HomeMy WebLinkAbout06 CC Action Agenda 5-6-08ITEM #6 Report to the Planning Commission DATE: MAY 13, 2008 SUBJECT: CITY COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA MAY 6, 2008 PRESENTATION: ELIZABETH A. BINSACK, DIRECTOR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT ATTACHMENT: CITY COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA MAY 6, 2008 ACTION AGENDA OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA MAY 6, 2008 CALLED TO ORDER MEETING #2187 AT 5:30 P.M ATTENDANCE Present: Mayor Jerry Amante; Mayor Pro Tem Doug Davert; and Councilmembers Lou Bone, Tony Kawashima, and Jim Palmer Absent: None City Clerk: Maria Huizar, Chief Deputy City Clerk Others Present: William A. Huston, City Manager and Doug Holland, City Attorney PUBLIC INPUT -None CLOSED SESSION ITEMS A. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL-PENDING LITIGATION pursuant to subdivision (a) of Section 54956.9 of the Government Code: City of Tustin v. AAE Pacific Park Associates, LLC et al., Case No. 030001932 B. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL-PENDING LITIGATION pursuant to subdivision (a) of Section 54956.9 of the Government Code: City of Newport Beach and City of Tustin v. City of Irvine -Case No. 070001264 & Case No. 070001265 C. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL-PENDING LITIGATION pursuant to subdivision (a) of Section 54956.9 of the Government Code: Legal Ease, Inc., a California Corporation v. City of Tustin et al., Case Number 070003504 RECESSED - At 5:31 p.m. City Council recessed to closed session to discuss matters listed under Closed Session. RECONVENED - At 6:59 p.m. City Council reconvened in public session with all members present. City Council Meeting May 6, 2008 Agenda Page 1 of 11 PUBLIC MEETING CALLED TO ORDER MEETING #2187 AT 7:00 P.M. INVOCATION -Father John Block, St. Cecilia's Church PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - Councilmember Kawashima ROLL CALL Present: Mayor Jerry Amante; Mayor Pro Tem Doug Davert, Councilmembers Lou Bone, Tony Kawashima, and Jim Palmer Absent: None City Clerk: Pamela Stoker Others Present: William A. Huston, Assistant City Manager and Doug Holland, City Attorney CLOSED SESSION REPORT -City Attorney Holland reported that the City Council met in closed session on the items on the Agenda and provided direction to legal counsel on all 3 items; item C has been settled and documents will be made public as soon as they are available. PRESENTATIONS • Proclamation presented by Mayor Amante to the Senior Advisory Committee in recognition of their successful Volunteer Program • Proclamation presented by Mayor Amante to Dick Hsu of DCH Tustin Acura in recognition of DCH Auto Group's 60th Anniversary PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING: FISCAL YEAR 2008-09 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) FUNDING ALLOCATION, FISCAL YEAR 2008-09 ACTION PLAN The Community Development Department is proposing to submit to the Federal Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) a FY 2008- 09 Action Plan for the Community Development Block Grant which describes the activities that the City will undertake during the program year. The City Council held a public hearing regarding the Action Plan and Funding Allocation on April 15, 2008. During the public hearing, the City Council continued the item to the May 6, 2008 hearing and directed staff to provide funding history information and recommend a minimum funding amount. Mayor Pro Tem Davert thanked staff for incorporating changes requested at the previous Council meeting, also thanked Citizens Advisory Committee. City Council Meeting May 6, 2008 Agenda Page 2 of 11 Councilmember Palmer questioned timeframe for review of Consolidated Plan priorities. Community Development Director Binsack indicated that they can be amended annually. Also had concerns about the allocations of City sponsored programs at 93% vs. 7% for community based and non-profit agencies, and Mandatory Guidelines not adhered to with 3 government programs that do not qualify as State registered non-profit. Supports the $5,000 minimum grant requirement and suggests improving process guidelines. Mayor Amante not willing to cut programs or shift funds at this time; would like to see long-term commitments with measurable outcomes. Inquired about "Kids Korner" program. City Manager Huston replied it was a preschool care program previously handled by anon-profit that City recently took over. Mayor Pro Tem Davert feels not necessary to utilize full 15% for non-profits, supports using CDBG funds for programs run by City that support the overall community and supports staff recommendation. Councilmember Bone supports the use of CDBG funds for City sponsored programs. Public hearing opened at 7:28 p.m. Robyn Greenstein, representing Mercy House spoke of new program, Cold Weather Shelter Armory, that would serve .approximately 30 Tustin residents. Thanked Council and urged support. Hearing closed at 7:29 p.m. Motion: It was moved by Mayor Pro Tem Davert, seconded by Councilmember Kawashima, to: 1.a. Adopt resolution; RESOLUTION NO. 08-26 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE PROPOSED USE OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) FUNDS FOR INCLUSION IN THE FISCAL YEAR 2008-09 ACTION PLAN AND AUTHORIZE SUBMISSION TO THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT (HUD) 1.b. Authorize submission to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD); and 1.c. That the City Council establish a $5,000.00 minimum funding amount for CDBG program activities. Motion carried 4-1 (Palmer dissented). City Council Meeting May 6, 2008 Agenda Page 3 of 11 2. PUBLIC HEARING: ADOPTION OF THE ORANGE COUNTY ANIMAL CONTROL SERVICE'S "BARKING DOG" PROGRAM AND SECOND READING OF ORDINANCE NO. 1350 The City Council introduced Ordinance No. 1350 at the April 15, 2008 City Council meeting. A requirement of the County of Orange's ordinance is to hold a public hearing that would adopt said ordinance. The ordinance proposes to amend Part 1 of Chapter 2 of Title 4 of the Tustin Municipal Code and adopt by reference the relevant provisions of Division 1 of Title 4 and Divisions 1, 2, and 3 of Title 5 of the Codified Ordinances of the County of Orange to include the "barking dog" provisions. Public hearing opened at 7:31 p.m. Anne Mahoney spoke in opposition to proposed ordinance. Hearing closed at 7:34 p.m. Motion: It was moved by Mayor Pro Tem Davert, seconded by Councilmember Kawashima, to have second reading by title only and adoption of Ordinance No. 1350 (roll call vote). ORDINANCE NO. 1350 - AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN AMENDING CHAPTER 2 OF TITLE 4 OF THE TUSTIN MUNICIPAL CODE PERTAINING TO ANIMALS AND FOWL Motion carried 3-2 (Mayor Amante and Councilmember Palmer dissented) ORAL COMMUNICATION /PUBLIC INPUT -None CONSENT CALENDAR ITEMS - It was moved by Councilmember Bone, seconded by Councilmember Kawashima, to approve Consent Calendar items as recommended by staff. Motion carried 5-0. 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES -REGULAR MEETING OF APRIL 15, 2008 Motion: Approve the Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of April 15, 2008. 4. APPROVAL OF DEMANDS AND RATIFICATION OF PAYROLL Motion: Approve demands in the amounts of $560,345.01; $875,053.07; and $11,346,004.24; Reversals in the amount of $35,771.64 and Payroll in the amount of $662,396.94. City Council Meeting May 6, 2008 Agenda Page 4 of 11 5. DECLARATION OF SURPLUS PROPERTY -FINANCE DEPARTMENT The City has accumulated a large quantity of obsolete and/or damaged computer and other equipment. The listed equipment is no longer usable or required for public use. Motion: 5.a. Declare the listed equipment surplus and not required for public use; and 5.b. Authorize staff to sell/have auctioned serviceable equipment of value and dispose of assets beyond repair. 6. PLANNING ACTION AGENDA -APRIL 22, 2008 All actions of the Planning Commission become final unless appealed by the City Council or members of the public. Motion: Receive and file. 7. TUSTIN RESPONSE TO DEIR FOR CITY OF IRVINE SHADY CREEK MEDICAL CENTER City Council authorization is requested for the City of Tustin's response to the subject Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) fora General Plan Amendment and Zone Change associated with the proposed development of up to a maximum 150,000 square-foot medical office center, including up to 7,200 square feet of supporting retail uses. The project site is approximately 21 acres and is generally bounded by San Diego Creek to the north, Interstate 405 to the south, and Sand Canyon Avenue to the east. Motion: Authorize staff to forward the draft response letter to the City of Irvine. 8. FINAL PARCEL MAP 2007-131 -LIBRARY AT CIVIC CENTER COMPLEX Final Parcel Map 2007-131 is a request to consolidate twelve (12) existing lots into two parcels to accommodate a 31,281 square foot new library at the Civic Center complex. (Applicant/Owner: City of Tustin). As authorized by the Tustin City Code Section 9314, the Community Development Director, following consultation with the City Engineer, waived the requirement for a tentative parcel map since the proposed subdivision is resulting from the conveyance of land or any interest therein to or from the City for public purposes; thus, only a Final Parcel Map is processed. City Council Meeting May 6, 2008 Agenda Page 5 of 11 Motion: Adopt resolution. RESOLUTION NO. 08-32 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN APPROVING FINAL PARCEL MAP 2007- 131 TO CONSOLIDATE TWELVE (12) LOTS INTO TWO (2) PARCELS TO ACCOMMODATE THE NEW LIBRARY AT THE TUSTIN CIVIC CENTER 9. JOHN WAYNE AIRPORT NOISE ABATEMENT QUARTERLY REPORTS This report transmits two John Wayne Airport Noise Abatement Quarterly Reports for the third and fourth quarters of 2007. The average noise level measured at monitoring station NMS 10N, located at Columbus Tustin Middle School on Beneta Way, remained relatively constant during the third and fourth quarters. Average noise levels during both quarters remained below the City, County, and State criteria of 65 dB Community Noise Equivalent Level (CNEL) for residential uses. Motion: Receive and file report. 10. CONTRACT AMENDMENT FOR MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR SERVICES OF THE CITY'S HVAC SYSTEMS WITH BARR ENGINEERING, INC. Approval of the fourth contract amendment with Barr Engineering, Inc., will extend the Agreement for Heating, Ventilating., Refrigeration, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) Systems Maintenance and Repair Services for the period from July 1, 2008 to June 30, 2009, with no increase in the contract price. Motion: Approve the fourth amendment to the Contract Agreement between Barr Engineering, Inc. and the City of Tustin for Heating, Ventilating, Refrigeration, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) Systems Maintenance and Repair Services, subject to City Attorney approval. 11. TUSTIN LANDSCAPE AND LIGHTING DISTRICT LEVY OF ANNUAL ASSESSMENTS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2008-09 The City Council, at their meeting of February 5, 2008, adopted Resolution No. 08-15, which ordered the preparation of an Engineer's Report for the Levy of Annual Assessments for the Tustin Landscape and Lighting District. The Engineer's Report has now been completed and consideration of the following actions is now appropriate. Motion: Adopt resolutions. City Council Meeting May 6, 2008 Agenda Page 6 of 11 RESOLUTION NO. 08-33 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA APPROVING THE ENGINEER'S REPORT FOR THE TUSTIN LANDSCAPE AND LIGHTING DISTRICT LEVY OF ANNUAL ASSESSMENTS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 RESOLUTION NO. 08-34 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA DECLARING ITS INTENTION TO PROVIDE FOR AN ANNUAL LEVY OF ASSESSMENT FOR FISCAL YEAR 2008-2009 FOR THE IMPROVEMENT, MAINTENANCE AND SERVICING OF PUBLIC LANDSCAPING AND LIGHTING FACILITIES IN THE TUSTIN RANCH AREA WITHIN THE BOUNDARIES OF THE TUSTIN LANDSCAPE AND LIGHTING DISTRICT AND TO LEVY AND COLLECT ASSESSMENTS PURSUANT TO THE LANDSCAPING AND LIGHTING ACT OF 1972 AND PROPOSITION 218 AND GIVING NOTICE THEREOF 12. AMENDMENT TO CONSULTANT SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH JACOBS CIVIL, INC. Motion: Approve Amendment No. 3 to the Consultant Services Agreement with Jacobs Civil, Inc. (Jacobs) to provide additional Construction Management Services for the Newport Avenue Extension/SR-55 Ramp Reconfiguration Project (CIP No. 7130) and the Edinger Avenue (Smart Street) Widening Project (CIP No. 7147 in the City of Tustin and CIP No. 2585 in the City of Santa Ana) and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the Amendment on behalf of the City. 13. AMENDMENT TO CONSULTANT SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH TETRA TECH, INC. Amendment No. 6 to the Consultant Services Agreement between the City and Tetra Tech, Inc. will provide for the preparation of a water quality management plan (WQMP) and additional engineering design services for the Rawlings Reservoir Replacement Project (CIP No. 6136). These services are needed because they were not included in Tetra Tech's original project scope of work. Motion: Approve Amendment No. 6 to the Consultant Services Agreement with Tetra Tech, Inc. to provide additional Design Engineering Services for the Rawlings Reservoir Replacement Project (CIP No. 6136) and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the Amendment on behalf of the City. 14. APPLICATION FOR PROPOSITION 1 B STREET FUNDS City Council Meeting May 6, 2008 Agenda Page 7 of 11 Proposition 1 B funds have been allocated by the California State Legislature and include $550 million for cities in Fiscal Year 2007-08. Adoption of Resolution No. 08-29 will allow the City to provide the necessary documentation to the State to secure the City's portion of these funds, which is $1,166,788.68 in Fiscal Year 2007-08. Motion: 14.a. Adopt resolution; and RESOLUTION NO. 08-29 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA AMENDING RESOLUTION 07-29, THE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET APPROPRIATION FOR FISCAL YEAR 2007-08, TO ADJUST THE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM BUDGET TO RECOGNIZE FUNDING FROM PROPOSITION 1 B 14.b. Authorize staff to apply to the State Department of Finance for release of Proposition 1 B bond funds for this project. 15. AWARD OF CONTRACT FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE SYCAMORE AVENUE STORM DRAIN FROM SCHOOL LANE TO DEL AMO AVENUE (CIP NO. 5033) Bids for the Sycamore Avenue Storm Drain from School Lane to Del Amo Avenue (CIP No. 5033) have been received and a construction contract is ready to be awarded. Motion: Award the construction contract for the Sycamore Avenue Storm Drain from School Lane to Del Amo Avenue (CIP No. 5033) to Garcia Juarez Construction, Inc., the lowest responsible and responsive bidder, in the amount of $375,720.00, and authorize the Mayor and the City Clerk to execute the contract documents on behalf of the City. 16. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW, APPROVAL OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS, AND AUTHORIZATION TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS FOR THE CITRUS RANCH PARK PROJECT (CIP NO. 2046) The plans and specifications for the Citrus Ranch Park Project (CIP No. 2046) have been prepared and the project is now ready to be bid. An environmental checklist has been prepared for this project and based on the checklist the project will not result in additional impacts previously considered in the certified Final Environmental Impact Report for the East Tustin Specific Plan, which serves as a Program EIR for the proposed project. City Council Meeting May 6, 2008 Agenda Page 8 of 11 Motion: Adopt resolutions. RESOLUTION NO. 08-24 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, FINDING THAT FINAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT FOR THE EAST TUSTIN SPECIFIC PLAN (FINAL EIR 85-2, AS MODIFIED BY SUBSEQUENTLY ADOPTED SUPPLEMENTS AND ADDENDA) IS ADEQUATE TO SERVE AS THE PROGRAM EIR FOR DEVELOPMENT OF A 17-ACRE COMMUNITY PARK SITE AT 2910 PORTOLA PARKWAY AS REQUIRED BY THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT RESOLUTION NO. 08-25 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE CITRUS RANCH PARK PROJECT (CIP NO. 2046), AND AUTHORIZING ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS 17. ADJUST RATES FOR CITY ATTORNEY SERVICES The City's rates for city attorney services were last adjusted on July 1, 2005. Motion: Authorize the Mayor to execute an amendment to the City's existing agreement with Woodruff, Spradlin & Smart for legal services to increase the rates for legal services to $195.00 per hour for attorneys and $110.00 per hour for paralegals effective July 1, 2008 and provide for an automatic annual CPI adjustment up to five percent. In the event the CPI exceeded five percent in any year, City Council approval would be required for any additional amount. REGULAR BUSINESS ITEMS 18. AUTHORIZING THE CREATION OF A VOLUNTARY DONATION OPTION TO BE APPLIED TO CUSTOMERS OF THE CITY'S WATER SYSTEM The City Council directed staff to create a voluntary donation program for the benefit of the Tustin Community Foundation that can be implemented through the City's Utility Billing System. The attached Resolution formally creates this program and authorizes staff to include it as a separate line item on future water bills. Erin Nielsen, Executive Director of the Tustin Community Foundation thanked council for program. Motion: It was moved by Mayor Pro Tem Davert, seconded by Councilmember Palmer, to adopt resolution. City Council Meeting May 6, 2008 Agenda Page 9 of 11 RESOLUTION NO. 08-28 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN ESTABLISHING A VOLUNTARY PROGRAM FOR MAKING DONATIONS TO THE TUSTIN COMMUNITY FOUNDATION FOR THE BENEFIT OF TUSTIN COMMUNITY SERVICE PROVIDERS Motion carried 5-0. 19. LEGISLATIVE REPORT: SB1185 Senate Bill 1185 (Lowenthal) would extend the expiration date by 24 months of any tentative map, vesting tentative map, or parcel map for which a tentative map or tentative vesting map has been approved. The bill also would extend the expiration date by 24 months of a legislative, administrative, or other approval by a state agency relating to a development project in a subdivision affected by the bill. A copy of the bill is included as Attachment A to agenda report. Motion: It was moved by Councilmember Bone, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Davert, to take a position to support SB1185 and direct staff to transmit the draft letter of support to Senator Lowenthal. Motion carried 5-0. 20. LEGISLATIVE REPORTS: AB642, AB1815, AB3034, SB619 At the request of Councilmember Bone, staff has reviewed AB642 (design build), AB1815 (, AB3034, SB619 and staff is recommending that the City send a letter of support for AB642 and continue to monitor AB1815, AB3034, SB619. Motion: It was moved by Councilmember Bone, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Davert, to support AB642 and direct staff to transmit the draft letter, and continue to monitor AB1815, AB3034 and SB619. Council discussion ensued. Mayor Amante requested staff report with possible impacts of bill before making a decision on AB3034 linked to bond measure that will be on the Ballot in November of 2008. Amended Motion: It was moved by Councilmember Bone, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Davert, to support AB642 and direct staff to transmit the draft letter; continue to monitor AB1815 and SB619; and return to Council with possible impacts of AB3034. Motion carried 5-0. OTHER BUSINESS/COMMITTEE REPORTS Councilmember Kawashima: City Council Meeting May 6, 2008 Agenda Page 10 of 11 • Questioned deadline for CR&R to finish trash can replacement. Director Serlet indicated that deadline is July 1St Councilmember Palmer: • Attended National Volunteer Week at White House where President announced Barry Salzberg, CEO of Deloitte, committed $50 million of pro Bono services to non-profit agencies and Paul Otellini, CEO of Intel, committed 1 million hours of volunteer service; and • Reported that 17 affordable housing units opened in Buena Park today; thanked local volunteer builders. Councilmember Bone: • Metrolink received over $9 million from Prop 1 B funds; passenger count projections are increasing, fares raised 5.5%, new rail cars to arrive by end of year; • Orange County Council Of Governments report -district changes being considered, AQMD presentation on Rule 2301, Mayor Amante requested staff provide update at next Council meeting; and • Orange County Vector Control District hired 36 season employees, working on mosquito and fire ant control. Mayor Pro Tem Davert: • Reminded everyone Mother's Day on Sunday; • Teacher of the Year dinner on Tuesday, May 13th, great event recognizing teachers; • Attended awards banquet for Tustin Preservation Conservancy, congratulated McCharles House as award recipient; • Went on Ride-Along, very impressed with level of police service; and • Orange County Fire Authority released annual report, summarized statistics of report. Mayor Amante: • AB2906, study of continuous-access HOV lanes, approved on April 21St; • Judge voted in support of Cities of Newport Beach and Tustin on case against City of Irvine who violated CEQA guidelines in approving developments without EIR and effects on bordering cities. • California Department of Finance reported State budget shortfall; and • SB375 currently before Southern California Association of Governments, is an attempt to remove discretionary actions of City regarding local planning (RHNA process); requested current legislation for Council review. ADJOURNED - 8:18 P.M. -The next regular meeting of the City Council is scheduled for Tuesday, May 20, 2008 at 5:30 for Closed Session and 7:00 p.m. for the Regular Business Meeting in the Council Chamber, 300 Centennial Way, Tustin, California. City Council Meeting May 6, 2008 Agenda Page 11 of 11 ACTION AGENDA OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA MAY 6, 2008 CALL TO ORDER - 8:18 p.m. ATTENDANCE Present: Chair Jerry Amante; Chair Pro Tem Doug Davert; Agency Members Lou Bone, Tony Kawashima, and Jim Palmer Absent: None Recording Secretary: Pamela Stoker Others Present: William A. Huston, Executive Director and Douglas C. Holland, City Attorney PUBLIC INPUT -None REGULAR BUSINESS ITEM 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES -REGULAR MEETING OF APRIL 15, 2008 Motion: It was moved by Chair Pro Tem Davert, seconded by Agency Member Palmer, to approve the Redevelopment Agency Minutes of April 15, 2008. Motion carried 5-0. ADJOURNED - 8:18 p.m. -Next regular meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, May 20, 2008 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber, 300 Centennial Way, Tustin, California Community Redevelopment Agency Meeting May 6, 2008 Action Agenda Page 1 of 1