HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 74-20378 4 10 11 18 15 16 17 18 21 2? RESOLUTION NO. 74- 20 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL APPROVING SPECIFIC PLAN NO. 5. The City Council of the City of Tustin does hereby resolve as follows- 1. The City Council finds and determines: A. An application has been submitted and duly advertised for a p',ablic hearing on a .proposal · by Robert G. Stewart for Spec3_fic Plan No. 5, for the property located west of Fashion Lane~ bounded by First Street and Irvine Boulevard, described by Exhibit "A", "B" , and "C'''.a~tached hereto And a Part hereof. B. Advertised public hearings were held by the City Council as Planning Agency for the City Of Tustin on February 25~ 1974 and by the City Council on March 18 ~ 19 74. , C. An Environmental Impact Report was certified by the City Council for the subject proposal on .March 4, 1974. D. The proposed development is in accord with the General Plan of the City of Tustin. 2. The City Counci!~hereby approves Specific P~.an No. 5 subject to the following conditions: A. Compliance with the terms and conditions of Ilesolut' ~ by '" Planning' Agency. B. The dedication of an additional ten feet (!0') of right-of-way on Irvine Boulevard frontage. C. The redesign of the First Street ihgress, and ='~:ice bui ~ d egress for bank and professional o~._ = - ing traffic circulation to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. Do The approval of the conversion of the. apartment complex to condominitun status subject to the conditions of approval of Tentative Tract Map No. 8584, and staff report of February 25, 1974. E. Present and. prospective tenants, within the condomini~mn project, shall be advised within 30 days of the adoption of this resolution of the proposed condominium conversion, with copy of notice submitted to the Cold, unity De.velopmenq Department. ~.. / · " 379 PASSED AND ADOPTED at the regular meeting of the City Council held on the 18th day of March, 1974. .. . $ 1! 14 x~q~TY CLERK Joseph B. Langley, Mayor 1,5 l? 18 380 ; EXIItDIT "A" Palmwoo; Condominium Parcel The land situated in the Stat~ of Calffornt-~, Co~.ty of Orange, City of Tustln, described as follows' Those portions of the land des~g~tc'.d as Allotment No. I to Lecher Yorba de Rowland in' the decree of part(t[oa o[ the Rancho Santiago de Santa An~, i.n the City of Tustin, rend'~rcd Saptemb~c 12 IS63 described as follows' PARCEL 1' Commenc ip~ at fl~e Southwest co~-ner o[ said Allotment No. l to Leouor Yorba de Rowland, and running thence East along the center line of First Street 672 feet to the Sou~east corner of the la~ described in the deed to Lena M. 'Eaton, recorded in book 1S-i, p~ge 146, Deeds, records o[ said , ~a~e Co~ty, said po~ be~ O~e true poin~ of beginn~ of the boundary land described herein; ~ence continuing East along said center Ii. ne of First Street, 255.60 feet to the Son.west corner of the pmrcel of land described the deed to W..' S. Thomson and wife, recorded September 16, 1931 in book p~e 398, Official Records; thence'North 0' 03' 5Vest along the %Vest line of s~id parcel 522.72 feet to the Nor~,,vest corner of sgid pgrcel; thence West parallel with said center line of First Street, to fl~e East line of said i~-~ of Le~ B'I. Eaton; ~emce ~uth alo~ said East line, 522.72 feet to the true · of begi~i~. PARCEL 2' Commencing at the Southwest corner of said Allotment No. 1 to Lecher Yorbg de Rowland, and r~nlng thence East along the center line o~ First Street 927.60 feet to the Southwest corner of the p~cel of ~nd..describ~ iu ~e de~ to W. S. Thomson and w~e, recorded September 16, 1931 in. book 504, page 398, ~ficiaI Records; thence North' 0~3' West glo~ the West line of said Parcel, 522.72 feet to the Northwest corner of said parcel, said corner bei~ ~e true point of beginni~ of the bo~dary o~ the land described herein; thence North 89~ 45' E~.s~. n~.r~lleI ~vid~ ~i~e celotex" i~ne of z'~irst Street, 7.,~ feet to the NorthweSt corner o~ the l~nd conveyed to W. S. Thomson by deed recorded Jan~ry 12, 1924 in book 508, page 59, Deeds, records of said Orgnye Cotmty; thence East along the North line of the l~nd described in said l~st mentioned deed, 2~. 6 feet, more or less, to the E~st line of the l~nd conveyed by '. ~ames S. Rice to Carol~nn E. Rice by deed recorded ~'~rch 5, 1892 in book 57, page 2'~4, Deeds, records of said Ora~e Conner; thence Nor~ alon% said E~st line to the Soua~erly line of the 50 foot strip of land described in the easement deed to the County of Orange, recorded Jan~ry 31, I962 in book 5994, p~s 368 Official Records, thence Westerly along said Southerly line to its intersection with the Northerly prolongation o[ tin East line of the land described in the deed from James S. ilice and w~e to Lena ~,'l Ea"on recorded in book 184, pag'e ~ ' ~ ~ · D,2eds, records of said Orang'e County; tI;ence Southerly abang said prolonged i[ne, and along thc East line of said Eaton's land to its intersection with a line extencl[ng Wes[crib', parallel with the center fine of First Street, [rom the true pointer begi~ni '"" thcucc E~%stcr!y alon'" said para'lei line, 255.6 feet, more or less, to the true pt,iht o[ 381 Parking Lot Parcel EXHIBIT B The land situated in the State of California,~ County of 'Orange, described as follows- That portion of the Resubdivision of Rice's Addition· to Tustin, in the City of Tustin, as shown on a ma~ thereof recorded in book 1, page 47 of Miscellaneous · MaPs, and Lot 3 of Tract No. 6617, as shown on' a map thereof racorded in book 262, pages 49 and. 50 of Mis- c'ellaneous Maps, both records of Orange County, Cali- · fornia, described as follows- , Parcel 1 as shown on a map recorded in book 56, page 7 of Parcel Maps, records of Orange County. 382 Office Parcel EXHIBIT C The land situated in the State of California, County' of Orange described as follows- That portion of the Resubdivision of Rice's Addition to Tdstin, .in the City of Tustin, as shown on a map thereof recorded in book 1; page 47, Miscellaneous Maps, records of said Orange County, also ~escribed as Parcel 2 as shown on a map recorded in book 56., page 7 of Parcel Maps, records of said Orange County. 3'83 STA'I'I': OF CALIFORNIA) C()~IN~I'Y OF ORANGE i ) SS CI'].'Y OF TUSTIN .. ) RUTII C. POE, City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City Co~'il of the City of Tustin, California, does hereby c(?.rl.i, fY that the whole number of the members of the City Cou~(:il of. the City of Tustin is five; that the above and for~,~ioing Resolution No. 74-20 was duly and regularly i~!~'~.,duced, read, passed and adopted at a regular meeting of ~l~e City Council held on the .~ 18th .... day of Ma~ch. _ 19:;4, by the following vote- COUNCILMEN _LANGLEY, .SALT_ARELLI_, .E_DGAR .... I~,: COUNCILMEN NONE NO ABSENT: COUNCILMEN___WELSH,; _ SHARp . . . ' ' ~_ ....... . ....._ -_~. __ ~,..~, J----~------,-~ ~ity Clerk-t...d'i~y "o'f--Tustin, Californ~-a · ' - ' .......... I L]~l' II.. I III I I Jill _