HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 75-49 RESOLUTION NO. 75-49 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA DECLARING ITS INTENTION TO CALL A SPECIAL ANNEXATION ELECTION AND FIXING A TIME AND PLACE FOR HEARING BY THE CITY COUNCIL ON THE PROPOSED ANNEXATION AND OF WRITTEN REQUESTS FOR EXCLUSION OF PROPERTY The City Council of t~he City of Tustin, California, does hereby resolve as follc~'s: 1o That ~t is the intention of the City C~uncil, City of Tustin, I' Ca!ifo~nia, to call a special elec~ion to be held on !~ovemtmer 4, 1975, in ;i certain /~b__abited territory contiguous to said City, proposed to be annexed ii thereto, for the purpose o== submitting to the qualified electsrs residing {I in said territory the question whether or not said territory shall be ii annexed to the City of Tustin and t_he p~o_Derty in the territory subjected ii to taxation after a~.nexation e_c/ually with the property within the City of :.i .T~stin to pay the bonded indebtedness of the City of Tustin outstandLng :.~ or authorized at the date of the first publication of the ~Wotice of il Election, for the ac.~uisition, construction or comoletion of mLLnicioal !~ i~.orove--ents~ Said territory is shown on the-.~a? attached hereto, ' m-~arked ~---xhibit "A" and inco ~rporated herein by this reference· and is ii lecaltv described in Ex~hibit "B" attached hereto and inoorDorated herein by this reference. !i 2~ That said territory_ hereby is designated and identified as the " "Sycz~ore-Red Hill Annexation !.~o. 85" of the City of Tustin~ · 'i 3 ~Notice is hereby given ti~t on the 18th day of Au~_~st , 1975 at ~¥.e hour of 7:30 P.M. in the Council C~!r~ers of the City of · i'.. ~ustin, at Centenn~=l ..... & ".La~n ~ Streets, ~ity~ of ?~stin, california, city Co:~--ncil will conduct a hearinc on the proposed a~nexation ~d will receiwe, inear and consider-written reqmests for exclusion of proper~y from ii the Dro-oosed armexation which skall be presented pursuant to Section 35120 . of the Cover~.-.:ent .Code any~L~..e prior to said hearing. Any interested ~2rson r~y appear at said hearing and be heard by the City Council. 4. The City clerk, city of Tustin, ~alifornia, shall certify to the adcp~.ion of the P. esolution and cause the s~-..e to be published in 310 1 2 S 6 · 7 8 9 The Register once a week for the two weeks prior to the hearing. PASSED A~D ADO~~ at a regular meeting of the City Council, City of Tustin, California, held on the 21st day of July 1975 A~T: · x~YOR ...~' ,311 O( . ( 1 AN NEXATION N0.85 · SYCAMORm RED HI'' TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA PASSED AND ADOPTED BY RES..~:CL ..... DATED ..... CERTIFIED BY TH/ .~ECRF. TARY OF STATE ___L.. EG E N_D__ '.--------EXISTING CiTY OF' TUSTIN BOUNDARY L~3 AN,N EXATION AREA EXHIBYT "A" AREA 10.008 ACRES O.015~ SO. MI. 312 LEGAL DESC.~IPT!ON FOR THE -TO THE CiTY 0F ~US~iN, C.~iFO~iA Beginning at t~he point of intersection of the centeriines of Red Hill Avenue and Sycamore Avenue, said point of inter-- section also being the most easterly corner--.of the Warner- Syca~more Annexation to ~he City of Tustin, ~alifornia, per Ordinance No. 245, passed and adopted December 2, 1963; Thence, along ~he 'existing boundary line of said City of . Tustin as established by said "Warner-Sycamore~,~,exa~on-~-- ~-' ", by "Walnut Avenue--Red Hill Avenue West Annexation (Revised)", and by "Red Hill-Walnut Annexation" through, the following .. co~es: N. 50°01'06" W., a distance of 660.38 feet; Thence, N, 40°00'2~" E., a distance of 660.11 feet; Thence, S · 50°00'54" E.., a distance of 660.54 feet; Thence, S. 40°01'13" W., a distance of 660.07 feet o To the point of beginning. EX}IIBIT "B" 31'3 STATE OF ~I FO P~N IA ) COUNTY OF O?.ANGE ) SS CITY OF TUSTIN ) RUTH C. POE, City. Clerk and ex-officio C~erk_ of the City Council of t2~e City o-- Tustin, Califo~ia, does hereby certify tkat the %'hole n~--~er of ti~.e .?.e~.~ers o~ tdte City Counci~ of ~ke City o= ,~ustin is five; t]-.at t~.e above fore~oin? Resolution ':o. 75-49 ~'as duly 'and requ!arly introduced, read, passed ~n'~. adc~ed at a regular .~..eeting of the City Council he!~ on the _~_ 2!s_t ..daY .of ~. july 19 75, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: COU~ CI I/-LEN ~-~ ABSE~U~: COL~CI I~[F-N -:r--~ ~'ity Clerk,~q~y of ~us~in, Publish The Register August 5 ~_nd August 12, 1975