HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 75-16 RESOLUTION NO. 75-16 A RESOLUTION DECLARING THAT PROCEEDINGS HAVE BEEN INITIATED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN TO ANNEX TO SAID CITY CERTAIN UNINHABITED THERRITORY DESCRIED HEREIN, AND DESIGNATED AS "COLUMBUS TUSTIN SCHOOL, ANNEXATION NO. 89" TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN AND GIVING NOTICE OF THE PROPOSED ANNEXATION follows: The City of Tustin, californiat does hereby resolve as 1o Pursuant to the provisions of the Governmen~ Code of the State of California, application was made to the Local Agency Formation. Commission to annex to the City of Tustin all that territory situate in the. County of Orange, State of California, designated "Columbus Tustin School Annexation NOo 89", described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference as though set forth herein in fullo 2o The City Council hereby finds and determines that all of said territory is uninhabited within the meaning of Gover~nent Code Section 35303, on the date of the adoption of tl~is Resolution, that said territory is contiguous 'to the City of Tustino 3o The Local. Agency For,~ation Co~,umission, in session duly asse~01ed, on March 12, 1975, did adopt the-negative declaration.and. approve said proposed annexation° · 4° The property within the annexed territory shall be taxed to pay the indebtedness and liability of the city contracted prior to or existing at the time of annexation. .. '~. 5° That said territory described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and·. incorporated herein by this reference as though set forth herein in full is designated and identified as "Columbus Tustin School Annexation No o 6. Notice is hereby given that on the 19th-day of May, 1975. at the hour of 7:30 pomo, in the Council Chambers, City Center, Centennial at Main, Tustin, California, any person owning real property within said territory so proposed to be annexed, and having any objection to the · : proposed annexation, may appear before said City Council and show cause why such territory should not be annexed. Such protest must be in writing · ~,~ shall state 'the name or n~ues of the owner or owners of .... property affected by such annexation and the location and area of such property, in'general terms. If it b~ found that protest is not made by public and private owners equal to one-half of the value of the territory, further proceedings shall be taken to annex, said territory° . 7. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution and cause the same to be published in the Tustin News, a newspaper of general circulation, printed and published in the City of Tustin, County of Orange, State of California~ once a week for two (2) weeks prior to the hearingo PASSE~ AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of 'l~stin, held on the 7th day of April, 1975. ATTEST: .... CITY CLERK .... -'~~ LE -G~ DES CREPT]iON . ' COLUbtBUS TUST[N SClfOOL A~.IN2XATION NO. 89 TO '.['iiE CITY OF 184 Beginning, at. the point of intersection of the cenkerlines of Irvine Boulevard (formerly Fourth Street) 100 feet wide and Prospect Avenue 80 feet v/ida; Thence, S. 88°14'05" W., along the centerline of said irvine Boulevard, a distance of 40.00. feet to a point on the existing City of Tustin ~ .... ~' ~" by No. 216, passed and adopted May 20, 1963, said point also being the southeasterly corner of Tract No. 7332, as per map recorded in Book 275, pages ].1 and 12 of Miscellaneous Maps Records of Orange County, ~California, s~d point also being ~e true point o~ beqinninq; · ?hence, northerly, easterly, northerly, westerly and nort=herly, along the_ existing City of Tuskin boundary, per above mentio'ne~ Fourth Street ' Annexation and per the Prospect-Irvine-Newport Annexation }~o. 68 (Revised) , per Ordinance No. 543, passed and adopted May 1,' 1972,_ through the following described courses- N. 00°14' 10" W., a. distance. · ,:of. 421.68 feet; .' ':'.. .. "' - . Thence, N.- 89°45'50" E.,...a distance of 510.00 feefi; ' ' . Thence, N. 00°14'10'' W,~'a distance of 456.00-feet; : _.~. '. _' · . . Thence, S "89°45'35" W_',,-. a. distance of 7.00 feet;. .......' ... .. :.. · Thence, N.. 00°15' 38" W_.;~,'a.. distance-of 128.26 feet;- .. - . - · ' .: · .,...· .. - . ._.x°:~'. .~,. . ...... y. - -.. · _. - - ..... . .. .'. ~ . .. ~ .?; . - . - .... ..~ o '90 " .... -":":;' ' .' Thence, N 47'54" E -~:'-a' distance of 376.14 fee't to the begi'nnin~ ' . ... of"a tangen~iCUrVe concave-southerly and having a radius of 600.00 .... · feet; . "~' ............. ":" .. '... ..... ' '. '~-.' '- ;.~_' · .. ..... .. .. - , . - ., .-.. -. , .-.. .... _.. .";.i:[ . ..-..-..;.:. " .'. - .. - -- -.' ...... -. -.. · ,- , ... . %.,.. ,. - : Thende, alone, the arc off, said curve through a cen. kral angle of ' ~' ' "'-'.. .'.'19o01'35'' an "arc distance of 199.24 feet to the beginning o::f a tangent '. '-.reverse cur~e-~.'concave northerly and having a radius of 600,00 feet; .....,-..'. -'. --" .- '..-...?:';';..i?.:':i' '-- : ":., ;.(;;'; .... ',. ......... '- .'.,' - ' ......, '.... - '-...--.,:, '.':~.'~~ce, along"the arc 0f"-'Iast mentioned curve th'ro.u'gh a central a~gle' - '"-- ..... 'oE:'717o38'25"''an arc distance of 184.73 feet, to the beginning, of a ..... · -'~angent cormpo~d curv~.~-.:concave northerly and'having a radius of ..-.. ' " ..... ~OOO.O0 feet;,-:!~ . .'.;.?~-?-J?.%'.'.-. '' ' ~;'.-~.~).!-:'. ., .--. .... ..~-~.... .... -; -- . , . . ..... : ~i-i;.. .;-;:-::~':~:;':.-':. .., ~:-:,~?,.. .. :.:;- - . ; ';::' .-.;..;;..--- . ' .. ".'i[£-" ' ' '" .... ' " - - '..:: "-.' ' ' ' " '"".- '" ·.- Thence, alon~--'the arc 0f.'-i-last-.. mentioned curve through a ceO'-brai angle - -" . " '" of J 00°00 ~39''' '" , an arc distance of 0.76 feet, to ~he ~ntersection with~ . · the westerly--Iine of Tract' No. 3275, as per map recorded in Book 102,. . ._. "'-page 13 of Mi'scellaneous Maps, Records of said Orange County; .. .'. .. . -. -.. i ~:~.-'.;--'-.. . -.." "-..R!..:'... ' ~:,~':?:~. ' '".' .... .. . ' -':',-. '-~-""--...... ."'.,.; .-..-.~- · " 'Thence, leaving the existing City of Tustin b0unda~-S. 00015'38'' E.,. along the westerly line-~.of' said Tract No. 3275, a distance of 138.27 ' feet to the-.southwestert~' corner of said Tract No. 3275, said corfie= '- - also being a' point on the northerly line of Tract No. 2407, as. per map - '' recorded in Book 66, pages 48 and 49 of ~.[iscellaneou$ Maps, Records ... :.. . .. of said Orange County; -". - .-' . .. . . .-.. - . . Thence, S. 89003' 21" W., along the northerly line of said Tract No. 2407, a distance of 26.0U feet to the northwesterly corner of said Tract No. 2407; . Thence, S. 00o16'39" E., along the westerly line of said Tract 2407, a distance of 699.78 feet t° the southwesterly corner of said Tract No. 2407, said corner also being the northwesterly corm. er of Tract No. 4581, as per map recorded in Book 190, pages 9 aha 10 of Miscellar. eous ~.ta-ps, Records of said Orange County; ' · :hence, N. 89600'41'' E., along -the northerly line of said Tract ~:o' 1581, a distance of 821.52 feet to the northeas'kerly corner of said - Tract No. 4581, said corner also being an. angle po-Ln'k in the existing City of Tustin boundary as established by the Irvine-Holt Annexation. No'. 83, per Resolution No. 73-85, passed and adopted December 3, 19 73, b~,ing further described as the most north%vesterly corner of Parcel "B" o~ said annexation; Thence, southerly, westerly and northerly along '/he existing City of Tustin bounda~.f per above mentioned Irvine-Holt Annexa'kion ,~nd fir.st mentio~ed Fourth Street Annexation, through the following described co ur~ ~_..-G - · -1- 185 LEGAL I.')ESCRIPTIO0~ FOR Tile CO 'L U ?,LB U~ TUSTIN SCHOOL ANNEXAT.[ON biO, 89 TI!E CiTY OF TUSTIN, CALIFOILNIA (Continued) 00°13'54" E., a distance of 198.45 feet; Thence, S. 89°51'41'' W., a distance of 780.35 feet to the beginn'ing ~_ _-~ ~n~~+~__._ ~,,~ve_,.._ ~on~ave~ ..~ nc~rth~.r].v~ aud havin~ a radius of 1250.00 feet; - · Thence, along the arc of said curve, through ~-central angle of 12°00 an arc distance of 261' 80 feet to the beginning of a tangent reverse curve concave southerly and having a radius of 1150.00 feet; Thence, along the arc of last mentioned curve, of 13'°37'36''. an arc distance of 273.50 feet; through a central, angle Then ce, .. · , .° Then ce, b_ _eginninq. · o S. 88°14'05'' W., a distance of 739'..67 feet; '" .. ~ t lq' '.00o/.~'10" W., a d~ta.p, ce o£ 50.00 fee~. ~o th~ ~rue ¢o.'i.....___~nt:: of . . - . , · . · ~ . · . .:.,. , . . . . .... .... - ~ . ~.!-. .....:...:-.....-: :[: . -.. .,.,., .~......: · . .'--o j... .' .' :...- . -- .. '..!2,'.%,' ' - %:...,...., -.,.-.. ..., ..... ... · · ..'..:::.'-.]:.'.y-'.. ... _ , -. - -.-.. . .. ., ,. _..,~ · ' ..-.' . . -- --.... "..". ......... ".- ,,- . .......: .. . . . . .: . ' :q...._:. :':.. o - · .... '.'""-,':t':. ' ' - - ' ..... ' ...~ :: .... ..., - . . ,,. . }'-._-- ,..... -,....,. ..... , ? _ , ,- -., · · . -,j · , ,, . .... ..... _.. . . . .... .. ..:...::..~¢. : ......:..:-.. . · '..:-.... ..... : , . · .-] .-. '...: . ... - ..... ~ · . -..- . .. - ..:~..... · "' ' .............. "" .....'"'-' · .' '" ..... '" '~".."·." · ' - ..'.: .... '....i" ..--'. · , ., . , . · . , ,, , . . . . .. . : -. -2- 186 S'i'ATE O.F CALI FORN IA) COUNTY OF ORANGE ' )SS CITY OF TUSTIN ) RU"~!i.z C. POE, City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the Cit. y Council of the City of Tustin, California, does hereby. certify t]]at the who].e number of the m¢'...mbers of the City Council of the City of Tustil~ is five; tlxat the above and foregoing' Resolution No. 75-16 w~ls duly and regu].ar].y introduced, read, passed and adopted at a regular meeti, ng of %he City Council held on the .......... ~th ............. day of A___p_.ril , 1975, by the following vote- AYES - COUNCILMEN NOES: ADSENT ~ SALTARELLI ~. EDGAR, StLARP, WELSH, SUTCLIFF COUNCILMEN NONE COUNCILMEN ~a ~.~. ' ' ' Ci%y Clerk, 'C~..._of~ _Tustin, California --'