HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 74-01 RESOLUTION NO.74-1 A resolution of the city council of the city of tustin, california, petitioning the board of supervisors of the county of orange to cancel taxes. W'f-~]~.EAS on January 25, i972: t.'t-~e Ci'tl?' of Tu?.tin,, a mu.hie!pal corpora'Lion, a. cquired the pro:'~erty de ,", :- r i'bed in that cer*s.in Grant De,:;d frcm i.,aJ,~ar E Smith m.,nd Doris jun~-~ Sm"; th being instrument No. 17763, recorded on Jan'uarl, 25, 1972, in Book 9977 at .Page 793, Official Records of Or~.tn~ze Court-fy, 19 California, a copy of 'which is attached hereto marked 'Exhi.bi'h 11 "A" and incorporated herein by this reference; 'this parcel 1~ bears Assessor's Parcel No. 401-131-10, 2[5 NC~, TPDE~F~FOkE, the City Council of the City of' 14, Tustin, California, does hereby resolve, petition and request '.15 the l.].0..n..orable Board of Supervisors of the County of Orange 16! to order 'the cancellation of the taxes on the aforesaid parcel t 1711 of Z'e~l property. I! 18,, _~b...e City Clerk is. di.rected to forw.=.rd ~.=. cert~..f~e~ t copy of this Resolution to the Honoral)].e 7~oard of Supervisors of the County of Orange. . PASSED A~D ADOPTED at a .regula.r meeting of the City Council, held on the 7th day of January, 1973. 25 ATTEST ~6 ~8 300 ..... '-' · . Esca:,w No. 1110509-C3' Lo'hn I WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO' City of 9k~tin c/o James Go Rouz'.ke 900 No Broad~y~ Suite 70]. Santa Aha.. California MAIL TAX STATEMENTS TO' . address as a~ove !.C5 1 : oRANGE cOUNTY, CAi. iF, SPACE ABOV. 5 THIS I..INE FOR ~{ECORDER'S USE ' ', .~,. A g A.~S R~OI~I ,D wnD~,~.,I,,..I,,~T..~,Y , ~ ....... ' ....... Signature of Declarant or Agont detormlning tax -- F 6RANT DEED FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, ,. IA MAR E. SMZTH~ who acquired title to a .poz~ion of said L~nd, as I~Mar 13. ~ith~ aud Doris June Smith~ husband ~md wife as joint ten.its hereby GRANT(S) to CITY OF TUSTIN, a municipal corporation the real property in the City of County of 0zl~e State of California, described as .The legal description attached hereto and made a part hereof., marked ~hibit "A". Da t ed.-----~--.D~~b ~O~9 71 ! . ~TATE OF CALIFORNIA ] COUNTY OF J Orange ! ~s. On before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said Sta~e0 personally 'aopeared _,_,_ known to me to be the perso _.~.-- whose name .~. ....... ~_~'~{ IS .~ubscribed to the within instrument and ackr~owlcdged that they ex~uted the same. WITNESS my hand and official seal. ~.- ¢.:.: CLARI~,E '; 5 ~ !..I~',,,,, ',.... NOTARY PUBLiC-CALIFOHN~A ~ ~.":~..,,..Y/ PRINCIPAL OFFICE. IN ,~, ~ ~. ~..~¢ . ~ ORANGE 6OU~'¢ Y ~ ~-?~ ~,~> ~'~.'¢~' ~'~ ~ ~'~' ¢ ~ ~,-> q ~, ~-~' ~ ~',~, ~'~ {Thi; nr:;s for ~fiici,,l not~.~i'iAi .~1) , MAIL 'FAX S'i'A'rGMEI':!TS AS t)!i'li:::(;'l'~'i:.t.) ik[~O'V'[:: EMJLIBIT . . 301 A~]. t!'0t certain ]apd sit,aatnr~ ~.- the Stat'r< of Ca][ifnrn!a, Coupty of Pt.'anT. c, descril,ed as fol3. o'.:s' , Parcel .~' Tb.e South 111..o5 feet o'f t!~e follo:.'~ng' 'i .. · Commenci.n? at tl:e..tnterscctin.n of t'~e center linen cf .Preble and Poplar ArchiVes, ~s sbo,.m on ~ '.'~n of Rice's Add,.tieD. recorded in Peek 12, oa~.e 26 of ,.TJsce].]~neot:s ' Records of !,co Ap~eJ. es Co~ntv, California' he~n~ also 3D feet Fast of tl~e Yort~,east Col'r~er o~ ~toc~' 5 oc ~ ' d . ... ...... : ..... ce s Ad it~on to ~ustip. as shown upoO. ~, s~op]ementnrv Co,~nt,', Cnl~.~'orn!.n-. thence "est 5"'q feet' tl-ance $outl: ~5~ Feet; thence Fast 555 . ' ~.56 neet Co the place of 1-e~innf. ng Peet' and 'thence ?ortl~ .. . . Excc.~t~ng therefrom the'Tast S5 feet .thereof. Parcel 2' The Southerly 7',"'5~ feet of the. folJ. owing'. · Beginnin.o. at the intersection of the center line of Preb].e and Poplar Avenues, .. ~ ,-~ .. . . - as shot-m on a "..ap of .~J. ce's ,,a,.,it~on, recorded ~n Book 19, ease ~6. isccllaneous ~.ecor,Js of. Los An~e.Je~ County, California, being also.20.OO-fcet Fast of the x'o'ttl~east cermet of Blcc]~ 5 of'.l'iCe's Addition to T~stin, as shown on a supple- mentarv ma~, recorded in geol: 36 ' paoe 05 "in .-, ..cellaneeus Re. cords of said I,os Angeles , ' ' · ~.l ~ ~ ,'~ Ccunty. California, and r~nning thence '/est, 555.00 feet~ thence Sourly, 3~4.05 feet' thence East, 555.D0 feet' thence ,,Tort}~ 344.05 feet. , Exceptin~ therefrom the Easter].v 85.0m feet t~.ereof . 'Parco~ 3' An =~s,.=~ant for corc~nitv drivewav ~ur,oses over the eou~herly 7 5 of the fol].owin~% described land' .. . BeSipning, at the ~ntnrsccti'on of t}~a center lines of Preb!e and PeDlar Avenues~ as~n]~o~ on a "=p,. of P. tce's A~!,]4t~nn,~ __ recor-~]~_ ip ]]oo~'.~ ].o~, paoe~ ,.96, 5fisce].laneou~: '~ecords of Loz. i%p-e]es. ..: Cnuntv,, Cali=:ornia, being .... -]so 30 DO..feet East of the ~'ort~-.. e~t corner of n] oclr ~ of P~ce's Ar]d~ t~ on to ~.,l.~tJ.P ~ 8~ shot..~ on a supplementary ~ ' . · '.t~nce]].aneous P, ecors!s of ~aid !,os Angeles m~D, rccord._d ~n Poo]~ 36, pa~e ?5, ~ .. Cottnt{, ~alCfornia and runnin~ tl,enc~ "est qn5 qO feet' tl~ence South 396 n5 feet- tl~.pc.* ra,;t 555'~n fect' th'once Yortl~ 336 55 feet to the ~oint of be-inn~.ng Exce,~tJ~- therefrc;m the Easterly q5 O~ Cent thereof ~ .~., ..... .. · . a. · ,~]~.:o .... e:.:co;~tcn~.. Cro:n, Parcels .... 1, ..9 ~nc! .~° tl:c ~"~.sterly 4n...OO feet thereof as to ['-o'rot~-~v,. of ~rarfa_ l~l., demr~ racetrac. 1. .... A,,--il: _. iA, iqTO in ~oo".. , q'~t3~. , page . : .ecord s. 30 . STATE OF CALIFO).~NIA) COUNTY OF ORANGE )SS CITY OF TUSTIN ) RUTH C. POE, City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk cf the City Council of the City of Tustin, Cal. ifornia~ does hereby certify that the ~,~hole n~'~i'~er of t?~e me~,,'~bers of the City Council of the City of T~2stin is five; 'that the above and foregoing Resolution No. 7~-1 was duly and regularl.y introduced, read, passed and adopted at a re.q~ular me.~.~t.~.ng of the City Council held on the 7'th ~Sav of' X~nuary 1974, by the following vote- .:~.. AYES- NOES: COUNCILMEN SALTARELLI, LANGLEY~ , WELSH WOODRUFF _ COUNCILMEN NONE .... ABSENT: COUNCILMEN NONE o/