HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 75-09 RESOLUTION NO. 75-9 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE CIVIC CENTER LIBRARY PARKING LOT AND DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS. WHEREAS, it is the intention cf %he City Council of the city of Tustin, California to construct a library parking lo~ at the civic center site. WHEREAS, %he City Engineer has presented plans and speci'fications for %he construction of said work at this location, ' - ' NOW, THEREFORE~ BE IT RESOLVED that the plans and specifications presented by the City Eng.ineer be and are hereby aPproVed as %he plans and specifications for %he construction of ~che civic center library, parking lo%. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk is hereby. authorized and directed to advertise as required by law for . . . the receipt of sealed bids or proposals for the doing of the work specified in the aforesaid plans and specifications which said. advertisement shall be substantially in the following words' . . and figures, to-wit- . "NOTICE TO CONT~LACTORS" SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at 'the office of the City Clerk, Tustin Ci-k.~y Hall, 300 Centennial Way, Tush_in, California, until 11 o'clock A.M. on the 3lsd. day of March, 1975, at which time %hey will be publicly-opened and. read, for performing work as follows- Construc'cion of The Civic Center Libra~'y Parking.L°t' .'. Bids are required for the entire work described herein- .. A-! 158 . ITEM NO. ~ ~ · ~ · 10. 11o 12. SCHEDULE OF WORK ITEMS QUANTITY 70 L{n. Fb. 985 Lin. Ft. 69 Lin. Ft. 41 Lin. Ft. 376 Lin. Ft. 225 Sq. Ft. 120 S.q. Ft. 400 Tons 331 Tons 125 Lin. Ft. Lump Sum Lump Sum DESCRIPTION OF Sawcut WORK Concrete curb w/l' gutter Concrete curb w/2' gutter Type A-2 curb and gutter Concrete center .gutter PCC driveapron PCC sidewalk and ramp Aggregate base Asphalt concrete · 4" Dia. PVc conduit Stall striping, arrows and legend Parking lot lights and' conduit A-2 ;]O.t, work or decrease thc amount ~f omit portions of t, he work by the Engineer, The forc~.~oing q~antities are approximate, only, being given basis for t]~c co~nparison off bids, and the City of Tustin. does expressly or by implication, agree %hah tile actual amou.nt of will correspond therewith, but reserves the right ~o increase any class or portion of the work, or to as may be deemed .necessary or' advisable Plans, specifications,. bidding on this project can up&n payment of $5.00, which Tustin City }Iall, Tustin, .o and proposal for_ms only be obhainad(by amount shall California. · In conformance with bids shall be presented provided and accompanied by security- a. Cash. ' b. Cashier' s payable o c. Certified payable d. Bidder's executed by- an made not to be used for prospective bidders be refundable, at the Section 37931 of the Government Code, a] under' sealed cover on the proposal form one of the following forms of bidder~'s · check made to the City of Tustin. check made to the City of Tustin. ' bond accredited surety insurer, payable to ~he City of Tus~in. (10%) unless ., Th~ security shall be in an of the amount of the bid. A amount equal to at least ten bid shall not be considered percen' one of the forms of bidder's security is enclosed therewith. ,, A ,Surety Bond for payment of labor and materials will be zequired in the amount of fifty percent (50%) of- the es~.imated total contract price and a ~aS.t:h~ul Performance Bond' in the amoun't o~ one hundred percent. (100%) o~ the est:~.ma~ed totai contract price in'the form atCached to the contr~.ct'dg.cuments. Sa~d bonds shall be £$sued By a compan7 hav±n~ a rating ot5 ~+.~ or better. ' ........ .. ~.' ~ity of Tustin reserves the right t0 reject any "or. all bids~ and/or waive any informality on a bid. No bidder may withdraw his bid for a period of'~thir~y (30) days after the da%i~ set for the . openin~ t:hereo£. , · ' o The contract Wi'Il be awarded to the lowes~ qualified bidder. not-applicable,, and .',.~ ". prequalified, Provision~ of the State Contract Act are 'proSpectiVe bidders will not be required to be Ail Work to be done under th~ direct Engineer, City of Tustin. supervision of the City All monies. o work to. be paid for at th6,.u~it prices bid from appropriat~ Said City of Tustin, 'pursuant to the Labor Code of the State of California, has ascertained and determined .that-the general pre.vailing rate of hourly and per die~n wages in ~he locality in whi'c)~, the said work~l]erein described is to be performed, for each craft or type of workman or mecl~a~J.c needed to execute the contract and 91so tl~c ge~eral prevailing rate for legal ]~olidays and over-, time work for eacl~ craft or type o.f workman or mecl~anic, to be as 160 indicated in' Resolution 7D_~4'2 nn 1LLeviot~slY published in · , papar of general circulation, and on file in 'the office City Clerk. . of the · Employer payments other than defined in Sectio~'~ 1773.1 of the accordance wit]] .the terms .applicable to the type or employed on the project. those itemized therein, as .~,abor Code, are %o be paid in of the collective, bargaining agreemen~ classification of.' %he workmen or mechanics 'copies 'of ali collegtive the work as set forth in the file and available for inspection of Industrial Relations, Division bargaining agreements relating %o aforementioned Labor Code are on in the office of %he Department of Labor Statistics and Research. · BY ORDER OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF- THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA D ate 17TH DAY OF mARCH, 1975. · · . · · City Cl'~rk of %he City of Tustin, California BE IT Tus.tin has prevailing the City of Tushin, California, for needed %o execute %he work herein above ALSO RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of ascertained and does hereby determine %hat the general rate of wages and employer payments in the'" locality of each craft or type of workman set forth in Resolution 70-42. · PASSED D/~D.ADOPTED by 'California, this 17th day of March, 1975. specified is a's · . . ., the City Council of the City day o f March ' ATTEST ' of Tustin, 19y~5 ~- ~'i'Y cLEm~ A-4 161 STATE OF CALIFORNIA) · 'COUNTY OF ORAN GE ) SS. CITY OF TUSTIN RUTH C. POE, City Clerk and ex-off.icio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, doe§ hereby certify that the whole number of the members of the City Council of the City of Tustin is five; that the above and foregoing Resolution No.~2_'.-_~ l~'~s'duly and regularly introduced, read, passed and adopted .at a regular meeti.ng of the City Council held on the 17th. day of · . March , 19 75 , by the follo~ving vote- NOES: ABSENT - . - ... COUNCILMEN NONE COUNCILI~N NONE .' 7 ....... ... City Clerk,~ty. of T.ustin, California o o · . .. o A-5