HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 76-074~7 12 10 1.1 15 17 18 20 21 22 23 24 26 27 28 29 30 31 RESOLUTION NO. 76-7 Consent Calendar No. 9 1/19/.76 A RESOLUTION DECLARING THAT PROCEEDINGS HAVE BEEN INITIATED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN TO ANNEX TO SAID CITY CERTAIN UNINHABITED TERRITORY DESCRIBED HEREIN, AND DESIGNATED AS "WALNUT-NEWPORT-" MITCHELL ANNEXATION NO. 93". TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN AND' ' GIVING NOTICE OF THE PROPOSED ANNEXATION.. The City Council of the City of Tustin, California, 'does · hereby' resolve as follo~'4s: 1. ~ The owners of seventy percent of the' property of the hereinafter described territory...having requested and consented to the annexation of said territory to the City of Tustin, pursuant to the provisions of the Government Code of the State of California, application was made to the Local Agency Formation Commission to annex to the City of Tustin all that territory situate in the County of Orange, State of California, designated "Walnut-Newport-Mitchell Annexation No 93" described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incor- porated herein by this reference as though set forth herein in full. , .. 2. The City Council here~y finds and dete-rmines that all of said territory is uninhabited within the meaning of' Govern- ment Code Section 35 303, on the. date of the adoption of this Resolution, that said territory is contiguous to the City of Tustin. · 3. The Local Agency FormatiOn Commission, .in session - duly assembled, on January 14, 1976,. did adopt the negative declaration and approve said proposed annexation. 4. The property within the annexed territory shall be taxed to pay the indebtedness and liability of the City contracted prior to or existing at the time of annexation. , 5. That said territory flescribed in 'Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein' by this reference as though set forth herein in full is designated and identified a~. "Walnut- Newport-Mitchell Annexation No. 93. · 6. Notice is hereby given that on the 1st day of March., 19 76, at the hour of 7- 30 p.m., in the Council Chambers, City Center, Centennial at Main, Tustin, California, any person ownin~ real property within said territory so p'roposed tc be annexed, and having any objection to the proposed annexation, may appear before said Ci~cy Council and.show cause why such territory should not be annexed. Such protest must be. in writing and shall state the name or names of the owner or. owners of the property affected by such annexation and the location and area of such property, in general terms.. If it be found that protest is not made .by public and private.. Owners equal to one-half of the value of the territor~y, further proceedings shall be taken to annex said territory. 7 The City Clerk shall certify to ~t'~e adoption of thi~ Resolution and cause the same to be published in the Tustin News, a newspaper of general circulation, printed and published in the City-of Tustin, County of Orange, State of California, and in 'the Register, a newspaper of general circulation, t~rinted and published outside the City, but in the County in :.;l~ic.'zh J.~.; located-the territory proposed to be annexed. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2S 27 29 30~ 31 32 4~8 PASSED ...... ~._D at a regular meeting o~ ~-h~ City Council of. the City of Tustin, · January 19, 1976 held on the_19th ..... day of · ATTEST - MA?OR Ci-TY ' C]~E.~_ .. ~ 4.~9 · P,'~RC~L "A" '~..~:"-. "~,. hq_ at the potq..r o =, in' 2ook 17~,. pages 2i and ~ Ca' i fornia; ~ OUn ty'~ , . 93 in~._~rsection oF the cencerlines oF Ne',,,l)ort · --~ q.~.~n, on a mop or Tract .',"o. 502~ recorded 22 of ?iiscella~',eous ~[aps, ~ecords of. Oranga Thenc'~ S. 5000'0'z:6:'. .~.., aion,~ the cor~*effl~ ine of ~.~a. lnut Avenue, di$.t,,,nce 660.63 feet to fha northerly corner of' said Tract l'lo. sai~, corner b,--lng, th-,_ t-u-~. ,.. o,~.in~~ . of beglnn?ng_.. a ~ 50'z 8, · · '=" =long the northwesterly boundary of said ' T.'h..I'nce, S. 3"3059 .Tr'a'~t '~Jo. 5028, a distanca of 6f)O.35 feet to an angle point in the exi"ting City of Tustin bounda.ry .as established by th~ Hewport Avenue- ~yr"te Avenue Annexation, per Or. dinance Ho, 378, .passed and adopted December 18, 1957; '. .. · · Thence, leaving said northwesterly o f. Tus t i n boundary, a s e.s tab I i shed Avenue-Myrtle Avenue Annexation and pe.r O~"~llnance No. ~70, passed and adopted March following courses: boundary, along the .exist|ng City by the previously ~,~enti'oned ,'lewport . the Mcfadden-Newport Annexation, 19,. 1962,through the · N.. 50°OO'56" W,, a distance of 710.73 feet; · · Thence., N..40°00'O0'' E., a distance of 700.38 feet; Thence, S. 50°O0'46'~ E., a. distance of.710.69 feet.to the pO,hr o'f int. erseption with the northeasterly prolongation of the northwesterly b.oundar, y of said Tract Ho. 5028; . . Thence, . l'eaving the existing City of Tustin boundary, S. 39°59'47'' · W., alo. ng said prolongation, a distance of 40.O0.feet to the true .P9::!: n:.t: o,_~_f ~ e g;i~n._n i.n g_. . .. · - PARCEL "B" Beg'inriing at an angle point in the existing City of Tustin bo.u.n'dary. as established by the Pankey Annexation per Ordinance No. 99, passed and adopted AprJl 23, 1956, sa~d angle ·po'int also being a point on the riorthwesterly lin-~ of Block 11 of Irvine's Subdivision, as per map re. corded in Book 1, page 88 of Miscellaneous Maps, Recor'ds of Orange County, California;'said angle point being distan~ S' 39°4~'40 W. , 787,6 feet more or less from the northe, rly corner of said. Bloak l l; .Thence, leaving said northwesterly 'line of City .of Tustin boundary per above mentioned .the fol lowing courses' Block 11, along.the existing Pankey Annexation through S. 50010'30" E., a distance of 40.00 feet; Thence, S 39049'30'' ~# , a distance of 499 40 fee*' Thence~ in said westerly .page '20 S. 50°09'30" E., a distance of 96.01 feet to an angle point City of Tustin boundary, sa id angle point also being the most corner of Tract :1o. 1863, as per map recorde.d in Book 54, of Miscellaneous Maps, Records of said Orange C. ounty; o. Thence, leaving the exis~in; City of Tust'in boundary, $. 39°50'30TM '~[.-, along the southwesterly prolongation of the most nort.hwesterly - ~ ~i . ~ "~ boundary of s3id ~rac... o. 1~63, a distance of 33 03 f.~ t. to t..~.~ point of intersectioq with the existing centerl ine said point also bein. g on the northeasterly line of of said I rvine' s Subdi vis ion; · of ;~.itchet I Avenue, lot -'i~3,. ,~tock ! I, : i",,:-~.ce, along th sa i -~ ~,r.~rt'heasterly , ~ .-. · ex;sting lin:" '~ -I- -m o . 4~0 .;. prolongation of -,.:~.,.) r~corded in ,,acor,l$ or sa;d the nort~',,esterly boundary of Tract Ho. 5271, a~ Beob lg&. pages !Z,.. and ']5 of M.~.scel !an. eous Maps Orang?. Count~,'; Thence-, leaving said centerli~e of aiLchell Avenue .~nd said north-. casterty 1 ine oF lot 4~, S..39o50' 3n'' W., along said prolongation and. s.:~id northwesterly boundary of T'ract ,qo. 5'271~. a distance of 335..04 f~et to the. westerly corner of said Tra'c~ fla. 51271, said ~es.tar!y..corner also b~ing a po[n~ on the existing City of Tustin boun. dar'y as established by the Fredricks Annexation per Ordinance No. 337~ p'asse~ and 'adopted February $, 1967; ' · o , The. nee, along the existing Ci.ty or Tustin boundary per above r,~encione, d Fredricks Annexation and the HcFa'dden-Newport Annexation per Ordinance No. 170,. passed and adopted March 19, 1962, through the following · · courses- · o .. N..49°20'.46"'.W., a distance of 250.02 feet; .. Thence, S. 39049.'30'' W., a d is'tance of 329.05 feet; TI~ence, S. 50°lO' 10"' E., · ~hence, S. 39°4.9'30'' W., . . Thence~ S. 89°28'51'' W., .. Thence., N. O0°31'09" W., existing a distance of 50.00 'feet a 'di'stance of 60.89' feet; a. distance of 641.54 feet; a dist~ance of centerllne of McFadden Avenue, southeast co'rner of Tract No. 4250, as p'ages 15 ' and 1 6 of M i scel 1 aneous Haps, · . 40.00 feet to a po i'nt on the said point also being the Per map recorded in Book 151, Records of said Orange County; Thence,-along said centerline of McFadden Avenue, N. 89°28'51'' E., a distance of 487.07 feet to a point, said' point being distant S.. . 89o28'51'' W., a distance of 122.02 {~eet from.the intersection of the centerlines of McFadden Avenue and Hew. port Avenue, sa.id centerline. intersection b'eing the southeast corner of the al lotment of N. O. Staff'c;rd and C. Tustin by final 'decre'e in the partition of the Rancho San'tiago de Santa A'i~a, which was entered September 12, 1868 in. Book B, page 410 of Judgments of the Distric.t Court of the 17th .ludici.al District. in and for Los Angeles County, California; · ~ _ N aa~' :[hence, leaving said centerline 6f McFadden Av=nu=, . -3['O9" W., a distance 'of 40.00 'feet to a point, 'said ~oint being the point of. - intersection of the' northerly right of way line of McFadden Avenu~ '(80 feet wide) and the southwesterly line of a. parcel of land described in an Affidavit-Death of Joint Tenant recorded~ in Book 7279,. page 480 of Deeds,. Official Records of said Orange County; · Thence., N. 50o10''30'' W., along said southwesterly 1 ine, a distance . of 121.10 feet. to the westerly co'rner of said parcel of land; 'Thence, N. 39049'30'' E., along the northwesI:er'ly line of said parcel of land and along the northwesterly line of those p.arcels described in' the following dee'ds, recorded in Book 784~ page 9~3· Book 687~ page 707; Book 7648, page 4R2; Book 11544, pag.e 877; Book il.88, page 385; and Book 11407, page 633, of Deeds, Offi. c'ial Records of said Or~'age County, a -Jis,t~nc~ 'of 57'~.30 feet to the n,~.rtherly corner of .Iasc mentioned parce! of lead, said no~ .... .cr]y corner also beinc the w.e~.erly corner of Parcel 2, of a 'Record 'of Sur'vey f'ileJ-~.n 2e..'3'.: 73', 43 of Record of Surveys, Re-ords of said Orange County; page. Thence,. S. 50010'30'' E., along the northeaste, rly line of last mentioned · . par~'el of land and- along ~h,-',... sour. h...~t~r!y',.~ }.[ne of ~aid Parcel d i $ fence of 5':3. OO .feet to the sou~h:.~r ly corner oF sa i d Parce. l 2, sa i d ~,~l~erly corner also b~ing the '..-,-~ster]y corner ~)f P'arc~l 1 ?.~.cord 'of Survey; -2- 9.] .o Thence, leaving said northeasterly, line and said sout:hwest:erly line, N. 3'~°~:9'30'' E., along the southeasterly 1;.ne of .sa.;d P~rc~l · a~:"J a'lon? ~'~;,a ;aurthwest'erty t in~; of said ?areal a .di'stan.c-a' of 1~5.5-5 feet t.6 the centerl ina of ~'i.,:.tchal 1 Aven:J.a;' poin~ of , . O rnlOnOO:. ~On ~h~ reo ~ interse~;t[on wi t:h Thenc'e, }l. 50°10'30'' ¥1.., along he centerline of Mi-tchell Avenue, di';-tan.c~; of t4,00 f-eat to the point of intersection with th.z south- . ,;;e...;t~:rly p'r. olo~' ation o.~ the no'rthwesterly line of 1. ors. 1 and 2 of ;~o. 51~'~ as per map recorded in Book' 17, page 50 of bliscellaneoL Records. bf said Orange County; N.. 39°~9'30" E., a distance oi: · . Thence,. leavin, g said centerline of Mitchell Avenue, along said pro. longation and said northwesterly line, · 3.00.77 feet to the nor. therly corner of said lot 2; · · ' .a T. hence,. S. 49°39'40" .E., along the northeasteriy 1 ine of sa id. a distance of .4.00 feet to the westerly corner of the parcel land as shown on a .map filed in 8ook 65, page 6 of Record of Records of said Orange County; ' 'Thence, N. 39°49'30" E. ~ alonE! of Surveg, a distance oF 95.43 the .southwesterly line of lo~ 2 recorded in Book 4, page 76 of Miscellaneous Maps, Records Orange. County ;. . II · . · · Thence, N. '49°51'08"'W., along said southwesterly line, a of 181.O4 'feet to the westerly corner pf said lot 2; 1. ot' 2, of: ' S u rv-eys, the northwestei'ly 1 ine of said Record fa'et to the point of intersection with of the Newport Avenue Tract as per .map of ,sa i d- · distande .Thence, $' 89°'56'15'' E., along the northerly 'line of lots 2 and'l, of said Newport Avenue Tract, a distance-of 380.06 feet to the point of intersection with the original City of Tustin boundary, as establish_~d by incorporat.ion dated September 19, 1927; · · · Thence, $. 00o13'30'' E., along said original .City.of Tustin boundary, d'istance of 139.97 feet to the point of. beginning. . . · · · .. / ~-' 3~5. O,Y '~_ '-~' I~.~0 5.89'~S 51W. 64~' 9'. ~/~' ' . ~. /~. ;.39'5447% 40.00' WALNUT- NEWPORT- MITCHELL' Ar,,INEXATiON NO. 95 ~___'~--:L'_-~_:~=,_, ~--~:' ::--=-~-'~-~:~- - :--~-~:---':L_=-_-t= = -=~--~-~- ::f- , ::::7 :; =- ~ '-::-' -:._ _---': ;,- - '.'---:~ ~=:~ ~ ~ : ~ ~_,, ~,-£~__~:,,4,~,--.-~::_ _ . . ~ ..... . . TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA PA3SED AND ADGPTED ElY RES. NO .... P.~TED ...... : CERTIF;ED 8T THE SECRETARY CF ST.~'FE:______ ,---,--.---.--EXISTING CITY OF T'JSTI~I BOUNDARY "~::C~:L 'A ..... -": "..;.") S-': ' i',M,tC~L"r3' ~.,-,4AC. - O 0,5-) 3G ML · 4~3 STATE OF CALIFORNIA) COUNTY OF OP, ANGE ) SS CITY OF TUSTIN ) · AYES: NOES - RUTH C. POE, City Clerk and ex-officio. Clerk of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, does hereby certify that the whole number of the members of the City Council of the City of Tustin is five; that the above and forego.ing Resolution No. _76-7_~ was duly and regularly introduced, read, passed and adopted at. a regular, meeting of the City Council held on the ~ ]_gth _~_day of 19 76, by the following vote- · . . SALTARELLI, WELSH, EDGAR, SHARP, SUTCLIFF COUN CIL~ZEN: NONE 'COUNCILMEN- . ABSENT: COUNCILMEN' NONE . Oity Clerk,~~ty of Tustin, Ca~.ifoi-~i'a- · . %