HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 74-05249i' !0 11 14 15 17 18 19 20 21 24 2,5 8O 81 RESOLUTION NO. 74 - 52 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING THE CITY OF TUSTIN PERSONNEL RULES AND REGULATIONS AND ADOPTING FURTHER PERSONNEL POLICIES. The City Council of the City of Tustin, California, does hereby resolve as follows- 1,. That the City Personnel Rules and Regulations are hereby amended effective July 1, 1974, unless otheznvise indicated as follows- Section 6 D(1) is hereby amended to read as follows - (1) Promotional and Open. Applicants who have qualified in the examination shall be placed on promotional or open employment ].ists as the case may be, in the order of their com- petency from highest to lowest. Such lists shall remain in effect for twelve (12) months unless extended by the City Administrator for a maximum of two six (6) month addJ. ticnai periods, unless sooner exhausted. Open employment lists may be maintained as the result of continuous examination with names placed on such lists for one year and merged with any others already on 'the list in order of final scores. New promotional or open employment lists may be requested by the appointing power when they Contain fewer than three names or for reasonable cause. Provided further, however, that fire prevention and suppression personnel certified to each lis% during the effective period of the ].ist shall be deemed competent in areas tested and shall not be reteste.~ J.]] such areas in the absence of substantial evidence of a failure of competence. Section 8 H(8) is hereby added to read as follows- (8) Lo~'~g Term Disability Leave. Any employee after thirty days of employment having a full time, regular appointment who is totally disabled by reason of a bodily J..njury oi~ illness .... ~ncu~red either o~ or off 't~.'~' job shall .be entitled to receive a monthly income of two-thirds of the firs. t $1,800 of the employee's basic monthly earnings, reduced by an.y benefits otherwise payable after the fo].lowing eliminat, ion 'to which the employee is entitled, whichever is longer-. II! // ! 6 8 9 i ],5 ~, il o, i, , , 492 4~'~i~! Employee Categor~ Elimination Period a. Firemen of Captain 60 calendar days rank or below b. Ail other personnel (1) Under 5 years of service 30 calendar days (2) Over 5 years of service 15 calendar days Such monthly compensation shall be payable for not less than two years for an illness or to normal retirement age for an injury, unless disability terminates, the employee is retrained, or eligibility terminates at an earlier date. In all cases except for the elimination period, the qualificaticns, eligibility, coordination of benefits provision, coverage, definition of total disabJ, lity, benefits payable and other conditions, shall be as defined by any long term disability insurance policy of City then in force and this paragraph shall be construed to be a general description of such coverage o~ty. Section 5 G(2) is hereby amended effective on January 1, 1975, to read as follows- (2) Fire Department Personnel on 24 Hour S' 'fts . ~. 1.!1 . Fire Department personnel on 24 hour shifts shall receive overtime pay to the extent shich may be required with the Federal Fair Labor Standards Act, all regulations adopted pursuant thereto, and all interpretive bulletins issued thereunder. Such personnel shall receive a minimum of two (2) hours for each instance of call back (emergency or non- emergency) bu'- no minimum for hold-over overtime. Time required to be spent beyond normal working hours, such as, but not limited to, special train'ng sessions and staff meetings, shall be included within the scope of compensable hours. Section 5 H is t]ereby amended to read as follows- Education Incentive Compensation. The. following add'tional compensation is hereby granted qualified personnel as an incentive for employees to improve their level o~ education in relevant fields beyond the expected level for their position. Educational ince~tive comp.c~nsation is usually restricted to those positions within which an improved educational level, will [)roduce improved product ion or p{)r.formancc. Educational incontiv(? com]~.~]~sa'tJ.on s.~]a].] cease upon te'.rmi, nntion of (::mp].oy~nen't, or pr(~motio~'~ or -2- 13 14, 2,8 ~9 3O 32, i transfer 'to a position for which such coInpensation is not provided or for which the education incentive qt~alifications are beyond that which the e~nployee possesses. Provided.. however, that any employee receiving an incentive under the provisions of the previous standard shall be entitled thereto until. June 30, 1975. 1. Police Officers at Supervisor rank and below, and Firemen at Captain rank and below- ! a) 2.5% Incentive Pay- 30 .accept.able college semester units above the college .unit standard for the position.. b) 5.0% Incentive Pay- 60 acceptable college semester units above' the college unit standard for the pos i tion. 2. All Other Employees- In conformance wi'th a plan recommended by the City Administrator and approved by the City Council established for 2.5% and 5.0% Incentive Pay levels as appears appropriate. Acceptable college semester units as 'used :in the Employment Standard and Incentive Pay provisions shall be defined as units reasonably related to enabling the person to better perform his duties, including required courses leading to a related degree. A liberal interpretation of the related nature of courses shall be made by the Personnel Officer. An employee may request a predetermination by the Personnel Officer prior to enro].Iment as to a specific course's acceptance as "reasonably related." 2. That the following policies are hereby adopted effective July' 1, 1974, except as otherwise herein stated, as follows: A. Salaries and Wages. All regular full time position c].assifications of the Ci'[-.y below department head level sha]_l be granter.] a ninc (9) percent increase effective the pay period commencing July 8, 1974, with the fol lowJ_ng exc, eptions - -3- 8 14 !5 16 17 18 (Lt.) , 494 Police 1\,.I,',,,I (formerly Police Invest_].gator and Se.~,}:,, I'~'~'l. icoman)- 10.67% Senior 'l,~u,':~t;.igator' 7.5% Police ::~l,,:~visor (Sgt.) , Police Manager Commun.].~,;-,t i,~ns Officer, Fire Captain, Fire Operatli.:,~,~; ~)f"ficer, Fire Marshal, and Recrea- tion St~l,"~" ~ i :.-;or- 11' 0% B.' Medical (~) Fo;' ,~:,c:t~ regular full-time employee , wif.l,,,~l- dependents, and for.each regular fu]. I I ime employee who does not elect de.l.,~.:~,~'l~nt coverage, that City pay the pro~i,,~I~ on the present health and dental in.~,~ :~nce coverage in force and any in~..'~ ,.:,,:.;os hhereof which may hereafter oc~.~,~ , up to a total payment obligation of ~'ily of $25.00 per month for each eml, I,'~;,~,.e other than fire prevention and sui,l,,,.:;sion employees of City of the ra]~l-. ,'~[ Captain or below and $27.50 per mo~l I, 'for fire prevention and suppression eml-,l,,yoes of City of the rank of Captain or I~:low. (2) Fo," ,.,..,ch regular, full-time employee wJ.'l 1, ~l,'.'-~pendents who elects dependent cov,~,:,,'lo., -that City pay a total of $25.(11~ per month of the total premium fo.~.' l,,,,-"~lth and dental insurance coverage of I I,~-~ employee and his dependents, exc,:l,I.' for fire prevention and suppression em[,l~,V~.~es of City of the rank of Captain or 1,,~.low and $27.50 per month of the tot. hi p.remium for health and dental in:.:~,,':,l'~ce coverage for fire prevention and ,.'~l'-'l'~ression employees .of City of the ra~,l.; ~.1~ Captain or below and 'their dol ,, '~' 1,' :~'ts. C. Retirem~,~ I l?:i. re Service. The City wi]..I ,',..~]uost an actuarial study to determine the cost of ,",,I, li~g Section 2].263 Retired Survivors Benefit and ~,1 ~.~',~vorting to the 2% at age 50 retireme~]t f.~,,,,~,'ln for fire personnel.. The actuarial study shall I,,: t'~.~: tho purpose of determining costs prior I,, I!~? ]975 meet and confer sessions and shall no l ,.,,~;titu'te. an obligation on City to adopt any st.,,'l~ l~,:~'~.,f.its. D. S ta tio.l'~ I, The City wi].l t"~vid{~ and clean bed linen, bath towels and {.li.:l~ ~.l~.~'[;.]]s and towels for the use of fire supprot;::i,,~ l.~O.r:-:onne], on 24 hour sl~if-ts. -4- 495 ~ 1 8 10 11 15 16 18 19 2O ~5 ~8 ~9 3O 3]. E. Time-Distance Recall Requirement - Fire Department. Residency of firemen shall be within twenty (20) ~ninute response upon recall measured at 10-00 a.m. or 3-00 p.m. from residency to the closer City fire station driving within legal speed limits. Such residency shall be established within twelve (12) months of initial employment with the City of Tustin Fire' Department but may be deferred by tho City Administrator for a period not to exceed six (6) months for reasonable cause. If a fireman has a residence at the time of employment within " thirty (30) minu-~es under the above conditions, an exception shall be granted for that residency. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of 'the Tustin City Council held on the 1st day of July 1974. ~;LA Y 0 R , ATTEST- DEPUTY CITY CLERK JGR- s ].. -5- 496 STATE OF CALIFOP~IA) COUNTY OT_? O1LANGE ) SS CITY OF TUSTIN ) RUTH C. POE, City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, does hereby certify 'that the whole number of the members of the City Council of the City of Tustin is five; that the above and fcregoing Resolution No. _~74-5~ .... ...... was duly and regularly introduced, read, passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 1974, by .the following vote- AYES: COUNCII2~EN Langley, Saltarelli, Edgar, Welsh NOES- COUNCI L~4EN None ABSENT - COUNCILMEN Sharp ....... · .._~.~ ~/ .':~' · ~. ..... --.-;. ,>.~ City Clerk, City of Tustint Cal, ifornia