HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 74-15. S 11 14 15 18 19 2O 21 361 RESOLUTION NO. 74-15 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN APPROVING TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 8451 OF THE IRVINE INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX. The' City Council of the City of Tustin does hereby resolve as follows- 1. The City Council finds and determines- A. Subject area and proposed development is in conformance with the Tustin Area General Plan and is authorized for development as a Planned Community Industrial and Support Commercial 'District. B. An Environmental Impact Report has been adopted by the City Council for the subject area and con- ditions imposed to mitigate against adverse impacts. C. By adoption of Ordinance No. 611, February 4, 1974 the City Council approved the Zoning of said parce into the Planne~ Community District (Industrial and Support Commercial), and adopted specific regulations and conditions of the zone change 'action. 2. T]~ City C¢)uncii hereby approves 'i'enta'uJ. ve "Pract Map No. 8451 subject to the following conditions- A. Conformance to all the conditions of Zone Change 73-6 as outlined on Planning Con~nission Res- olution No. 1382 dated December 10, 1973, and Ordinance No. 611 as adopted on February 4, 1974, and the Planned Con~nunity District-. Reg- ulations. IIII/,'III B. Final determination of location of the easterly boundary so that the tract boundary wilJ. be coincidental wi. th either the center line or the westerly right-of-way line of the future Mvford Road. Extent of road' improvements along Myford Road to be determined at the time the final alignment and City boundary is determined. C. Annexation of the area within the Tentative MaD includin.q' the future Jamboree Road to the Tust}.n Lighting District. Proof of such submission of annexation to the County.~ Surveyor's office will be required prior to approval of the final m~po D. Installation of marbelite street lights underground conduit-. ~ to th~ ga~'~s~'act.:. ~. ~,~ City Engineer. 362 .9 10 11 12 18 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 25 26 27 29 8O 81 Iii111i Ee F · G · He I · J · Ke ne Me N · Install~.,tion ,of ali.. utilities underground with no additional overhead ~o~es to be set within the property or adjacent to existing or f,,tu~.~ ~'-~,~- ,"~'~t .... o,~ .... way, Instai].ation of a storm drain system, eit. her wit?. the public right-of-way or adequate easements tc provide a complete underqround conduit system as required by the City Engineer and 'the Orange _ "ica'bio. County-Flood Control District, where app.,. This system shall be based upon design criteria as outlined in the Orange County Flood Control District manuals Provide sani tar.7" the satisfaction other applicable sewer and water facilities to of the City of Tustin and. any governmental agency. Provision for slope easements along Jamboree Road (future) at the crossing of 'the Santa Aha Freeway (Route I-5) and at the A.T.&S.F. Rail- road and Moulton Parkway. Installation of embankments, irrigation system for slopes described in conditions No. landscaping and at the overcross~.ngs & No,. 9. ": Construction o~ the 48 within the 64 ft. wide Road to the Mvford Road Ana Freeway (R~,~ I-5) S Ca ............ . ft. wide access road right-of-way from Myford ~nter~h~n~,~ w_th San ....... ~ l"rv{~.e to fh~ C~tv o~ ..... . . Complete installation of railroad crossing and protective devices as required bi.: the A.T.,&S.F. Railroad and the Public Utilities Commission on Walnut Avenue, Street "A" and Street "l)" (if applicable) . ' installation of landscaping and Avenue. An agreement be and the City of Industrial Comp Jamboree Road w walks (if requi medians with la and street tree will be predica connected to ei Santa Aha Freew Commission Reso Ordinance No~ 6 raised traffic median islands wit irrigation system along W, alnut tween the Irvine indus%ria~, Comple~ Tu tin c. blig ~ ~ ,_ ~.sJ.~.~' the tr~,~ne lex to dedicate and fully improve _~t.h pavi. nc. :,, curbs, gu'~.._ters, ~..=~de- red) , street lights~ raised ndsca~)ing and irrigation system . . s. Construction of Jamboree Road ted oz'~ the need as to when it is ~ner u].ton P ar ~w,:ty or he ay~ as specified by 'P'.tanning 'Zu. tion No..~ ].382 and CJ.t.y Council FJ. na]. ]..ocat:.Jc~n -';: ' ~- ~''' " " " intersec, tio~',~'~. ~.,.,;~.i-h,. ............ ~v~,., ~':e:r',''; Ro;~.d ~,~i.~~ })e subject to vertical ai~.g~,.e~:'. L)a~-~ed upon a 55 '~iles per hour design speed fo'~ ti'~.e fu'ture over~asses at the Santa Aha Freeway and at Hoz'~.!.ton Parkway. y..,,',./ ..*' / o. ,,, , 363 .! t.1 , Council O · P · · .Q. Provide adequate sight distance return radii at tl]e intersection Road (future) and Walnut Avenue. and enlarge curb o f Myford .Submittal of street improvement plans for approval and installation of all street improveme including street paving, curb and gutter, side_-_ walks (if required), street lights, street trees~ driveways and storm drains per City standards. ,. Final maps~ based upon the Te1]tative Tract Map No: 8451 shall be submitted in incremental ph.a. ses in accordance with the procedures and requirements of Section VII A.-2 of the Planned ~o .mmu.nity District Regulations.' ......... PASSED AND held on the · . T.u. stin, California. ... ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the CitY 4th day of March, 1974 1974 at .. ATTEST- I~ ts 36.~ STATE OF CALIFORNIA) COUNTY OF OIU%NGE ) SS CITY OF TUSTIN ) RUTH C. ,~OE, ~.=. _ ~,., ~ .... Council of the City of ':?u:st. in, California, does certify_ that +-he~ whole nun:be::: . c':,,, the member's_ o~. the Ci'ty" Council of the City of Tus'tin is five; that the above and foregoing Resolution No,, 74-!5 was duly and :cegularly introduced, read, passed an~a--~o~ted at a regular meetin%7 of the City Council held on the _._ 4t!~~__da.l~ of March 1974, by the following vote- AYES: NOES - ABSENT: COUNCILMEN SALTARELLI, LANGLEY, WELSH, WOODRUFF~ SHARP COUNCILMEN NONE ., COUNCI'LMEN NONE