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CC RES 74-41
4 18 19 ~0 ~? ~9 45 RESOLUTION NO. 74- 41 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN PETITIONING THE LOCAL AGENCY FORMA- TION COMMISSION FOR APPROVAL FOR A BOUNDARY REALIGNMENT WITH THE CITY OF IRVINE. The City Co%mcil of the City of Tustin does hereby resolve as follows- 1. The City Council finds and determines: a. That the intent of the property owner and the governmental agencies at the time of the incor- poration of the City of Irvine was to establish the boundary between the City of Tustin and the City of Irvine at the future Myford Road align- ment. b. That the precise alignment of the future Myford Road has now. been set and it is determined to be in the best interest of all governmental .. agencies and the general public for the conunon Irvine/Tustin cities boundaries to be estab- lished along the centerline of the precise align~ent of future Myford Road. . c. ~.~e City Council of the City of Irvine by Re. so- lution does consent to the detachment of the property located on the westerly side of Myford Road south of the Santa Ana Freeway to the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad, as set forth in Exhibit A, consisting of + 14 acres. d. That said detachment from the City of Irvine and annexation to the City of Tustin is at the request of the property owner, the Irvine Company, with letter of consent attached hereto e. That the City of Tustin is the Lead Agency as defined by Section 15065 of the Guidelines For Implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970 and, pursuant to Section 15067, this proposal is exempt from the require ment for an Environmental Impact Report on the basis that an EIR certified by the City Council on January 7, 1974, in conjunction with Zone Change 73-6, addressed the matter. f. That said annexation proposal and boundary line adjustment is in conformance with the City of Tustin General Plan. /? 2. The City Council of Tustin hereby petitions the Local Agency 'ormat~.on .,.ommlssion, pursuan~ to Section 35304 of 'the Government Code of the State of California, to approve the annexation to the City of Tustin of the property as described in Exhibit "A," with waiver of l~earing and notice. : ......... llll II i_ i ll~l Il III ~60 10 15 19 20 21 -30 PASSED AND ADOPTED at the City Council, held on the ATTEST- -~ITY CLERK .. .o tl]e regular adjourned meeting o~' 20th day of May 1974. .. MAYOR 461 · I EXHIBIT "A" , That portion of Blocks45 and 63'of Irvine's Subdivision, . In the County of Orange, State of California, per map of said Subdivision: recorded in Book 1, page 88 of Miscellaneous Record Maps, records of said County, described as follows' , Beginning at the most easterly corner of. the land described In U.S. Marine Corps. - I rvine Annexation No. 17A to the City of Tustin, California, per Resolution No. 71-79 of the Board of Supervisors of said County, certified by the Secretary of State of said State on December 14, 1971; thence, along the southeasterly boundary of said City of Tustin, per said anex- ation, south 40°39'28'' west 1,550.O0 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve therein, concave easterly and havi'ng a radius of 2,550.00 feet; thence southerly along said curve, through a central angle of 3l°46'53'', ~ distance of 1,414.46 feet; thence, tangent to said curve, south.8°52'~5''wes. t 1,949.64 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve 'concave northwesterly and having a radius of 1,400.00 feet; thence southwesterly along s~id curve, through a central angle of 29°28' 17" ' , a distance of 720.12 feet to the northeasterly line of the lO0.O0-foot wide strip of land described in the deed to the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Company recorded In Book 245, page 233 of Deeds, records of I. os Angeles County, California; thence, leaving said boundary, along said north- easterly line, south 49°20'40'' east 552.85 feet to a non- tangent curve concave westerly and having a radius of 2,000.00 feet, a radial of said curve bears south 71°21'19'' east; thence, leaving'said northeasterly line, northerly along o . seld curve througI~ a central angle of 22043'06'' ' , a distance of 793.02 feet; thence, tangent to said curve, north 4004'25'' west 741.46 feet to a tangent curve concave easterly and having ~ radius of 1,800.O0 feet; thence northerly along said curve, through a central angle of 12057'00'' . , a distance of 406 84 feet; thence, tangent 1~o said curve, north 8052'35'' east 1,O16.07 feet to.the beginning of a tangent curve concave southeasterly and having a radius of 2,495.00 feet; thence northeasterly along said curve, through a central angle of'3]°46'53'', a distance of 1,383.95 feet; thence tangent to said curve, north ~0°39"28'' east 1,550.00 feet to the northeasterl'y line of said Block 45;. thence, along' said northeasterly line, north 49~20'32'' west 55.00 feet to the point of beginning. · o · . · · Containing an area of 14.77 acres, more or less. . · . . · · , 462 IRVINE INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX May 16, 1974 Mr. Robert Ledendecker City Engineer City of Tustin 135 West Third Street Tustin, CA 92680 Re' ~M~vfor,cl ._Ro..ad A.n.n.,exa-ti o_n Dear Mr. Ledendecker' The Irvine Industrial Complex hereby consents to the detachment from the City of Irvine and annexation to the City of Tustin of the westerly one-half of proposed Myford Road adjacent to Tentative Tract No. 8451. Attached is a metes and bounds, legal description and sketch for the subject parcel. The lrvine City Council is currently processing a resolution for the sam~. area and is tentatively scheduled for adoption on May 28, 1974. Very truly yours, · LYLE L. CULVER Project Coordinator LLC/im Eno.. · · WILLIAMSON and SCHMID CIVIL ENGINE. ER45 1535 EAST FIRST STREET SANTA ANA, CALIFORNIA 92701 PHONE 5~17.3986 73307 1-10-74 Legal Description Proposed Detachment from City of irvine and Proposed Annexation to City of Tustin That portion of Blocks 45 and 63 of Irvine's Subdivision, in the County of Orange, State of California, per map of said Sub- division recorded in Book 1, Page 88 of Miscellaneous Record Maps, records of said' County, described as follows: Beginning at the most Easterly corner of 'the land described in U. S. Marine Corps - Irvine Annexation No. 17A to the City of Tustin, California, per Resolution No. 71-79 of the Board of Supervisors of said. County, certified by the Secretary of State of said State on December 14, 1971; thence, along the Southeast- erly boundary of said City of Tustin, per said annexation, South 40° 39' 28" West 1,550.00 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve therein, concave Easterly and having a radius of 2,550.00 feet; thence Southerly along said curve, through a central angle of 31~ 46' 53", a distance of 1,414. curve, South 8° 52' 35" West 1,94 tangent curve concave Northwester feet; thence Southwesterly along of 29° 28' 17", a distance of 720 of the 100.00-foot wide strip of Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Rai Page 233 of Deeds, records of Los %hence, leaving said boundary, al So'u~h 49° 20' 40" East 552.85 fee Westerly and having a radius of 2 c~z've bears South 71° 21' 19" Eas easterly line, Northerly along sa of 22° 43' 06" _ .. , a distance o~ 793 curve, North ~° 0'4' 25" West 741. E.~sterly and having a radius of 1 along said curve, through a centr of 406.84 feet; thence, tangent t . 46 feet; thence, tangent to said 9.64 feet ~o the beginning of a ly and having a radius of 1,400.00 said curve, through a central an~le .12 feet to the Northeasterly line land described in the deed to the lway Company recorded in Book 245, Angeles County, California; ong said Northeasterly line, · ~ to a non-tangent curve concave ,000.00 feet, a radial of said t; thence, leaving said North- id curve through a central angle .02 feet; thence, tangent to said 46 feet to a tangent curve concave ,800.00 feet; thence Northerly al angle of 12° 57' 00", a distance o said curve, North' 8° 52' 35" East HYDRAULICS · SURVEYING · LAND PLANNING · HIGHWAY CONSULTANTS // 464 Legal Description, Continued Proposed Detachment from City of Irvine and Proposed Annexation to city of Tustin 73307 1-10-74 Page Two 1,016.07 feet to. the beginning Of a tange'nt curve concave South- easterly and having a radius of 2~495.00 feet; thence Northeasterly ' along_ said curve, through a central angle of 31~ 46' 53", a distance of 1,3~°3.95 feet; thence, tangent to said curve, North 40° 39' 28" Eas~ 1,550.00 feet to the Northeas°terly line of said Block 45; thence, along said Northeasterly line, North 49© 20' 32" West 55.00 feet to the point of beginning. ' Containing an area of 14.77 acres, more or less. -2- 465 ,I , J. 466 STATE OF CALIFORNIA) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) SS CITY OF TUSTIN ) RUTH C. POE, City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, does hereby certify that the whole number of the members of the City Council of the City of Tustin is five; that the above and foregoing Resolution No. 74-41 was duly and regularly introduced, read, passed ~nd-ad°~ted at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 20th day of _~ May ............... , 1974, by the following vote: ........ ~ ........ AYES: COUNCILMEN__~LA~iGLEY,__~SAL.T.A~E~Li, . SH .ARP ,_ WELltris,. ~_E.DGAR_. · ~ ..... NOES: COUNCILMEN NONE " ............. ABSENT- COUNCILMEN NONE ............... _ ~ity Clef,., C~~_of Tustin, Calif6'~~~ .-