HomeMy WebLinkAbout06 P.C. ACTION AGENDA 2008 05 20AGENDA REPORT Finance Director MEETING DATE: MAY 20, 2008 TO: WILLIAM HUSTON, CITY MANAGER FROM: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT SUBJECT: PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION AGENDA ACTION AGENDA REGULAR MEETING PLANNING COMMISSION MAY 13, 2008 7:00 p.m. CALL TO ORDER Given PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Nielsen, Chair 1. PLANNING COMMISSION REORGANIZATION. Puckett, Chair Pro Tem RECOMMENDATION: That the Planning Commission follow the procedures contained in the staff report to elect a Chairperson and Chairperson Pro Tem. ROLL CALL Present: Chair Nielsen, Chair Pro Tem Puckett Commissioners Kozak, Murray, Thompson Staff Present Elizabeth Binsack, Community Development Director David Kendig, Deputy City Attorney Dana Ogdon, Assistant Community Development Director Scott Reekstin, Senior Planner Justine Willkom, Senior Planner Amy Thomas, Senior Planner Reina Kapadia, Assistant Planner Eloise Harris, Recording Secretary None PUBLIC CONCERNS Action Agenda -Planning Commission May 13, 2008 -Page 1 CONSENT CALENDAR Approved 5-0 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES -APRIL 22, 2008, PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING. Approve 4-0 3. APPROVAL OF CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS Thompson recused REPORT REGARDING OLD TOWN PROJECTS APPROVED BY THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT FROM FEBRUARY 12, 2008, TO MARCH 13, 2008,. PUBLIC HEARINGS: Adopted Resolution 4. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 08-004 REQUESTING No. 4090, as AUTHORIZATION TO ESTABLISH AN OFF-SITE amended ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE SALES ESTABLISHMENT WITH ANCILLARY ON-SITE SALES PRIVILEGES FOR WINE TASTING AND WINE EDUCATION CLASSES. THIS PROJECT IS LOCATED AT 2952 EL CAMINO REAL IN THE PLANNED COMMUNITY MIXED USE ZONING DISTRICT. RECOMMENDATION: That the Planning Commission adopt Resolution No. 4090, approving Conditional Use Permit 08-004. REGULAR BUSINESS: 340 West Main, this 5. TUSTIN COMMENDATION NOMINATIONS - 340 West quarter Main Street and 200 South A Street. 200 South A Street, RECOMMENDATION: next quarter That the Planning Commission approve the nomination of 340 West Main Street or 200 South A Street to the City's Commendation Program. STAFF CONCERNS: 6. REPORT OF ACTIONS TAKEN AT THE MAY 6, 2008, CITY COUNCIL MEETING. Director reported The City Council approved the 2008-09 CDBG Funding Allocation; the application will be forwarded to the federal government. Action Agenda -Planning Commission May 13, 2008 -Page 2 Director continued Reminded the Commissioners that the Housing Element Workshop is scheduled for May 21St in the Clifton Miller Community Center. Indicated that the next Planning Commission agenda will be quite heavy; and, asked the Commissioners if they would still like to have a tour beginning at 5:30 p.m. It was the consensus of the Commission that the tour should be postponed to a time when the agenda will be lighter. COMMISSION CONCERNS: Thompson Referred to Item 8 on the City Council Action Agenda; and, asked whether or not there was a land use decision for the Planning Commission. Director Answered that no map came before the Planning Commission; this was a merger of multiple lots into one lot and was taken directly to the City Council. Thompson Stated he attended the Tustin Preservation Conservancy's Second Annual Award Dinner, a great event that featured many businesses and homes that captured fine examples of restoration efforts; Linda Jennings and the rest of the Board should be commended. Reminded everyone that the Home and Garden Tour takes place this Saturday, May 17tH Noted he is looking forward to being a part of the Chili Cook-off coming up June 6. Asked for a status report regarding the Old Town Guidelines that have been requested by the Commission; he noticed that Orange is having a workshop on standards and wondered if there might be any lessons learned from that. Director Responded that she has not seen what the City of Orange has put together; staff incorporated the guidelines in the budget request forwarded to the Finance Department and City Manager's office; a draft version was received from the Redevelopment Agency but that document is not complete enough for use at this time; a budgetary approval will be required in order to develop the guidelines. Kozak Congratulated Chair Nielsen and Chair Pro Tem Puckett for their respective reappointments. Action Agenda -Planning Commission May 13, 2008 -Page 3 Kozak continued Commented on the momentum that seems to be building regarding Certificates of Appropriateness; and, thanked the property owners for their fine work. Noted he is looking forward to the Housing Element Workshop a week from tomorrow and to the Chili Cook-off, for which he has volunteered to be a chili taster/judge. Murray Offered his congratulations to Chair Nielsen and Chair Pro Tem Puckett. Indicated he attended the Grand Opening of Signature Celebrations in Old Town. Stated that Prospect Village is looking wonderful. Noted that he will also be a judge at the Chili Cook-off for the seventh year in a year. Added that he is looking forward to the 13tH State of the City event on Friday, June 6th Puckett Congratulated Chair Nielsen on his reappointment; and, thanked his fellow Commissioners for reappointing hire as Chair Pro Tem. Stated he attended the Water Summit on May 2 at South Coast Plaza Hotel which was very well attended and very informative. Congratulated Maria Lazaruk and Kim Leason on their election to the Tustin Community Foundation Board of Directors. Indicated that he, too, will be a judge at the Chili Cook-off. Asked if people are moving in at Prospect Village. Director Answered that one unit has been sold and there is a good prospect for a second sale. Puckett Agreed with Commissioner Murray that Prospect Village is a beautiful project. Stated he completed his 100-hole golf marathon in support of Hope University and was once again the top fundraiser for the event at $4,100. Action Agenda -Planning Commission May 13, 2008 -Page ~ Nielsen Thanked Chair Pro Tem Puckett for his fundraising efforts and all he does for the community. Congratulated Chair Pro Tem Puckett on his reappointment; and, thanked his fellow Commissioners for their support and confidence in his ability to move things forward. Restated his concern regarding smoke shops near schools; and, asked for staff's update. Director Indicated that staff has done some distancing and plotting of sensitive uses, smoke shops, and uses that might qualify as smoke shops; research is continuing in this regard. Nielsen Asked if further information might be available within the next 30 days. Director Answered in the affirmative Nielsen Noted that he, too, is looking forward to the Chili Cook-off. 8:02 p.m. ADJOURNMENT: The next regular meeting of the Planning Commission is scheduled for Tuesday, May 27, 2008, at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chamber at 300 Centennial Way. Action Agenda -Planning Commission May 13, 2008 -Page 5