HomeMy WebLinkAbout05 Commendation NominationsITEM #5 DATE: MAY 13, 2008 TO: PLANNING COMMISSION FROM: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT SUBJECT: COMMENDATION NOMINATIONS - 2008 SECOND QUARTER RECOMMENDATION That the Planning Commission approve the nomination of 340 West Main Street or 200 South A Street to the City's Commendation Program. BACKGROUND AND DISCUSSION The City's commendation program recognizes an Old Town property of outstanding merit every calendar quarter. A decorative sign is displayed at the property and the owner is provided with a City-paid plaque and recognized at a City Council meeting. Properties commended to date include 355 West Second Street, 320 West Third Street, 520 West Main Street, 160 South Pacific Street, and 335 South C Street. The call for nominations for the second quarter of 2008 was mailed out to stakeholders on April 21, 2008. As of May 6, 2008, two nominations had been received. 340 West Main Street Tustin residents Markus and Heidi Brown submitted the attached nomination for their residence at 340 West Main Street. The craftsman bungalow was built in 1914 and has a B rating in the City's 1990 Historical Survey. 200 South A Street Tustin resident Lucy Burch submitted the attached nomination for the residence at 200 South A Street. The colonial revival home was built in 1907 and has an A rating in the City's 1990 Historical Survey. The detached garage with second floor game room was constructed in 2007. Scott Reekstin Senior Planner Attachment A -Nomination Forms Attachment B -Photographs S:1Cdd1PCREPORT120081Commendation 2008 Second Quarter.doc ATTACHMENT A NOMINATION FORMS Apr 24 0$ 04.2'~i Markus & Heidi E3rnwn 7146691831 p.1 ~~--t-~ f ~~ -~~ ~ ~1 CI'r~' ()r'1'F I;;'1'IN Comnnu>aity Dc~'i:loptncnt ~~U Ct't7th:[llllal ~~'~:ty' TU5tX11, CA 9`l7H() (71r1•) 573-U1~,~G (714.) i73-;=3113 t~ or (~l~cc Use Only Casc N~~. _...._ Datc Rcvd._______. 1'tcvd. I3y___-___-- OLD TOvVN T'><)'ST'IN COMMENDATION' PROGRAM NOMIlVATION FORM Th:inlc ,you loa nomizYatino a prvpcrty- to the City's C)ld ~1'owm, commcndatirn~ prr~~,~-am. llil commcz~cial, rc~idenCial, and institutional proT7crtics in Old rl,o~vn "l,ustin are eli~'il7le !or llOmin.1.17Ui1 LO tllC' p1'nmC'alll. OWller~ O~ prUj)Crl]e t1~~: are selected by the City's I'lanninn CoYiunission For f.hc pra~,rr:1Yn ;~.re reei~hRYi'retf by the City Count:il. 'l~lie 1'L•uinilY~; Caininiasioii will cc~inincx~d oxic prcrpcrh j>er calendar quarter. ~vc:~n~rrr~,l~l~.n ~rtc~PiJl;_TY Prc>jf~rty .ll.ddress: rh ~ U ~1 ' I I ~_Q [`f'~ c~~ StnictureName(Ifany)_ ~f~7v'i-vrq.-, ~yv~~ (~«~ier cif' Specify your reasons for the nolYYiriation (e.~;. eonclidon ol'strueture and/nr ~rclunds, l~riele of pwi-iership, cu-chitectural details, landscapin;, overall maintenanCC, receA~t izYY~~r«vciYYCnin~, e:tc;.): ~C.S/'r'••~~r`.~'^~ yC•...1`'+l~'~o,l~r ~~'~ +~~f r'/(7'L'V~i~.- (,/+~I'n f^f~,.' /i. ~~i. .~r'r-;5 /QtiaK L~~?t'~r'.~a..,~( G~~r~r•.CCF iv,f c ) ~/ i i ~Z (, J /' r /-~s(i^+1+'ow i-~ct~,~tf~ r`C7"r`.~i.st~~'~-+~'~1~~'G.S~n' j •:r.~~.~.,1~ 1'(fue.ri: S'~,~",'~N~ /ln~.,~t ~"Wf {'O.J~o vh fn,. DISC f,~~v*io+' /+.~~nir k7._c ~~s..~~'~1 r~~v~4.~.'.`,~r t ~!-C . Yc1Ur Xou-• l~csidcnce or 13u~inc;ss Address ~ ~ ~~-~ ~~ rl~'ekphnuc: Your ~i-ynaLurc~ Date r`J C' Tn Iie Coml7leted ley' City -~~~ ---~- historic 17i:sigiiatiou: ~Loc:l,l ~Statc ^i~ational ^1Vrrnc Listins;~ in Historic..tl Survc}~: ~A ^13 ^C: UI) C]'Wc> `1'ypc ~Ct]mmerCiill ^Rcsid~utial ~IlisliluliUnal CITY OF'TiiSTIN Community Developineiit 3UU Cente[mial Way Tustin, CA 9278U (7140 573-3140 (714) 573-3113 , ~!sl' ~ UC For Otlice LTse Only Case No.____~____ Date Rcvd.________ __ Rcvd. By___________u`_ OLD TOWN TUSTIN COMMF~TDATION PROGRAM NOMINATION FORM Th<uik you fcrr nominating a property to ttie City's Old Town commendation prog7-aln. All cornmercial, residential, and institutional properties iii Old Town 'Tustin are eligible for nomination to the prot,~ram. Owners of properties that are selected by the City's Planning Corrunission for the prograrn al-e recognized by tl-e City Cow~cil. Tlie Planrung~ Commission will commend one property per c~ilendru• qual•ter. NOMINATED PROPERTY Property Adclress:~ Structure Name (Ifaiiy)~010/1 jQ) ~tV1 V0. ~~ S f'1e1~'Q ~au~zc ~~ ()wrier of Property (if luiowti) I1,Q_~pwn Specily your reasons ii>r the nonunatioti (e.g. condition of stricture and/or grounds, pride ol- ownership, ai~cluteclural details, landscaping, Duel all mainten<uice, recent improvements, etr.): ~ I~ ~ --f-l1e. a boyc. Your Name L(~re, ~DIJIdU~I Your Residence or Business Address blQ ~ GS ~' ~ lyd ~TT~CG.t" ~'u.tfin C~ ~ L7 YO Telephone Number (Zj~) $3L " 33? Your Sig~iature Date --- -^- --- 'I'o Be Completed by City - -- Historic Designation: ^Local ^State ^National ^None Listing in Historical Survey: ^A ^B ^C ^D ^No rl'ype ^Commercial ^Residential ^Ir-slitutional ATTACHMENT B PHOTOGRAPHS ~~~}}i ~~ 1~~1 I ~~~ X11 ,1 - --- - =-f- -- ,I ,:; ~L, ~;~,'~, ,~ .p'., .~~, K 'I ti, ~~},1 c4'rI y.. I 1 'N r II~, I. t~~,y~~~m ~1 ' ~ `[ I ~. ~ `I'. 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