HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 74-083,22. 8 9 10 11 18 15 17 18 19 2¸0 21 26. ., RESOLUTION NO. 74-8 A RESOLUTON OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, ESTABLISHING FEES AND PROCEDURES FOR PROCESSING ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORTS AND RESCINDING REOLUTION NO. 73-22. ~ Ca'~ ifornia, TI~o City CoUncil of the City of Tus~_n, . .. hereby resolves as follows :" ' . ..... , Section 1. Purpo~o ;. .. Pursuant to :R~so~ut'~on no, :'~4-.9 establishing Guidelihes' for Environmental impact Roports~ the follow~n~ pracedures and fees are established ~ho procos~in~ of applications j.n ustSn. Section 2 ~Applicabilit , a. The requirements set forth in these Guideiifles.' apply to projects which may have a significant effect on the environment and which involve discretionary governmental action Where it · can be seen with certainty: that the act. ivity effect on. the environment; the activity .'is not covered by ~the requirements set. forth in CEQA; and these Guidelines concerning the evaluation of projects; the preparation and review of environmental impact reports do · ~'~ et a~l~, -- ,.. ,:. '.' ..; b. If the proposed project j.s one which may have a significant effect on the enviro~',~:ment the City shall conduct an initial study to determine 'the impact, if any Of the effects of the project may have a substantial adw~.rse impact on the environment, regardless of whether the overall effect of the project -;s adver, se or beneficial, or the project is not specifically exempt from the EIR requirements, u:~en a.f~ environmental impact report must h,e pr...pa~d prior to the exercise of discretio-~.,..ary gove'rnmen- tal 'action. ' If the project is 'I:.o be carried ou'!:: by a non- governmenta.! person~ the City may require such person to. submit data and information to enable the City tc make-c~e d. et. erm:~.nation . of significant effect. Section 3. Proceduros 1. Preap_~ica, tion Conference. A conference will be scheduled by the applicant witi', the Co~munity Develo'[~ment Director~ o':"~.. !"t'~:~. designated representative~ %o d. ei:e?mi:ae 'L:he appropriate ' with the Environment:al Quai": i.:~ Ac',' ,.. a draft EIR i~'~. accordar:c:e w";.t~'~. '' .... gilJ. d ~ . L. i ~..~..:.: C:..i.~. i D. C...: $ e ano. requirements aGop~..cu Dy u~,e ~:.;iuy ...... 6 8 ,. .8O 8! .. . 323 a. Time of Submission. The Draft EIR shall be submitted to tL~'e Community Development --~-..~,..Department concurrently with a related · applicat'~.on such as zone change or variance. Number and Format. Twenty- five (25) numbered 'COpies shall be furnished the City, with printed pages 8 1/2" X 11" and folded map pages at a scale not less than 1" = 100', fastened with a binder permitting the · insertion of supplementary pages, bound by a firm cover and labeled with the name of the project. In those instances where approval is required of a S ~.~ate or Federal agency, an additional twenty-five (25) ~ · copies shall be furnished. '~' c. Preliminary Review. The Community Develop- ~n~-~ep~r~ment---S~h-all give preliminary review to the Draft EIR for adequacy of the report and compliance with the guidelines. d. Preliminary Evaluation. Prior to dissem- ination Of the'Draft-'EIR for public review; the Con~nunity Development Director, after consultation with other department heads; shall include within the draft EIR a section containing an independent evaluation and analysis. ~- e.. Notice of. jCo_._m_pieti0n (Intent) of Draft EIR. A-s 'Ls0On as the Draft E'eR ~'~ Comp~ieted~ ..... ~ but before copies are sent out for review, the Community Development Director shall file a "Notice of .Completion" with the Secretary for the Resources Agency. ~Ihen the EIR-is to be reviewed through the state review process, a Notice of Intent will be filed with the State clearinghouse and said Notice of Intent shall satisfy the requirement for a Notice of Completion. f. Notice of Public Hearing. Public hearings {~pon ~he' .... 'E'IR ~'~-hal~f~' 'be' advertised concurrently with any. required hearing for the same project, with no more than 60 days from the filing of the application. Public hearings may be continued to a date certain; not to exceed 90 days. Notice of hearings shall be mailed to all governmental agencies having j.urisdiction within the impacted area~ g. Distribution of Copies. Co~y No. 1 shall De the official file copy of the City to b~ retaine~ with the related application and shall include all findi, n:'~s, reports~ opinions, comments and actions related thereto. Co_~o.~ No. 2 shall be in the possession of the · ~~-C~!erk and. made available for public review durin~ the peri<.~d of notice prior ~o ~h~ public hear~n.o ..... ~. .... ,v-No. 3 shall be 3R4 , 9 10 I1 18 14 15 19 2O 21 9.6 82 furnished the reference library of the · ~'ustin *'.2. ranch of the 0ra..ng0 county Library · ~'~:-'""£'or public review. . . Copies shall be furnished the City Council, Planning .Agencyt City Departments and other governmental and private agencies as required by law. .. .: h..F,.inai R_____ep~_o.._r_t.. Preparation of the Final. EIR 'Report shall be the responsibility of the Col~nunity Development Department, based U. P0n the draft report submitted by the appli- Cant, as amended, supplemented., or endorsed, on %he basis of comments and evaluations by Staff and affected public and private agencies. Certifying Authority. The City Council shall 5~-~he~ -C~7~-~f~yii~g -a~thority for EIR repor'ts in those instances where the Council is the final for a related action,, based upon a hearing by recommendation of the Planning Agency. When final jurisdiction, unless appealed · jests with the Planning .Agency ~"c.rfor:ca~'.~e~ated action, the Plann~..ng' Agency shall also be the authority for the E~,R report. The Planning Agency sha].l be %he .~Uthoritv for the EIR in 'those in,.~:.an.ces. requiring a p.~lic hearing. .. j. Appeal° The decisions of the Staff and Planning AgenCy may be appealed to the City Council .upon the filing and payment of an appeal ·fee, as any other appeal is filed.. Upon appeal~ the determination of the City Council shall' be final and conclusive. k. Statement of Overridin~ Considerations. It' ~S the obla. gatzon oz the Czty to ba~.ance enVironmental damage with other public objectives~ including economic and social · factors' in determining wl~ether..and how-a project should be approved. 'iff it is the decisio~ of the City to approve a project for' which serious adverse environmental . consequences have been identified in the EIR, the City may appendix a statement ~o' the Noticc. of Determination, setting f°rth the' factors that warrant approval of the project ' ~ . . . . I. Notice o~ 'Det.a.z'~:~ir~ation., Upon the making of a dec'.si, on on a ~.:roject b~ the P!a. nning , Agency or 'City , Deve'!opmen.t ~i~,.~ci;or sh~,a.i ,fi.!e ~, Not,ce Of' DeterminatJ. on with the Orange Cowry Clerk. S31d notice shall inclucle: .. "'2 8 9 10 1I 18 14 15 17 19 2O 21 81 325 (1) the decision of the City to approve . or disapprove the project, (2) the determination of the City whether . the project will or will not have a significant effect on the environment, . and, % .(3) whether an EIR has been prepared pursuant to the provisions of CEQA. · Section 4. Neg..a..tive D_ec~a~a~io_ln. A Negative Declaration 'may be prepared for a project which will have no significant effect · on the environment, in accordance with the following procedure: · 1. Request for Exemption. The applicant for a Negat-ive Declara'ti°n- as an exemption· from the requirement of an EIR shall complete Form (EIR-1), describing the project and its probable impact upon the environment. 2. Evaluati_o_n. The Community Development Director, a-f~er--thoroug~ evaluation and findings, based upon consultation with other interested agencies and city departments, may issue a Negative Declaration for a proposed project which will have no significant effect, on the ., ficance are as follows: a. The physical set~ing.'of the project. · b. Primary and secondary consequences. c. Possible adverse consequences as follows: 1) Is in conflict with environmental plans and goals that have been adopted by the City of Tustin; 2) Has a substantial and demonstrable negative aesthetic effect; · 3) Substantially affects a rare or endan- gered species of animal or plant, or habitat of such a species; 4) Causes substantial interference with the movement of any resident or migra- tory fish or wildlife species; . 5) Breaches any published national, state, or local standards relating to solid waste or litter control.; 6) Results in a substantial detrimental effect on air or water quality, or on ambient ,noise levels for adjoining areas; 6 10 11 18 15 16" 17 18 2O 21 26 27 $1 82 ..' i ' .., .. . . ' ~ . .. . . ' , ' · -. · .7) Involves the' possibility of contaminating ' '.. .... a'public water supply system or adversely [ ·..'"" .. ,"' ." affecting., grou~d w~ter; ' ~' "~'}' 'i "' ~) Could cause s~s[a~ial flooding, . , . .~ '., "* ";" erosion or siltation; -.. ., , 9) ts ,s~ject to major geologic hazards. .. .' ., ", . . d. ~.ory Findings_ ~f_ siggi_fi~~e_. · In .every case where any of the following.. conditions are founcl to exist as a result of a project, the project will be found to have'a significant effect on the environment: , 1) Impacts which' have the potential to degrafle the quality of. the environment~ curtail the range of the environment. 2) Impacts which achieve short--term, to the disadVantage of long-term, environmental goals. A short-term impact on the envi- ronment is one which occurs in a relative].' briery definitive period of time while long-term impacts will endure well into. the future. · 3) ImpaCts for a project which are .indi- vidually limited, but cumulatively co~.'[d, erabie. A ~ojeck may imps. ct on two or more separate resources where the impact on each resource is relatively small. If the effect of the total of those impacts e~. the environment" is significant, an EIR must be prepared. This mandatory finding of significance does not apply to two or more separate projects where the impact of each is ins igni ii cant. · 4) The environmental effects °f a project will. cause st~bstantial adverse effects on human beings, either directlY, or indirectly. ' Section 5. Content of DeclaratiOn A Negative Declaration, normally limited 'to page in length, Shall ..... contain the followinq information:. 1. Description of the proposed projec.t. , .. 2 ~. fin. d±,~g +bat the projects will. not have a s_i. gnif~ t'effect on the environment .can. · .. 3. Reasons supporting the findings t ,.. 4. Signature of person preparing the statement. , 5, Location of.a file copy for public review. ·~ ~.~tic-n ~ '~"~'~" .~f ~~"~""^ ~~ .... ~'~o~ Findings. 4 8 9 10 I1 12 18 2O 81 327 · ,. · . , , .. Notices of p'~ublic hearings for approval of projects by tl~e Planning Agency or City Council shall so state if-~ Negative Decla- ration has been issued. :, · , '.. . .',' A copy of the Negative Declaration shall be filed with the Clerk of Orange County n..ot less than t0 days prior to the scheduled public hearing. Section 7. App~e_~l...o'._f Negative De_____~c~..1..ara.,tio_n.. The Planning Agency or City Council, on its own motion and upon a finding of fact, may reverse the determination of a Ne_gati~__ve_.Declaration. and continue a public hearing to a dat'e--'-cer~ain following the submission of a required EIR. Section 8. Fees The following fees are established for the purpose of recovering the costs incurred by the City in reviewing~ assessing, preparing, and distributing EIR's and Negative Declarations: a. Negative Decla~ation - T%~enty-five Dollars ($25.0O) b. EIR Review- Two Hundred Fifty Dollars ($250.00) c. Copies of EIR's - Twenty Cents (20¢) per page. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Tustin on the' 4th day of February 1974. ,.MAYOR ATTEST: ..~_,RK 3'28 STATE OF CALIFORNIA) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) SS CITY OF TUST~N ) ' RUTH C. POE, City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, does hereby certify that the whole nuatber of the men~bers of the City .. Council of the CJ. ty of' Tustin is five; that the above and foregoing Resolution No. _7_4.~~8 ___ was duly and regularly introduced, read~ passed and adopted a~ a regular meeting of the City Cou~cil held on the 4th day of'February. , 1974, by the following vote: . ,, · AYES: COUNCILMEN SALTARELLI, WELSH, WOODRUFF ~ SHAP~P i NOES: COUNCILMEN .NONE ................ .~ ABSENT: COUNCILMEN LANGLEY ............. ·