HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 75-02i ,; ~i 1, 2 ~i 4 6 s g 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 21 S1 RESOLUTION NO. 75-2 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN UNINHABITED TERRITORY, DESIGNATED "SAN JUAN - ORANGE ANNEXATION NO. 87" TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA The City Council of the City of Tustin, California, does hereby resolve as follows: WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of the Government Code of the State of California, application was made to the Local Agency Formation Commission to annex to the City of Tustin all that territory situate in the County of Orange, State of California, hereby designated as San Juan - Orange Annexation No. 87, and described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by th is reference as though set forth herein in full; and WHEREAS, the Local Agency Formation Commission, in session duly assembled, on September 11, 1974, did adopt the negative declaration and approve said proposed annexation; and WHEREAS, the City Council hereby finds and determines that all of the territory is uninhabited within the meaning of Government Code Section 35303, and that said territory is contiguous to the City of Tustin; and WHEREAS, on the 18th day of November, 1974, the Council of the City of Tustin did pass and adopt Resolution No. 74-88 giving notice of the proposal to annex certain uninhabited territory to the City of Tustin, said territory being therm designated as San Juan - Orange Annexation No. 87, said Resolution describing the boundaries of the territory proposed to be annexed; and WHEREAS, said Resolution contained a notice of the day, hour and place when and where the Council of the City of Tustin would hear protests made by any person owning real property within the territory proposed to be annexed, the time of said hearing being prescribed by law; and WHEREAS, on the 6th day of January, 1975, at the hour of 7:30 o'clock, P.M., in the Council Chambers, 275 South "C" Stxeet in the City of Tustin, County of Orange, State of California, said time and place being the day, hour and place fixed in said Resolution for hearing protests to the said annexation, the said City Council did hear and pass upon any and all protests made to the proposed annexation and did determine that no protests had been made by the owners of the privately and publicly owned territory proposed to be annexed as determined by said legislative body; and WHEREAS, said territory is contiguous to the City of Tustin, and is uninhabited territory in the County of Orange; and WHEREAS, the property within the annexed territory shall be taxed to pay the indebtedness and liability of the City contracted to or existing at the time of annexation. // // I; ~ l 2 !I ~' 3 `. 4 6 s 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2~4 25 26 '' 27 28 29 30 31 NOW, THEREFORE, the said Council of the City of Tustin, does hereby approve the annexation of the territory hereinafter described to the City of Tustin, and does hereby further ordain that said territory be and it is hereby annexed to the City of Tustino That said territory, the annexation of which to the City of Tustin is hereby approved, is all the territory situate in the County of Orange, State of California, more particularly described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof by this referenced That the property within the annexed territory shall be taxed to pay the indebtedness and liability of the City contracted to or existing at the time of annexation. PASSED AND ADOPTID at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Tustin, held on the 3rd day of February 1975. ~~ ~ / i/ ~ - J ~~~ ,~~ YOR i ATTEST: CITY RK 32 ' ' ~ .' X,i;r,nt. ,, y,`;ci:rt"rTOtJ t~o>: 'rttl: • S71N ;lt)1i_~i-~)t;it;(;t~ ~nii~Ji~:~~'i~.i-ci,_i ~ ~~U. R7 'fU '1'IIL~ C:J:'1'1' Ol' '1'lJ:~'1'L~1J, (:nl.Jl'01:1J Ln • )3egilinincj ~1t the point of intersection of the cent.crlines of San Juan Street and Necti~l~clrt Avenue, said point of: intersection being distal~t IJ. 39057'46" 1:., 1320 fcet_• more or less from tlic westerly corner of 1.31ock 12, Irvine's Subdivision, a ~ per map recorded in ]300}: 1, page 88 of I~Iiscel.l~~ttieous Iiap.^,, records of Orange County, California, said poil~t of intersection also being the westerly corner of lot 17, Block 12 of said Irvine's Subdivision; Thence, S. 50001'32" E., along said celltcrline of San Juan Street alld along the southwesterly line of said lot 17, a distance of 80.00 feet to a point on the c}:fisting City of Tustin boundary, as established by the Prescott--,3all;er annexation, per Ordinance No. 130, passed and adopted November 2, 1959, said point also being tl;e .true point of bec~innil:g; ~' Thence, leaving said centerline of San Jl.laIl Street and said south- caesterly line of lot 17, along the existing City of Tustin boundary per above mentioned annexation through the follocoing curses: N. 39057'46" E., 30.00 feet; Thence, S. 50°01'32" E., 50.00 feet; Thence, N: 39°57'46" E., 150.00 feet to an angle point in above mentioned annexation, said point also being a point on the northwesterly prolongation of the southt•;esterly line of Tract No. 4661, as per map recorded in I3ook 169, pages 19 and 20 of 2discellaneous Maps, Records of said Orange County;. Thence, leaving the existing City of Tustin boundary, S. 50°01'32" E., along said northwesterly prolongation, a distance of 198.35 feet to the cesterly corner of said Tract No. 4661; Thence, continuing S. 50°01`32" E., along the southwesterly line of said Tract No. 4661, a distance of 303.00 feet to the southerly corner of said tract; Thence, N. 39°56'51" E., along the southeasterly line of said Tract No. 4661., a distance of 481.11 feet to the easterly corner of said Tract No. 4661, said corner also being a point on the existing City of Tustin boundary, as established by the Bryan- Red Iiill Annexation, per Ordinance No. 172, passed and adopted June 4, 1962; Thence, leaving said tract boundary, along the existing City of Tustin boundary per last mentioned annexation through the follot•ring courses: S. 50°01'01" E., a distance of 691.21 feet; ~,. Thence S. 39°55`34 ".V7., a distance of 330.00 feet; Thence, S. 50001'37" tom., a distance of 330.66 feet to a point on the Joui_IiwCJterly line of Tract I;o. 433: as per map recorded in IIool; ].53, pa<~es 13, 14 and 15 of I~iiscellaneous LiaPs, Records of said Orange CounL-y, said point also heinc~ the easterly corner of Parcel. 1 of a Parcel Iiap recorded in I3oo}: 50, page 34 of Parcel T•Ial~s, Records of said Or.atzgc County; Then%c, leaving the exiting City of_ Tustin boundary and said tr~-rt boundary, S. 3~°55'06" i'7. , along the soutllc~astrrly line of Parcel l of said Parcel Iial~, a distanc:, of 297. A 8 feet to the sout:hc~r].y corner of said Parcel l; . Thence, continuing) S. 39°5~' OG" t•1. , along t:he southtacsterly prole>>tcJr.tt:a.on of~ the: soutlu~~,r~Le:rly 1..{ate of P~irenl ]. of rtbwe mc.rtt-.ic~n::d I'ttI"CC:] l~itth, ,i di:.t_•rtttcc~ cif C:;.00 feet Lc~ .t point: on tha er.i.:.t.i.nc.l Cj.t:y of~ 7'u:ct:i It ltc,ti~t~l;-rY, :.:ci cl l,c~:i nt l~ci.nrl t_hcr nu~:~t c~rt;ci.~:r1y c~c~rnc~r ctf~ t~hc: il.i<~It :;c•lic>c,l. 11i~i,~•:',,t-iun, l~~•I' lt~•::c~]ttt.ic~n tidc~l,t~~~t 1,y t.lt~~ Ijr~<<t-ci cif :;t~J~c.rvi::c~2::, cl;il:c:cl ;tune J`I, 7.'x'.,7; _ _';: -1 ~'•er • ,• ,r, ' ' ~ l',1;C;11T i:.`~(.'1tT1''i't(~~7 i'(l){ '1`111; • 511?I ;il-,'~;;--rlJtr,!;c:i; ~ ^ r,'!~!1:;;1-'I'ic~;~ I1n. 07 '1'O '1'111: (: J.'1"i O1 - ' 1 ~: ~'1' I 1 J , (:,11,11 'O1:I J ]. T~ 7 -- ---- (:o2iti>>uc~clj t Thc~nre, 11. 50°O l' 32" [•7. , .zlonc~ Lhc c}:istillcJ City of Tustin ! bounclal:y pis estaUli::licd by the last menL-i~ned allncxation, a distrincc of ^C2.09 feet, to an angle pOlllt in the existing City • of Tustin bound~-2ry; ,. ! Thence, leaving the existing Ci ty of Tustin bounc:ary, continuing 1 N. 50c~01' 32" [~l. , a dist~ilice of 10.00 feet to a point on the existing centerline oi- Orange Street; Thence, N. 39°5G' S1" N. , alone the centerline of Or~-Inge Street, a disi:a2]eG' of 30.00 feet to t11e point of intersection with t11e centerline of San Juan Street, said poilit also being a point on • ' the southc•:esterly line of lot 1 7, 131ock 12, of said Irvine's Subdivision; . Thence, N. 50°01'32" Pl., along said centerline of San Juan Street and said south~•resterly line of lot 17, a distance of Sa1.39 feet to. tra L-rue point of bec;irnine~. •. . ~. " . ~ : - ~; '-_ ~: ... 7 . f .~ _- ~ STATE OF CALIFORNIA) COUNTY OF ORANGE )SS CITY OF TUSTIN ) RUTH C. POE, City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, does hereby certify that the whole number of the members of the City Council of the City of Tustin is four that the above and foregoing Resolution No. 75-2 was duly and regularly introduced, read, passed and adopted at a regul~~r meeting of the City Council held on the 3rd day of February 1975, by the following vote: AYES : COUNCILMEN SALTARELL SHARP, WELSH, EDGAR NOES : COUNCILMEN NONE ABSENT: COUNCILMEN 140 __ -~ y Cler City of Tustin, California t "'