HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 74-05 RESOLUTION NO. 74-5 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR YORBA STREET AHFP PROJECT NO. 723 AND DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS. · WHEREAS, it is the intention of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California~. to construct street widening .improvements on 'the west side of Yorba Street from Laurie Lane to 250~+_ south, said work being designated as Vorba Street AHFP Project No. 723, and WHEREAS, the City Engineer'. has presented plans and specifications for the construction of said work at these locati OhS, NOW, TtlEREFORE~ BE IT .RESOLVED that' 'the plans and specifications presented by the City Engineer be and are hereby approved as the plans and specifications for Yorba Street AHFP Project No. 723. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to advertise as required.by law for 'the receipt of sealed bids or proposals ~for the doing of the work specified in the aforesaid plans and specifications which said. advertisement shall be substantially in the following words and figUres, to-wit- "NOTICE TO CONT~.~CTORS" SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at the office of the City Clerk, Tustin City Hall, 140 West Second Street, Tustin, California, until 11 o'clock A.M. on the 4th day of February, 1974, at which time they Will be publicly opened and. read, for p~rfo~'~in9 work as Construction of street widening improvements on the west side of Yorba Street ]?rom Laurie Lane to 250'+ south. Bids are required for ~.'.~e entire work described herein , · SCHEDULE OF wo~rdl ITEMS ~t_e~ __No._ 9._u_an.tity_ Description of Work · 380 L.F. Sawcut asphaltic concrete pavement. ~ 13 each Remove & dispose of 1" dia. to 8'~ diao eucalyptus, palm & misc. trees. · 9 each I.er.:,o'%e & dispose of 24" d;a to 36" dia. euca].yptus, trees and palm tree. · 12 each Remove & dispose of 18" dia. to 36" dia. stumps. ° Item No. · 5. · · 10. 11o 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Quan tit_iZ Lump Sum 400 cubic yards 60 L.F. 243 L.F. 4 21 Tons 3 each 1581 Sq. Ft. 150 Sq. Ft. 1 each Lump Sum 42 L.F. 82 L.F. M~sc. clearing & grubbing. 315. - Excavation. 15" RCP irrigation line. Type A-2 concrete C & G. Deep strength thick asphalt concrete pavement... 4" dia. PVC curb drains. 4" thick PCC sidewalk. 6" thick PCC driveway apron. 8" thick~ PCC spandrel. Adjust M.H. to finished grade° · Relocate mailbox and decorative light. 6' high slumpstone 'block wall. 1'4" high slumpstone block wall. o . A-2 . ]Ltl I _ _"~j Il. It .I Il ........ II J . .o d o e "expressly or by implic~'tion, agree"t~':at t.~ill cok'respond therewith, but reserves decrease the amount o~ any class or --~:t. pc-tions ~f~ the we-J:,.- as may ~'- ' and in tl~e best intgrest of the City by the Plans, specifica"ions,~ and propo~.:,a], fo'-ms bidding on this project, can only be c. btaincd upon payment of $5.00, which amount shall ~ustin City llall, Tustin, CAlifornia. In conformance with Section 37931 of bids shall be provided and security' · presented accompanied under sealed (:over by one of the · Cash. ' Cashier's check made payable Certified check made payable Bidder's bond executed by' an actua.~, amount c) f work rig)~t to increase or of the.-.work, or t.o ne. ce~;~ai:y or advisable Eng'.ineer. by no t be to be used for p r o ~,~.;.p e c t i v e b i d d e l: ::; refundable, a't the the Government Code, ali.. on the proposal form following forms of bidder s made payable to the City · to the City of Tustin. to the City of T~tstin. accredited surety insurer, of Tus tin. {i0%) unless The security shall be in an amount equal to at least ten p..e?cent of the amount of the bid. A bid shal'l not bo considered · one .of the forms of bidder's security is enclosed therewith~ A Surety Bond for paymen% of labor and materials will be required in the amount of fifty percent (50%) of the estimated total. contract pri'ce and a Faithful Performance Bond in the amount, of one hundred percent (100%) of the estJ.mated total contract price in the form attached to the contract documents. Said bonds shall be ~ssued by a company having a rating of A+AA or better. ' · · . . and/Or waive any informality on a bid. No bidder may wj. th.dra.w his bid for a period of thirty (30) days after the dat~ set for the open~ng thereof. .. ' The contract will be awarded to the lowest qualified bidde,:, Provision's of the State Contract Act prospective bidders will not be required to are be not applicab!e~ and prequalified. · Ail work to be done under the direct Engineer, City of Tustin. Ail work to Said City of ~alifornia, has prevailing rato of Wl~j.c)~ tl~e 'said work era fi or type ~.ind also tl~e supervision of the City be' paid for at the .uiiit prices bid from approp.~-iate Tustin, pursuant, to tlie Labor Code of the State ascertained and determined ti]at tl~e general hour].y a~.,.d per die~n Wages in.{he locality in herein described is to be performed, for cacti of workma~ or meclianic needed to execute the cont'i:,;'~ct general prevailing rate fei' legal holidays and overtime ............ . A-3 work 'for each craft or 'of general circulation, · · ~'.: "',. ' ~ '. ,~ .'. ,; )'"'.'. · ~.".. ;.53. ..';";'. ~?~%'?'~'~..,, ~ ..... -, .~.'~', ..~L4'~..7..~ '-. , ' ' ' · . ' "· ':'..: "~'.;~L.~:~ ~.~'.,~',,;' ,.'.." ~.. ..... ,..?' ~.,~_ ;,c'.:'..'. f. ';' ::. :;~;'9~- ~,~!.~.. ~,:'L'.';,",,., ' ' ~, .... "' .~' . ':'".'.'!?:~",:.' .... '".":'.': '."~ ~'"?' ~.~. '..' ".' '."~"~;i'~¥~,;:~;"";; ...... ' . · 317 .. .. type of wo,'~- ~ ' ~- 70-4 '~ ' ' and on fila".in 'the office of tl~a City Clark. other than ~osa .{t. am~.zad January 21, 1974 · · Employer payman ts defined in Section 1773.1 aCcordance with the terms applicable to the type or e~:iployed on the project. of the Labor Code, arc to be of the co~'' ' _,octave bnrgaininu classification of t]]e workmc;n ~].~..e Industrial there'in~ as paid in agreement or mechanics Copic:s of all collect'ive bargaining agraaman.ts relating to work as set forth in the aforemenl-.ioned Labor Code are on fi~ avail?:b~e £or inspection ±n the.. o££~ce of the Departr~.--~nt e~ }'{elations, Division of Labor. Statistics and Rasaar'~'~. · BY ORDER OF TllE CITY COUNCIL OF · THE CITY OF TUSTIN, Ctd3IFOFR~iA City Clerk of the City of Tustin, California . .BE IT ALSO ~ESOL\~ED that the City Council Tustin has ascer"tained and does hereby determine prevailing rate of wacJes and employer payments in' the City of..Yustin, California, for each craft or needed ~o execute t.he work herein above specified in Resolution 70-42. .' . · PASSED.AND ADOPTED by the City California, · this: ~./, ~/ day . of the City of that the general the locality of type of workman is as set forth o Council of the City of Tustin, J.%TTEST · A-4 .~..z.~TE OF CALI.FOP~,:IA CITY OF TUSTIN ) . , .o ~'" C'~ ty 'Clerk an~ ex-~,ffi,-~io ," RUTH C ~'Or~, - u. ler'~.'~ of the Cit. y Counci of th~ City of Tustin, ~a_i[ornia, does here~-,y cert{fy that the whole number of the members of the City Ceunci~ of the City of ' ':.*- -~iv,'~ that the above "' d for~ Re ' N . ~ Tustln ~.~.~, ~. _; n .... goina so.~.uti, on o '7-~ was duly and r'egular!y introduced, read, passed and ado~6~,}:ed at regu_iar .me~t{~ _.,-~c.~ ~f~ th,-_ r'itv.~ ~ Council he='d,,...,.~. '~ the ~'~".~.st day Of .... 29~uarv ~, '19 74,, by the folio'wing vote- AYES' NOES ' ABSENT' CO L~4 C I L ~ ~ ~,~.~N SALTARELLI, LANGLEY COI.~CIL~N NONE COUN CI L~EN NONE · City Cl'.e,~, C.~uy of Tust.i-~ ~._ A~5