HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 74-33436 3 4 6 8 ~0 11 1'2 15 16 17 RESOLUTION NO. 74-33 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIF- ORNIA PETITONING THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF THE COUNTY OF ORANGE TO CANCEL TAXES. WHEREAS on February 8, 1974, City of Tustin, a municipal .,.. corporation, acquired the property described in that: certain Grant Deed from Jaraes A. McCalla and ida F. McCalla~. being Instrument No. 5436 recorded on February .8, 1974 in Book ~!!072 .at page 274 Official Records Of Orange County, California, copy of which is at%ached, hereto, marked Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein by this reference, said parcel bearing Assessor's Parcel No. 401-131-12. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council, City of. Tustin, California, . does hereby resolve, petition and request the Honorab'~ .,..e Boar d of Supervisors of the County of Orange to order the canc.a~].latior: of %he taxes on the aforesaid parcel of real property. The City Clerk is directed to forward a certified copy ! ~8 this Resolution to the Honorable Board of Supervisors~ County 19 ~0 2~ 25 26 27 28 of Orange, California. PASSED ALrD ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council, .City .of Tustin, California, held on the 6th day of May 1974. ATTEST - , · . ..... ~~_~CLERK ~ JGR-sl 4//29/74 ' Wi([.N [IECOf:~D[D kIAIL 1'0' City of T~[;ti.n. c/o Hr, Jameu G. Rourke, CiEy Attorney 140 West Scco~d Strec. t ~ustin, California 92680 MAll. TAX STA'rEMENTS TO' · .. . ABOVE ADDRESSEE A. ?. N0.401-131-12 ,ql'^C[ All(IV[' TIIt,q LINg roll lll.'.corl.t')EIq'S DOCUMr-rGARY TRA~SFEa Y.&X $..~..3. ................................. ..... , C'~0mpulod on Ilia consideration or Yalu, of property corrveyed; OR ...... Computod on tho ¢on~idorotiqn or)'o'!~e le;$ iion, or / remniolng at tirno el, ¢,al~.. / .~ bignalure of Declarant-or Agent dolormlning tax -- Firm FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSUIU~NCE CO~[PANY ........... GRANT DE[D FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, ;[DA Fo HC CAI..I~ husband, and wife · -hereby GRANT(S} to' CITY OF TUSTIN, a Municipal corporation the real proPeity in the City of County of Orange PLF~kSE SlEE EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED HERETO AND }Q%DE A PART HEREOF JAMES A. MC CALI~% and. .. · State of California, described as .%, Dated December 5, 1973 STATE OF CAt. IFORNIA . ] COUNTY OF ~...____Ora nge. ] ............ ]LA'; cembe n...20~_ .! 9.73_ _ befor0 n;e. tl~o undc-r~ign~J0 e Notary Public in and for said ._~.(.!.a._.~i ~..~ :~ c c a ]. 1 a ~ul~c~cd ~o tl~e w~thJm i~lrumont and m:knowlml0od WITNESS my h,:,d ~n¢l off,cial ~e.I. -"~. ~ . MAIL TAX STA'II:MLNI'S AS DII]ECTED ABOVE olflcl.I E~O I-I'1.1 1002 ]]])'~'] ] I'll{ .T.~I! "A" 438 /', W' ' DE,:~ I~5~2ION · ! All t)mt ce.~.n.!n ]nnd situated Jn tho State of California, County of descrlbu_d as follows: , Parcel 1. TI~ Sout]mrly ~, 50 feet of t}m following described land~ .~.__~, ~.n~er ct~cn o~ t}-n center lines of P~b].o and Poplar A%~nu~s~ . as ~cho~n on a ~.~ap of Ri~ 's ;~diticn, r~co~cd in ~ok 19, i.~f.~ 26~ MisCelle~eom~ ' ~con'Is of Los ~n.~Ins Ccdutv, Caltforniu~ ~in.z al'~o 30 O0 No~~st co,.er of ~ock 5 of P~ce '$ ~dition to Tust~ ms sho%n cna supple~ mental, map, ~co~xi~ in ~ck 35, ~'z~ 25, ~4iscell~c~s ~mco~s of ~u~les u~n,y, C21tf~nla, ~ud r~%uing ti~n~ ~-~st 555.00 feet; thence 3~. 55 feet; t~nce East 555.CO feet; T, tnn~ No~h 3~.5~ feet to ~ho point of ~~n~ng. ~~pt~ng t~~~cm tl~ Easbcr~ 85.00 feet t~~of. Also excepbJ.ng therefrcm t.~m.~ portion of said .lsmd desc~bad"in a deed to' tba County of Or~.~~.'~.,. .~_ by deed'ru~co~cd April I:;~ ~O'^" in book 92~°t~ pag~- 717 of Official .. Parcel 2. An Ezs~ment for cc~.~mmuity drtve,~y purposes ~/er th~ Soutt~rly 7o50 feet of th~ following: Beu~Lnning at the. intersection of tbs_ cantor lines of Preb!e and' Peo]ar_ Avenu~s~ as sho~u ~ a Mo.o se }~~'s Addition, ~cosed in book 19, ~.~-~ 26, ~..~ ]d. ane - * z ..... ~-~ S Ce O'dS ~co~s of ~s ~%u[~les, CcarAy, Califcrnia, bo~ng~, also 30.00 feet East of No~k~a"t co~-~ of ~ock 5 of Rice's ,.~,ition to ........ ~.,o~in, as sho%.n cna ment~ry ~,~n..-:, Daco~cd 'in book 36, ~,~.,:.-~ ~ 25, l,lisc~c~-~ous ......... Racol~s of "aid Excepting th~.refrmn the Easterly 85°00 feet t?~.r_~ofo . Also cx~pting tb~refr~ th'.~t portion of said land dcscrihe_d in a deed to t..~e County of.~'~-~~~-,-..~r~- by deed ~co~tod April 14, 1970 In book ~~, pa.~ 717 of O~icial Y~coz~s. Parcel 3. Cc..,.:encing at tba inters~c'tlor, of thc cm~r limas of Preble arid Poplar Avenu~ s, ~,~ . as sho~.n '~ a M~p of ~'~ce's ;~.dition, ~co~'d~d in book 19~ pa~ 26, :..:icc.~ilan,~.ous ?r~'co~S of Los /mj~lcs Cc~ty~ Calirornia, b~in'i~ also 30.~ feet East of th~ ~o~kus. st c0~er of Block 5 of Ei~ 's ;~dition to Tustin~ ms sho~.~ on a ~r-~'~=.~,-o~s~y ::mo ~corged In book ~' . m.t~, na~m ~5, Miscei . HoooD'/s of Los /a~_lcs Cotmty, California; i;b~]~co ',C~st 555 284.05. "~et; thence ~~ 555.00 feet and t~nco" ~ ' -- ~,orth ~.84.05 feet to fha~o~n Exo~-' ~ h~. . . f ' p~in,~ t ~efrcm the ~last 85°00 feet .t~'~'~rco . . Also ex~-~ptin~ the~e~cm that po~im of said l~d dcscriL~d In a doted to tha . Comity of O~-n.U2 b/ deed ~coxlcd April 2,4~ l~C in ~ok ~62 -oa~ 717 of Official iiocords, ~ ' i / t 'gl , · , · . , °.% , o , , · , · t71 ' '~. . · . e .... I IlL ....... '~-' ~o :'~- . ' I .'~ ~ ' :~... ~: ," · 439 ' o~d 0 0 440 STATE .OF CALIFORNIA) COUNTY OF OI.~ANGE ) SS CITY OF TUSTIN ) RUTH C. POE, City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, does hereby certify that the whole number of the members of the City · Council of tiao City of Tustin is five; that the above and foregoing Resolution No. 74-33 was duly and regularly introduced, read, passed h~nd adopted at a regular meetinc5 of the City Council held on the 6th' day of' Ma~ ' ' , 1974, by the following vote: ............. ------- AYES: -. ~OUNCILMEN LANGLEY, SHARP, SALTARELLI, WELSH, EDGAR NOES: COUNCILMEN NONE ABSENT: COUNCILMEN NONE ? /