoat G13 Yard Piping Profiles: Profile S for the 16-inoh north reset~-oir outlet will need to lx revised to reflect the new elevation sad location of the control vault. • Sheet G1S Piping Modifications: Detail 1 showing.the Reservoir Piping Modifications will need to be revised to reflect the new location of the control vault and the requrired piping modifications. • Sheet G16: Drain structrue and pipeline profile added. • Sheet M-1 Control Valve Vault Plan and Section: The entire sheet will need to be revised to reflect the new vault locations, smaller style vault, access hatch locations, and piping layout. In addition, a sump Pump with a flood switch will be added within the control vault in order to provide as alarm signal should the sump Pump fail. Sump pump details also provided. • Techntcal Specifications and Cost Estimate: Revised to incorporate the drainage BMPs and vault modifications. • The City has also requested a hydraulic analysis be performed to determine how high the floor of the control valve vault can be nailed without impacting the operation of the Rawlings Booster . Pump 3taliarr. Tetra Tcch will review the certiSed pump curves provided by the City, and determine the hydraulic grade line (HGL) between the reservoir end the suction pipe of the pump to verify that the HGL will not be lower than the piping elevation {between the reservoir and Pump station>. We will also determine the net positive suction head (NPSH) available compared to the pampa' required NPSH is order to operate without cavitation. TiisJE 3. Add3donal Deaigx Modlflcatlona (Op~fonal Tasks As Hated above, this task would be for additional design modifications if further BMPs are required beyond those described in Task 2. For purposes of this estimate it is assumed that the additional design would be the inclusion of a treatment structure in the southwest comer of the site, to treat the flow from the Tnider propeaty, to separate out sediment and vegetative matter rearaining after sediment separation through the fiber rolls and sand bags. It is assumed that redesign of the structures and facilities in the southwest corner would be required. This will entail revision to several plan sheets in order to move structures and replace the Type 5 Inlet shown on Sheet C-7 with a large tr+eatmeat structure, sized for the Trider property flow, which encompasses 71% of the drainage area. The estimated staff hours and fee for this Task 3 work is shown on the attached spread sheet. TETRA TECH, INC. Mr. Frederick J. Adjarian March 24, 2008 Page 4 Enclosed for your review is a staff-hour and fa estimate for the proposed Scxrpe of Work The proposed fee is $38,400 for Tasks 1 and 2, and $11,000 additional for optional Task 3. It is our understanding that staff will obtayn approval for Tasks 1 through 3, but will authorize proceeding with Tasks 1 and 2 only. If it is necessary to add the design of BMPs beyond those described in Tasks 1 and 2, staff will separately authorize proceeding with Task 3. Note that the proposed fee is based on the approved 2007 Rate Schedule. It is proposed that this work be performed as Ameauhnaut No. 6 to our eusfmg amt for the design of the Rawlings Reservoir Pmjoct. We are to start work immediately upon your au~orixatiaa. We mate the opparhality to submit this proposal. If you have aay questions, please do not hesitate to call me at (949) 585-1280. Sincerely, in, P. . Project Manager SRGcg P:~P03291100301WordprolT.eteart11101 S.doc(100) Attachment p 01 yr ~ I ~® ~ 1 8 ~yy ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , ~ y - F ~ N ~ ~ N N N N N N M ~ M '~ N• M ~ 'r N N M N N 01 NN YY!! w N ~ ~ g g ~ ~ ~ ~ ° ~ r ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ p N M N N M N I~ I ' ~' - ~ ~~ ~ i f f O O O O O O O O O O O N M1 wq p .. . .: ' ~,~~."' m N N b m m m f ~O ~D f ~O ~ O O ~ ~ ~.~: w~~ill • N ~ m m m f ~O ~O N b m m V ~ n ~ ~if.: i+r ~ ~~ .mi „»y O m f f N N N N O N N f m g ~ ~~~~ ~~ ' ~ .~' `" ~~ ,"~ j: ~O V O O O O O O O O .+ h N ~ ~! ~'' ~ ~ 6A ~~' N „ !'~ O ~~ CS ~ .~, ,~ ~ t~ Gy GS O GV w (! l'I GS ~ C5 M GS b V :~ ~ ~ ~ + 9 w N f7 9 E • AMENDMENT NO 6 TO CONSULTANT SERVICES AGREEMENT • FOR ADDITIONAL ENGINEERING DESIGN SERVICES FOR RAWLINGS RESERVOIR REPAIR AND REPLACEMENT PROJECT THIS AMENDMENT NO. 6 TO CONSULTANT SERVICES AGREEMENT ("Amendment No 6") is made and entered into this day of , 2008 by and between the CITY OF TUSTIN, a municipal corporation hereinafter referred to as "City' and Tetra Tech, Inc., a California corporation, hereinafter referred to as "Consultant". WHEREAS, City and Consultant entered into a Consultant Services Agreement as of November 15, 2004 (the "Agreement")-for design and engineering services for the Rawlings Reservoir Repair and Replacement Project; and WHEREAS, City and Consultant desire to amend Sectfon 1 and Section 4 of the Original Agreement to provide additional engineering design services for the Rawlings Reservoir Repair and Replacement Project. • NOW, THEREFORE in consideration of the mutual promises, covenants, and conditions contained herein, and upon the terms and .conditions hereinafter set forth, the parties agree as follows: Sectlon 1: Ssctlon 1 of the Acreemsnt b mended.. Sectlon 1 d the Aareemetrt is hsrebv amended in Ibs entlrety do read as fbibws: Consultant shall perform all work necessary to complete in a manner satisfactory to City, the services set forth in the City's Consultant Services Agreement dated November 15, 2004, a copy of which is attached hereto marked as Exhibit "A" and is by this reference incorporated into this Agreement. Consultant shall also perform all services set forth in Exhibit "A" to the Original Agreement and as set forth in Exhibit "A" to Amendment Nos. 1 through 5. Consultant shall also perform all services as set forth in Exhibit "B" to this Amendment No. 6, attached hereto and incorporated into this Agreement by reference. 567041.2 Consultant shall also perform all services as set forth in Exhibit "B" to this Amendment No. 6, attached hereto and incorporated into this Agreement by reference. Section 2: Section 4 of the Agreement is amended. Section 4 of the Agreement is hereby amended in its entirety to read as follows:. Section 4: Comuensation A. The compensation to be paid under the original Agreement shall be as set forth in Exhibit "A" of the Original Agreement and shall not exceed a total cost of $277,000.00. B. The compensation to be paid under Amendment Nos. 1-5 shall not exceed a total cost of $240,579.00. C. The compensation to be paid under Amendment No B as set forth in Consultant's proposal dated March 24, 2008 (Exhibit "B") shall not exceed a total cost of $49,400.00. D. Consultant shall submit detailed monthly invoices, based upon the actual work performed accompanied by backup documentation as requested by the City. E. Progress payments for work completed shall be paid by the City as the work progresses, within thirty 30 days of receipt of Consultant's invoice with appropriate back up documentation. F. Consultant shall provide City with a brief monthly synopsis of all tasks performed and the fees accrued thereon in complete and sufficient detail to fully apprise City of work progress. Section 3: Except as expressly amended herein, all other provisions of the Original Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. Section 4: Miscellaneous A. If any term, covenant, condition, or provision of this Amendment No. 6 or the application thereof to any person or circumstance, shall to any extent be held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, void, or unenforceable, the remainder of this Amendment No. 6, or the application thereof to any person or circumstance, shall remain in full force and effect and shall in no way be affected, impaired, or invalidated thereby. 367041.2 B. This Amendment No. 6 shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of California. In the event of any legal action to enforce or interpret this Amendment No. 6, the sole and exclusive venue shall be a court of competent jurisdiction located in Orange County, California, and the parties hereto agree to and do hereby submit to the jurisdiction of such court, notwithstanding Code of Civil Procedure Section 394. C. Each signatory to this Amendment No. 6 hereby warrants and represents that each has been authorized to enter into this Amendment No. 6 on behalf of the entity for whom they sign. [SIGNATURE PAGE TO FOLLOINl 567041.2 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Amendment No 6 was executed by the parties on the day and year written above. "CITY" ATTEST: Pamela Stoker, City Cle APPROVED AS TO FORM: Douglas C. Holland, City Atto ey "CONSULTANT" Tetra Tech, Inc. By: e Tedesco, Senior Vice President s6~ai.z