HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 74-08521 8O RESOLUTION NO. 74-85 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, CALLING A SPECIAL ELECTION TO BE HELD ON THE 4TH DAY OF MARCH, 1975, PERTAINING TO THE ANNEXATION OF THE TERRITORY DESIGNATED AS "PASADENA-CARLANN ANNEXATION NO, 84" TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA. The City Council of .t~e City of Tus tin -. does ordain · o as follows- 1) A special election is hereby called, to be he].d on r. he 4th day of March, ].975, in the ~erritory hereinafter described, proposed to be annexed to the City cf Tustin, for the purpose of submitting to the qualified electors residing in said territory 'the question of whether or not said territory -%hall be anne>:ed to and incorporated in and made a part of the City of Tus tin,. California. 2) Said territory is described as follows-'' ~gtnntng at · ~a£ford and T%~fitin Tr pages 618 and 619 of Cot~nty, California, sa $o,~ltheasterly corner o in Book 179, pages 7 a Orange County, Califor of the Pasadena Avenue per Ordinance No. 315, Thence, S. a long the s aid city corner o f canterly corner act:, au pe iscellaneo id point o f Tract No Lot "0" of tho r mad recorded in Book o us ~tecords of Los A~gel°s f beginning also being tho . 5060, as per map recorded on the nd 8 of Miscellaneous Haps, records of nia and a point on tile nortt~erly bounda~]? Annexation to the City of Tustin, California, passed and adopted July I8, 1966; · 89°05'54" W , along the southerly line of'said Lot "O" southerly boundary of said Trac~ No. 5060 and along . bounqary, a disthnce 0f 1!2.33 feet, ~o the southwesterly said Tract No. 5060, 'said corner also. being a point · '- and the northwesterly easterly right-of-waY line of Pasadena Avenue (60' ,;vide) corner of said Pasadena knnexa~ion; Thence, S. 7°02'55" E. and continuing along s fee{:, to the southwest ?.nnne>:ation, said corne boundary of the Ben Br per' Ordinance No. 161, and the point of inter cz the northerly bound 5 a oo " W o , cry of on and 9 feet, n, said , along sai~ easterly 'r'tght-of-way tinA aid city boundary, a distance of 271.83 erly corner o= said Pasadena Avenue' r also being a point on the northerly own Annexation to the City of Tus~z~, passed and' adopted November 20, 196!~ section .with the easterly prolongation cry of Tract No. 4934, as per map recorded nd 6 of Hiscellaneous Haps, records of .- ~ · . ., . - · · . along sa~ easterly prolongation.and said Tract !{o. 4934 and along its continuing along said-city boUndar~.~, to the northwesterly, corner of said corner also being a point on the said 't "M" of sai erly bounder ity of Tusti 1960; , · Thence, N. 00°43'00" W., along an~t along the westerly line of 5~,.stin Tract and continuing alon of 665.32 feet, to the point of. Sfia~=~ord ..... and Tustin m~ac+' and of %he Sou%i'~ ~usfiin Avpnqe , per Ordinance NOo 136, passed ., o · o aid westerly line of Lot Ot ~O" of said Stafford an.5. g said cifiy boundary, a distance intersection with the southerly in Book 179, pages Orange County; . .. Thence', S. 89°05'54 the northerly bound %~esterly prolongati a distance of 581.3 Ben Brown Annexatio westerly line of Lo a. point on. the ecs{:. Dmnex'ahi. on to' the C and adopted July-5, ,.o .'said point also prolongation of · m~p recorded in o records of 'said ~boundary of the Ira L. Merchant Annexation No. 2 to..hhe City of 'Pustin, Per Ordinance No. 124, passed and adopted.June ]., !959~ being tile point the northerly bo Book 179, pages Orange County; · · once, N~ 89005' 54 e. northerly bound elongation and no ntinuing along sa t]~e northeasterl ut]~easterly come id corner also be , and a po in ne>:ation to thc C s sod and . Th p r CO DO An p a adop ted · 0°44'36~' E.~ of.. ~ntersection with the westerly undary of Tract No. 5008, as per 41 and 42 of l'iiscellaneous Maps., o o · "E., along .said westerly prolongation and ary of said Tract No. 50013, along the westerly rtherly boundary .of said Tract No. 5060 and id city bo~n y corner of r of' said Ir ina a point t on the wes ity of T[~sti Hovcm23er 18, dar}', said Tract NOo 5060 and the ..~archant Annexation ~.~o. 2, on t}]e easterly line of said terly boundary of the Bolyard . . n~ per Resolution No. 970, 1968; . a distance of 663.54 fe.at, along the · easterly boundary of said easterly linc of said Lot "O", and boundary, a distance of 395.05 feet 5060, along the along said city point of beginning. ?hc~.co Tract c o :n t i to tt~o 89 Q 9 -- 2S 3) The polls for said election shall be opened at [?-00 A.M. on the date fixed for the holding of such election iand. shall be kept open until 7:00 P.M. of the same day, when the :~.o].~].s shall be closed. 4) Upon the ballots tp. be used at said election there shs.].l be printed the words-' Shall the Pasadena-Carlann Annexation No.' 84 be annexed to the City of Tustin, California.? Opposite these words, there shall be: printed the words "Yes and. "No"~ and to the .rig'ht of each of these last two word. s there !lshall°be a voting square. If an elector' shall stamp a cross "X" , !iin" the vo~ing square after the printed word ",Yes" the vo~e of territory to the,City of' Tustin. If an elector shall stamp , icross "?;" in the voting s~uare after the word "No" the vote _ of such elector shall be counted against such annexation. 5) In all particulars not herein recited, said elec- :tion shall be hc~ld in conformity, as nearly as may be, with the la~s of the State of California concerning general elections, or ~ith the said Annexaticn Act of ].913. ' 6) The City Clerk shall publish a Notice of said special ele'ct.:ion as 're.quired by the Annexation Act of 1913, at least once a..week for the four (4) weeks prior to the date of the election on March 4, ~.1975, in the Register, a newspaper of l,¢'eneral circulation, prS. nted and published outside the City of ~8 !'.i!2"'~lstJ. n, but. in tile County of Orange, State of California. PASSED ~.fND ADOP2'ED tkis 4th day of November, 1974. at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Tustinc SO $1 California A'I"i'ES T: CITY CLERK 90 STATE OF CALIFORNIA) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) SS CITY OF TUSTIN ) RUTH C. POE, City clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, does hereby certify that the whole n~_u~.ber of the members of the City Council of the City of Tustin is five; that the above and foregoing Resolution No. 74-85___ was duly and regularly introduced, read, passed an---~~d~pted at a regular meetin~ of the City Council held on the ........ 4th___day of __N~gvemb. e~ .... , 1974, by the following vote- AYES: ABSENT: COUNCILMEN .......