HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 75-12 RESOLUTION NO. 75-12 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN APPROVING A PROPOSAL FOR REVENUE SHARING FUNDS FOR THE SANTA ANA/TUSTIN JOINT POLICE/FIRE COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS, AUTHORIZING THE CHIEF OF POLICE OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN TO EXECUTE ALL DOCUMENTS THERETO, AND APPROVING A JOINT COMMUNICATIONS AGREEEMENT WITH THE CITY OF SANTA ANA, AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO SIGN · WHERYmAS, the City of Tustin desires to undertake a certain project 13 ii 22, 23 24 25 26 27 22 29 3O 81 .32 labeled Exhibit "A", and by this reference made a part hereof, to the County of Orange, which proposal constitutes an application for revenue. sharing funds for police and fire data, radio and telecon~nunication purposes from .the County..of Orange. BE IT FURT~R RESOLVED that the Chief of Police is authorized to execute any and all documents necessary, to receive' the funds pursuant · to the aforesaid proposal~ · .... '. " ...' ."'. "."" '. ""..' ....... ,.~'<." "' · ' BE IT FUT~R RESOLVED that the city Council of 'the City of Tustin hereby approves that certain joint communications agreement between the City of Santa Ana and the City of Tustin, a copy of which is attached to. the proposal for revenue sharing funds for joint police/fire communications system aS Appendix B thereto, and authorizes 'the Mayor to execute the sam?~.' BE IT FURTb]ER RESOLVED 'that the City of Tustin agrees to Provide ali. matching funds re_cuired for said project including any extension or amendment thereof under the rules and regulations .of the County of Orange, ' and that cash will be appropriated as required thereby. .. BE IT FUROR _~SOLVED that revenue sharing funds received hereunder shall not be used to supplant on-going ·fire or police· expenditures· · BE IT FURT.~IER RESOLVED that this resolution pertaining to the approval of aforesaid Joint Communications Agreement, and the obligation of the City of Tustin to provide matching funds, until such time as the City Council of the City of Santa And adopbs a supporting resolution, and approves, aforesaid Joint Communica. tions Agreement and authorizes its Mayor to execute the same. PASSED AND ADOPT~ by the city Council of the City of Tustin at a regular meeting held on the 17th day of March 1975. 170 This agreement made and entered this day of .............. < ........., 1974, by and between the City of Santa Ana, a chartered municipal corporation, hereinafter referred to as Santa Ana, and the City of Tustin, a general law city, hereinafter referred to'as Tustin. WHF~REAS, these two cities are contiguous to each other and are both coranit~ to providing tba residents of their respective cities the ~ost efficient means of police and fire support; and there has beezz tremendous compu~ adw~ncement .in the munications sys~tems field~ and ~ WHEREAS, such advancement if utilized properly would provide S~ta. o Ana' with a 'centralized comuunications system' for dispatching ponce., and fire'." .... '.' ....... . .protection at reduced cost. . THEREFORE, in consideration of the following terms and conditions it is agreed as follows,' ... Santa Ana and Tustin agree to sutm~t a joint venture proposal to the County of Orange for th~ purposes of receiving matching funds frcm the County Revenu~ Sharing Program for this project. Thru total cost for such. venture . . shall be $172,500.' The. individual cost responsibility shall, not exceed- County $172,500 ' Santa Ana 151,800 Tustin 20,700 -1- . 171 · II .This agreement is enforceable o:~ly upon' the expressed condition that- ~e is approval and acceptance of tb~ funds for tb~s project by of Orange. III The statement of work sD~ll consist of" Phase I - System R~uir~r~ts and Performance s_pecification ~finiti0n (6 nos.) Task 1- Define acceptable system perfonuance stand~ indicators. Task 2 - IdentifY system design and o~ational con- straints (i. e., legal, procedural, facilities, budgetary, t3m~ or man~er) Task 3 - Identify current and/or projected interface re- quir~_nts with o~ federal, state, or local systems o gask'4 - identi~ sys~ ou~cput. requ~~~s, i{:i..., e., i.repor~, ........ .... :i.'...' . . . .. bulletins ~ screen fonmats, etc. ) . Task 5 - Identify input data rec~3_~r~ts. Task 6 - Determine frequency requirers for oUtput data ~:d input source ~ts.. . .. .. . ' ....... . Task 7 - Define SYstem audit and control requir~ts- · P_ ._ha~_se II~ 7' sYst~u cene[a! Design, Pr.ocur~t and Installation (12 no. ) Task 8 - D~fine s-~s~m ~chnical b~:~ification8 and. . . ,. .. , . . , · . Task _ Iden daea requ.tr {±. e., rep0re data. '" · elermnts, source doc~ent el~t$, report forn~t~, f±le. organization, 'source document-and source data edit require- ments, etc.) Task 10 -D~f~e deta{_lc:~ sch~ules, and ins~ll sys~ hard- wa.re (5.. e., det~led 'test plan, 5repletion plan, trairfi_n~ plan, organization, etc. ) Task 11 -Prepare da~ processing procedures, {i. e., sourc-~ ~t cont, r~l, report u~i. lizati.on, audit Task 12 --Deli_ne syse_.~a'n prrxjr~m'aincj' requ. ir~~ {i. e., lc~±c charts ~ debugging, cr:dSng prcxjr~ra, etc. ) -2- Task 13 - Doc~~%t program spc~ifications- 172 Phase III- Sj~skem Design, Pe.v.e_~lo~nk and T~s__t, ~!~m~ntation and Post-I.n~31emantat. ion Revic~w~ Task 15 - Provide for organizational impact, (i. e., job skill requir~nents, work flow, facili~ r .equir~ts, per- sonnel staffing, etc. ) Task 16 -' Train personnel. Task 17 - Provide for system Operation and implen~nt system design, (i. e., manpow~ requirers, machine requir~ts, file retentions, etc.) Task 18 - Review and approve operational system. Task 19- EValuate system. Santa Ana shall be deemed the prime city and any controversies· or disputes regarding shall be resOlved by the ~ef of Police, City of Santa Ana. V For purposes of this 'agreement, all funds to be receive~~''''~under this agre~~t shall be disbursed or oc~mitted on or before ' Santa' Ana shall be the entity to maintain the· proper ac0ounting records and procedures and ohh~ evidence pertainln' g to th~ costs incurred on this pro- . ject and such records shall be kept available at ~ Santa Ana Citf Hall for .o · the duration of this agreement and ~eaftar for a period of two (2) years frc~ date of .final pa~t of any funds disbursed. County shall have ccn~plete and free access to all records under this agreement for purtxpses of auditL~ng . , and that quartarly progress and disburser reports shall be supplied by the City of Santa Ana to the County's Revenue Sharing Office. Progress reports and pa~ts shall ooincide with the ~ schedule depicted in th~ stat~t of -3- ~ork (Section. III of this agreement). Santa Ana and °l~stin agree that the cities restive overheads are not included under this joint funding agreement. · VIII Cities acknowledge that funds provided by the Count7 are funds received by the County pursuant to the State and local Fiscal Assistance Act of 1972, Public Law 92-152, and that expenditure of these funds must be in accordance with said law and regulations issued ~y agencies of the federal government. Cities further agree that any revenue sharing funds improperly expended shall be refunded to the County, and that Cities shall perform admi'nistration, and · audit functions pursuant to and in ccn~liance with the D~vis-Bacon Act, 40 USC ~276 (a).and ~276 (a)(7) and as specified by the secretary of labor. No' person shall on tt~ basis of race, color, national origin, or sex. be excluded fzom participation in or be denied the kenefits of, or be subject %o discrimination under, any program or activity funded in whole or any part with funds made available under this agreement, ~' ~ XII Cities agree to save COLIYIY, its officers, agents' or e3qployees hann- . ~· less from anY and all penalties, liabilities, or loss resulting frcm claims. . or court actions arising directly or indirectly out of any damage or injury - tO persons or property by reason of the acts or cmissions of Cities, their agents, employees, or independent contractors empioyed by cities, in exer- , cising any of the privileges herein granted or in consequence thereof. County lik~i~ agr~ to hold Ci~.es harmless fr~ san~. -4- IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this' agreement on the dates opposite their respective signatures. 174 DATED: , 1975. CITY OF SANTA ANA ATTEST: By ~ernon S " E'~.an's', Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM- ~;'~t%0rney ATTEST':. CLERK-O~THE COUNCIL APPROVED AS . TO_.,.F0~: .. .' ... ...... -- -~i~.{ At~£orneY CITY OF TUSTIN -5- o. . ~ 175 o. PROJECT TITLE' Joint Police/Fire Con~nunications System Sources of Funding. (Continued) Orange County Revenue Sharing City of Santa Ana City of Tustin $172,500 151,800 .... 20_,7~ , $345,000 Bund9 et .NA~r r a .t~i Command.. and _Cont~ro~_Budg~e_t Summary' (LEAA Funds) Digital Computer System (Equipment) Salaries (ADP and Communications Specialists) $382,502 67,498 Total $450,000 Command and Control - Police The money ($450,000) to be received under the LEAA grant is to be. used by the Santa An~ Police Department to develop a .pol!.~, Command and Control System. The system will be designed in such a manner as to provide a base or master'syStem which' can include an additional'city or cities.-.. It has been determined that theI most cost effeCtiVe'Idelsign is to have a commOn I"~I"I .... ...-...~ ..... Shared data base which does not duplicate, but rather compliments, existing State and Federal systems. Such things as automatic incident prioritiz- ation, resource distribution, and automatic unit assignment are not avail- able under present systems, but are proposed in this system. The City of Tustin Police Department has been identified as an agency to derive bene- fits from the Conmand and Control project. AlthOugh this project focuses on the police application, a great deal of the design is applicable to fire department operations; such as geocoding, access routes and the ability to alert, in a timely fashion, responding units to potentially hazardous 'conditions, i.e., volatile substances. Revenue sharing FUnds. Budget Su_n~nary_: Fire Department Radio Equipment Building Construction or Remodeling Equipment and Furnishings Total $125,000 2OO,OOO ~:_ 20?0:00: $345,000 -6- STATE OF CALIFORNIA) COUNTY OF OF=ANGE ) SS CITY OF TUSTIN ) RUTH C. POE, City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, does .hereby certify that the whole number of the members' of the City Council 'of the City of Tustin is five; that the above and foregoing Resolution No. 75-12 was duly and regularly introduced, read, passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the _ 17th day of March. 1975~ by the following vote- AYES: · NOES: · ABSENT: COUNCILMEN NONE ' ' ' CO UN C I LMEN 5ONE ~ ~ ~ _ ~ ._ ~ .- ~ -~ ~ -~,,